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Nobody ever brings me gifts anymore

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This game is fun. Why does Yea Forums hate it?

Anyone else found this game hard


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it wasnt fun and crystal is shit

Not really, apart from the button-mashing segment.

Lust penis

opinion discarded

It's been over a decade, yet I can still hear her voice

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I'm still mad we never got Dinosaur Planet
Fuck Nintendo

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I only rented it and I can still hear it.

I found it very hard because I couldn't understand English at the time.

It has tons of glaring flaws, it isn't a real Star Fox game, it marks the start of the series' decline, and people are still upset about Dinosaur Planet and what could have been.

>thought cheat tokens were actual cheats to make the game easier and lock you out of the good ending
>can't get out of the final palace to backtrack for them
>stuck at 95%
>replay the entire fucking game
>now it's stuck at 99% because the game doesn't save after the final boss anyway
fuck this game

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Would Dinosaur Planet actually be any better? Or was it always doomed because of the GameCube's arrival?

Fuck this test and all the BS that came before it

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We'll never know because Miyamato decided it would be better as a Starfox game since the two protags looked similar

Objectively best starfox game. I wish we could get another

i liked it because i started on playstation, therefore had never played zelda. but after beating OOT later, it sucks having nostalgia for fucking starfox adventures and it being so bad i cant play more than 20 minutes of it

Doesn't seem like a whole lot got changed anyway storywise for most of the game sans start and end. The graphics are some of the best on the gc, so I think it probably was for the better it got ported to the gc.

>Dinosaur Planet and Nuts & Bolts will never get fleshed out and polished sequels due to the extreme hatred that the Star Fox and Banjo fan-bases have for the games.
Fuck corporate meddling, shoe-horning recognizable/popular characters into untested IPs just to make a quick buck. These games should have been allowed to stand (or fall) based on their own merits, instead of dooming them from the get-go by setting impossible expectations via adding these characters.

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Nintendo said this was Star Fox
It wasn't Star Fox

>Why does Yea Forums hate it?
its fun

Not really. I couldn't beat it as a small child when it first came out because puzzles we're hard for me as a kid, but I replayed it a few months ago and beat it in a week playing it every so often. It has a good concept behind it, which is basically the 3D Legend of Zelda formula, but the glaring flaws for me were the combat and aiming the staff. The combat was never really challenging, staying the same through the entire game. The staff aiming was janky as fuck on a controller, but then again so were a lot of 3D adventure games from that era.

I actually played it. It's not fun.

It's a "real star fox game" because it's a game in the star fox series.


Just because it doesn't meet your preconcieved notions of what a star fox game should or should not be doesn't make it not one

Yeah no fuck retard. Adventure wasn't even a Starfox game to begin with. Miyamoto just thought it would be fun to put starfox characters in Retros game.



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I know you fapped to Krystal when you were a pre-teen, user. It's okay, you can reply to this post and admit it. We all did.

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Hear hear! Both of them are great games on their own. Tacking on random ips will only make the fanbases cry about it. I wonder why corporations didn't get the memo already when the first couple of times didn't work.

I was too young to be playing with my peepee when I played this game when it came out

except it's not
it was supposed to be a rare game about some other generic fox guy

In you go furries. Even Rare knew what to do with you.

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Depends if it was on 64 or gamecube. 64 game was well underway, but in addition to the startfox change nintendo also made them port it to gamecube. Starting from scratch on brand new unfamilair hardware hurts development big time, and I think they had six months or something crazy small like that to make the gamecube version of the game.

I don’t like adventures but considering its development history its a shock it turned out as well as it did. Dinosaur Planet would’ve been very similar on gamecube, I think most of the weak design came from the crazy time constraints and new hardware.

Now if we’d gotten the 64 version, who knows how the game would’ve turned out. Too bad, could’ve been a nice swan song for 64.

>90% of puzzles are barrel escort missions
>ridiculous amount of mandatory backtracking
>weak as fuck ending
It looks great at least.

Is there a word for the fetish where a bird poops all over a girl's butt?


The game feels blatantly unfinished around the halfway point.

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I will say this about Adventures. Its a fantastic looking game. Even today.

You know what the worst thing about this was
It wasn't that they took dinosaur planet and made it into something else
It was't the introduction of krystal who some consider to be the physical symbol of star fox's downfall
The worst shit was that you did not get to fight mother fucking general scales

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Fox's fur is so fucking nice in it

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I wish more lore on her home planet was available

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I forgot about that and how much it pissed me off

He looked cool and was the main god damn villain, I wanted to fight him

A prequel where you play the whole game as Krystal would be brilliant.

Did he ever appear in anything again? He hasn't even been featured in Smash IIRC-

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Game where you played as Kursed from command
oh god no but now that I think about it, it could have some type of potential, I guess.

He died so he’s probably not showing up in starfox again. Krystal and tricky might show up but even that seems unlikely these days.

Might’ve been in smash as a sticker or trophy or even spirit, but beyond that sort of thing I doubt we’ll ever see him again

cause we played starfox64 and loved it and then got this piece of shit that was rated T.

EWW PAY -this- mutcshhh.

Absolutely this

It's a good game and the people that hate on it only hate it because it's not a ship based shooter, it's an adventure game and that deviated from the former games of the series
It's the same kind of people that hate Halo Wars or any other kind of clear genre shift with an IP

Nah fuck you. I can love spinoffs.

The game is a chore. Every step of a sequence you finish will usually end with a camera pan telling you what to do next. It’s less about puzzles and more about busy work.

Spear is fun to use but there’s really very little fun combat sequences. Mostly the same generic guys who stand there and wait to be hit.

Zelda is overrated but it’s (usually) a lot better than this. I can even sorta like old pc adventure games, but this doesn’t have much in the way of puzzles. The entire game is linear and scripted and often very, very slow paced. It has plenty of problems besides not being a normal starfox.


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>It was't the introduction of krystal who some consider to be the physical symbol of star fox's downfall
Judyfag, please. Nobody but you thinks this.

>it's an adventure game
an incredibly linear one with the usual block puzzles and switches. nothing interesting is done with the staff since all its abilities are context-sensitive and every krazoa test is mario party tier.

I didn't imply I thought that either
take your /trash/ drama back

>Nobody but you thinks this.
entirely untrue

>every krazoa test is mario party tier.

Laughed at this. 100% agree.

>get a magical firebreathing triceratops
>only good for occasional context sensitive puzzles

I feel like this one thing sums up almost all of my issues with adventures

did you play catch with him at least

Adventures was great, I wish there could be a sequel but it'll most likely never ever happen. The fact that "it's not a starfox game" made it more enjoyable for me because there was more to it than just flying and shooting around in ships.

Am I misremembering or does playing catch with him make him slightly change color?

Credit where it’s due the game has some nice little touches

Nah you're right, it does

>there was more to it than just flying and shooting around in ships
Yeah like that part where you walked around to find the spot to plant the seed that you'd blow up or the part where you'd walk around to find the cracked wall to throw the barrel at

cracked wall to throw the barrel at was GOAT don't even lie

Would Yea Forums like this game if it wasn't related to star fox in any way?

I know what you're trying to do, but the seed thing happened way less often than explosive barrels.

If it didn't have "Star Fox" in the title it'd be even more forgettable

>Would Yea Forums have liked it if it remained Dinosaur Planet?

Yes. It was Rare's Zelda before Nintendo decided to make it Star Fox related.

I don't know too much
No one ever really talked about it much and it barely had any coverage except in the nintendo magazines
It was pretty much a whisper in the wind to most people

It was OK. Not great, not awful, just OK.
It had great moments like that moon pass area, the temples and my favorite area cloud runner fortress. But it also had the mashing button mini game that my slow 9 year old couldn't beat so I didn't beat the game until recently.

i cant think of a more annoying voice in vidya

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Here's one from the same game.

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Play the whole way through, my thumbs were so sore from the last asteroid section/dungeon. That dungeon wasn't comfy at all unlike most of the rest of the game, and then all the stupid aiming with the staff puzzles and that, some can literally take hours.


>Best Friends play through blind
>joke about Andross seconds before the reveal

Most people wouldn’t care about it, and it would probably be considered just some standard okay adventure game by most instead of hated. There’d probably be a few more people who swear by it being a good game by virtue of it being more unknown without the starfox ip.

The switch to gamecube probably did far more damage to the game than being starfox did.

Literally every time I’ve tried to play this, I get too bored to continue once I’m in the ice world or just after. I din’t know what it is about those two sequences that bore me so much but that’s almost alsays where I quit.

I think I made it to a skyworld place once, where you’re taken prisoner.