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So... what are these Okami suposed to be, some weird offspring of the divine dragon or something?

He can dance If he wants to

if I lived in god's bathroom I'd be dancing too

okami is wolf

That's nice but a fucking mistranslation of what should have been ookami.

Man, i dont know, japanese is fucking weird for these kinds of things, and they certainly dont look like wolves

They're fish people from Innsmouth, this game is inspired by Lovecraft just like Bloodborne

that is still wolf you goober

>all female
>all barefoot


i want to replay okami now

>live with a bull

Literally "great god""

Some kinda noble god offspring, not entirely clear.
Probably not actual gods.

No, that's a pun on wolf. You're taking it from the game Okami.

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where did you get this footage of me

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They drank the divine water and became fish people. If you give the guy in the hidden village who's after sake the divine water you get from the temple, he turns into one of the fish people.

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How does Miyazaki keeps getting away with it?

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That's just the mist nobles though, they look more weird and fish like compared to the Okami cuties. Then again there's that big ass one that feeds the carp.

go back to your shitty bridge fishman


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motherfucker do you see the necks on these things
they dont even have eyes

I really like this Japanese take on Innsmouth.

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be gone

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We don't need eyes where we're going

Was a Tomoe a fish person? or did she just learn her lightning shit from Fountainhead Palace?

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>he doesn't floss
one chance, FROM

all these women were normal once, everything turned to shit when the fountainhead waters got infested

Real answer, it's a warrior clan of formerly human females who sought out the divine dragon through the same method Wolf uses and stayed to protect the palace.

They're Okama

I like the cute sounds they make during some of their combos.

>western porn
absolutely disgusting

What the fuck is with the bloodborne shit in this game? Why do people turn into fish from the water? Why centipedes?

>the bull is white


I want to fuck that fish

The descendants of the Okami clan are the Gun Fort faggots, and they cover themselves in bandages. Most likely to hide the fish scales that make them look inhuman. She may have been a half breed if she was part of the clan, or just a fish girl like one of them. The most important part is, Isshin had a big boner for her, and who could question his tastes?

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No it's not you weeaboo fuck.


Fountainhead Palace has great music.


More like Bloodborne has jap tropes in it.

wtf happened with all the women in this world?
>all gun fort woman are ugly as sin and have bandages all over them
>fountainhead woman are all fishwoman
>only emma is somehow normal


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There's that one guys mom that gives you the bell, Lady Butterfly, the Corrupted Monk and ricearoni though.

ōkami, which is what you typed, is literally wolf

>Ōkami (狼) is a Japanese word that means "wolf"
TN: Ō = Oo

>I'm not the only one liking them

Everyone here is based.
I wish Sekiro lore was more fleshed out, I wouldn't mind more thing to read in this game.

hey, lady butterfly is just old
And the other ghost chick obsessed with some lord sounded cute, even if crazy

Look up Urashima Taro. Sekiro’s lore is Japanese mythology.

inosukes mom and lady butterfly are both old, the corrupt monk and riceloli have both worms inside of them

Just like real women.

It's not just a pun invented for the game, retard

bet the monk got some huge ass titties hiding under there tho

I'm pretty sure corrupted monk is also a fishy girl like the other okami, her proportions and especially her long neck and tiny head suggest so


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Thanks user

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senpou has great ambient music too

Yes, yes it is. It's a pun of Okami and Ookami. The line above the O denotes this.

Wrong. The fountainhead waters are Divine and turning you into a long living fish person is normal.
The centipedes are only undying in the first place because they gestated and hatched at the bottom of the Divine fish water that makes you freaky.

They also play hacky sack with those bombs they chuck.

Previously inhuman females, same species as Tomoe btw, that went with her to Fountainhead palace and eventualy turned more fish-like by drinking the water there.

yeah, until 6 monks rush your ass
soundtrack kicks ass though

is there a collection of all the sounds these warrior babes make? they're really cute

>battle themes start to sound more like a horror game the more you encounter the supernatural enemies
Mibu Village has a pretty nice track too, they really make you think you're starting to stumble into places mortals aren't supposed to be fucking with.

Pretty sure it's meant to be "ō kami" (大神), two words that together mean "great deity".
Japanese is retarded so they have a lot of homonyms and hence puns, and its not always pronounced you think.
Then again, the people who localize japanese games often fuck up shit like this.

That's a tranny.

I don't know if it's "normal". They turned into fucked up fish people and started cannibalizing each other, it's pretty clear that at some point it was not THIS shitty.

Seems like the "stagnation" theme again. The longer the immortality lasts the more fucked the effects get because the Divine Dragon's power corrupts and was not meant to be brought to Ashina. Now it's so bad that anyone who drinks the Fountainhead Waters immediately turns into a violent fish creature.

What? A village of midgets? Wow so otherworldly. I had to turn my ps4 off for a few days.

The line over the O just means you say it twice/longer. O-okami. And that applies for both the word for wolf and the word for god.

How did Isshin manage to seduce some half divine warrior woman (Tomoe) to leave the divine realm to come train him and his autistic grandson?

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That’s no way to talk about Lord of the Rings, bro.

Tomoe is the sleeping shrine maiden


>mfw watching one just kick the ball around while the other watches
>the dancing one with several others as an audience

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I guess she liked fighting almost as much as him

That's because she fought him and almost killed him, isshin is a man who loves fighting as an art, that's why he gives you a name, because you fought well and are deserving of respect, same reason he fights you at the end

Did anyone notice the white lizards in Fountainhead throw up some substance that shines white like other areas in the game. Also the white lizards attack do no damage at all. Very weird.

It's a village hidden behind a haunted misty forest that's being tricked by a priest to try and become some kind of divine beings. It's Jap Innsmouth, it works, the enemies just end up being more annoying than spooky after the first run through.

Heian dorks who drank that loud dragonspring pack

I understood that it was always like that. The palace always held that secret of cannibals.

We'll find out in the dlc since she's almost garunteed a boss fight, and god willing dogen as well as shura possessed sculptor

>as well as shura possessed sculptor
user that's what the Demon of Hatred is. The sculptor after becoming a shura.

The game mentions that the blue rust poison killed off the original Okami and that it might still be effective on their descendants but I have never run into a”blue rust poison” item

Oh wait nvm it’s lazulite

>How did Isshin manage to seduce some half divine warrior woman (Tomoe) to leave the divine realm to come train him and his autistic grandson?
Tomoe descended from the Fountainhead palace, not the Divine realm, and she came to Ashina castle because of Takeru

He failed to become a Shura, and instead was consumed by the wrath of war and became a demon as a result

Not only that I found something I have seen no one else mention. So if you use bestowal on the green lizards it doesn't give the usualy buff, it gives your sword poison damage instead. If you use bestowal on the white lizards you get a white aura around your sword. I have no idea if it does anything different but if the poison buff is anything to go by it might. Problem is bestowal wears off quick and it's hard to attack an enemy enough times with the white sword.

He remarks on how beautiful her eyes are too though, I think he says it was like getting lost in the ocean while looking at them or something like that. Old guy clearly wanted to play with both of his swords with her.


>Oh wait nvm it’s lazulite
Wrong, try again.

Not quite, demons arent exactly shura, and nigga only has one hand.
Something ive still not figured out is why do the people of the fountianhead palace allow the people of migu village into their fortress for weddings? I would assume that they owe them something, but what?

>she gets mad that you ignore her if you just run past her

The fuck? I have no idea about the green lizard but my personal theory for the white lizards is that they are baby dragons.

>I would assume that they owe them something, but what?
Precious bait for the Master. It's everywhere in Mibu village.

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Isshin playable dlc when?

And bam. Just like that you have indie game character design

I wish this game was more weirs, there is some interesting lore but it looks like all the effort went into the difficulty instead.

Its Sabimaru. Never found it?

Thank you, I've been reading all the item descriptions but that makes so much sense


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Oh and also brides to offer to the Dragon, before everyone got infatuated with the carp

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>Shura 修羅 or Ashura 阿修羅 is a Japanese way to call the Buddhism demigod of war Asura.

>In Buddhism, there is a world called Shura-do (shura world), which is one of the six worlds in hell. Shura-do is a world governed by anger and pain, where Asuras are living, always angry and fighting for victory forever.

That's exactly what he turns into user. Actiuvision being bad at localization doesn't change this. I think you just failed to understand the implications of what was going on.

Sabimaru is green. Lazurite makes more sense since it’s a general upgrade item and not just a specific thing that isn’t even the same colour.

I hate ironic weebs

Read the actual description of Sabimaru. It says it's covered in poisonous blue rust. The icon having green on it is only to show you it applies poison. The actual blade is not green.

Hang on while I take a screen to educate you

What's the deal with the carps?

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This video helps understand some stuff. He points out interesting stuff like how every warrior im Fountainhead is actually a female, and explores the cannibalism aspect of the lore.



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OK but I have played the game and you are wrong. The okami women are by far the weakest to the sabimaru out of anyone in the game, aside form the snake eyes who are mentioned to be their descendants and also weak to the rust. It's talking about Sabimaru user.

Sabimaru uses lazulite;^)

It's shibimaru, it's in the description, and it stuns okami for a fuck load of time, like 5 seconds or something

>He points out interesting stuff like how every warrior im Fountainhead is actually a female
Oh it's one of those YTers that fill their videos pointing out things the common man understands in a split second ?

In Japan green and blue are considered the same color.

The final upgrade of Sabimaru uses lazulite. It makes the blue rust bubble. The rust does not bubble before the lazulite is applied, so it does not have lazulite in its regular form.

Honestly user that's just pathetic. If you can't admit you were wrong just shut up and don't post again. It's anonymous it's not like anyone will remember you talked out your ass and had 5 people show you you were wrong and pretty stupid for not noticing the million different clues.

>Huh, what could this part of the Sekiro lore mean
By far their least original game, big yikes.

It always used lazulite :)

Anyone have close ups of the gun fort fellas, specifically the Snake Eyes? Thingken of doing some unmasked fanart

Hehe stay butthurt cultureless anglo

How come a pot noble got to become a fish when the big carp died?

You can make all the smileys you want you still look like an idiot and your coping is obvious. It must suck to have such a large ego that is completely undeserved.

Are you even having fun?

Lazulite stronk. Kills Okami.

Very little of the shit is directly from Japanese mythology, it's more like their own version of it just like how Bloodborne didn't use Lovecraftian gods but Lovecraft was the obvious inspiration.

>It's somehow important what kind of nonsense people believed in just because it was long ago

Anglo target demographic status: ignored

Still better than swamp souls 3 mess of lore with 200 loose ends and no proper explanation for any of the major plot lines

You done with your tantrum yet? I seriously don't understand how a person can act like this and think it's funny and entertaining. How do you not just feel pathetic and embarrassed? Do you do this in real life when someone points out how stupid you are?

There were never supposed to be explanations, just as there was never supposed to be a direct sequel

I agree, Christians are morons.

Why are you so upset about Lazulite killing okami?

Japs don't traditionally differentiate between blue and green very much. I bet the japanese version here has 青 which can mean either one of those colors and the localizers just chose one.

It's not a pun INVENTED FOR the game, retard

Stop taking the bait already

I'm not mad user, I feel more like an adult whose watching a little kid kick and scream because they were told no. Your tantrum doesn't emotionally affect me at all, if anything it's slightly entertaining.

>tfw no qt autistic fish monster gf who dances around like a sperg when she thinks nobody is watching

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myth makes for good stories, good myths to draw inspiration from = good stories.

the issue with western games these days is that no one bothers to draw on the old stories as a source of inspiration anymore.

instead they mindlessly ape whatever everyone else is doing thats popular until enough incestuous referencing between studios demolishes any identity the games may have had.

thats why they're so "soulless."

I mean I'd agree with you if half of the shit the cult of the deep made sense. It really feels like the leak baout the game completely changing halfway through the development ( the leak where pontiff is the final boss and shit) is true, since he's clearly the center of the lore that's there, but then shit just goes in a different direction in a bunch of the zones. Mostly blaming bamco for being Jews and fucking with development like they always do

No, retards need to be called out. Also it's hardly bait if everyone knows you are pretending to be retarded to deflect from being wrong. At that point it's pic related

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Heian period noblewomen are known to be massive scheming literal whores

That’s good. Now we can both enjoy the great blue rust poison known as lazulite.

these have to be the same person, I refuse to believe anyone could get baited this hard.

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But when you put lazulite on shurikens or the axe they dont gain poison properties.

Nope lol.

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*summons lightning bolt*
*I reverse it*
Nothing personell.......

That’s because it’s a special kind of inherent poison like divine confetti to apparitions ;)

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Like I said user it's hardly bait if everyone knows you are pretending to be retarded and no one is actually falling for it. It's literally why that image I made was created, to laugh at faggots who do that because it's fairly common on here.

You do realize you could spend your time doing something you actually enjoy instead of spitefully baiting random strangers on the internet to feel less stupid, right?

What’s your favourite poison type? Mine is lazulite.

>He uses blue
No wonder you're aids ridden


It’s to commemorate my favourite poison type: blue rust poison aka lazulite

Too big. What am i supposed to do with her?

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you dont get it, its not what you do with her
its what she does with you

>aside form the snake eyes
I used Sabimaru like twice in a row on that sniper lady and it did jackshit, meanwhile when tried it first time on that stronger electric football player it poisoned her almost instantly

I should have been more specific by what I meant when I said weak. The snake eyes, like the okami women, get sick and throw up if poisoned stunning them for a long period of time. Also I believe the snake eyes in the poison pool area has higher poison resist than the other one because she's surrounded by it. Either it's supposed to imply she built up a strong immunity or it's just a balance thing since they knew smart players would try to poison her just by having her stand in it.

Yeah i think the advice about Sabimaru being good against the gun fort people like Snake Eyes is wrong. I mean one of them is beside a poison pit.

>or it's just a balance thing since they knew smart players would try to poison her just by having her stand in it.

I stood there for half an hour just to prove that I could

Really? I've never poisoned a snake eyes before. Ill try it next time

Like I said, much better on the one not near the poison pool and it still takes more hits than the warrior women but yes it absolutely stuns them too.

I don't know if this is what they intended but it becomes much more possible to poison her if you attack with sabimaru while she's standing in the poison.

He himself says he fails to turn into shura. He turns into a half baked demon of hatred.

>He himself says he fails to turn into shura
Yea I don't ever remember that happening wanna tell me where it is? Literally the only thing he says after transforming is he thanks Sekiro for killing him.

Not the person you're replying to but if I recall correctly the old lady in the tower (where you first meet Tengu) tells you something similar after you beat him.

I'll have to go look at that apparently I was probably wrong if you both remember that. I don't think I ever talked to her again.

He says
>I was on the verge of being consumed... by Shura
Isshin cut his hand off before he became Shura.
Why do you people talk when you don't even read the fucking lines retard?

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Man I feel like shit now that you realised you may have been wrong. I apologise.

>the issue with western games these days is that no one bothers to draw on the old stories as a source of inspiration anymore.
it's literally what the entire witcher series is about.

Are there any pics of them without mask? Maybe someone can rip the model and remove them?

Yeah maybe someone could. Maybe you could.

They have eyeless grandma faces unfortunately, all the Okami at the palace are old after all. No one knows what the young ones look like.

Haha it's fine user, the usual attitude on this site is to not admit you were wrong and double down and act like a moron. You couldn't have expected any less.

Idk because the Nobles feed on their "youth" inside the palace.

Think it says it in the battle memory that he became the demon after failing to become shura.

There are still people who find inspiration in the works of masters, those people tend to make good videogames.

the final redpill is that the asians make just as much soulless trash as we do, most of it is just never exported because only good games leave the country.

>only good games leave the country.
MOSTLY good games leave the country. Let's not forget all the weeb trash that gets dumped on our shores.

But yeah. Imagine in the dlc we get some sort of dream world where we fight a shura. Fuarkkkk it would be like Isshin tier.

I will also mention that at several shrines across the town there's offerings of slugs in ceremonial boxes. I'm not sure if it's because of the current state of the village or not, though

Sakura worms yum