Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that Sekiro was a letdown? The combat is so boring and repetitve.
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Better than Souls games lol
No, it's no BB, but it slides into second place if you're a gameplay dude
It's not even a hard game, it just requires lots of patience and assiduity. The "difficulty" is largely artificial, caused by the need to learn every enemy fighting style. But once you have the animations memorized the difficulty is gone, so it's not actually difficult.
Everything difficult is typically forged through steady repetition.
The gameplay is the worst aspect of Sekiro. The stealth is broken, the combat system doesn't work well in crowds and boss fights feel like doing tiresome dance rehearsals repeatedly until you get a waltz down the way your instructor wants it to be, except he doesn't tell you what he wants in the first place and you have to be beaten into knowing.
None of these things were a problem with Dark Souls because caution could always bring you far and there were plenty of alternative solutions to the same puzzle.
Nope. There's something called "strategy". Are you honestly saying that there is nothing beyond memorized repetition?
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>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
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There are two kinds of solving a puzzle.
The smart kind: Thinking about the puzzle carefully until you come up with a sensible solution.
The dumb kind: Mindlessly try every possible combination until something works.
The smart kind is fun and feels rewarding.
The dumb kind is boring and feels like a waste of time.
Sekiro is the dumb kind.
The problem that I can see is that its a souls/BB like game with tweaks that mostly result in repetition. The simplifications in gameplay (limited weapon choice, etc) are not balanced by major improvements in other areas.
Also the bosses are chip damage suckfests.
I liked it quite a bit but after completing NG+ I'm kind of getting tired of it. This is the point where I had enough of challenge and I'd want to go around curbstomping everything. You can outpace difficulty increase in souls just by increasing stats but here it is all downhill after the first playthough since you are already maxed out. It was fun the first two times, but I'm not going to bang my head against increasingly difficult NG++ walls.
Strategy doesn't measure difficulty. Name something strategic that's difficult.
Puzzles aren't difficult.
So much this! Exploring the world is less exciting because most of the things you find are trash. And since you can only beat most bosses by learning their patterns almost perfectly, there is never a close call. Once I know every move they got and how to react to it, I rarely ever take damage. I just wait, and wait and wait some more while parrying and watching their stupid dance moves until they're finally defeated. There's no excitement. 0 satisfaction in actually beating a boss. It's like, meuh... let's move on...
>Name something strategic that's difficult.
Uhm strategy games on a high level, such as Chess, Go or Starcraft?
>Puzzles aren't difficult.
Then Sekiro isn't difficult because every boss fight is essentially a simple puzzle that depends on trial and error.
Why are people saying that Owl is difficult? He was the easiest so far. I even had more trouble with most minibosses than with him. I expected a third form because his two first forms were so easy.
Oh, yeah, the exploration too.
>find out of the way area or hidden grapple
>item sitting on ledge out of the way
>fuck yeah
>ceramic shard / consumable
every time
Terrible analogue since those depend entirely on your opponent. Also, they way you improve at all of those games is protracted periods of practice and trial and error. You will never beat a better player in any of those games unless you're better than they are. You're not going to sit down and take a game off Kasparov no matter how much you sit around and think about your moves.
because you're too dumb to figure it out before you brute force it.
that just means you're too fucking stupid to figure out a boss before they kill you, because you're bad
>Terrible analogue since those depend entirely on your opponent.
Uhm so? A good AI opponent is what we are talking about here.
>Also, they way you improve at all of those games is protracted periods of practice and trial and error.
Practice, yes. There's nothing wrong with practice. But you cannot just wait for the opponent to do one thing and then do the perfect counter everytime. Sekiro battles lack so much in complexity that you barely have to think at all. You can listen to a Barry White song in your head once you remember the animations because you can parry virtually everything perfectly. OH GOD THIS GIANT WILL STOMP ME TO DEATH I NEED TO GET OUT OF THE WAY...oh no I just parry lol.
There's also the problem that you do nothing in Sekiro intuitively. It's learned behavior, not intuitive behavior. You don't come up with moves on the fly. You can't because that will not get you anywhere. You just look at the opponent and do the one thing that destroys them every time. It's so boring.
Attention seeking whore. The game wasn't a let down. Sure it wasn't amazing but it was still good in regards to the other games that are currently out.
only if you're such a pussy bitch you only do the thing that destroys them. the game isn't being boring, you are.
>The stealth is broken,
The enemies could be smarter but stealth is all about placement or chessing yourself up for a fight
>the combat system doesn't work well in crowds
Literally git gud
>and boss fights feel like doing tiresome dance rehearsals repeatedly until you get a waltz down the way your instructor wants it to be, except he doesn't tell you what he wants in the first place and you have to be beaten into knowing.
I beat orin, ape, monk and divine dragon all first try. Learn what the game teaches you. I died 20 times to Genichiro until I learned how to play the game right. Then I went back and killed seven spears after dying to him many times. The game is fun as fuck if you play it the way it's intended. Granted you have to like that playstyle but stop being a little soulsbitch nahmean
I'm glad I didn't buy it, that's for sure.
>yep, this one's going in my cringe compilation
>So much this!
>if the game doesn't offer you complex gameplay, just fuck around on your own
wow this can be used a defense for every boring game in existence.
>damn this RPG is so boring because you only spam attack and defeat everything
>lol no you can use all kinds of useless magic just to give yourself the illusion that there is stuff for you to do!
>reddit spacing
>absolute faggot
please, by all means, name a game that does not absolutely have a cheese tactic
Sekiro = BB >>>>> soulshit
>The enemies could be smarter but stealth is all about placement or chessing yourself up for a fight
They are blind and deaf. It's not stealth. You walk around in plain sight and make tons of noise. And you don't need to "chess yourself" because every enemy encounter can be escaped from easily. You can just come back later and isntakill them if you want to explore more. Or just run by them again.
>Literally git gud
Parroting this shit won't change the fact that the parrying gameplay doesn't work well in crowds. That's probably why they put all that other garbage into the game (jump over, kill from behind, bloodsmoke for another insta kill, blind your enemies etc. etc. etc.). When you're required to wait for the enemy to strike in order to parry, then you cannot defend against being attacked by enemies off camera.
>I beat orin, ape, monk and divine dragon all first try.
Then you took your time during your first try until you learned the animations.
>The game is fun as fuck if you play it the way it's intended.
It is intended to learn the animations and parry.
And that's not fun for anybody who isn't a complete simpleton.
maybe it's because defending yourself from multiple opponents is supposed to be difficult
When did I even say that? This isn't about how fast I defeat a boss, or how many tries are needed, but the way you do it. It's boring. There's no complecity at all.
>And that's not fun for [me but I'll insult everyone who doesn't agree with me]
stop being a dishonest asshole
So who hurt you? Ogre? Genichiro?
One of them needs to play more games.
you have a bug. normal people aren't like you. get help.
What does that have to do with anything. Games can have cheese tactics for all I care as long as the normal way of playing them is fun.
The normal way of playing Sekiro is: "oh look that animation, parry, oh look that animation, parry, oh that animation and literally a symbol flashing on screen...jump...
It's the most mindless game I've ever played.
if reading animations is mindless you are just an abnormal freak because the majority of people cannot even do that.
What hurt me was that I spend many hours hoping this would eventually get fun because I wanted to like this game so much. But it never happened. The game offered me never anything more than this absolutely mindless boring gameplay.
Peak AI doesn't make for good opponents in StarCraft and in Go/Chess, you will literally never beat peak AI.
What a great example.
Practice is trial-and-error, if you don't want to see it that way. It usually lacks a loss condition.
Sekiro isn't supposed to be strategically complex, its supposed to be dynamic.
If you want to say Sekiro routes you too hard into certain strategies, I say I disagree. It definitely limits you unlike say Dark Souls where you can go yolo and mash whatever at all times, but the game isn't lacking for strategy. One the contrary, there is usually a handful of effective methods for beating bosses. As an example, against Ape you can stand your ground and learn the fight, or use confetti, use firecrackers, use loaded spear, use oil and vent, etc, to inch towards a more strategic victory.
Is this what autism is like? What are you favorite games?
>no stamina
>easier parries
>some bosses are have extremely telegraphed attacks
>naruto-esque damaging abilities with very short cast times
>fucking grappling hook
>little glyph pops up on the screen for attacks that can't be blocked
>half a dozen different ways to dodge
>can block almost anything
i don't know about boring and repetitive but it was definitely not has hard as it was hyped up to be, people are just shit at video games on average and don't ever try any other strategies when the one they usually stick with doesn't work
Favorite games?
lol do you feel like a badass because you think you have the rare superpower of recognizing stuff?
sorry but absolutely every human who doesn't have literal brain damage can do that easily. I think the people who say "I cannot do that" when they talk about Sekiro are just playing the game wrong (probably because the game does a poor job explaining what it wants you to do). once you learned that you just need to parry everything except for grabs and sweeps (which are rare anyway) and only have to watch your opponent, everybody can beat the game unless they fall asleep first.
>can we agree
that is not mindless to most people, you retard. do you think just anyone can read animations to the point where it's not gratifying to them to be able to correctly respond to them without a higher level of concentration than is needed for stuff to be "mindless." can you not understand that, you autist?
>Peak AI doesn't make for good opponents in StarCraft and in Go/Chess, you will literally never beat peak AI.
And I wasn't talking about peak AI. These games are examples of great complexity.
Every challenge in every game consists of two things: time and complexity.
In a turn based strategic RPG, for example, you have infinite time but also many choices you can make. you need to tackle with the complexity but you have all the time in the world to do so.
then there are racing games where you have not as much time to react but there is also not as much complexity because you have to react quickly and cannot consider a dozen things at once.
Sekiro has little time and little complexity. It's essentially a rythm game without music.
>use confetti, use firecrackers, use loaded spear, use oil and vent, etc, to inch towards a more strategic victory.
Such BS. Those things are bascially "oh I can't be bothered to fight properly so I use this nonsense to cheese the opponent and get some easy effective hits in" yeah I sometimes did that to rush down an almost defeated boss because I just wanted to get it over with but I never needed to because I knew the animations already and since one press of a button was always enough to
Sorry but what exactly is "gratifying"?
It would be gratifying if you reacted intuitively. But if you already know what to do in advance and just wait for it to's boring.
it's gratifying to know that you are learning the fight and responding correctly to the right situation. this is a natural reaction to learning anything, you stupid hipster.
This is either a top tier bait or terminal autism.
Perhaps both.
You niggas need to play fighting games. That's how Sekiro's exchanges feel since sweeps and grabs operate like grabs and overheads in a fighting game, while Sekiro's parry is like an just guard in terms of execution.
Hard fights start with you trying to make heads-and-tails of a new moveset and trying to diffuse your opponent's mixup potential. This is what makes shit like 9-spears a filter early game since he has so many mixups. It's literally like fighting a fighting game character you haven't fought before.
This process starts very deliberately, but eventually becomes very automated. Sometimes you can squeak by a fight with what you learned throughout your first attempt and other times it takes longer to adhere.
no. mindlessly learning by heart is not fun. that's why studying for a test is not fun. what's fun is when you learned something and then can use that acquired skill intuitively. Like, it's not fun to memorize the controls for a game, but once you memorized them, it's fun to control your character in the world. In Sekiro, you cannot acquire the "parry skill" and then parry intuitively. You need to learn the animations for each new boss. It's a neverending vocabulary test without ever speaking the language.
That comparison is kinda right. And guess what: Fighting games against the AI aren't fun.
Seems to me like your reflexes are just shit. I recommend playing something that fits you more. Like that Yoshi game that just came out.
you are abnormal, dude. just accept that you're a freak and that most people derive enjoyment from this.
>60 posts
>15 IPs
The absolute state of OP
Sorry how are my reflexes shit when I have no problem parrying?
I am not complaining about difficulty, you retard. Why do Suckiro cucks always jump to "don't like the game? TOO DIFFICULT FOR YOU EH!?" No as I said: It's boring. The fights aren't complex. You just learn the animations, parry, destroy.
based and blackpilled
StarCraft, Go, and Chess aren't complex. You can learn the ins and outs of all of them in a day or so. To master them is mindless repetition. Same with RPGs. Same with Sekiro.
>Strategic elements are cheese.
This is fucking stupid. Are you really this stupid? Do you think I'm going to let you handwave the strategy elements just because you want to dismiss them? Keep the goalposts intact
Because they have nothing positive to say about it, or any ways of defending it.
Wrong. It's just not for you
Yeah that's why everybody loves studying for tests, right? That's why everybody loves dancing lessons more than actually dancing, right?
No, there are three kinds of people who like Sekiro: Kids who feel like badasses because they play this "super hard" game. From fanboys who just defend everything they do. People who enjoy the game because of its other quality (story, design, music, whatever).
I am not alone in my assessment. Many others have said the same.
Learning the animations is fun and it's fun when you can counter them consistently.
You are the minority. You especially are of the minority that thinks a game is the same experience as a test. You are a retard.
So Sekiro has it's own Barry now?
It -is- Barry. He's been going after KH3, DMC, and Sekiro threads for the longest time. You can tell who he is because he actually thinks "Suckiro" is a clever insult.
>This is fucking stupid. Are you really this stupid? Do you think I'm going to let you handwave the strategy elements just because you want to dismiss them? Keep the goalposts intact
They're not strategic elements. They're distractions. From literally put fireworkds into the game and it distracts people. Almost as if they knew exactly what they were doing with all that nonsense they put in there.
They aren't strategic because they're not required at all. Just defeat the boss by parrying and sometimes jumping. Nothing else is required. From only put all that other nonsense in there to give you the illusion of complexity. "Oh I could throw this shit or that shit!" Yeah but you don't need to throw ANY shit. You have the boss beat the moment you memorize his moves. Everything else is just windowdressing.
You are the most autistic poster I've seen on Yea Forums in a week. Congratulations.
!ad populum! mcdonalds makes the best food and hollywood makes the best movies!"
kek simpleton baby brain detected
did you know that you can beat every game just by spamming the basic attack
how to get true ending? how to beat genichiro on that tower with his lightning form?
I bet you must be lonely, surrounded by people who like Sekiro.
this guy got destroyed and he literally doesn't even know what he is talking about lol
Bad examples.
People don't like tests period for starters.
Also my girlfriend is a professional dance instructor. She loves practicing and performing. I'm a working musician and I enjoy practicing too. I like physical training too, it's a lifelong passion even though I'll never be a professional athlete. The learning in Sekiro is quite fun for some people.
I wouldn't want to sit around and study physics equations in preparation of writing a thesis, so that wouldn't be fun for me... but I understand it's fun for others. To each their own.
You can beat every RPG ever made with basic attacks and just defending your party from harm.
it's trash
availability makes for the most numbers and that's why mcdonald's and hollywood are popular. from games despite appealing to a niche audience and resisting pushes from the industry to offer more availability manages to still achieve popularity which is a remarkable thing in itself.
This is so disingenuous I don't even know where to begin.
>they're not strategic: they're distractions.
You need to elaborate on that with something resembling an argument. The fact that they are completely unneeded doesn't make them any less strategic and for some people, they are very much mandatory and needed.
You can also make the same claim for a metric fuckton of games. It's not the game's fault you've actively made shit harder for yourself by optioning to use only the fundamentals. You don't get to say "well, it's not strategic because the strategy isn't mandatory", because this applies to literally every game with dynamic gameplay where you can win through dogged determination.
Guardian Ape 2 is such nonsense: From punishes you with an incredibly unfair fight because you didn't explore the way they wanted you to, in a game that's about finding shit and exploring. The first one is fine, but putting two phases of literally the same enemy (fucking lazy) in a smaller arena is gay.
Dark Souls
Ninja Gaiden
Best From game to date and as always the best version is on PC
>I hate practicing hobbies REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
you can beat all of those games by mindlessly reading animations and dodging/attacking at the right time
Sekiro with mods has better fashion Souls than most entries in the series
I'll just wait for a Souls game with actual content to adopt the combat system which is pretty much the only thing this game got right.
You just mash in those. Nothing else is required.
Since when can you mash through Ninja Gaiden
there's nothing about it discouraging you from mashing through it
Since NG1 on NES
>can we agree
No, we cannot.
You absolutely can on normal.
come back when you've played them.
I agree!
it's fucking amazing
just dodge b r o
After i beat guardian ape last night I lost my desire to keep playing. Anything I should do to get it back?
Since it was made. Normal and Hard can be mashed through without much issue. It's only on Very Hard you're actually forced to do shit, like spam Izuna Drop instead
Read a doujin with monkey fucking
>the need to learn every enemy's fighting style
Yeah, this is how difficulty in Souls games is supposed to be formed but in Souls you almost never have to actually learn bosses due to OP builds or weapons that completely invalidate bosses.
Sekiro has much more depth in the core mechanics of it's combat because the posture / dodge / deflection system discourages just from doing the same thing to every opponent.
>ashina castle changes after monk and ape
>cool, new routes and more items
>pellets and ceramic shards galore
What a fucking letdown, at least the 2nd ogre gives health bonus skill
If you are deflecting/counterattacking and taking advantage of the red attacks (without just jumping away) then the posture bar fills up fast.
They are incentivizing you to do this sort of style. They still give you the option to hit their health pool once, then run around for 30 seconds.
just take a couple days off. ive found that my motivation to play this game comes in waves.
>They are incentivizing you to do this sort of style. They still give you the option to hit their health pool once, then run around for 30 seconds.
That's fucking gay what kind of pussy fights like that
So the biggest flaw it's not a dark soul? And this guy is so annoying
>heres your stealth game bro
note that several seething fagirolets will reply defending this