So what are you going to get with your points? I was thinking Stardew Valley looks pretty fun

So what are you going to get with your points? I was thinking Stardew Valley looks pretty fun.

You did win, right?

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Stardew Valley is a great choice.

I didn't win because I don't play Tetris 99. I'm not a fan of Tetris or Battle Royales so the concept doesn't sit right with me

>wasting hours upon hours of your life stacking blocks like a toddler for 10 dollars.

tetris is fun my dude

Sounds like you are a faggot that lost user

>He doesn't want to acquire the Tetris effect

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How many hours did you throw in and how fast do you build?

Wasting hours of your life shitposting for nothing isn't better. This is mainly defending tetris, contest sounds lame.

I'll get the superior puzzle game when Puyo Puyo Champions launches. :^)

why are nincels so easy to trigger lmao

I only got four wins in. The autists overpowered me. How many wins did yoj get OP?

Jokes on you I'm Russian and I wont stand for anyone insulting my national accomplishment.

Are the awards for Europe out yet? My chances are pretty slim, but I'm still curious if I got lucky.

Yes, they came out last week. It was a random lotto though. Sorry you didn't win.

Why do Nintendo haters come on Yea Forums and shit on people for playing video games? Wait, that's obvious

What's the average winning rate for this events? It's sounds fun but then I think "well, IS Tetris, surely there are tons of autits competing for their place every hour the event last".

I consistently make it to Top 10 and win like 3 games for each 10 I play. But it doesn't sound appealing to play 20+ hours in just 3 days.

Well, I wasn't holding my breath, I didn't have time to rack up many points. Thanks anyway.

Not him but you should be very proud. The USSR really did make an incredible game.

For the curious, I scored a little over 2,800 points. It only took about 10 hours. Based on the others results, it seems the cutoff was only around 2,000 points also.

So why didn't you compete again?

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Fuck I missed it.

Many of us waste our lives for free.