Ronda Rousey

Why is her voice acting so good as Sonya Blade?

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Because she's based. I remember when she made feminists mad when she said she's not going to fight a man, because it's obvious that men are stronger.

>Ronda Rousey

Probably the hardest working woman in sport-fighting. She's goddamn prolific.

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So good? Her voice acting sounds like she literally phoned it in. Lazy, uninspired and no real tone in her voice.

>Watch Wrestlemania
>Table is brought into ring
>She says "tables are for bitches" and throws it away

fuck you

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Bitch detected

The most dominant athlete in the history of sports for sure

Any example videos OP?

Are you kidding? She's a horrible voice actress

Are you playing the same game? She literally steals the show making every other voice sound like a generic cartoon. Ronda isnt fake, shes real.

>watch Wrestlemania
You know it's fake, don't you?

it's still real to me

She is a sandy hook truther

Why do people watch wrestling, i don't get it. Does everyone just pretend is real and don't question it? What's the deal here.

>fedora edgelords straight of out reddit chimping out against wrestling because "its fake like god" episode

Unironically based

>Why do people watch TV
>Why do people do things I don't like

Oh I see, it's a bait thread. I should have known.

American wrestling is an entertainment show, not a sport one. Everything is staged. People watch it for drama between wrestlers and their acrobatic skills which are impressives.

>Ronda Rousey
>good at literally anything

What user, you can't enjoy a stunt show?

It may be scripted but that guy you saw fly off a 20 foot cage through a table still flew off a 20 foot cage through a fucking table.

>sonny blade

Old men like it because it’s all about their super secret boys club. WW = 33

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People watching tv shows don't pretend those shows are real life.

Then why do they have award shows and shit like Hall Of Fame?

Imagine if Marvel had a Best Superhero award and then RDJ showed up and acted like he did fight aliens and he was actually Iron Man.

How can there be a Hall Of Fame when the whole thing was scripted. Wrestling fans are ridiculous.

All fiction isn't real, user


She's a WWE champion now.
Lots of acting practice.

It's like the American version of chinese kung fu movies.

>pretending this bait is real

Reddit has one if the largest wrestling communities on the web user.

>so good
ebin troll. but seriously, that might be the worst voice acting ive ever heard in a fighting game.

>don't pretend those shows are real life
Neither do wrestling fans. They probably know more about why it's fake than you retards who feel the need to point it out whenever they talk about it as if you're giving some shocking new information to the world. Also despite being staged there's still a ton of stunt work involved and people who make it into the hall of fame are usually the ones who excel at said work.


i want a rimjob from ronda rousey guys

You're a retard
>waaah I don't understand, why are people getting awards for putting on a good show and consistently being entertaining

I like how she didn't even try to do a younger voice for her 20 years younger counterpart. I thought she was "okay" as 50 year old Sonya because that's how old Ronda actually sounds. But Young Sonya's voice completely took me out of it.

People don't watch Police Story and pretend that Jackie Chan is an actual cop and that the movie a documentary.

Didn't say she was undefeated. Just that she's the hardest working.

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I'm from Albuquerque, you could hear the entire city shout in excitement all at once when Holly kicked the shit out of Ronda

>Watch movie
You know that's fake, don't you?

I'm convinced the "wrestling is fake" meme is just a retard trap. 98% of media is scripted but suddenly when it comes to this one specific thing people suddenly act like it defeats the purpose and people are idiots for watching something fake.

Ok, since you look actually retarded I will indulge you. Wrestling is a competitive discipline. You might put your fedora and ask -why on science's name that fake fighting would be competitive?- showing us your lack of understanding. You see, to your surprise everyone knows the fightings are staged and the stories are scripted. What? Yes.

-Then how could a fighter compete in a fixed and fake match?- Semen and cheetos dropping from your mouth as you say this. -It doesnt make sense like the bible doesnt make sense!-.

Ok. To explain it better think about the competition as acrobats performers who with their complex stunts, charisma and personas try to fight for the applause of the audience. Imagine a competition of some sort of acrobat clowns. The best performer gets the favor of the audience, the favor of the audience gives them a marketing push which in turns becomes into better storylines and fixed wins. There are tons of examples of wrestlers that were meant to be jobbers but thanks to the audience they climbed into the top. The opposite is true too. There were tons of shilled fighters that the audience never embraced and faded into obscurity.

While the fights are staged, because its a performing act, duh, the performer can influence the outcome and his own storyline by touching the audience.

The fact that you cant comprehend such simple show says much about your autistic and inflated ego. "Lol I am the only one who knows its fake, why do you enjoy this fake fight if -I- the smartest man ever found its fake long ago!"

Rethink your life and go back to God.

And no one watches the Undertaker and pretends that he's an revenant risen from the grave either

How could there be an award for best wrestlers when the whole thing is scripted from the start. If it was an acting award it would make sense but retards treat it like actual wrestling.

>why do people watch fiction
Are you a retard?

Not even close. Everything was handed to her with amateur level competition. The current divisions actually have to know how to fight. You saw what happened to her the moment she fought actual competition. Also, she stopped taking MMA seriously when she became a celebrity and focused more on movies and shit. Not a hard worker at all. Especially not in play fighting once a month.

Well she did spend her career getting punched in the head.

user people that watch tv shows don't pretend that those shows are real. No one is giving out "Enginner of the year" awards to the actors of Westworld. But wrestling fans are pretty much dedicated to having a whole industry that relies on larping. It's embarrassing to look at man.

>hardest working
youve got to be meming right

What? Her voice was distractingly bad next to characters done by actual actors.

>but retards treat it like actual wrestling.
No, retards get upset and screech at people insisting that they think it's real when they all know it isn't and just enjoy the stunt work and stupid fun gimmicks, or enjoy when things stop being a work and become a shoot, like Hardcore Holly stiff hitting Brock Lesnar and trying to sandbag his moves to make him look bad instead of working the match, and then Brock getting pissed and slamming him for real, breaking Holly's neck in the process

They are not fighters, they are performers. Clearly there are better performers than others

1. Im Christian, no need for dumb atheists jokes here

2. All you have said is that you dedicate your time to a larping version of theatre. user having grown man pretend that wrestling is real and scream at the top of their lungs, is embarrassing. If it was presented as theather that would be ok, but it's not, it's a bunch of people (largely grown ass man) screaming over fixed fake sport.

It's dumb
It's ridiculous
It's embarrassing
It's intellectually lazy

>Ronda Rousey used to be/is a massive pokefag
>unlike other celebrities, played more than gen 1, up to gen 5 at least
>used to be very active on pokecforums
>said Throh was her favorite pokemon, an obscure pick

Say what you will, but she more legit than most

in all her years as a fighter she never once tried proper stand up

that ain't hard working that is fucking cockiness and got rekted for it to the point of near suicide and depression for 2 years

this is bait. no one reply past this point

oh so fake fighting is at the same level as clowns
ok got you
state of wrestlefags

You have to realize that pro wrestling isn't a sport. It's campy,l live-action soap opera. You watch it to see large men with larger personas throw each other around a ring over "honor" or "grudges"

This is something I wish I realized much sooner because I missed out on the glory days of wrestling and now have to settle for the mediocrity that is modern pro wrestling.

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>It's dumb
>It's ridiculous
>It's embarrassing
>It's intellectually lazy

Just like your videogames. Whats your point?

>Yea Forums makes fun of soibois that like superheros
>Yea Forums thinks that wrestling isn't more embarrasing version of superhero autism

If you like WWE, you have no place to criticize people that like the MCU. At least people that capeshit don't go around pretending the actors are real superheroes.

That's sexual harassment, I'm having you canceled

In many ways it still is a sport show, as all of the stunts and athletics are still very real and require a lot of coordination, practice and talent

Its theatre for rednecks

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Theater is quite literally larping, retardo

Videogames range from stupid to high art. Wrestling at best ranges from embarrassing to ridiculous.

It's soap operas for poor men.

Yea Forums only hates capeshit because it's super popular and normies like it now

If you have no talent you can't thrive, scripted or not.

>that enormous wart

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*blocks your path*

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Its a bunch of roided brutes in underwear screaming and pretending to punch other user. Let's not pretend this is some complex skill that requires insane talent.


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how can you enjoy this garbage

>browse MK thread
>it's a bunch of people trying to defend wrestling larping

I cringed so hard at this

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Big off and yikes! Who still says cringe?

Imagine asking such stupid questions Just to feel smart in a japanese image board

Its like sports but you know for sure that the matches are fixed

>Acting is just a bunch of hot guys and girls talking. Let's not pretend this is some complex skill that requires insane talent.

>Japanese dude jumps from the rope straight to his throw
>White dude immediately flips into recovery

Live-action anime, right here.

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Because, when done right, it's like real anime and action movie fights. The big main event fights can be twenty to thirty minute epics, in contrast to stuff like Mike Tyson fights where he is a great athlete, but the matches are boring as they're over in sixty seconds.

Videogames range from stupid to less stupid. There is no art much less high art.

Get a clue

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But I hated she redpilled?

Imagine not wanting this kino

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>user people that watch tv shows don't pretend that those shows are real
Yes they do. That's why they enjoy them. It's embarassing

Most wrestlers and indeed many athletes are legit vidya fans partially because it gives them something to do while working out.

For example Asuka plays MonHun religiously and Xavier Woods plays Smash comp when he’s free, is a prolific shitposter, and always sneaks shit like this into his promos when he can get away with it.

Also I happen to know from personal experience that the 2010 Edmonton Oilers were really, Really fucking good at cawadoody.

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RIP Shibata

>Videogames range from stupid to high art
>high art
You didn't just say this holy fuck

>hardest working
hardest jobbing maybe

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Ronda would heem every incel in this thread.

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Yeah you’d have to be an idiot not to believe what the government tells you.

It means they were memorable. Usually they did good microphone promos, unique stunts in the ring, and fans enjoyed the character they played

You clearly know nothing about high art.

The absolute state of Haitch

/ourgirl/ blessing vidya
/yourfag/ cursing rasslin

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>Posts Japanese wrestling

It wasn't worth it, Shibata.

Its theatre for rednecks,japanese and mexicans,though modern american wrestling is more and more for numales rather than rednecks.

To be fair she's swole af.

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Holly holm kicked the masculine roids out of her voice box

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>started losing badly in MMA to better fighters
>failed in wrestling
>moved onto VA to keep the money flowing

The only two correct answers in the whole thread.

Why do people watch The Office, I don't get it. Does everyone just pretend is real and don't question it? What's the deal here.

WTF why people watch this shit?

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>huhreeeeeeeee heheheh me wike wesoling heheheh
>*claps like a retard*

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>coast through easy opponents for a while
>finally people start getting serious and train
>they push her shit in so hard she almost an heros and then surfaces in a non-competitive non-contact acrobatics troupe
A real inspiration.

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The joke being that Holly is even more roided, and not even good.
She has one of the worst winrates among all top ranked UFC fighters today.

nunes is probably the hardest workign lmao

What are the Oscars?

>failed in wrestling

Literally could not be more wrong wtf

Gladiator fights weren't all a show.

..yet rousey lost to her.

Plus her winrate is inflated by soccer moms trying to win a free beer

>not Tricia Helfer
she's shit

Neither you if you think videogames are high art.

Want to talk about high art? In literature high art is not what happens in the plot, its how you write it. If not, the wikipedia summary of Don Quijote would be high art. Nobels and Pullitzers are only given due literature style. Genre fiction is practically banned from ever being considered high art in literature. Tolkien, King, etc are all genre fiction scrubs for example.

In movies again, plot doesnt matter. Its all about film style and film language. Thats why the 2016 remake of Ben-Hur is shit and the first 2 ones are kino when they all have the same plot.

Now we come to videogames. HURDDURR THIS PLOT IS SO DEEP, MADE ME THINK.See now the difference? If you want videogames to be high art they should put more effort in how the story is told, instead of the story itself. Right now stories in videogames are told by cutting a movie into 20 pieces and distribute each piece after 10 minutes of retarded shooting. High art in videogames should be gameplay and the ways a plot is integrated into the gameplay. If it even has plot.

Right now the highest a videogame can aim is to be a Christopher Nolan Mc Donalds Arthouse. Which is pleb shit. Not high art.


I'm not saying Rousey was particularly good, its just that women's MMA is 5 years behind men's MMA in terms of skills, so Rousey ruled over the "local tough guy" era of WMMA. When actual athletes with actual ability showed up, she made her exit.

Match fixing happened often and in essence gladiator fights were really similiar to wrestling,two combatants putting a spectacle for the crowd for as long as they can.

what year were you folks born?
i was born in the hot steamy summer of 1992

Are you talking about the WWE Hall of Fame or like, legit Halls of Fame (i.e. WON Hall of Fame)? WWE Hall of Fame is just a promotional thing, and everyone knows it. But the WON Hall of Fame is voted on by journalists, former/current wrestlers, and miscellaneous members of the industry, taking into account their drawing power, their in ring ability, and their promotional skill. No legitimate hall of fame or award is
>this person won the title so he's the best!
>this person was able to carry the company to record attendance as champion, and regularly put on incredible matches with a wide variety of opponents

>highest paid female wrestler
>milked the WWE and went to have a kid
>failed in wrestling


Yet she destroyed Ronda's career and life after 1 match ? That says alot about how good Rousey really was basically shit at the sport.

Holly did well against Cyborg and was robbed against Germaine De Randamie.

Bitch was your typical "line her up with easy opponents to build hype for the league" shit they do all the time in fighting sports lmao.
If you look for it you'd be surprised how common SIX GORGILLIAN CONSECUTIVE WINS is in shit like boxing and MMA. They pick somebody they think shows promise and pit them against nothing but chumps to build interest in the sport.

when you watch people argue if Goku or Superman would win in a fight are you so fucking autisitc you believe they think the characters are real

holy fuck you just reminded me of that fight
I bet on Holly, I was so fucking certain she had won when it went to decision.
Also for
Nunes is easily the GOAT in womens MMA, and it's seriously not even close. Ronda was probably the most important, as in on the business side getting it to be taken seriously as a draw, but Nunes is by far the greatest female fighter of all time, and one of the greatest fighters of either gender of all time.

>source:my dad has a blog and my mom a gender studies degree

Yeah but you still got to watch someone die.

> 130+ replies
>zero of them contain a YouTube video of her voice
This is why I hate coming here

She needs to go to jail for sex crimes. Her voice acting raped my ears.

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Literally one second search faggot

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>gets ko'd
>throws a bitch fit, media blackout, no one allowed to ask her about it, literally considers suicide
yeah what a champ lmao. She was always a weak minded and weak willed little attention cunt one trick pony fraud

Shes okay. Just not worth making a thread over I guess

God her Sonya outfit was so much better than the other shit they had her wear, wish she wore it at mania.

video game stories surpass any other fiction idiot.

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So rousey is the leeterr of mma?
>Loud mouth
>Makes themselves look better than they are with tricks
>No improvement at all
>Childish fan bases
>When the competition and literal nobodies start showing them up by catching up with their supposed skills they get gone
>Both faggots


I want to fuck her muscular pussy
However, her voice acting just isn't good

Good God she needs to get that disgusting mole removed

Is this fucking real?

yes she has a dick

She's a heel aka a bad guy you're supposed to be booing.

She did something you didn't like. You fell for it. You're a mark.

Why do people watch Game of Thrones, i don't get it. Does everyone just pretend is real and don't question it? What's the deal here.

She's kinda hot for a tomboy.

How big?

It's live action anime

game of thrones at one point had a good production value and interesting characters. that cannot be said of wrestling

My name's not mark

He turned his brain to mush doing that headbutt and nearly died. That webm is from his last match ever.

>ITT MMA pretender fans not even mentioning Ronda Rousey's was entirely manufactured by Dana White and her entire division was made with Rousey in mind to fight literal whos and become an undefeated champ

Holy ding-dong diddly cringe. Back to retards.

yeah no shit
wmma is mostly shit outside of some of the strawweights, shevchenko, and nunes

>user people that watch tv shows don't pretend that those shows are real

There are people on reddit that unironically dedicate their REAL LIFE to actual cartoons that have no basis in reality whats-so-ever

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that was kino

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She's hands down the worst actor in the far!

>sandy hook truther
>now this
Holy fuck, do I actually have a crush on Ronda Rousey?

I want her to dominate me

idk i didnt like her as sonya
she did ok but i cant help to correlate it to everytime dreamworks puts a famous face on their vas just for free ads

She got pregnant and took a break to raise her kid, what in the fuck are you talking about?


but tomboys are the ideal female

Nigga she said she could beat Floyd Mayweather. this cunt is whack

>>Why is her voice acting so good as Sonya Blade?
Except it isn't. Even Reddit was complaining about how shit she is.

she obviously meant IF Floyd Mayweather was a girl
context, dude

*cracks Monster can*
Now ECW,that's was good wrestling
*takes a sip*

its too bad bully ray is ruining ROH now
