Name a better Yugioh game
Name a better Yugioh game
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World Championship 2003 and World Championship 2004.
Dungeon Dice Monsters of course!
duelists of the fucking roses
Literally anything else. If you endorse this garbage, it's your fault that konami thinks that they can do anything and destroy both the physical and the virtual games.
Any of the Power of Chaos games.
A new tag force with all the series and updated cards would be heaven.
I'd literally buy even a piece of shitch if it had it.
seconded, jewnami will never do that since Links took off though.
YGOPro Percy
Did they finally remove the speed duel bullshit? If not is not even close to be good.
>World Championship was the serious realistic game simulator
>Tag Force was the fun meme game with anime cards and card game waifus
>We'll never get either one again
Zexal update when?
how you guys holding up
Haven't played Duel Links since January. What's the game like today?
Toxic and shitty. But it’s free some what
It's filled with faggots
Legacy of the Duelist you fucking plebian
the best part of DL are the characters themselves but because you need to grind so much i turned off the voice lines so idk why im still playin
I want a real YGO crossover game with an original story.
Any way to get the Japanese voices?
Fucking love those games. The user interface is 10/10.
Also, OP, go fuck yourself, literary any other Yu-Gi-Oh game is better than that piece of shit.
2009, 2010, and 2011 for me.
I liked the Synchro-shit though, and I understand it's not everyone's taste.
Woah, hey guys
i'm rerolling(only for a good start deck) and using a ticket for mirror wall. is that a good idea?
also what should i use the starting 2850 gems on?
you guys are shit at yugioh
My master strategy at YGOPro is waiting for my opponent because half the time they spend so much time spamming special summons they don't even realize they've run out of time.
I was enjoying it as a casual way to play yugioh until 5d's broke my heart after making the signer dragons box URs instead of starter deck aces. Even dumber since most of them are mediocre in DL. Along with all the other gem nerfs and the way event cards are grinded I just got too burnt out on DL's gacha crap.
Not even Arcanite Magician in a mini box was enough to bring me back and that's my all time favorite card
>that new banlist
wow this format is going to be really great especially since Dangers! are still running rampart haha kill me
Madolche is power faggot
My nigger. Though the last one was fucking retarded. Little kiddos having decks stacked with staples. At least Reverse of Arcadia scaled the difficulty more.
Seethe harder
masked hero really good?. i once got fucked by someone using it over and over in 1 turn
capsule monsters breed and battle.
>finally finish my Anki deck
>reach KoG
>game still 90% furshit and 9% amazon
>get bored and quit
This was months ago before synchro. Is it any better now? Not that it's possible for me to catch up as f2p.
Now it's Mechs and Samurais
Samurai finally fucking made it? They didn't add Gateway did they?
The DS ones were good at introducing over time all the joke decks you could ever handle. Though I'd never play them twice.
I haven't seen a gate played personally but yea now the Samurai are apart of the meta
Name a more based monster than Atomic Scrap Dragon
This game was the fucking best