It's been 12 years today

It's been 12 years today.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why the resurgence?


false, it was yesterday
t. spotted the same thing
also not Yea Forums

Since what

This is unironically good


just as reddit back then as it is today. fuck off retard

>tfw recently read the lyrics and its actual civil rights stuff that would be considered SJW today
>back then we didn't care and just memed anything

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Reddit and Yea Forums didn't exist back then

You're not fooling anyone.

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user Yea Forums has been around a longer than you think.


>user finally discovers that /pol/ ruined everything and why oldfags fucking hate the retarded zoomer kiddos who showed up and destroyed the fun of Yea Forums

/pol/, gamergate, and the 2016 election were a mistake.

nice. it wasn't video games then and it isn't now

t. libtard

Back then I was happy

I'm not happy now. Now I'm the opposite of happy.

Exhibit A.



holy fuck

Literally nothing wrong with this. We lost, and it's pretty clear how much shittier gaming journalism's gotten since then. That's called cause-and-effect.

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There's a difference between a random youtuber singing about civil rights and shit and some beloved franchise having its vision censored because some bluehair whined that it was sexist for some reason.

This meme turns 15 later this year

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Fuck off, redditor.

Old Yea Forums literally gave no fucks about gaming journalism other than making fun of it and was better for it.
Also, the issue with Gamergate is the people it attracted.

are you retarded
it always was sjw shit, it was just so stupid that it was funny
and it still would be funny today
who can take fucking chocolate rain seriously

this is some catholic chanting tier shit right there

Can't even hide where you come from, kys

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Go post some "vivian james" on reddit you fucking faggot

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found the brainlet who doesn't think very deeply. chocolate rain is actually a pretty good song, sorry you're only capable of thinking in "hurr funny deep voice chocolate rain haha what does that even mean haha"

>Vivian James
Fuck, don't remind me.
>People on Yea Forums literally spending money on a fucking kickstarter to "own the SJWs XD"

Is some SJW shit song came out today and was unintentionally funny, it would still be memed about. Stop being a fucking downer

unironically this
post your oldest pic to scare away the maga zoomers

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I don't even know what gamergate was.

I can't. It's loli porn.

is that the sound of heaven?

I have some older shit that I still need to move to my current PC though

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Most people that were on Yea Forums around that time didn't. It was all fucking redditors coming here to be le edgy memers XD anonymoose


I never gave one shit about fucking politics or journalism about my fucking videogames. You fuck right off, Reddit creep. Don't ever use that word again, you pathetic suck up.

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It’s not /pol/‘s fault Gamergate happened.

And yet you were the only one to bring up poltics on this thread.

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This man speaks the truth.

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do it pussy

*steals UN Squadron music*


why does he have to get away from the mic again?

Yea Forums is 16 this year user

I still don't either. Literally only Reddit gave a fuck. That's when people began posting literal Reddit screen caps.
Anyone remember when it was neo-Yea Forums?

Being this stupid.

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Correct. Inviting braindead retards from reddit was /pol/‘s fault.

He was trying not to breathe into it if I remember right.

>MAGA zoomers

This seems really wrong. Seems like most zoomers are left leaning and hate Trump.

/pol/ was the reason those people were on here to begin with. It has consistently attracted the dregs of humanity and reduced the collective IQ of this entire website.


Literally nothing wrong with this. We lost, and it's pretty clear how much shittier gaming journalism's gotten since then. That's called cause-and-effect.

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Nah shut the fuck up, if it wasn't for the hordes of redditniggers and other newshitters this board would've never turned out like it did.

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not the ones posting here
also you need to go back, I can tell by your retarded spacing

What the hell are you talking about?

>literally nobody gave a counterargument
Looks like we were right all along. Sorry neofags, looks like your attempt at historical revision failed this time.

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>/pol/ consistently shits up and ruins every popuar board, driving away old users and replacing them with edgy highschoolers
>wow wtf guys why can't you stop talking about us, obsessed much?
kys retard

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Most zoomers on Yea Forums come here because Yea Forums is the site that's seen as "le edgy anonymoose squad XD" and they feel like they won't be shunned for their tastes. Yea Forums very much attracts a different crowd than Reddit or Twitter, for example.


That bill nye song was SJW and people memes it still cause it was funny.

Fucking kill yourself already you newfag redditnigger piece of shit

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Old HDD died a month ago, but here’s a consolation prize.

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cope harder faggot, call me a tranny next

I like how this thread turned into another fight about politics over Chocolate rain.

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have kids.

clown world.

i was 7 when this came out

Sounds like the main menu of a fantasy game

>/pol/shit ruined the board
it was dead way before idiots

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Man it's quite sad you /pol/edditors subhumans will always be deluded like that

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The average SJW libtards are millennials (also know as gen Y).

>making this cringe image in response to incel being used as an insult
"Incel" truly is a Power Word.

>also you need to go back, I can tell by your retarded spacing

I don't even use reddit, it's just a typing habit of mine because I'm mildly OCD about formatting stuff I type.

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Back to Yea Forums faggot

i just assumed it was some trannies saying "we need to punish gamers" and then declaring they won without doing anything. I never looked into it because who fucking cares

GG and /pol/shit utterly destroyed Yea Forums as a whole


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when you have to kill asgore and destroy the barrier

I'm calling bullshit on this

>nuFate macro

You aren't fooling anyone, champ.
Reminder that Yea Forums despised GO and other mobages until 2017-2018. Get exposed.

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Huh, never realized he wrote the song too.

Or maybe what ruined Yea Forums was Yea Forums itself.

I know how you oldfags feel. I came to this board because all of the shitposting and angry fighting was too funny for me to not join in. But later on as I stay, I started see the politics trying to ruin everything here. Look at the lol threads, you can't have one without a stupid Stonetoss post appearing.

>hey y'all folks it's /pol/'s and gamergate fault that journos are corrupt pieces of shit pushing an agenda and censoring everything they can and you are the ones in the wrong for pointing it out and not fellating your corporate overlords!
Go back to retardera, tranny discord or your cuckshed, you fucking retarded tourists.

how the fuck did GG affect any other board than Yea Forums ?
Also there isn't /pol/shit on boards other than the known ones


Because it opened the gates for the newfags who started polluting other boards.

>2007 retard complaining about how the board after they flooded in
Hilarious, my only joy in the current state of Yea Forums is that these retards are suffering as much as I did when they started flooding in.

>>hey y'all folks it's /pol/'s and gamergate fault that journos are corrupt pieces of shit pushing an agenda and censoring everything they can and you are the ones in the wrong for pointing it out and not fellating your corporate overlords!
Who cares about journalists?

While you fags blame GG, Reddit and Memelections, I'm here blaming Ruggarell.

>when everyone thought that Yea Forums-browsing plebbitors were the ultimate cancer
Boy, I never thought that I would miss those retards and their antics.

>500 unfunny bleeding heart cuck comics
>1 stonetoss comic
>fucking hell, /pol/ is ruining this site!
Seriously, go back to resetera. There you won't be called a retard so many times a day.

Actually it was channelogy, gamergate, the fappening and the 2016 that ruined this site

>Tay Zonday is 40 years old
>we're closer to E3 2040 than we are E3 1995

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I like playing Mario games.

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Why does it move so fast user, Why?

Why the hell would you ever care about """gaming journalism"""? Holy shit. Has nothing to do with my vidya games. I'm not gonna start up Mortal Kombat, stop and say "hey WTF I'm so mad Kotaku said this game was sexist, racist AND violent!!! I'm so MAD at them, I need to invalidate their righteousness somehow!!!" ya fucking clown. "Oi kids, don't play Super Mario Galaxy 2, SankakuComplex said there's not enough titties."
Eat shit.

You dumb fuck, have you actually been into a lol thread before. Every time someone post his stupid comic, the whole thread go politics. It literally is ruining the site. We are talking about video games, not politics.



>has no sense of moderation
>thinks simply just talking about rights is SJW as a result
Very absolutist of you. Take a long, hard look at chocolate rain and then go back to compare games like Mafia 1/2 to 3, mortal kombat before and after 11, ss13 communities before and after 2013, game aesthetics and motif tendencies before and after 2012, the SCP community before and after the community shift, and ask yourself - and I mean REALLY ask yourself - is it the same thing?
You don't need to answer to me, user, you only have yourself to answer to. I just hope for your sake you're honest.

Buzzwords were a mistake, I wouldn't even know about resetera's existence if Yea Forums didn't screech about it all day every day. Why do you faggots care so much about other forums' interests?

Nice seething rant, tranny.

>not remembering the best ps3 game

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You cannot go in an Yea Forums thread without reddit memes even. Remember when Yea Forums was vicious towards that kind of shit? Now it's all
>Us UMICHADS dominate these threads. Look at the ZOROKEKS job!!

She'd probably like ddr.

I was just in Yea Forums yesterday and I saw some guy saying that Yea Forums use to had an absolute hatred toward NTR and now they enjoyed it.

Go back to plebbit and take your tranny obession with you, faggot. I was here long before you and your retarded ilk.
We didn’t need your bullshit nor /pol/ for GG. You fags came in unannounced, ruined everything and put the final bullet in this festering shitpile we used to call home.

Oldfags = Native Americans
Polfags = Americans
Redditfags = Mexican Immigrants