Which pill do you take?
Which pill do you take?
4x pill and Herbal tea
4x pill and adventure incense for me
It says 5 things, not 10.
Sandbox and Herbal Tea
>Can restore structures for free
>Can improve or fuck up anyone's home
>Get an enemy
>Find their home
>Increase the property tax on it so they can't afford it anymore and make them homeless
>Build a shitty "structure" of a cardboard box
>Make it a home you can live in
>End homelessness
>Nobody knows it was you so real estate companies can't put hitmen on you for doing this
>Improve roads and other things for free as well
It's fool proof, I don't need the fame of making a building. I'd rather have my name in the clear anyway
Herbal tea would just be nice to have some extra luck
2 plates of food
Sports Inhaler, join the anal olympics.
hey, i have some of those, i will post some of them i guess
>part 2
What a dumbo.
Why the fuck would anybody choose Nakama?
roguelike pill, live forever man. combined with herbal tea to guarantee success.
oh no no no no here is part 1
Can you count to 5
2 plates of food
If speakers or head phones aren't included with the PC the replace the gym with the audio equipment.
You could be animals though. Far More likely than human as well. I just choose 4x pill
4x pill with MMO vaccine sounds like god mode.
Herbal tea is OP. It's stronger than a lot of the effects on the left, unless if the effect it has on random events is also random. A 10x increased chance of a desirable effect is way too high though.
Where's the one that kills you?
Why don't you just go to /tg/'s Choose Your Own Adventure general and post this instead of posting it on a board it doesn't belong?
Supreme Quests and Supreme World. Easy.
>Sandbox pill
>crush every building containing existing power structures and everyone inside
>government buildings, corporate HQs, etc.
>leave buildings of those who you want to install untouched, ensuring the survival of those who you'd want in power
>institute New World Order in your own vision
fps pill, bunnyhopping sounds like fun
and racing vitamins i gues vroom vroom
>casual coughdrop
Too real for me man. Everyone expects me to fail.
FPS Pill + casual coughdrop and become the best assassin the world has ever birthed.
Suicide pill
Education pill and tea easy.
Can I take the woman but instead of sex she just hugs me and comforts me whenever I feel depressed
Fuck I know I want Supreme Immersion but I cant decide between Supreme Realism and Supreme A.I.
2 plates
4x is an obvious choice. Then MMO vaccine because a crafty individual can play off of that information to achieve great ends
2 dishes
Nah my perfect game would be free to play, but with no in game purchases assuming that this "God" will fund it all, so the playerbase will easily reach the 100,000s or even millions. Realism and Immersion best options.
jrpg and adventure incense
wrpg and herbal tea
rhythm and sports
I really don't know which one I'd pick in particular but JRPG sounds the most fun solely because of magic powers
JRPG is just worse WRPG
>Shugoki as partner
>Shugenja as contact
>Onmyoji as love interest
>Orochi as rival
>Oni Daimyo
Sounds like fun.
>no magic
>just limited min/maxing with no growth potential
I think you meant "better".
wrpg doesn't specify the ability to level up, nor does it tell you if you get abilities
Roguelike/Roguelite Pill and Herbal Tea of Party Games
Live forever and never fall back to a lesser vessel.
Its the long game but is also unbeatable.
Sandbox pill and casual coughdrop
Do as i please and escape every time. No one knows or cares who i am but i have complete control of where they live, work and eat.
>tenant guidelines
Is there a movie or an anime or something with a premise similar to this?
>Taking the 4x pill
But why? Is living for 6,000 years that great?
Tanegashima+Shugendo=magic bullets for making bullets on the cheap (rip out ore with earth magic, smelt with fire)
Ki strike+Scholar+Agile=kite for days, know where to hit and hit extra fucking hard
Then whatever
Rhythm and racing
PC, Internet, Sports, Doctors, 2 Plates
I pick the daily dose
4x pill with adventure incense
4x pill (obviously) and MMO vaccine. Information is power. And power is really useful when you live for 6000 years.
in less than a 100 years, humans will have invented reversed aging cure, that 6k extra years will mean nothing
luxury furniture
2 Plates
30 books
anything else is dumb
You can't reverse aging, only make it stagnate. Hope you enjoy being 130 for the rest of your life boomer.
Is this a joke?
Roguelike Pill + Herbal tea of party games = Best possible combination.
you could just kill yourself if you dont wanna live any more u just dont age for a while. id do the same but mb the shmup syrup coming in close second.
It seems most people disagree. 4x is the most popular by a wide margin.
>no internet
>"anything else i dumb"
Okay retard
Thinking back on it, yeah. Roguelike gets you stuuck in an existential nightmare. It never ends. Sure, you can argue that every life is a new adventure, but you are gonna bring all the baggage from previous lifes with you.
Never dying and being able to enjoy existing forever is nice, but I can see how it could be bad too.
I guess 4x is good because you get to enjoy life for a long time but you have a way out of it.
>two plates
are all a given
is my fifth choice, yall niggas who ain't pick the girl as your fifth option don't understand how badly the human brain requires companionship.
these suck unless they come with downsides
You could argue that just dying would cure you of your depression and boredom, and you still get to reincarnate, albeit as a slightly lesser being. Just don't reincarnate as something that has an absurdly long lifespan and you'd be G.
Honestly, I feel like Survival Horror is the best pill, even though it's the most overlooked. It's basically god powers. The only downside is that being an incel makes you get hunted down by Mr. X. You just gotta sleep with someone for the rest of your life and you'll basically just have permanent console commands.
>computer with no internet
aight nigga
4x pill and sports inhaler
dominate the world of athletic competition forever
Two Plates
I am alright without companionship. I have got through half my life without it. I'd appreciate being able to look out a window or see the sky every now and then, tho.
Yeah, but like I said, it is not a clean slate. You bring all the stuff from your previous lives with you. So you are bringing the baggage along for the ride, and that shit is only going to stack up.
FPS pill and Shmup Syrup
That is literally the worst idea you could have with 4x pills, user. If you make yourself famous and high profile, how long do you think it will take before people realize you are not fucking aging and you get shipped into some white room getting experimented for all your 6000 years?
Never watched Highlander? He pulled it off, mostly.
>Wanting to be disappeared forever by some secret government agencies
Nigga you stupid
Thanks Doc!
VN and shmup
Herbal Tea and either Visual novel or rogue lite, depending on whether or not herbal tea can affect visual novel.
4x Pill and Herbal Tea.
Yeah, but what team would want the social stigma of drafting someone who is considered a cheater?Like, 30 years from now, they'd start talking mad shit about you for still being in peak physical condition.
If you had Sports pill, you'd probably be best off taking Fighting/Platformer/WRPG.
Because he wasn't at the age of information and he wasn't as fucking high profile, you mongoloid. You are talking about being internationally famous through athletic feats. You would either have to retire and have facial surgery within the first 20-30 years or you would very likely become a guinea pig.
DAMN. Why didn’t I think of this.
Supreme World and Supreme Quests
PC/Internet combo is way too OP. That takes care of entertainment so everything else is just for maintenance.
For food you want something that makes it so you can avoid onions. Burger king is a lowtier fast food so fuck it. If it was wendy's i'd jump all over it. The bag of groceries is really tough to stretch out a week. You can easily put in a week full of meat, but fresh veggies, fruits and breads aren't dense enough for a balanced week. Of course this is assuming standard paper bag. Swedish cuisine will last you, but the key is the two plates of ANY. That's enough to last you a day especially if you purposefully choose big portions. I assume basic furniture from IKEA includes a minifridge so that's enough to store food for the day. For doctors, I haven't had a checkup in 6 years but i'm an idiot. Exercise, you can exercise in an apartment herschel walker style. Water is fine by me. Basic furniture is enough. The main kicker is windows. You need light. You need circadian rhythm. Windows are a necessity. Anyone who doesn't say windows is dumb.
>2plates or 3swedish
No internet mate?
Honestly the Roguelike pill is just 4x but better and you probably won't run into the curse of immortality because you seem to switch being every time you die.
Just work past the early levels of grind where you are some fly or some shit until you reach humans, then as long as you don't royally fuck up you can accumulate knowledge of several lifetimes.
That or just 4x pill and herbal for the smooth sailing life.
I guess JRPG and Adventure incense could be neat too for endless adventures with your harem.
>Training equipment
Where is my Black & White pill? I want to be a God.
FPS & Racing Vitamins seem like a good combo
You're way too altruistic for Yea Forums.
>education pill
>skilled in art with no creativity
Whoever wrote this is a moron
Dark souls pill and racing vitamins
You do realize that it says NO RESTRICTION ON WHAT YOU CAN DO ON IT. WANT TO TORRENT MOVIES, TV SHOWS OR GAMES? NO PROBLEM. If I can fucking torrent the latest Blazblue without Internet. I’M GOOD.
>you mongoloid
Wow, ad hominems already. You must be real intelligent.
Sandbox is already pretty much the God Game pill as it is.
Don't be autistic user, the picture obviously means you won't get into any trouble using the computer but you will still need functional internet to torrent something.
It won't warp reality.
What? That is perfectly normal. Plenty of people can be incredible dexterous but still have a hard time coming up with things.
Alternatively, plenty of people with very high imagination but not enough skills to put it into paper/canvas/software.
Some people are inherently clever and creative, even if they don't have the talent to make anything useful out of it. Others not so much. It's pretty much impossible to teach creativity, that's just something you're destined to have or not at birth, like a huge dick or perfect titties.
Actually, it would have been an ad hominems if I just insulted you and left that to be the argument. The insult is just an extra. It doesn't have to there.
You are ignoring the whole rest of the sentence where I tell you why you are a mongoloid and how you were wrong.
I spend the 10 years becoming an internet personality, training my body and ensuring I'm in peak physical condition.
My heart will be forever broken that I won't do this. I mean, I guess I could do this, without being locked in my room.
I want to be a disembodied abomination which eats faith.
Good luck stretching a bag groceries to last a full week WHILE STILL DOING PHYSICAL TRAINING.
Do you know how many artists, programmers, and etc exist that aren't creative enough to work on their own? Look at Japan, look how many manga artists there are that produce absolute trash. It's not the skill that counts, it's the ideas and talent.
Nice red herring and cherrypicking. Very intelligent, I see.
Take the Roguelike pill and score really well until you reincarnate as (a) God.
OP is a faggot.
All of these pills suck.
Nice baiting man, you must have fun in this board.
>doesn't pick windows
>calls me dumb
Sequiturs now?
The 4x pill and the adventure incense so that I could basically live out Highlander in real life
WRPG, fuck this life and fuck my crator for this shitty stats
This. If you are doing hardcore training then you have to go with the 3 swedish plates. 2 any is good for casual upkeep but you need that extra 50% intake
Power and water isn't free. Just because you turned a pile of boxes into a nice home doesn't mean it's suddenly connected to the grid. And if it did automatically connect to the grid the power company would just shut it down.
sandbox pill is OP though
>he thinks companionship = sex
roguelike pill with tea of party games
computer,books,internet,2 plates of any dish,doctors
herbal tea
mmo vaccine
any dish I want
gaming consoles
>Overpowered PC + Internet:
Basically invalidates TVs and consoles
>Modern Luxury Furniture+Windows:
You'd go insane being trapped in a room for 10 years without being able to see what life is like outside so you need windows. If basic furniture is shit then I would want something comfy to sleep on at least.
>2 plates
Literally eat anything you want
If Basic furniture is good enough than replace modern luxury with Doctors.
Is the mmo vacine really worth more than, say, increasing your lifespan so you can better enjoy the consequences of the herbal tea?
>implying I haven't been living in an existential nightmare of loneliness for the last 10+ years of my life already
Programmers yes, artists no. If you think somebody can be genuinely good at art and also be creatively inept you're an idiot. It's paradoxical. If I have mastered human anatomy I can manipulate it in unique ways. Understanding organic illustration inherently allows me to manipulate it. It's part of the reason why people who don't get things like anatomy and form and depth produce trash. If I understand fashion and material llustration, I can simply interchange all of those elements into new things. Think the Chimera in mythology, that's a simple way to understand what I'm talking about. If I master animal anatomy + illustration, that inherently gives me the tools to create new things even if its simply interchanging parts of things I already know. Creativity is abstract and certainly isn't equal between everybody, but its not some anomalous force derived from the nothingness of your brain. Creative ideas are almost always rooted from something we've seen, maybe dreamt, whether we know it or not. There's no such thing as absolute creativity. To say that a master of art could not be creative is illogical. If you think there's no correlation you're either lazy or you're a fucking idiot like
>getting sick when you're trapped in a room with nothing but luxurious food and items
Maybe but I don't want to be ostracized from society because I have been a 19 year old for the last 60 years.
Placebo and two herbal teas
There should be a mega pill that combines all the powers of the pills (barring the 4x one) but limits your life span to ten years.
You are essentially a god, living fast and loose. I'd pick that one.
I am and I think we are having a fundamental misunderstanding on definitions here. From context, it can be said that when the text says "superb artist, you might not have the creativitiy to make anything interesting with it", it becomes pretty evident in my opinion that when he says "artist" he means simply the ability to draw. Being capable of drawing well doesn't translate into creativity. It is a purely physical effort. It is a task of dexterity and precision. For example, you can be excelent at tracing or doing realistic drawing of people, but that doesn't necessarily means you are a creative person.
You seem to be working under the impressiont hat "superb artist" means a master of art as a whole when the text clearly makes the distinction otherwise. "Super artist" means here that you are good at drawing or painting. You can draw an extremely realistic landscape that you are looking at but you can do one through vague descriptions and fill in the blanks or come up with one by yourself. That is what it means, from what I gather.
>editing literally anything
>can edit my shitty PC to have better specs
>slightly make my property look better without raising tax too much
>can fuck with people and edit a char into a chair with a butt
You'd have to be stupid not to pick the sandbox pill. The sandbox pill only seems to have a negative when you're paying for something annual basis
The weaker dose will have to be the sports inhaler
4x Pill and Sports Inhaler
Live for a long time and dominate in any sport I want.
2 Plates of food
meant for
that's not an option though you fucking pleb
Metroidvania pill with the Adventure Incense
Roguelike and adventure incense
Like the other guy was told: If you dominate sports you will be quickly get a reputation. You will become a high profile person. Then people are quickly going to realize the little fact that you don't fucking age.
Good luck running from governments and people who want to experiment on you for the rest of your life.
No, but it fucking should be.
All these boring ass long term pills, give me something fun and fast.
wprg and incense
You and me is mates
>wasting a plae for books when you could just download pdf
Just make friends with the doctors
>2 dishes
Is what I'd choose, I suppose. I think this worked a bit better when it was a ten item limit. Some of these options are so low priority compared to others that you'd never pick them if you only have 5 choices
>Being capable of drawing well doesn't translate into creativity. It is a purely physical effort. It is a task of dexterity and precision.
Even disregarding this ridiculously stupid statement, I already made the argument that mastering realism would inherently allow for the ability to think creatively. I thought my Chimera example would be simple enough to understand. You're stretching your own shitty argument to death by trying to claim that what the OP meant could be interpreted as a "master of tracing." I can run my fingers up and down my dick but that doesn't make me a master of the guitar, you monkey retard. Stop replying to me.
>skill thief
>marked hero
>astral mark
>with allyn
>hawk griffin
>main bazaar
Dark Souls Pill with Sports Inhaler.
I will redefine fixing a boxing match.
Survival Horror with Adventure Incense. I'm more than prepared to kill whatever's fucking with me, but I'd be bored unless that entity is something worth fucking with.
You could communicate with people using the internet. They won't be physically there but you can still talk to people.
placebo with double on herbal
>racing vitamins
>adventure incense
Oni Daimyo
no one gives a shit about anyone's choices but I thought I might as well post it
Anyone who hasn't outright picked the DEJA VU pill explain yourself.
>adventure incense
That's thousands of adventures right there
4x pill and herbal tea.
PC, internet, 2 plates of food, gym, doctors.
thabks doc
literally the Patrician choice
WRPG Pill + MMO Vaccine or Sports Inhaler
8 in intelligence
10 in charisma
2 in endurance
5 strength
5 perception
I'll be the ultimate mastermind. No one can stop me lmao
PC,Internet,Gym,Doctors and 2 plates is literally optimal
Morrowind is pretty fucking deep. Don't see the point in picking the last option and since my "perfect game" entails that quests can be approached from a multitude of ways, I don't see the need to pick Supreme Quests either. 300 will keep me going for a good 50 years if it is really diverse.
I am hovering on supreme AI and either Supreme Realism or Supreme Immersion.
The roguelike pill is some eternal suffering horseshit, who would pick this? In the hell of infinite time, you would inevitably find yourself in downwards spirals into progressively more nightmarish existences at the bottom of the ocean as some senseless heat vent tubeworm or bacteria.
Supreme Quests
Supreme Immersion
I am assuming they will give you some source of artificial sunlight or you are literally not going to be able to go outside ever again.
>that inherently gives me the tools to create new things
That does not mean you know what to do with those tools. There are people who can write wonderful essays about the history and culture of the Roman Empire, but they would get there ass handed to them if they were to write a fictional story.
Just because you have an understanding of the tools does not mean you have mastered using the tools effectively.
Those two things are not equivalent.
You are right. Thus the point.
Being able to draw well and being able to draw creatively are two different things, just like being able to write well and being able to write creatively.
>Gaming Consoles
I'll last.
Except that the drug inherently disables that creativity. I don't understand why this is so hard for you to grasp.
The drug makes the physical action of drawing become very easy for you and you are very good at it, but it disables your creative skills. It maxes out your physical aspect or arts but disables your creative one. That is the rule. It is a pay off. That is what this magica, fictional drug does and it is the rule it works under.
I was referring your false equivalency of drawing to writing style. A more accurate comparison of your garbage writing analogy would be an example of an artist who is excellent at drawing fantasy themed dragons, but is comparatively bad at drawing realistic human faces. You are comparing genres. You can master the process of writing fiction just as you can nonfiction. Your abitrary assertion of fiction as being somehow the "creative element" of writing is plain stupid and baseless. You can be hugely uncreative and unoriginal and still write fiction, too, but we don't even need to agree on that to make your argument any less valid than it already is.
>The drug makes the physical action of drawing become very easy for you and you are very good at it, but it disables your creative skills
I see the issue here. You didn't actually read the OP, or you're illiterate. I told you to stop replying to me.
But writing fiction is the essence of writing creatively.
>You can be hugely uncreative and unoriginal and still write fiction, too
Yeah, but then it is bad fiction. The same can not really be said about non-fiction which is 80% fact gathering and organizing and 20% prose.
Rhythm pill and tea.
I just want to play the guitar good.
JRPG + Casual Tea
Oh dear, you might be retarded user.
This is only combination that makes sense, you don't need any of the food choices since the gruel will sustain you.
>wanting literal gruel
Nowhere does it say it inhibits creativity. Fuck off underage/ESL/spic or whatever hole you belong to.
Born leader
The true heir
Scarlet cape-Solais
Aegis, Erefexus
Cliff jackal
Gruel is basically just kinda watery oatmeal, and I like oatmeal so I'd be fine.
You can't work out on Gruel alone, user. It gives you the necessary to sustain you, it doesn't take into consideration extra upkeep.
It might not even keep you healthy or well fed. It is just so you don't fucking starve.
You might come out of there looking like Christian Bale in The Machinist if you just rely on the gruel.
>Eating gruel
>Wasting a spot on books when you have fucking internet
>You can't work out on Gruel alone, user. It gives you the necessary to sustain you, it doesn't take into consideration extra upkeep.
Just eat more gruel.
FPS and sports inhaler
Im going to be the best baseball player there ever was
Thank god you want those books too, because you clearly don't understand how working out works. You need specific types of things. It is not just a matter of amount.
Does taking one involve getting fucked in the ass?
Hopefully you won't get sick and have your life cut short, user.
I'll just let the SWAT team kill me.
>You need specific types of things.
The gruel has it.
Danke doctor
I like these threads
The gruel will provide you with nutrients for survival. That is it. It is there just to main the life of a human being. It doesn't take into account you wanting to work out of beef up. It might not even take into account KEEPING body mass, much less gaining it.
not picking any of these still gets you a game that is 10 times better than every game being made today.
Not an argument. The gruel has all the necessary nutrients you need.
> It doesn't take into account you wanting to work out of beef up. It might not even take into account KEEPING body mass, much less gaining it.
None of this implied in the OP, it's baseless conjecture. I could just as well say that because I chose the gym, the mysterious benefactors supplying my gruel injected the gruel with the stuff I'd need to be able to work out without killing myself. Afterall the gruel is for my survival.
In fact, that's what I'll just keep saying now if you keep replying to me.
I'd argue poetry is the essence of creative writing, but sure, none of this is relevant to my original point anyways. Almost all elements of fiction is derived from somewhere, something, some one, or some idea somewhere if we are going to be technical. It kind of defeats the purpose of the argument but it connects to my original point that creativity isn't some abstract trait completely separate from technical mastery of an art. I'd put the creative aspects of fiction more aligned to world building and character identity. We could say maybe that mastering character illustration won't make me any better at writing fiction about those characters. I believe that is the level of difference we are talking when you compare fictional to nonfiction writing. If you want to go even deeper, mastering grammar or syntax won't automatically make you good at either fiction or nonfiction. Mastering fiction, just like drawing, will inherently allow you to manipulate what you already know into something unique. Your suggestion that fiction lacking creativity is paradoxical by nature is almost the exact same argument I made about drawing mastery in that it's alignment with creativity is inherent.
>Hellenic Seaside
>Woodlands, Islands, Beachfront, Coral, Mountains
>Old Mansion
>Village Border
>Shiny Marble/Rusty Dagger/Yellowed Book
>All Roads Lead
>Healing Spring
>Christmas Cake
>Ruined Cathedral
What would happen if I ate them all at once, doc?
that's one way to announce that you never want to sleep again
death by piccolo's dick overdose
Yes, you just said it yourself. It is for your survival. It doesn't mean it will aid you in gaining mass. You are gonna work yourself all day and won't see the results, because the gruel is only keeping you alive, it is not giving you what you need to gain mass.
you dont seem to grasp what working out means. The muscles and form dont simply come from the action of working out. Diet is just as important. In fact, with the wrong diet working out can have no results or even make you LOSE mass. LEarn what "gains" mean.
>tfw industrial decay city in the tropics in an apartment in the wilderness outside the village who's border is simply the end of reality dropping into the abyss meaning I am also in the abyss
Some of these options contradict the previous ones so much it hurts.
Metroidvania pill and adventure incense!
>take dark souls pill
>become immortal
people don't die of old age, they die because of organ failure
Here is the expanded ver.
"Village Borders
The village is surrounded by a large expanse of wilderness, enough that you'll have plenty to explore for decades, but it also has a clear end".
So you have a wilderness that is big enough that would take decades to explore, and at the end of the wilderness is the abyss. Your house is in that wilderness, between the abyss and the village. Learn to read, user. Don't jump to conclusions while half assing the information.
Ah shit
I would choose Nakama
We live once and generally its an okay life.
But to live 12 perfect lives for one filled with melancholy would be worth it.
2 plates
In door sports room
Of course an Earthbound-loving faggot picks a PC with no Internet like a total retard
2 plates of any dish
Also picking books.
Computer + Internet = all the books you want.
>always end up just looking through these for the best immortality option or at least extend life enough for gene therapy to cure aging
I really don't want to die Yea Forums
So many millions of years I won't get to see
livin the dream bra
Roguelike+Herbal Tea
Jesus christ that's an amazing combination.
At least you are not me and always go for the waifu option no matter what.
How come consoles are the only thing on the list that are completely useless without something else on the list? Or do you have a basic as shit tv with no channels with it included in your "basic furniture"
PC/net/groceries/2 plates/windows
If above is true -windows +consoles
Gratias ago tibi, Medicus
Visual Novel pill + Herbal tea of party games, easily.
meh, you get bored of it pretty quick
Daisho and nothing else
Duelist, transformation, tranaformation
I get that there's a billion of these but does anyone have one where you pick your shit and also pick a rival that gets whatever you don't to fuck you up. I remember there being a tower you can stay at that has robot butlers but you're never allowed to leave or something
Luxury furniture
Doctors would be nice but I'll just pray that I end up fine
>4 hours
>it's still up
Pill+MMO Vaccine+Herbal Tea of Party Games
Born Leader
Marked Hero
Witch Allyn
The Aegis
Hawk Griffin
Main Bazaar
Its been a while since I got a dose this heavy, thanks doc
Reptilian replace shedskin with enhanced senses.
Dispersed neurons
Rapid regen
Napalm heart
Is there anything on the planet that could kill me?
>nighttime shades
>is it of great importance that humans stay indoors until the sun rises and their forms melt into the cobblestones
if you pick this youre fucking retarded
Dankes docktor
Plantlike, replace Thorn Armor with Scale Armor
Increased Defense, Dispersed Neurons, Rapid Regeneration, Projectile Attacks
Take my defense twink build faggots
I wish this chart allowed for more than 4 perks
>Which pill do you take?
the redpill
Ninjutsu and Shugendo
Masked, Awareness, Agile
Partner: Kenshi
Contact: Yakuza
Love Interest: Tsubame
Rival: Hitokiri
Nemesis: Shinigamihime
You could always just kill your self during the last one. Your loved ones are dead anyway.
jrpg pill and I wanna be the shota with at least one kuudere love interest.
Platformer pill.
I can finally do Melee shit.
jrpg pill and shmup dose
I think I took the casual coughdrop a long time ago.
Comfybright not even a question
Skill Thief
Marked hero
the witch to make her my waifu
tatrenua for a second waifu
Giant Crow
>The shmup syrup got nerfed
I see i see
But anyway, this has been discussed, anyone who doesnt take the roguepill and the herbal tea is a fool
Born Leader
God's Chosen
Solais & Kriscarn
Wanderer and Zerria
Giant Crow
Education Pill and Racing Vitamins
Become number one racer and stunt driver, make bank and use my inordinate amount of money to fund my other interests that I can easily get skilled at.
The added options are smash 4 dlc-tier (too good)
>CYOA thread
new version here
jrpg pill and mmo vaccine
Roguelike and Adventure is the best combination.
Supreme world and supreme quests
Honestly items like supreme realism and supreme AI could become a major hindrance to enjoyment, the immersion thing is a gimmick and most people would prefer a more sedentary way of manipulating their character (i.e. a controller or KBM)
Supreme AI could get stupid fucking annoying as so many things could go wrong, you could piss off a king or fuck up something bad amd basically villify your character and be fucked out of being able to do anythingbor take any quests, alternatively a top player becomes a god like figure to a country and proceeds to grief the playerbase on a whole other level
Also the game would inevitably get banned since someone would find a way to trick and rape kid characters
Fighting pill
Platformer pill
Metroidvania pill
>only 1
fighting pill
escape, easily.
I have two tastes.
>college student
>equal height
>private submissive
>tomboy, bantmaster, romantic, smugtacular, aggressive, heavydrinker
>sweaty sex, cuddling, impregnation, frothing
>running, sports, videogames
>christmas cake/fresh graduate.
>regular weight
>long and straight
>sexual predator
>publicly traditional
>feminine,lightweight, charismatic, pragmatic, cunning, motherly
>hypnosis, smothering, momdom, being on top, disparaging, milking dry, territorial.
>reading, movies, writing but I secretly read it anyway.
Rate my tastes.
Computer, Internet, Groceries, 30 books and the Gym
Computer, Internet, Gym, Groceries, 30 books, 2 plates, 1 pen and 100 sheets of paper
Gaming Consoles
10 points
>Gaming PC
8 points
6 points
>Luxury Furniture
5 points
>Training equipment
3 points
>Two plates of any dish I want
2 points
0 points
I don't need a gun to kill myself, If I want out I can just suicide by SWAT
I can jerk off I'll have sex when I get out
Internet makes getting books obsolete when I can just torrent digital copies
I'd cover the windows anyway and doctor will probably give me something to Help with vitamin D deficiency
No need to a TV or consoles I have a PC
I rarely drink and I can go without
No need for paper I have a PC
I don't use drugs not given to me by a doctor
PC, Internet, Windows, 2 Plates of food, Doctors.
This is the objectively correct choice. Some of you fuckers severely underestimate how important windows are. The human brain needs to understand that there is an outside world or else you will begin to go crazy after 10 years.
If I want to see outside I can just fuck around in streetview
New Year Noodle
Equal height
Bee stings
Mostly Equal
Feminine, Cool, Cunning, Fragile, Romantic
Cuddling, Oral
Running, Writing, Reading, Instrument, Traveling, Movies
Streetview won’t let you feel the sun on your skin. It won’t let you feel the breeze on your face. It won’t let you smell the rain on a cloudy morning. Get the fucking windows.
>6 hours
>Still up
based mods
> including SKILLS.
honestly, mmo + rougelite is best combo because you can see who is around you if you spawn as an animal and as a sentient creature, you get to see who is bad or out to harm you, wipe'em out, and gain good boy points. you would rocket up through the Karmic scale and none could stop you.
pc+internet+2dishes or groceries+doctors+sex is the objectively correct answer
you can just do exercises without equipment, books can be downloaded.audio is retarded as the pc package includes "LATEST" peripherals which would likely include good audio the rest are meme answers
>computer with no internet
>choosing 30 books over literally infinite books with the internet slot
>wasting 1 slot on luxury furniture
>calling anything else dumb
might as well add the Swedish cuisine
>the immersion thing is a gimmick and most people would prefer a more sedentary way of manipulating their character
Gimmick? You have literal immersion in the world.
>grief the playerbase on a whole other level
oh no, it's retarded.
This is dumb because the computer is fucking useless without the internet and the consoles are useless without the TV. They should be bundled.
Also as others have said the PC+Internet covers literally all of your entertainment and information needs so there’s no reason for anyone to not take them.
You're a fucking retard if you think first person VR immersion wouldnt get old as fuck, it's such a gimmick. Consider that even if the Kinecr came out with 1:1 perfect movement synchronization it still would have sucked ass
>He thinks the perfect game wouldn't have multiplayer of some sort
And this is when he was clinically diagnosed as an invalid
Who the actual fuck would take books over the internet unless I'm getting some arcane forgotten books of infinite value
For boomers who don’t like screens because they hurt their eyes.
>You're a fucking retard if you think first person VR immersion wouldnt get old as fuck, it's such a gimmick.
Are you illiterate? It is FULL fucking immersion. You are quite literally IN THE GAME WORLD.
>He actually wants to play with retarded niggers and faggots in his dream game when he can just get AI's that can perfectly simulate human thought and are moldable to your wills and desires as to what a "human" should be.
Fighting pill and sports inhaler
Win every fighting game event and singlehandedly take Evo in every single game on the lineup
2 Plates
JRPG pill and adventure incense
Dark Souls Pill
Adventure Incense
world+immersion especially since you can taste and feel shit. want to go on a comfy world tour tasting all the cuisine and molesting the female npcs.
Survival Shmup
this is even easier than the other
2pts computer+2pts internet+1pt dish+1pt groceries+2pts doctors+2pts woman.
>all these retards not getting windows
Did Yea Forums seriously forget how fucking important human exposure to sunlight is
>He doesn't want to play an awesome epic adventure game with friends
>Instead wants to be an autistic kid playing in his own little sandbox
Dilate somewhere else please
Finally someone else who understands. Please get the windows Yea Forums you’re going to die in there.
>He wants to hang out with his boring real life """""friends""""" instead of having cool adventures with Orc bro who would die for you and Dwarf bro who considers you family.
>light or sex
well well well.
training equipment
godly taste
Admittedly physical contact is pretty important for your health too. Luckily this one will let you have both.
>Admittedly physical contact is pretty important for your health too.
haha yeah
If i take the JRPG pill im going to be arrested for burning forests for sure.
What am I missing out on by staying in my dark mancave? Vitamin d?
The idea of sun damage and cancer scares me.
The human brain needs context. It needs to understand that there is a living breathing world outside your cave. If you can not see, feel, or smell this world for a decade you will begin to dissociate and believe that it does not exist even though your conscious mind knows it does. Look at what solitary confinement does to prisoners. Many people without strong minds will literal go crazy in there without windows.
Are you me?
>become frozone
>Rhythm pill
>you'll never stutter again
Then call the power and water company and get that shit hooked up, retard.
>luxury furniture
>wasting a slot on the brainlet tier option
>No limits on what you can have on your spaceship
Do any of the other options even really matter?
4x, sports inhaler
computer, internet, consoles, groceries,luxury furniture
I'd ideally like the education pill, but getting sent back 22 years in time absolutely sucks.
I guess I'll take the visual novel pill and talk to women. it should be pretty obvious what the "least desirable outcome" option would be (probably just some insult)
I'd pick the MMO vaccine easily cause I'm a medfag
I'd definally want to get caramelldansen.
The /pol/ster in me wants to add in 404, Grand Theft Auto, so That I can become the next Wikileaks leader...
But my inner wants lolicatgirls, and skyflight_loop so that I can just mess with people everyday.
Sandbox and Party Games for me.
2 Plates
Windows or Girl IDK.
PC 2
Internet 2
Windows 2
Doctors 2
2 Plates 1
Woman 1
Partner: Shugenja
Contact: Yakuza
Love Interest: Goze
Rival: Orochi
do these count as CYOAs?
4x + racing
computer, internet, windows, audio, 2 plates a day
both fisher king and nakama sounded great until the last paragraph... escape is interesting but i'd probably go with the road eternal
yumi, ninjutsu
agile, charismatic, awareness
partner: onnabushi
contact: mushishi
love: kitsune
rival: tsubame
world + immersion
good friend
marked hero
scarlet cape
eurytus, kriscarn
wandered, micaela
giant crow
main bazaar
hellenic seaside
beachfront, islands, rivers, waterfalls, rolling hills
cozy cabin
town center
fur mantle, bronze bracelet, soft blanket
endless expanse
carpenter or baker idk
blossom meadow, healing spring, siren overlook, galaxy lake
smug little girl
nature sprite, wandering god, decay city ruins, ruined cathedral
time stop: 3
level 2: 2
casual: 5
level 1: 0
digital transfer: 1
fiction loves company: 1
if games can fit under animation for pickyland then i'll take that for +3 and add lifeline and level 2 language, but im assuming that games are just not an option for that
the saber sleeps tonight
What's the danmaku pill?
Good Friend
God's Chosen
The Hyperion
Arctora or Aegis or Zerria
Cliff Jackal
Putrid Slum
North Vernacular
Rock Formations
Old Mansion
Far Outskirts
Fur Mantle
Soft Blanket
All roads lead
Galaxy Lake
Healing Springs
Nature Sprite
Christmas Cake
I ain't no bitch
Wandering God
The old guard
Fairy Grove
that's the best compliment I've gotten in a while
Solar panels, there's a bunch of types of power you can live off the grid, if you can build anything the possibilities are endless. You could just edit the structures of water pipes to go to those houses, easy. Sandbox is too OP if you're selfless