Fucking KEK. Should had gone Epic exclusive.
Fucking KEK. Should had gone Epic exclusive
> Mortal Kombat
> Assassin's Creed
> Battlefield
> Mass Effect
> Star Wars
What western franchise should we kill off next?
>mostly negative
y tho
They will next time.
It it because of the port or is it because the game is trash?
>bad port
>connectivity issues with their servers locking you out of single player content
>extreme grind to get you to pay for microtransactions
Even the positive reviews seem to all mention something negative.
no bobs
permanent virginity.
Mobile tier microtransactions (this time is no exageration) on a 60 bucks AAA vidya
micropenis transactions
SFV repeat, then?
noooooo you can't criticize a game this woke!
NRS shills finna get BTFO
>bad port
Everything about my gut told me not to buy it but it’s the only game I could get my retard friend to buy as well and now I can’t refund it since I bought it on greenman gaming since I wanted it as cheap as possible. Fuck me.
>Should had gone Epic exclusive
Should have made a good fucking game.
>Western gaming
>past '05
Yeah, no.
Female characters don't look like seedy strippers anymore. Some losers are very mad they can't jerk off to a video game.
Hopefully the new Steam review system will detect and disregard these reviews.
EPIC prob passed on it.
The game is actually bad and has a ton of horrible anti-consumer practices and DLC up the ass.
Of course, people will immediately try to defend it by pretending everyone is complaining about lack of boobs instead to hide the actual problems the game has.
>another MK thread
are you shills working overtime?
should've made it ps4 exclusive, only they will appreciate the female fighters in burka costumes
Sounds like theres more wrong than costumes and tit sizes
>pre-order MK11 because Shao Kahn pre-order bonus
>Shao Kahn DLC is available to everyone from day 1 anyway
lmao they got me
Worse, unlockable finishing moves are locked behind randomised lootboxes
Doom, perhaps? Or maybe Duke Nukem? I actually gotta give Randy some credit if he pulls the basedification of Duke Nukem, considering he's literally the walking embodiment of everything that's NOT a basedboy. Then again, so was Kratos, and look what they did to him.
>Hopefully the new Steam review system will detect and disregard these reviews.
You'd be immediately hired at EPIC, go and give your resume
Don't forget:
>World of Warcraft
We could always finish off Tomb Raider.
Mortal Kombat: Caliphate Edition
>Game has even worse F2P phone tier microtransactions than Injustice 2
Jesus christ
>runs like shit
>microtransactions out the ass
>peer-to-peer laggy as fuck multiplayer
Exact same shit that happened with the previous one.
no more titties
The game IS bad but all legitimate criticism is being overshadowed but constant screeching for bobs.
Yeah it certainly isnt about the grindfest, mobile tier MTs, 6 different money types, and random ass rewards on the krypt
Sony would try to put sun rays on the exposed ankles.
>complaining about lack of boobs
That's the most important thing though. If they actually had good character design and didn't Go Woke I might've Pre-Ordered. Another stinker avoided.
SFV had plenty of bobs and vegen, even after the camera changes on Mika slap and Cammy opening sequence.
Partly because it's an unnecessarily grindy game that takes away all the fun from unlocking new shit.
Also, soulless and not truly MK anymore.
Also, "Woke" af.
>tfw love old star wars vidya/content but hate all the new stuff
is erron black good at least?
This pic and that tranny will never stop being funny.
Fallout is dead
Wolfenstein is dead
Gee, the absolute state of western gaming
Good, we will have a launcher for good games and a launcher for shit games, it's that simple
Start out as strong sexy females
Now they are muslims that serve a man
Bravo Liberals
based retard
how did you not see that coming? the exact same thing happened with darkseid in ij2
>should had gone epic exclusive so they can suppress any consumer dissatisfaction, reject refunds for a broken piece of shit, and scam millions of fans
yep sounds about right for the reason they want epic to win.
>Universally gets positive reviews from critics and youtube reviewers alike
>pcc*cks throw a temper tantrum because no tity and a vastly overblown grinding "problem"
Jesus Christ I genuinely hope the next MK is console exclusive, PC gamers are the worst.
I hope so too user, I don't want this trash on PC, only more games for me to fill my Ignore list with.
The roster is complete dog shit.
Yeah, those females look so much worse design wise than MK9 and MKX...wow, I can't believe MK has fallen so hard. They had the best looking designs in MKDA and MK9...wow, I'm crying. I'm crying for my video game. My video game has died.
How? Please explain.
imagine being excited for and then being disappointed by shitty games
>critics and youtube reviewers
Yeah they are what matters nowadays, fuck consumers, they don't deserve a good experience without connectivity issues, grindfest and microtransations worse than fucking mobile games, how dare people criticize a shitty product.
Glad I don't play on consoles.
Too many drones like this, thank god they'll be bending over to get fucked until the end of time.
Has there ever been a game where "exclusive pre-order content" wasn't released as either paid or free DLC after?
Call of Duty & GTA are the big ones
COD is too big to possibly kill off, even Japan loves Call of Duty
i was pretty excited about this and it turns out shit
what fighter can i play while i wait for samsho?
SFV is meh
GG is dead
MvCi is super dead
and people wonder why epic dont want reviews
>muh roster
>tfw you realize they manufactured all this controversy with the woke jax shit, the appealing to sjw's, and all of the no tiddy stuff so they have something to fall back on in order to disregard, and shame anyone who criticizes the OPPRESSIVELY bad mtx
It's going to work too. Gaming was a mistake.
>even Japan loves Call of Duty
>Every entry sells less than underage panty quest RPG #595358
Standard review bombing shit: incels butthurt about black people and women existing.
It'll work on consoles.
Not so much on PC.
Multiple devs have already tried this shit (including both Cliffy B and Randy "fuck bigots" Pritchford) and it backfired.
Will reviewers look past all the grindy bullshit just because they covered the girls up and Jax is ultra woke?
>reactionary incel take no one asked for
Have sex
yeah epic isn't pro consumer, that's why
Most likely.
At best Yahtzee will make a passive mention of it but fighting games are one of the genres he outright says to ignore his opinions on.
im engaged.
>Despite the troublesome in-game economics, MK11 shines a brilliant light on how to handle female characters and the impact of minority role models
I ignore his opinions on all games.
Remember when PC gaming was superior?
...Yeah, me neither.
Pirate fags win in this case, they can skip the online requirements and cheat engine everything.
Yea Forums didn't do shit, Reddit is the one that gets the job done.
>peer-to-peer laggy as fuck multiplayer
stop talking about shit you have no idea about you retard
you want servers in a fucking fighting game or what?