Only people who bought Dragon's Dogma twice are allowed to post in this thread

Only people who bought Dragon's Dogma twice are allowed to post in this thread

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I have bought it, but I have never finished the game. I really want to play a sword and shield or a two-handed character, but I heard that the game really favors ranged and mage characters, most notably in the Bitterblack Isle.

Three for me.

i also bought it 3 times

You did buy it for her, right?

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>really favors ranged and mage characters
>He doesn't know
Nobody tell him

I've never actually finished the game myself either. I've gotten to the everfall 3 times but never triggered the ending or did much in the everfall at all.

The art book? Yes, one fo the few art books I actually bought.

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You DID get the physical version, right Yea Forums?

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Bought it on ps3 and PC. The load time reductions and frame rate increase was absolutely worth it

>not posting the gif version

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I bought it 3 times. Am I still allowed to post?

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I'm in love bros

PS3 and PC master race report in

Please user, tell me what I should know about.

You guys trying anything new this time around or just reliving your favorite vocation again?

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I think I've bought it four times. Perhaps I only got the DLC for vanilla instead of buying DA release, so that would be three minimum.

>switch version
Oof. That's going to be a yike from me, sweaty.

I'm still mad that the warrior class is underpowered

This right here.
Bought it for jewtits.

DD2 when?

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PS3 and PS4. I'm tempted to triple dip, but I'm still partway through a playthrough.
How is performance on the switch version? I'd guess somewhere between the two.

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It runs as well as the PS4 which is capped at 30 FPS only with Aggressive LOD pop in.

Both Suffer drops when you play wizards so make sure you get the PC port for the 60+ FPS experience

Based she-goat gif poster.

That's true that ranged and magic characters have an easier time with BBI, but you will still be able to beat it with the melee classes. Playing through the expansion as the two-handed warrior was the most fun I had with it, even though it could get frustrating at times. It's still entirely possible and maybe even more rewarding that blasting through BBI with overpowered skills.
It's overall less of a problem in the main game and a good party composition and pawns that are well-trained offset the slight disadvantage the melee classes have.

I bought it three times actually and I don't have the switch version. It came out today? Is the framerate good? Should I go for four?

Going by this it's almost the same outside trees and shit popping in.

This will be my 3rd time. Debating on playing as:
loli arisen w/ David Bowie pawn
David Bowie arisen w/ loli pawn
Either way, Selene is my wife.

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what if i bought it 3 times

What's the funnest class

How's Switch version?
Can I rent PC pawns?
I'm thinking about getting physical, beating it and reselling.



All of them except mage.

Strider and its upgrades


might get the switch version and pirate the pc version

Thank you user for your answer.

>tfw go after Mercedes for the whole game, max out her affinity
>dragon time
>it's Jewtits

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strider & sorcerer have some surprisingly advanced stuff you can do with em , especially strider.
though newcomers will likely prefer assassin , mystic knight or magic archer for their 1st build.

>most notably in the Bitterblack Isle
That would be the opposite

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I own it on PS3/PS4 and Switch

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Bought it twice, but I’ve never beaten it.

>DD on 360
>DD: DA on 360
>DD: DA on PC
no regrets

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Are pawns cross-platform?

I did not interrupt her duel twice

Sadly no, but you can transfer data from consoles to pc

lol you fucking suck man

Mystic knight lets you royal guard and bring your game to sub 10 fps so that’s my favorite

Wow, very threatening

for me, its ranger and sorcerer

If you're sub-level 30 yes, pretty threatening

All of them but Mage

>DD gets re-released on PC
>DD gets re-released on newer consoles
>Now even the switch
>There's gonna be a fucking DD anime
>Itsuno keeps saying he'd make a sequel

Can they just fucking announce DD2 already? They've done everything else by now.

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Doesn’t bitterblack have even stronger tiers of gobos?

The cramped corridors in BBI start to become a problem when you face several executioners.

desu i'd buy it if they re-re-re-re-release it on ps5

>Xbox 360 pre-DA
>PS3 DDDA after giving my xbox to my dad so he could play cowadoody
Shout out to my niggas who also bought it 3 times. I hope we get DD2 in the next year or two. Not enough worthwhile RPGs come out.

Can I just say how I love that this game has some actual capes?

Warrior is super fun if you like charging up one slow attack for a satisfying big hit

Could have been worse. Could have been Fournival.

> DD PS3
> DD:DA PS Plus ಠ_ಠ

I got fucking Valmiro my first time through.

three times

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How good is story and characters compared to DAO and The Witcher? I may play it. Mercedes looks like a funny character though. Tell me more about her and can you gently romance her?

Well yeah, they're essentially enemy warriors, so that works in their favour as well.
Torpor completely eliminates them as a threat.

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>Bought the original on PS3
>Bought DA on PS3
>Bought DA on PS4
No regrets. One the most magical games i have ever played. First time playthrough was one of the most immersive i have ever played. FUCKING ITSUNO ANNOUNCE DD2 ALREADY I'LL THROW MONEY AT YOU, YOU CHUCLEFUCK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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You dont really pay dragons dogma for the story user, you play it for the fun gameplay, fun classes and unique systems
The story is pretty generic for like 80% of the game but towards the end it throws a wrench in the gears with a very interesting twist thats unlike anything in these kinds of games

There's very little exposition compared to those games, it's about exploring and adventuring. Towards the end of the game you get more story stuff that's fun, but don't go in expecting a typical RPG.

Is a rapier with no shield viable? And is watching Mercedes get bodied the only way to get a rapier?

What vocation requires the least amount of thought?

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>Falling in love with a pawn
Go with Strider to start with till you reach Gran Soren.

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No regrets.


Assassin can have a sword and bow, so you could do that and have a ranged option to fall back on.

magick archer
proof: its DSP's chosen vocation

I bought it 3 times and I never got more than an hour into it before my eyes rolled back into my head from boredom. Looking forward to getting it on PS5 and Xboner Omega.

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Magic Archer by far

Yes you can romance her but her romance is easy to fuck up so either use a romance guide (should be something like that in gamefaqs) or risk it and try again in NG+. The story is nothing special but Gregory is great and the combat is actual combat and fun unlike the quick time events in the witcher. Also pawns a cute and the best part is bitterblack island.

>that scene where you have sex with random NPC

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Magick rebalancer is fucking insanity.

>Go with Strider to start with till you reach Gran Soren.
why do people do this and say this?

What kind of person DOESNT pick mage at the start of the game to be able to kick the ox around and then cast heal on him to speed up the escort mission?

I literally do this every time

The story itself isn't that great but the game has a lot of fun scenes/characters with extremely quotable dialogue. Just don't take it too seriously.


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>not playing as a qt female elf and shagging a girl every time

>Buy digital today or wait until tomorrow and buy physical
This is a lot more difficult to decide than I envisioned it

Shouldn't have hung out with the jew so much user. At least you didn't get pic related.

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I thought they already announced a sequel. Didn't Itsuno say he told capcom he was going to quit if they didn't let him make DMC5? Then he later said he couldn't make DD2 because he had to finish DMC5?


which scene is that? I just remember Aelinore's scene and the campfire with your beloved

Vanilla PS3
DA Switch.

I'm in, lads.

Thank you, anons. I will unironically play it on the weekends then. I hope you didn't lie ti me about world being interesting to explore and fun characters.
To be honest, something about awkward female knight is melting my heart.

He asked could he make DMC5 or DD2, they said whichever he wanted so he went with DMC5. Considering how well it did it seems likely they'll let him make another DD2 if he asked, and he clearly wants to. There's also the netflix show, which feels like a attempt to make normalfags get interested in the series.

>Post yfw "The rantings of an upjumped zealot make for tedious listening".

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I assume he means the campfire scene.

Big fuck huge bow class.

Anybody who went for her is a cuck

So should I play warrior AGAIN?


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The size of your character is important, right? Is there any reason I wouldn't want to play as a shorstack?


Need an honest opinion, who is best waifu in DD?

I only played DD for like 5 hours but Flying into Free is permanently burned into my subconscious, I catch myself whistling or humming it near daily. All I remember from it is that and Mystic Knights Great Cannon being busted as fuck, don't know which class I will roll on Switch.

>tried to get Jewtits because I'm a sucker for tights
>get Caxton instead

Was the campfire scene a DA thing? I don't remember that in the base game.

goth loli

>Vanilla twice
>Dark Arisen twice (once on PC)
Rookie numbers kiddo. I even bought the strategy guide.

Lower stamina consumption and a couple of crevices you can fit through in like a single area. You can carry less though.

Your qt3.14 tomboy pawn
>inb4 he didn't make a cute tomboy pawn to have glorious /u/ adventures with

I doubt anyone intentionally went for her.
Goth Loli a shit and you get her out your house so why bother. Either Shegoat or Jewtits.

My pawn.

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>recreate Mercedes but with bigger tits and thighs
>recreate Mercedes as a pawn
>romance Mercedes npc
>fight my thick Mercedes at the end

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been long since I played but never finished it, time for a new ga-
>remember the fucking escort mission to reach the city

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Carry weight, staggerability and enemy grappling. As a rule of thumb you want to be at least medium size if you play a physical type. You can make an exception if you play a loli for RP purposes, but playing a shota just because is plain wrong.

So if I were to make a shortstack archer I could make an amazonian fighter gf and have her carry all my stuff? Can she carry me?

So, how does one play a fighter on BBI/hard mode? Do I bring as many elemental weapons with me as I can? Nothing seems to take damage unless I play a sorcerer or magic archer.

The story is actually pretty great, but the problem is that most of the intesting bits are near the end. Until then it tries to be your very standardish D&D-like fantasy adventure, until the twist happens and the actual dark and oppressive nature of this world shows itself.
The entire ending reveal is one of my favorite bits in the main game, even though it's not spectacular from a gameplay mechanic. But it also does a lot of show-don't-tell.
>mfw you kill yourself before yaou were supposed to do
>mfw you learn where minor dragons come from

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Post yours to give me inspiration user. I want to make my edgy arisen a pawn with either a tomboy Arisen or redhead.

taller and heavier character:
>higher carry capacity
>higher stamina consumption
>higher resistance to some status effects(?)

smaller and lighter character:
>lower carry capacity
>lower stamina consumption
>can enter smaller areas (not that common but still)
>less resistance to some status effects (namely getting wet)

She can carry your stuff, but she will not carry you. You can do your best to carry her though.

That's piss easy and it's only like 15 minutes. Stop being a pussy.

When will the sequel be announced.

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Different user here, that being said, the world is beautiful. You could get lost in exploration and whimsical wonder. Some of the best memories with my best m8 was exploring this game on our own playthroughs and exchanging pawns.
The character customization is also fucking great, always dress for style.
One more thing, beware the night. Traveling at night is really damn dangerous, especially at lower levels. Once you reach end game, night is really laughable, but until youre a big badass, plan your treks accordingly. You'll find yourself waking up at the crack of dawn in an inn, prepping up gear, potions, lamp oil and such before you head out. Once the sun starts setting, you will find yourself rushing back to the nearest Inn before the undead walk, and the monsters come out in full force.
Always stay close to the trails if you find yourself traveling at night, more so at lower levels.

>He didn't make a chocolate elf with modest breasts, huge hips and bubblebutt.

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>those talking wyverms that scream in pain

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No but if you teach her she can catch you when Harpies grab you


I'm thinking of buying it again. I put a lot of hours into it but I never killed with final boss of the DLC even though I was pretty high level. I would not have been discouraged if those extremely OP cunts did not spawn the 2nd time you have to run through that area. What the fuck were they thinking? The entire game is relatively easy then you got those enemies

>modest breasts, huge hips and bubblebutt.

How hard is it to make a trap?
I did that but tits were more then modest.

Forgot to add:
>With blonde hair.

I see a nip.

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Don't you just become the new god by stabbing yourself? Previous Arisen pulls out his own sword before you take him down. The circle continues.

>You'll find yourself waking up at the crack of dawn in an inn, prepping up gear, potions, lamp oil and such before you head out. Once the sun starts setting, you will find yourself rushing back to the nearest Inn before the undead walk, and the monsters come out in full force
Skyrim may have the bigger map, but not nowhere these kinds of travels. The griffin quest may be my favorite quest in the main game because of the long walk to the tower.

Damn, that's sounds pretty interesting and intriguing. How come this game is not so popular? or it actually is?

>it's only like 15 minutes
yeah but its 15 minutes with them moving at fucking snail pace.
I don't mind explore on my own to reach places but I fucking hate escorts.

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>night is actually really fucking dark, even with a lantern
>the NPCs who tell you that travelling during the night is dangerous are actually telling the truth
I wish more games would do this.

Elf pawns are the biggest pleb shit you could do. Especially brown meme elves.

I have played this game for 200 hours
how do you "teach" stuff to your pawn?
I know that giving them orders in battle influences them, also they try to mimick what you do, like picking up stuff and shit
But how do you "teach" them stuff? I keep hearing this around these threads and i get the feeling im missing something
Surely you dont mean the chair where you change their basic inclinations right?

Am i overthinking this or am i a brainlet?

I played normal DD and i remember there's campfire scene

I'm not sure about conditions but i think NPC that you talk to most will be in that scene.

I got weapon merchant in first playthrough

That is after you beat the Seneschal. Really, next time kill yourself before you actually "beat" him. There are a lot of different game overs in the final depending on what you do

Post pawns

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>bought for 360
>bought for PC
>bought for PS4
What’s wrong with me? I still have my 360 and my computer. I can just play them on those. I even have superior Japanese dialogue for 360. What am I doing?

When sales of Dragon's Dogma on the 360,ps3,ps4,xbox1,pc, switch funds the sequel

Hey Yea Forums im at the main menu and wondering whats the difference between "new game" and "Hard mode"?

Why is hard mode at the main menu when i just choose normal for a difficulty level in the previous screen?

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>all these waifu pawns
>not being the waifu
>not playing as a qt taller-than-average blonde ranger elf with a ponytail with a stronk, one-eyed warrior pawn equipped with chimeric set


That is an outright lie and you know it. The biggest meme was, is and shall always be lolis.

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fuck didnt mean to quote

Development started in late 2018. Expect announcement in 2020/2021.


You just do stuff and your own pawn picks it up. Usually a pawn will notice when you did something effective. You can also just do something over and over. If you do a blind strike with a sword and follow it with a jumping heavy attack, your pawn may start doing the same combo.

This game has the best alchemy ever envisioned, and your actions actually have an effect on the world, even fucking up and losing could be used to further your goals.
Nobody has even heard of this game.

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Where did minor dragons come from

What is the optimal character size for stamina and speed

play normal first time, then on ng+ use hard
if you arent doing damage to enemies, go do something else and level up

>my pawn
This man speaks the truth. Your pawn is the best Mercedes and Nettie are nice too
>yeah but its 15 minutes with them moving at fucking snail pace.
Here is a tip
>go mage
>hit the Ox forcing his running animation
>as a mage go arround sniping Harpies with fireballs
>cure the Ox when he gets low on health and kick him over and over
>end the mission in 5 minutes top

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Gransys is boring bros


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On its release, it got overlooked cause of poor marketing. Pretty popular in Jpn though.
That being said, when it got a rerelease as Dark Arisen, lot's of retards on Yea Forums tried comparing its combat to dark souls and how the game sucked because it didn't play like dark souls. (that was the peak of the dark souls fanboyism here on Yea Forums)
It just came out at the wrong time really, major focus on games was Skyrim(not open world, just skyrim) and still modern mil shooters.
"open world rpg" meme hadn't fully caught on yet.

>imagine being such a beta that you fall in love with doll that's forced to say yes to you
Fucking pathetic

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I should give that a try next time I reach the end.

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Why do I keep buying this game

Is that a picture of a dragins dogma pawn?

You "teach" stuff only if you do certain things. For example, if you're ambushed and attack the strongest enemies first, you make your pawn inclined to the Scather Inclination. If you use the "Come" command in battle or "Help" command you're teaching your pawn to be Guardian Inclination. If you grapple your enemies, enchant your weapons while in battle or perfect parry, you're teaching them the Utilitarian Inclination.

All of these opens up the actions of your pawn. Utilitarian does certain things depending on your enemies depending of the bestiary, Medicant heals first and even interrupts to heal, Acquisitor picks up items even in battle.

>vanilla on ps3 and 360
>da on ps3, 360, pc, ps4, xbone and switch
>constant cash shop purchases in dd online
people like you who only bought it 4 times are why we'll never get dd2

same, cant give up the Strider's spiderman moves

Is there any form of rapier in this game?

They come from arisens that die before they can kill the big dragon
It's already in the standard game over screen. It shows the same "portal" that births Grigori in the beginning sequence. Also some of the minor dragons in post game dialog hints at them "knowing" you

IS hard mode wayyyy to hard for starting the game?

Im guessing in Hard mode/new game + your items and levles carry over?

Unironically was surprised

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>tfw 360, Xbone, PC, and Switch
DDO never ever

>t.slave to a broken order

What level should you be to fight him?

Well, I hope it didn't flop then and japs saved the game.

Literally Casca

Around 80. More important is actually that you have at least level 1 BBI gear for your first encounter.

No but seriously how the fuck did Capcom get people to buy a game seventeen times?

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Mercedes gives you hers some time into the story, and it's supposed to be quite good. I don't know if your character actually wields it like you would a rapier

Why is there a version of this picture where she's a lizardperson? I'm not complaining just curious.

Got it through PSplus on PS3, bought it again on PS4 for that sweet sweet framerate.

I still haven't finished it. I had a lot of fun early on where each new big monster threat was a struggle and very dangerous. But level ups kinda ruin some of the difficulty. From what ive heard, hard mode just makes you grind more instead of challenging you?

just going somewhere you weren't leveld for on normal is hard enough as is. The game is very brutal on your first playthrough. Hard is recommended for Ng+, not even trying to sound humble, you will NOT do any damage to anything at level 1 on hard.

So how many pawns can i make?

Dragons Dogma and God Hand are the most overrated games on Yea Forums

I bought it twice. OP is a fucking tremendous autistic faggot, and this is an idiotic thing to gatekeep. Have sex.

hard mode is tedious at first because most enemies one shot you and you do very little damage
But since enemies drop like double XP and like 10 times the gold in hard mode, eventually it gets easier and its arguably the best way to play after a certain threshold, especially if youre aiming for max level
Thats why i say start on normal, dont speedrun the game so you get good gear and xp, and then on ng+ switch to hard mode

It's the illusion of "we'll work in a sequel if you buy the 5 different versions of the game". Capcom kinda test the waters with that philosophy, that's why people do it

What are the best inclinations again?

By making game that people actually want to play again and again instead of disposable one-trick ponies.

Reminder that warrior class long sword fags are brainlets and shegoat is the worst waifu

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Cause game is that damn good.
Why do you thin kso many want DD2 more than they wanted DMC5..

This is my first time and i have faith in Yea Forums casue the DD threads have always been bump limit and this is the 5 revamp for the game if i recall.

Monster hunter
Dragon Dogma
Resident evil

Are capcoms main heavy hitters
Now we need some Lost Planet

there's a /ddg/ thread up but i don't think there's as much interest as previous releases
depends on the vocation

Because those fuckers won’t make a goddamn sequel or even port the mmo over to the west

eliminators are the best enemies in the game

>get dd2

But we are getting it cause mikami was literally going to quit capcom if he couldn't do DD2 and DMC5

Lost planet is dead user...
One was badass, two was awesome with bros...

Well for a Ranger/Strider then.

challenger/utilitarian ranger
scather/challenger or scather/utilitarian(climbing) strider

Thanks for the info guys.
Starting normal

Man dont you just love when Yea Forums comes together like this over a good game?

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I did, because I had played the game 20 times and realized I never did her questline.

jesus fucking christ LP3 sucked so hard
the early 10's were a hard time to be a capcom bro (DD aside)

With the shit capcom has been doing lately dont lose hope user.

They have somewhat redeemed themssleves lately in the eyes of many fans.

Breath of Fire and Lost planet will sway so many minds that they'd but retarded not to do it eventually.


>Twice on the PS3
>Once on the PS4

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>Lost Planet.

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Hard is kinda bad, its mostly enemies get more and more hp and are harder to stagger kind of deal. Plus if you want rift crystal or drops you are shit out of luck because moneybags are more way more common

You forgot Street Fighter 2 back in the day

I got Caxton you lucky fucker

The Gran Soren innkeeper straight up disappeared in my run and never came back. I was unable to change my vocation for the last 40% of the game

Scather for melee and climbing oriented pawns, mitigator and challenger for pawns that need some distance, utilitarian in general.

Sell me on the game and I will buy it on the next sale.


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>got Valmiro by accident with my trap arisen
That shit was way too funny

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You can do this, for instance.

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Hell yeah man
It's usually niche games where Yea Forums shines it's brightest.
By the way, save bitterblack for post game. DO NOT go to it asap. It was meant as a postgame expansion. It will kick your ass unless leveled.
Oooooone more thing, once you fight the big bad guy in the hole on the ground (you will know what I mean) there is no turning back until you start a new game.
Hard is the best way to play once you hit the threshold for normal.
Normal just gets boring when you one hit everything.
Bitterblack is where you should spend most of Ng+ You get lots of drops and crystals there.

Just make a medium sized character.

Fun fact: The developer who made Lost Planet 3 went on to make Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z. Both games spearheaded by Inafune.

Think about that. Inafune pushed for outsourcing at Capcom, this team shat out Lost Planet 3, and then after leaving Capcom he WORKED WITH THEM AGAIN AND GAVE THEM NINJA GAIDEN.

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Got it on ps3 from Playstation Plus but it was unplayable. Bought it for PS4 and from GOG to play on PC.

youll find naught but the finest wares

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I agree but still, I find hard boring in the normal game. For BBI its ok since you dont get nothing but moneybags but instead you get way more RC

3 times and still no sequel.

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Is there any reason to pick a vocation other than Assassin? It breaks the game so much even endgame is a joke


Sorc, MK, MA, Strider, and Warrior are at least as fun as Assassin, and there's a charm to the simplicity of Fighter & Ranger.

I bought it three times. Vanilla, DA, and the newest switch release. I had to do it for the Travis pawn, and that the fucking 360 version's online is dead as a doornail, has been for years.

It's the weakest hybrid vocation. That's not a reason to not pick it though.

I'm going to be doing 1-10 as Mage, 11-87 as Assassin and 88-200 as Sorcerer before finalizing on MA. What should I make my Pawn?

I've bought this game FOUR times now, and how do you feel about it being an objectively unfinished game? Or is it?

First time Nintendobaby player here, should I download the Japanese voices or keep the English voices?

Keep english and fall in love with Grigori's sexy voice.

English for memes

You mfs get that option? I thought they weren’t offering it since ps3/360 release because of some copyright issues or something.

Both are nice

>The rantings of an upjumped zealot make for tedious listening.

Thrice. Original, dark arisen, then ps4.

I've been told not to pick the 2H warrior class. Is that good advice? I wanted to make a barbarian character

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What? Assassin has the highest attack stat growth

it's just tougher late game, play what you want

>tfw pirated it thrice

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>xbox 360
hey that's me, hello friends.

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>don't want MHGU because muh online
>turn on game
>you need to log in to access your PAWNS
Why the fuck would I need to be online to make pawns?

3 times here. Love this game.

Attached: Sh1jiAo_d.jpg (640x409, 33K)

In that case allow me: SEQUEL WHEN

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The girl at the harbour in Bitterblack isle does that stuff too

Fuck you OP, I bought it 3 times already and I don’t even have the switch version

you can just play MHGU offline

But they said you didn't need a Nintendo online subscription for pawn stuff?

a few years, they just started making it

so I should play a mage so I can put my friendlies on fire is what you're saying?

Bros, Im kinda torn between Magick archer or Assasin, help (level 16 btw)

Magic archer easy mode.

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Yes but I still need to log in which is inconvenient for me since I travel a lot. Luckily I am home right now, but I have a 22 hour flight tomorrow and I don't know if I need to fucking log in again.

>DDO on PC
I did my part, where's the fucking sequel?

why not both?
just start with one and then switch to the other


It's a nice game to replay every so often.

yeah actually that sounds good, assassin untill level 60 or so, then sorcerer for magick attack and then magick archer from 100 onwards

just do whatever you want
the game ENCOURAGES you to switch classes, its the best thing to do
at face value, trying out all classes makes you realise which one you like best
more importantly, leveling up vocation ranks makes you unlock passive abilities that you can equip on OTHER VOCATIONS that are really useful

You mean only people who heard Into Free as the title song can post in this thread.

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Ricochet. I killed Death in 2 minutes.

Post your characters

Bought PC and Switch.

Was gifted the original DD for 360. Looking forward to a fun romp in portable mode.


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DA 360 and PC. 3 times if you count buying a copy for a friend. Pretty sure he never even opened it.

The Romance system is bad.

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>only twice

Yea Forums is full of plebeians nowadays wtf

I should take a new screenshot of me and my pawn, this one is a little old.

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please bump the general and dont let it die


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That should be gay and cringe but it's cute.

What level do you need to be in order to do the bitterback isle DLC?

Mercedes is black.

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I actually bought Dragons Dogma at release for full price. Then I bought BBI at release for full price.

I regret nothing.

Is dragonslayer in the game?

kek, get a load of this fag

Well yeah, she's French.

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>currently running a blonde bishie manlet Strider with a tall Dark Elf pawn
I've never had this much fun before, and I've only just arrived at Gran Soren.

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Good taste.

I am calling Grigori now.

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I bought the original on PS3, Dark Arisen on PS3, the PC port, the PS4 port and now the Switch port. Retards like me are why there's no sequel, they know they can just resell the same game for years

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So help me if it ever goes on sale on Switch I may get that later too.

PC version doesn't have the Berserk golden age stuff in the game by the Dark Arisen stuff let's you make Berserk armour Guts with a sword incredibly similar to the dragonslayer

>Having fun BEFORE arriving at Gran Soren
Damn, user, you're gonna fucking love this game.

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3 times here
If you haven't 100%ed everything on hard you're trash

Make sure to trace back and do that sidequest about Quina.
If you don't, you lose several plotlines, important pieces of lore and two waifus.

i cant believe you didnt have to sneak out of the dungeon. once you unlock the door you can casually leave as if nothing happened. such a weird storyline

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How do you get the most enjoyment out of this game?

Is there any full face helmets Striders can use? My favourite armour is probably the chaos set

I managed to fuck up a few times by falling off cliffs and entering that waterfall dungeon while underleveled though. Still, the last game that made me feel this good was Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology.
On it.

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What vocation should I try? the last few times I've played this I always end up going back to Ranger but I want to try something new this time

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Bought it for PC but never played
Gonna play it on Switch now, gonna have a good old fun time.
Wish me luck!
I'm thinking of running with a Fighter and then its a toss up of what sub class I go to

switching between vocations when you get bored and doing every side quest. picking a full set you like the look of and gold forging every piece

Warrior. Climbing on giant enemies is so badass.

I own a copy of the game for every platform it released on. One of my favorite games of all time.

And big Dragon's come from Arisen who fail to kill the Senseshal.

You don't have many ways to deal with magic only enemies.

And those are a thing.

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does warrior suck or is it just a meme?

Attached: harpy.webm (1067x600, 2.92M)


You have few ways to deal with alot of enemy types, and the way the pawn system works you need to have your main pawn be a class LIKE yours not one that compliments.

>three abilities
>everyone else gets six
>slow in general
>worse at pulling aggro than fighter

Warrior is a bit complicated.
It's all about heavy hits, but very slow. So it feels pretty clunky.
But when the hits do connect...

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Meant to ask if Switch has said content intact.

May make a Guts-like character if so.

>trying to stop me from posting

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Playing it

>Borrowed OG DD
>bought DA on PS3
>bought on PC
>Tempted to by on switch

The wind is pushing me!

Mercedes is cute!


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It really should default to whoever you give the ring to. You shouldn't have to kill he competition just to get who you want.

For me, it's Jew-Tits.

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I'm gonna impregnate the shegoat!

How about 4 times?

Is Mystic Knight fun? any tips for it? I tried Magick Archer last time and didn't really like it, other than that I've only played Ranger

What if this is my third time?

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perfect block everything

Yes it is
Lots of hefty charge up explosion moves
A nice sigil thing like when you reverse the Gazers attack
Swords/maces/staffs/magic shield

I would totally buy it.

Sure, but that wasn't about how useful a class is for minmaxing.

Magic archers have a dagger skill where they burst into flames and burn everything around them. Pretty sure that's what is happening here


>rolled big bara nigga and loli pawn
>get to true end
>big nigga got a loli voice and brain now

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I bought it only once but that's because PS+ way back in the day gave it for free, so I bought the PC version. Does that count?

>Box Set for season 3 of DDON
I have a problem I know. I also have the art book and a daimon mousepad.

Bought it 4 times. Vaniilla and DA on PS3, PS4 and PC


>still no DD mmo for US
it fucking hurts bros

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What’s that?

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PC and PS4, thinking about getting it on Switch for the portability. Love this game.

Yeah. I found that it helps to build for magic for a while before becoming a MK. The best skills for a MK are all magic based.

I've bought it 3 times though. The original PS3 release, DA PS3 release, and PS4 port. They need to make 2 alreadyl

1080p/30 and 720p/30. You can calm your autism

There's guides that say how many levels to spend as each vocation for all the best shit

>qt pawn stuck in body of my musclechad Arisen on my first playthrough
>Beloved was Maximillien because I had no clue how that worked
Things turned out well in the end I guess, pawn can get hot knight dick in the ass every night.

I remember pounding my ex gf doggy style while playing this game. She got excited and accidently unplugged the ps3. I lost about two hours of work. I was pissed.

What if I bought it 3 times?
Considering getting the switch port too.

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>kill god
>become god
>kill self
That’s typical jap crap. Only real interesting stuff is the lore, multiple infinite dimensions and an infinite cycle in each of these dimensions.

What's a good way to get gold so I can buy shit for other vocations?

the game is so easy it really doesn't matter anyway

I wanna go mage to sorcerer, but is it worth going strider to get the extra 100 stamina augment at rank 2?

sell the bonus items in your box

its only rank 2 user

Does anyone have a link to the mod that normalizes leveling across all classes?

I bought it twice. I really like trying to play a Guts like character. Is there anything I can do to make this game more fun to play as a Sword weilder? I got pretty far but I dropped it because I lost interest.

I named my character Cassandrae and the censorship now puts it as C***andrae. Can I edit it all? Will the Pawn editor mod help with this?

I just want to fuck shit up with a big sword

It's just rank 2
Go for it if you want to

>original (PS3)
>Dark Arisen (PS3)

I'm not entirely sure if I should buy it a fifth time desu.

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>tfw conflicted if i should buy DD on the switch
I don't want a frame rate shitshow with a mage but portable DD sounds rad as fuck

Cheap item sold for RC in the encampment by the guy next to the rift crystal


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How is the ps3 version?

One of my favourite games ever made.

Not him, but Strider is the most broken vocation in the game. Skullsplitter does around the same DPS as volleys of blastarrows.

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>There's guides that say how many levels to spend as each vocation for all the best shit

Personally more into Tomboy Elf Arisen and Loli Pawn.


>original ps3 that got lost
>DA for ps3

There isn;t a single game out ther I've bought and played this many times.

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Forgot my picture

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>That’s typical jap crap
That's a huge oversimplification and not even true


I bought the game on PC and the official art book, and got it for my friend's birthday. Am I allowed to post?

how they're pusy taste as??

Pirated it. Had a great time.

Attached: very_nice.png (500x522, 116K)

>finally start playing mystic knight
>think it's kinda underwhelming
>perfect block one enemy with thunder riposte on
>now never want to play anything else
lmao this is so much fun and it's actually rewarding me for playing in a challenging way
damn I bought it three times

I can atone

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>3 Magic cannons at the same time

Attached: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.gif (720x480, 1.37M)

Buy it so we can have a sequel :)

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People who disrespect their pawns by not giving them proper names don't deserve to get RC.

The switch version is locked at 30fps and from what I can tell it runs exactly like the ps4 version

It IS her proper name

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Please respond

You better. Or else.

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I was just listening to fallen angel

That's even worse.

Huh, crazy. That's good to hear.

reminder that there's literally no difference endgame between minmaxing and just playing the class you want all the way from 10-200

Don't let minmax autists ruin new players times

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Warrior is probably the weakest class (maybe mage never really played casters) but if you get good at abusing the iframe skill it's pretty satisfying

The problem is moving to a 3 skill class that also had no parries or rolls after playing the other melee classes and having so many tools

60 ish

this is truth

>Not the rng sword that can kill daimon in under a minute

Just try it out whenever, there's no downsides to going in too early and it can be fun doing it while under leveled

Bros, I need tips for a strider character on Hard, I haven't played the class before and need a few pointers.

I rented this bitch on launch and had a ton of fun

You'll have to wait for flying enemies to come down unless your fighter pawn is smart enough to use springboard.
You have three skills and the basic attacks and that's it.
You'll see stacks of gold and chests in high up nooks and crannies that you'll never be able to reach.

you climb everything and spam attacks on the weak spot and then run around until you can climb again

Thanks user, play it like a zoner in a fighting game, got it.

I would love if this game had multiplayer so you can beat shit up with your friends

imagine if warrior got perfect block somehow...

Climb and Thousand Kisses.
Don't dismiss Instant Reset.

Literally easier than normal.

Attached: str vs dex.webm (853x480, 2.91M)

>You'll see stacks of gold and chests in high up nooks and crannies that you'll never be able to reach
The only chests that are unable to reach with levitation or double jump are some minor chests in BBI containing rift crystals. Everything else is available if you just climb and jump.

>want to play sword and shield assassin
>it's so clearly the worst option avaliable
still want to lol

Got DD on
Great game. If more money is what Capcom needs to show its worth a sequel then I'll throw money at the wall for it. Got a Vergil Arisen and Dante Pawn run going on PS4,.
Pick my Switch run build/character
4 picks what my character is physically based on (anyone that's physically possible to make in DDs create-a-character)
>6 picks pawn design (same as Arisen)
>8 picks Arisen vocation
>1 picks Main Pawn vocation

shield's good but basically only for showdown/crackdown even though there's no quick swap you're definitely supposed to carry 3-4 weapons when playing assassin

>tempest harness
>that shield parry that jumps you in the air
>grab monster
>spam fast thousand kisses on the face
shield+dagger assassin is fun

Powder's pretty good for level 1 BBI runs.

I went Dagger/Bow.
Gale Harness is another sleeper skill. It's basically a DPS buff that melts bosses.

Attached: 3 pawns vs 1 goblin.webm (853x480, 2.76M)

Hope you don't monkey pawned like DMC5 did with the cameo system only to not be used for BP where it would have been the most fun to co-op

i love this game so much wtf

>every time I start the game up intending to play a strider class I end up playing something else instead
why are striders so shit bros

BP doesn't have co-op? I thought that was supposed to be a thing.

Because you don't use Skull Splitter.

>you'll never experience your first blind run ever again
I bought it for 360 on a whim because of a thread here on Yea Forums back in 2015. Thanks bros for opening my eyes to this gem.

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Does this game have a lock on button?

BP was supposed to have an online version since it was found in the datamine, we didn't get it.
People is hoping they release it eventually, the only way to truly play co-op DMC is through a mod with DMC3 and 4.
That or repeat mission 13 in DMC5

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>tfw you'll never be amazed by the Grigori encounter where everything collapses and the ruins of a fallen kingdom strikes you
Burden of knowledge.

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>skull splitter

It's not a game with soulslike combat. You don't need a lock-on pleb.

Prepare to be disappointed.

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bluemoon tower is such an impressive first time quest
goblin fort too actually

having a lock on would be suicide for half the vocations lol

Anyone played the Switch version yet?
Looking to play the game for the first time but I can't decide between Switch and Xbone. I generally prefer playing on Switch but if the visuals/framerate take a notable hit I'll go for the bone.

720/1080p and 30 fps on Switch.

Vanilla and DA for PS3, no regrets
MA is fucking broken

My only exposure to the game is base version on 360 and I remember it looking pretty damn ugly. How are the other versions in comparison?

I felt bad that your bait didn't get a (you) so here, have a charity (you)

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I bought vanilla and then Dark Arisen, which really annoyed me because it turned out Dark Arisen already existed when I bought the first one. It was just a cool game I saw on the shelf like I was a kid again so I bought it.

So, give me the real details here boys, how badly do the frames drop on the Switch version? I'm a real slut for framerate.

15-20 fps normally, single digits if using Magic Knight or Sorcerer.
It made the game near unplayable but it felt so damn powerful to have your Arisen and 3 pawns all cast Maelstrom at the same time and have the console basically give up.

>DD thread
>over 400 replies
>no orc tranny

>orc tranny
I'm intrigued.

>Literally easier than normal.

Best husbando

Attached: 1483487024654.jpg (480x720, 128K)

you got me


Hello, are you the orc tranny?

>not recognizing based Griffith poster
how new

Enemies are harder and your stamina is worse but it increases EXP and money drops to compensate.. but the increased drops are way too much so you end up overleveling much faster than if you played Normal unless you avoid all unnecessary battles.

>only twice

you can't go wrong

It might not be perfect nor your favorite, but you love these games. They’re masterworks all, you can’t go wrong

when you kill stuff on hard mode it drops a ton of coin which you can use to upgrade gear faster. Also more xp so you level faster. Technically I think normal is hard mode.

Three times for me. OG, DA and the remaster on PS4.

One of the games I find myself going back to the most.

literally bought it 3x: xbox 360, pc and then ps4

if you dont mind ruining your 1st bitterblack playthrough you can always run through cheesing eveything with throwblasts at like lvl 2 or 3.
the upside is fast leveling & op gear

I got to the Dragon boss at the end on Hardcore Mode as a Fighter and couldn't beat the Dragon because I think I was under-leveled. I was either lvl.65 or lvl.75, I can't remember but it was probably the latter.

I have started a new hardcore mode game as a character whom resembles a dwarf with a big beard. For right now I am playing a Warrior but I may go back to my old Fighter ways.

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honestly just get the ps4 version if you happen to prefer consoles or your pc is a toaster
ps3 and 360 versions just hurt to play at times

>Torpor completely eliminates them as a threat.
Torpor eliminates EVERYTHING as a threat, to the point where it's basically cheating and you should avoid using it unless you feel like ruining the game for yourself.

>Brain Splitter
psh... nothin personnel, eliminator

oh hi

rusty bow is your friend for inflicting torpor

i was talking to OP you foul degenerate

I've seen this girl for years. Is she a party member you can create in the game? I know the game has a gross western realism style so I can't see how this hot chick can be in it

>bloody hell...

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I got the wind is pushing me at release then waited like 5 years for DA to go on sale. Only to learn that they took out I am the dangan. Truly a disappointment.


She is black.

>Dragons Dogma Online makes warrior actually good
>english patch only translates the bare minimum so you can't access most of the game unless you can read moon
>combat is no longer a reasonable way to gain xp
>the aesthetic has been changed to jap mmo garbage
>difficulty is so strict that if you try to go off the beaten path you get destroyed or spend an houroin a fight that yields pocket change xp

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i bought the game twice and still haven't played more than 2 hours.

What should I build? Thinking of a STR Arisen and Sorc pawn. What vocations are good for a pawn?

>high impact violent violence.webm

I bought this for the first time the other day; I wish I played it sooner, desu.

>Dragon's Dogma 2 never happens
>Rather, Dragon's Dogma 1 gets another version
>This time with all the original concepts fully realized, albeit still with PS3-tier textures and models

>not having sex with yourself

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Mage and Ranger pawns are useful. If you play a Yellow vocation then a Fighter might be helpful if only for the catapult off their shield but you could rent a pawn for that.

>have mage pawn
>stand in front of ox when you kick it
>demand heals
>place heal in ox's path

How do I get my pawn to teach other people's pawns to chase down a deer from miles away and throw it at eachother?

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>tfw only bought it once

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Just throw a deer in front of them, they really don't chase wildlife.

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You can mod the song back in on PC

Fuck, I'm going to buy this for the 3rd time.

Does anyone have a list of character models?

Once for ps3, and once for PC. As G*d intended.

She's an NPC, but you can create her via character creation.

Bitch I bought it thrice. Once on release, once when Dark Arisen came out, I was going to buy the PC port but for a number of reasons I had no PC for 2016-2017 so I ended up buying the PS4 port instead.

Yes, and?

>barbarian type class requires most creativity to be viable

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I want to replay this and make my first Arisen my pawn, I grew too attached to the edgy looking faggot.

Itsuno has been hard teasing it during DMC5’s development and even harder since it finished, plus a Dragon’s Dogma anime was announced a month or so ago. It looks like Capcom are gearing up to push DD as a franchise again, and Itsuno has all but confirmed his new project is DD2. Still, that means it only entered development a month or two ago so we arent gonna see it until like 2022, with a release in 2023.


How to make a mercedez pawn

So should I make my pawn a female Amazon?

>Arisen and pawn are both striders
>mfw they're fucking identical
God I hate BBI gear

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If anyone has made a loli pawn I guarantee you that I will hire her, throw her into the brine and then send her back with a rotten egg and a 1 star rating

no make her a loli XD

I don't think you can use bbi gear. They are restricted with levels. Tho you can farm riftcrystal in there easily.

You might have the censorship settings on, check your options menu.

>mfw I learned that Coils of Light is sung by a boy

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You totally would though, let’s be real.

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Eng version or jap?

>step into post-Daimon Fallen City for the first time
It was the eliminator version too.

Attached: Steve_seconds_from_death_due_to_a_brain_aneurysm.png (1170x658, 380K)

>mfw the cutscenes where you kiss Aelinore before she permanently goes away
This was the most mind numbingly bizarre scene in the entire game for me. It shouldn't exist because it makes no fucking sense especially with the beloved stuff.

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didnt venture too far from the road did you?