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>but no third person mode
i hate when people start threads with OH NONONONOON
callate culona
And they’ve already said you can’t get a game over unless you die. Doesn’t matter how many ways you have to complete a mission if they all end in success anyway. Gotta please those “Easy Mode” journalists, after all.
> If it releases this year it’s getting raped by TLOU 2 & Pokemon
> If it releases next year it’s getting raped by Bully 2, Zelda & Mario
It’s going to be utterly forgotten like Seikro
go play uncharted if you care so much
seething incel
>all end in success anyway
go read it again retard
Stay triggered tranny.
Ok your turn.
This is going to be the wokest game yet
yes, i'm transexual, and i'll play as a cute transexual in cyberpunk 2077. (just like i am irl) cope and seethe right wing loser.
>/pol/ already fuming
wait for the game to be released snowflake
won't read lol
I don't visit this board that often any more, are posts like this ironic?
>Yea Forums being right ever.
>RPG does the same thing every RPG do since 1980
Post pics then tranny
you don't even deserve to masturbate to me you right-wing worm, do you understand that?
Fucks a simcade?
Yea Forums is right. alt-right
+1 for the larp effort
i hope its optimized well. My midrange pc couldnt get 60 fps on witcher
even on low graphics? yeah i doubt youll be able to handle 60 for CP
>we promise!
nah it was on high , i dont like putting certain things to settings on low. there wouldnt be any point in having a pc if it were to put it on low for witcher 3
everything mentioned is standard of modern RPGs
sorry im not a degenerate, hope you are a nice person on the inside and dont join the 45%
true, but witcher 3 is one of those games you need good PC for, maybe you can do 60 on closed areas, like rooms n shiet, but open areas like novigrad market keeping 60 would be hard
40% happens because of right-wingers, but we'll fight back!
true, also i have an amd card which is not optimized for this game
It can't get raped by any of the nintendo franchises, they're literally marketed for completely different types of people, infact none of those games you listed are competitors for it.
>Yea Forums "news" outlet
>we invented choice in RPG guys!
>you can't die outside of battle guys!
Who's gonna fall for that fucking bullshit. This is pure red flag material right there. Their game design is shallow and generic as fuck
>weebs want to get BTFO again
>2 years in a row wasnt enough for them
>no third person
Call me when someone mods it in.
There is no faction reputation in Cyberpunk 2077 and that's a good thing. Doing quests for any faction will increase a global reputation stat that makes you more respected by every NPC and that's exactly how it should be. The story takes place in the future where racism and nationalism and bigots are a thing of the past, there's no need to divide people, there are no borders, we are all the same race, the human race.
>yes, we're making a real cRPG, true to P&P
>it's a fucking shooter with stats
Kill yourself ASAP
for what? GOTY 2015, best RPG 2016 with an expansion, what did BOTW do besides winning against an empty house in 2017? good for you i guess hahahaha
No third person no buy
When will video game journalists stop being so retarded?
Nah, they’d just find new things to divide people. Like money.
>raped by TLOU2
You do realize that Cyberpunk is infinitely more hyped than tlou, right? It will be the one doing the raping.
What the fuck does it mean.
brb preordering
Ok, now unironically get a rope necktie, dont even care if you are a tranny larp, just stop consuming oxigen
>cant read lol
>bully 2
Sounds like the industry standard. Now what new shit are they offering?
>They scrapped the nonlinear sandbox open world cyberpunk 2077 for a streamlined gameplay
what the fuck
>thread starts with oh nonono nonsense
>it's an oneangrygamer thread
Checks out I guess. How typical.
>pokemans, zelda and mario audiences
What the hell is Simcade?
>simulation arcade
Simcade is somewhere in between arcade and simulation apparently. Never heard of that one before.
>huurrr duurrr what is simcade?
>Yea Forumsis this fucking retarded
simcade is a stupid meaningless term
>caring about TLOU
>believing post 2012 pokemon will remotely affect this
>bully 2 not even confirmed
>thinking a zelda remake will affect it
>If I don't understand it, it means nothing
I'm sure it will be good but I just can't manage to get excited for another open-world first-person """RPG""". I just don't fucking care anymore.
PLEASE give me a nonlethal playthrough option or at least a fists only option. I crave more games that have either of those.
Explain what simcade is.
>cade is a stupid meaningless term
No, it literally is a stupid babytalk word you are using because real education is too much for you. Same with your "smoothbrain" insult you probably copy pasted from resetera like the clown you are.
go on then, define it
>defending an incompetent studio because their brad was the first to "break" the nogame meme of your PS4 with a shitty multiplat
yikes of all yikes.
>He doesn't know TLOU 2 is a PS5 launch title
Same. There isn't a time in the day without this garbage.
are you literal idiots?
simcade is a mix between arcade and sim elements, its on the damn word imbecils
Peak Delusion, TLOU2 is a juggernaut & will get a 97 on Metacritic and win over 200 GOTY awards this year
Yes. It basically happened when "incel" became a mainstream meme, and at the same time lots of boards are being flooded with ironic SJW shit which they somehow "traced" back to a boogeyman SJW discord channel that shares cuck porn and talks about spamming Yea Forums with SJW stuff.
And then "cope" and "seethe" were appropriated as words people bantered back and forth usually about video game exclusivity and shit, but got mixed into the tranny/incel back and forth.
Now you have people ironically pretending to be Discord trannies, and people pretending to hate them, and both are using the words at random to shitpost in whatever thread, and none of it is real.
well then give me examples of simcade
what games were described as having simcade shooting?
Simcade means a mix between simulation games and straight forward semi casual gameplay, so think Ace Combat and Grid. I guess for an FPS game, it wood be like Farcry 2 or Stalker where the guns can jam and you need to heal with items instead of tanking all the damage and regenerating. I don't think oneclosetfaggot is criticising this though, pastebin that trash to read it.
TLoU2 isn't coming this year user
What's a simcade I first read it as a simcard
yeah bzt that could mean literally anything
if it's a real word than surely there's a consensus about the kind of games meant by it
is it Halo?
is it New Vegas?
is it ArmA?
>mix between simulation and arcade
can mean literally any shooter
>simcade is a mix between arcade and sim elements, its on the damn word imbecils
so when it is used to describe gameplay, what are we getting? we don't know, because it is an ambiguous word that has no real defined limits except for not arcadey and not a hardcore sim
Post the full article so people have something to talk about you faggot.
Why do retards love only reading headllines and call it a day?
Is reading for a minute and a half too much to ask of you?
Get fucking wrecked.
you dont know what you are getting when somebody says "rpg" either, it could be a thousand different things that help to define the genre or gameplay style
what the fuck is a simcade
Sounds like a stupid definition for normal gameplay features, I guess it's easier to market a game with the simcade since most games are simcades.
>[X] will offer multiple ways to complete missions
I'm not one of those pseudo pessimist fags that thinks this game is guaranteed to be shit but fuck if we haven't heard that one before
>If it releases this year it’s getting raped by TLOU 2 & Pokemon
>Sekiro is forgotten
Yes, the people who make them think they're hilarious but they always sound sad and angry.
that is also a problem, don't you agree? using terms with no real definition makes it hard to know what anything you're describing is
Why is 3rd person so important that it's a deal breaker? I've never heard of a single person not buy a game because it wasn't in a specific perspective. Is it autism?
>what did BOTW do besides winning against an empty house in 2017?
Persona 5, Mario Odyssey, and Nier:Automata came out in 2017. It was literally the best year for games in like two decades.
if i'm going to play a girl how will i look at her butt?
Yes, a handful of people are reeeeeing because first person only means the melee combat will be meh at best. Along with being autistic about making "muh perfect cyberpunk waifu!" But not being able to see it outside cutscene, possibly, and certain menus.
>Why is 3rd person so important
It's not just that, the pole creative director who made wither 3 what it was left for "creative differences." And just fucking WAIT for the cuckflix series where triss is a negress. They can't let people like me have ANYTHING. They need to shit all over anything and everything people like me discover, like, and even give the fuckers money for.
Just TRY to fucking imagine a current year +4 version of MW 3 where you chase arabs all over paris and blow it up. Never would make a game like that, even though it would make them billions. they have to make games like battlefield 5 with swedish cuckold feminist bulllshit.
sorry i dont play weeb garbage
>Offer multiple ways to complete missions
Has this guy been living under a fucking rock? Anyone who paid even a little attention knows this, the issue people were having is it'll amount to fuck all because devs have already said they "have a vision and story in mind" which is why you get to play an up and coming punk instead of say starting off as an up and coming corpo or a fresh recruit to Trauma Team.
>>Best year for games in like 2 decades
Have fun with your boring generic western "RPG" movies then.
Thats still 100x better than thinking Mario Odyssey, BOTW, and Persona 5 were good.
Fucking lol
Peak diffusion. you third person larpers should go back to crying about motion sickness
>defends nintendo and gamefreak
>inb4 it ends up being another FF15
last time i checked they arent japanese, so they will be good
40% happens because you're literally mentally ill rejects of society that would have offed yourself MUCH sooner if not for the fact that modern society is, despite everything you believe to make yourself feel special, virtually 100% accepting of you and what you claim you are.
Life is 1st person user.
>no 3rd person
Really gets my nani sore
>when you can literally buy the 2 games for the same console
wrong, i can see my body
Do people realize that thanks to #metoo and anita Sarskezzeball, there will never be another game where you can fuck triss and yen, unless you mod it into complete degeneracy where you can anally deflower ciri and that kind of thing...
I hope so.
But they said you could see your body in 2077 too.
good, thoird person confirmed then
One of the few games I'm looking forward to desu.
What the fuck is simcade though?
simcade like red dead redemption?
So in your mind failing a single quest should result in a game over? What RPG ever has done this? Failing a quest is never a "game over" in RPGs, you just get less or no rewards.
and life is shit. your point?
I have never seen any other game get this amount of false flagging and just sheer retardation in response to it doing ABSOLUTELY nothing but existing.
>doing nothing but existing
you forgot, its popular.
This. Automatic bullshit when it starts with that
There was a time when Yea Forums actually liked video games. Hell this place loved Mass Effect 2 which I don't agree with, it was shite compared to 1
Mass Effect was before video games were allowed to be popular. Now they're mainstream and Yea Forums is filled with hipsters.
It's funny, since soon after the game's inception there was a big thread on their Polish forum about TPP/FPP and, while a couple of people autistically argued for TPP, others pointed out that there are basically none non-garbage TPP shooters.
Not to say that this had any influence on the game, since they've rebooted the project twice already and fired half of their studio twice as well.
>since they've rebooted the project twice already and fired half of their studio twice as well.
Why are you making shit up. A simple look at LinkedIn will tell you this isn't the case.
Based retard
>people like me have EVERYTHING
> none non-garbage TPP shooters.
I'd disagree, to an extent. Its just a different type of shooter.
RPG shooters work fairly well from a third person, but its also less about the technicality of shooting right and shooting is just a way of attacking, similar to things like the saints row or gta games.
Considering what this game is trying to be, it feels more like the type game where your shooting ability matters less than the concept of shooting things. So it would fit more along those lines.
If you get what i'm trying to say, i'm kinda tired.
good, fuck you, i hope you never get anything in your life. haha faggot
>why are you making shit up
You mean stating facts everyone knows.
The first prototype of CP2077 was an isometric game. It was scrapped and most of the people working on it went on to make Ruiner. You can compare the end credits of Witcher 3 and Ruiner to confirm it's mostly ex-CDPR devs.
The second prototype I don't know much about, but there was a big firing of mostly lead-tier developers.
>You mean stating facts everyone knows.
No, I mean making shit up. Fuck off, you are too old to be trying to start a rumor mill like it's fucking high school.
1st person is more immersive and more difficult.
>not wanting to finish quests how you see fit as per your characters wants and needs as you defined them
I think its funny
>1zł has been deposited into your GOG account
Anyway, I don't care if a random user is hurt by the facts. People get fired, CDPR is hell and doesn't even pay well for Polish standards. Even people from the mobile market know that.
This isn't GTA you nigger.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums do this all the time to justify their piracy
I just filter it but occasionally people spell it different ways and it gets through.
Time to add it to the filters, people who start threads like this are just reblogging and shitposting, nothing will be lost for hiding those posts.
Almost forgot, the W3 downgrade was real, they've used a second set of "investor meshes" not meant for the final game. Also, everyone does it, thought not always so blatantly.
Can't fool me twice gtaniggers.
Thank god
I want to be immersed when playing a game that's selling point is the environment and world
Based. Weeb shit is literal garbage. Slavjank is better
Like any other template underage faggotry.