Chad ok sign vs virgin middle finger

Chad ok sign vs virgin middle finger

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>from large chad cock death grip to tiny virgin dick

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>catching faggots in a ball gaze is now viewed as controversial and should be replaced
I hate this timeline

nice bait

are you retarded?

Eat shit commietard



>can't play the circle game without being called a racist now
Gee, thanks assholes

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What's the point of this thread?

Kill yourself libtard

Why is /pol/ so easily triggered lmao
You faggots are as sensitive as tumblr, it's absolutely hilarious

I know I hate that shit

no the virgin ok sign because it's a modern normie fad meme and the chad middle finger because its always offensive and can never be interpreted as positive

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>ok sign
why? OK to what? it doesn't mean anything without context, really. The middle finger always has a bit of an edge to it. And they made the effort of making it subtle too.

I love this timeline
Honk honk

It's called "the circle game", kids play it. If you look at the circle, you get a punch in the bicep. Though I bet they don't play it anymore because now making a circle with your thumb and finger means you are a white supremacist


ITS SO FUCKING FUNNY when people say "im sick of people trying yo push an agenda on to me when im playing mu video games" but that is exactly what /pol/ does on Yea Forums every fucking day.

How come nobody says "im sick of people trying to push an agenda on to me when im just trying to discuss about videogames"?

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Please kill yourself.

You are a willfully ignorant, shit eating cunt

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The finger game doesn't make sense to be in mk anyways so who cares.

>that image
lol no one cares about SJWs one way or another
we're just here to discuss video games

dude is just a hand gesture calm down

I wish she had a job so I could get her fired from it for being a white nationalist.

Yeah man, those things don't exist if I just ignore them!

Being this stupid. This is gaming news retard.

Most people just want to come home after 8+ hours of wageslavery to relax and play some video games. They don't care about obnoxious SJWs or your loud counterpart on the right.

You can either shut the fuck up about both and ignore, or speak up about both. I never sugested people not to be vocal, my issue is more about consistency. If you are so vocal about one why not be vocal about another if they seem to be doing the same thing?

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>muh /pol/

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it was always the balls for me

spbp /pol/tards out

Punch in the arm here fren.

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Oh look a reaction image for an argument, now THAT'S the penicle of intelligence.

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You just have to do it in a context where you don't look like an obvious white nationalist who thinks he's being clever

>Though I bet they don't play it anymore because now making a circle with your thumb and finger means you are a white supremacist
Yeah man I'm sure kids are real concerned about that

>When making a circle with your finger and thumb is now considered a white nationalist hate symbol
Clown world. Honk fucking honk

You can also try saying something negative about trump or make a comment that doesn't fit their agenda, EZ (You)'s and it works every time.
They are too used for everyone to agree with them in their little hugbox at and /r/the_donald

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fucking clown

Can I get some context? Did they change the circle game gesture to the middle finger because of the white power thing?

Nothing is stopping you from just playing video games.

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my god you're right

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Zion Don is old news, Yang Gang is the new hotness. Gotta horra for the thousand dorra.

right wing sjw that get bothered whenever a different opinion pierces through their echo chamber.

Playing video games is racist user.

Yeah, go fuck yourself leftshit.

Well yeah. There are a lot of white supremacist hand signals, actually. They're all supposed to be identifiable by fellow travellers though, so a kid doing it on the playground and then punching another kid for looking obviously isn't trying to signal anyone, the way some kekistani memester is if he's doing it on his twitter profile pic with a maga hat and a kekistan flag in the background.

Fucking hell I'm really starting to think like 90% of Yea Forums is autistic because none of you seem to be able to wrap your heads around the concept of context.

i honestly got a bit into leftist philosophy just to trigger these retards

No echo chamber here faggot, you can say whatever you want. It's not the Yea Forums nazi's fault though that your arguments cant survive.

It's not tumblr that told you that, it's Yea Forums. This place is a bad influence on you.

don't have a horse in the race between discord trannies and /pol/ or whatever but i'm tired of witnessing the "culture war" in general

user you have legitimate autism. Next you’re going to tell me drinking milk and having a job is white supremacy

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Yeah which is why they made notorious white supremacist Johnny Cage change his hand gesture
You moron
You shit sucking, butt fucking, ass faced, lowlife retard

Where do you think tumblr went after the porn ban?

Yea, I eat shit to make people on the internet I'll never meet mad too. Want to know how obvious it is you're a teenager?

ah yes, the good ol' black and white fallacy

Do you sensitive faggots have a discord that you all come in from to cry about anyone calling you out for being massive pussies or what?
Holy shit this is tumblr tier anger

>There are a lot of white supremacist hand signals, actually. They're all supposed to be identifiable by fellow travellers though
You aren't suppose to tell everyone that there are secret white supremacist societies and we signal to each other with secret handshakes and decoder rings. Now how are we suppose to plot to keep the black man down?

>from funny boomer to edgy monster drinking Kyle's stepdad

user, I just said you have autism and I cited your complete lack of understanding of social cues to support it. You can't just turn around and say "no u".
They're just being careful.

Careful now, you may get called a radical centrist.

These "lol sjws" posts have been around long before /pol/ or even was even around. It's just that /pol/ exacerbated everything exponentially.

Are you suggesting they went here and then also went from being SJWs to being paranoid anti-SJWs tilting at windmills?

user, I'm gonna let you in on a secret. The average Yea Forums user holds /pol/ tier opinions, that's why they are so common here. It's no conspiracy, its actually pretty self evident.

die tranny die

go back to resetera

>complete lack of understanding of social cues
If a bunch of people are laughing at a retard that’s my social cue to do so as well. Same goes for the circle hand game you mook

Saying it sarcastically doesn't make it not true.


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No they went here and demanded Hiro make 4channel

user is actually right.

>If a bunch of people are laughing at a retard that’s my social cue to do so as well.
Okay, you're a fucking sheep, and yet you still can't see why the OK sign is now an actual white supremacist symbol?

there is no denying that /pol/ is the most powerful board
>so much power it can scare white people into thinking the okay sign(circlegame) is racist
>manage to strike fear with a childish handsign
>took pepe back from the normies



user, the point I was making is that of course no one has actually said that playing video games makes you racist. It's just the /pol/tards desperate to redpill lonely NEETs who are telling them that people are saying that.

No joke, that's what high functioning autists do. They don't know why necessarily, they just copy other people.

We are all sitting on the train straight to racewarville, user. And this train has no brakes.

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>It’s a white supremacist symbol because the news and ADL say so
Yeah and the Roman salute is racist because an autistic man with a Charlie Chaplin mustache thought it was cool
>No one has actually said that playing video games makes you racist
Resetera, Reddit.

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Of course not, it not being true makes it not true.

But it's all just a joke, right? :^)


by the way, /pol/ is a boogeyman and "racist" is a stupid buzzword

>What is culture
user you realize you can laugh at retards and NOT be autistic, right?

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>Yeah and the Roman salute is racist because an autistic man with a Charlie Chaplin mustache thought it was cool
I usually bring up this example to show exactly why you people are retarded. Yes, of course doing the "Roman salute," now more popularly known as the "Hitler salute" is a racist symbol in most contexts. What is your major malfunction?
>Resetera, Reddit.
Who are you quoting?

You completely misunderstand the conversation. You're just retarded.

So then it's true.

Of course :^)

It is. Left likes to invent new words to serve as debate stick to beat opponents with.

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How the fuck is it racist? Because a bunch of Jews behind a keyboard say so?

No, you’re trying to shame me for not giving a fuck and it isn’t working

You didn't parse that statement correctly.

nice way of saying "I'm an uninformed fucktard who has no clue what's going on except /pol/ tells me"


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>We're not spamming Yea Forums with political shit, it's all the feminists and progressives on Yea Forums who are forcing us to do it!
Only a /pol/tard could post this shit without a hint of irony.

>it's all the feminists and progressives on Yea Forums who are forcing us to do it!
Negative reading comprehension.

I assure you, I did.


Today sp was truly bp

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No because actual racists use it, specifically as a way to signal to each other that they have the same personal beliefs. Are you being dense on purpose?

Hello newfriend

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You absolutely didn't because there's no way to get it being true out of that statement.

lets be real now, Yea Forums is definitely not the epitome of argumental battle grounds

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Incel, have sex virgin tranny

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