Why do people here hate Sony?

>Commited to single player games
>Focus on bringing quality foremost than quantity
>Doubling down their first party production
>Several games of them has sold over 10 million copies (Horizon, God of War, Spider-Man, Last of Us, Uncharted, etc)
>All the multiplats arrive to PS4
>PS+ gives you great games each month
>PSVR is the most successful VR device ever
>Listens to gamers and are bringing crossplay to their games

Outside of some questionable games being censored, i think that Sony's PS4 is pretty great

Attached: PlayStation-4-Pro.jpg (1200x800, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Someone post the Copypasta

no ape escape 4

People hate success.

>has no personal opinion so asks for a copy pasta

censorship is not acceptable

nintardo central

Sony's the King
They pray for Sony's downfall

So you don't play on any platform since they all censor

Because old sony used to be about taking risks and funding crazy new ideas. Modern sony is all about banking on capeshit tier normalfag pandering garbage and pumping their entire budget on marketing to pass it as something revolutionary.

At the time of the PS2 you could drown in top tier exclusives coming out all the time. Now you have 1-2 extremely safe has-been done before shit geared towards the lowest common denominator to amass millions of sales and that's it. I owned all their home consoles since the ps1 and the ps4 was downright irrelevant if it weren't for Bloodborne.

>1-2 extremely safe has-been done before shit geared towards the lowest common denominator

coming out every year*

Dreams says hello nimrod

PS2 had shit first party on Ps2, why do stupid niggers cite 3rd party games as a reason they hate modern Sony, because you just want to hate Sony and will reach for anything regardless of how stupid

>Which are shit
>So, same as nintendo and Microsoft then?
>Doesn't matter games are shit
>Why should I care, popularity is irrelevant
>Also on PC
>So you end up paying money for the games that you wouldn't pay money for other way.
>This is not true and it's also the shittiest. Also popularity is irrelevant.
>That's a lie

Go and kill yourself, you fucking nigger sony shill.

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NPC tier response


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Fuck this place I 'm out. The oldfags were right to leave here.

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You current and future children will die of cancer if you read this post.
Fuck off sony shill

>quality = cutscenes longer than the gameplay itself
name a Sony 1st party game that does this
outside of Metal Gear Solid, this has never been true

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>committed to generic TPS games that all play the same
Hmmm. Interesting since Sony didn't release a single TPS in 2018.
>quality = cutscenes longer than the gameplay itself
Name 2 Sony games where this is the case.
>argumentum ad populum
7 billion people on planet. Only 10 million people has the game. Clearly you are just part of the billions of flies with shit taste in this case.
>multiplats are played worse on console by default
Multiplats are also worse games.
>Humble Bundle Monthly is the same price and lets you keep games forever
But they mostly give you old and shit games you don't want.
>argumentum ad populum
We've been through this
>being the last to introduce crossplay
Actually the first, on PS2. Try again.

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>Commited to single player games
Shawn layden said they want to make some couch coop and multiplayer games
>Focus on bringing quality foremost than quantity
I want quality and quantity
>Doubling down their first party production
That's nice
>Several games of them has sold over 10 million copies (Horizon, God of War, Spider-Man, Last of Us, Uncharted, etc)
Why does that matter
>All the multiplats arrive to PS4
Yeah i guess so
>PS+ gives you great games each month
>PSVR is the most successful VR ever
is it?
>Listens to gamers and are bringing crossplay to their games
Not really

Actually that was dreamcast not ps2 but it doesn't matter since playstation has the most cross-platform games

>has sold over 10 million copies
Why would I care?

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Good games selling well means more good games to come :)

If they're good

Sony has literally never thrived due to first party. Third party were always their strongest asset and they used to invest in original ideas. Now everything is a TLOU/Uncharted wannabe. But keep on hiding on "muh hate" because you don't have any arguments like some feminist.

Because it's the best console ever made ? You turbo retarded faggot hah

the quality of sony exclusives suck
sales don't matter
multiplats are always better on pc
ps+ doesn't give me anything that I don't already own that isn't indietrash, and blocks access to the online multiplayer I'm entitled to

Well youre in luck!

>its third person and has trees so its just a TLOU wannabe!!!

More like it's a walky talky simulator with some pretentious and predictable as fuck generic story being put on a pedestal with handholding out the ass.

>because you don't have any arguments like some feminist.
Oh the irony

>n-no u
Thanks for proving my point lmao

Because they're woke as fuck now.

Spoken like a true 12 year old

Because this is Yea Forumstendo and is plagued by 30 yo neckbeard losers who get mad at people playing games that makes you think instead of " WAHOO YAHOOOOOOOO! " fisherprice tier games.

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Hentai lover is mad

Uhh Gran Turismo faggots? It's a huge system seller worldwide, Sold millions of Ps1 and Ps2's.

Oh so Death stranding isn't a new idea? just shut up bitch, you look like a clown

Don't reply to him people like him are the ones who make Yea Forums look retarded

>they make shit samey games
>thy sniff thier farts
>censoring games
>not enough marketing for japanese games
>shut console

Sony needs to go back to hier original japanese market, psx 2 3 all had great diversity of games ( ps3 barerly had any ) and now all they are making are shitty thirds person games with nothing new done. Ps4 is just shitty 360.

Dreams is a cool new game coming out. And they censor hentai and shit games. Don’t lie to yourself so you can hate Sony

hahe con sul war

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No tits no game

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>too much cinematic shit
>too much censorship
I own a ps4 and love the few exclusives I had before most went to PC, but there has been nothing good lately.

Dreams is limited game engine. Rather than making a game they just released a thjer engine

This, PS4 is more of the 360 after 2008.

Zoomers don't know anything about Sony pre-PS4, before they became irrelevant they were a huge deal for third party devs, especially Jap devs.

Yeah this is just another uncharted movie!!!

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>>Listens to gamers

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I'll wait for the Epic Games Store port.

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Too much? Tell me a game that has been censored where that censorship has effected your ability to enjoy the game. Impossible if you don’t say some shit tier hentai game

Mario maker was even more limited yet people praised and enjoyed it. Argument destroyed


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>Thinks Sony first party games will ever get the PC port

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Its their fanboys

Like any master I'm idort if need be, I have PC+PS4+Switch

>PS+ gives you great games each month
I wonder, if Sony decides to give their players 2 options, one, pay the usual price and get ''free'' games, and two, pay the lower price and don't get games, which of these 2 options would be more popular.

They killed Psygnosis years ago. What's gonna happen when they finally stop milking Wipeout?

no it's not. sony enables them by giving them copy-pasted cinematic, "social/political" shit

sony brought weeb games to the west, now they are destroying weeb games

>Quantic Dream's entire library (their games were copywritten and trademarked by Sony)
Like I said, I'll wait for the EGS port.

All developed by non-first party studios.

yeah those female breasts are truly terrifying

Dreams is Mario Maker or LBP teir.

It is much more than that.

Here's why
>only focuses on cinematic story based games instead of games with mechanical depth and in the rare instance that they do have a game like that they end support as quickly (gravity rush, Bloodborne)
>as a consequence of the above they lack quality in their games meaning not only do they have a stunning lack of good games but a lack of games in general
>come next gen they're REDUCING their first party output doubling down on third party support
>punishing third party developers with strict and invasive censorship that goes beyond the lengths of 80s Nintendo
>PS+ in addition to steadily increasing with price has been offering less and less games of worth each month
>woefully out of touch with the gaming community choosing to pander to people who don't even play their games and reviewers

congrats, when is your "gender reveal party?" But for anyone who has a PS 4 and scarpe together the shekels for a PC, you're a loser. I have the fucking steam thing that transmits games to my TV, so relasitically don't need the PS 4 of xbox one other than for Red Dead Redemption 2. the only "switch" I've ever carried with me is a switchblade when I'd take the subway after 2am and it was full of kangz.

The sent dreams out to die. No one even knows it exists outside of niche communities.

I wanted to play MHGU and Smash
Stay mad poorfag election tourist

focusing on secondary unimportant shit

Who calls it a copypasta

Toddlers are mad Sony does not make BING BING games

>only focuses on cinematic story based games instead of games with mechanical depth and in the rare instance that they do have a game like that they end support as quickly (gravity rush, Bloodborne)
They end support because no one buys them. But they still both have story DLC which is much more than what most other publishers foot the bill for. Also, you choose to completely ignore their VR situation because you are a poor braincel.
>as a consequence of the above they lack quality in their games meaning not only do they have a stunning lack of good games but a lack of games in general
Lack of quality is the last thing you can objectively say about their games.
>come next gen they're REDUCING their first party output doubling down on third-party support
No. They are reducing first party output outside of Asia, to go for quality over quantity. You probably don't know this because you are a brainlet, but Sony released a shitton of games at the start of the gen that scored like shit and flopped critically and financially.
>punishing third-party developers with strict and invasive censorship that goes beyond the lengths of 80s Nintendo
They never allowed straight up porn either. Is that a punishment aswell? Why is no one crying about that? oh right, Sony did it so we have to cry now.
>PS+ in addition to steadily increasing with price has been offering less and less games of worth each month
Sony has been increasing the quality of the games they offer pricewise. The games are worth more even if there may be fewer games. That is why we see AAA games released on there every month now.
>woefully out of touch with the gaming community choosing to pander to people who don't even play their games and reviewers
This is a straight up lie. Only delusional Yea Forumstard toddlers would think this.

>poorfag election tourist
What the fuck are you even talking about you insane shzoid nigger? My PC is worth more than your fucking life. I have one I keep my fucking Titan-V in for torrenting and the other with my 2 2080tis. And the PS 4, and the xbox one, and the box 360 , and the fucking xbox Hardrive with all the fuckign games that won't fit on hardrive. Plus the fuckign Steam thing that connects to TV.
So fucko, do explain the "poor fag" and "election tourist." You genuinely walk around with a "nintendo switch," which your wife's boyfriend let's you play while they go and see a fucking movie. A phone isn't enough for you, you need a fucking "nintendo gaming device" to carry around with you. the epitome of nu-V and someone begging to be first on the fucking gallows...

Its not even officially released yet

Yeah, like video games. TV, sports and kinetic should be the maim priority, or whatever the fuck Valves priority is these days, VR and Microtransactions, Half Life 3 should not be a priority,

poor fag because console warring
election tourist because obsessed with tranny/cuck memes

yeah like the biggest, most retarded resolution and cinematic experience over actual gameplay and stable framerate

Exactly, instead they should focus on cardboard and cancelling Scalebound

>but nintendo
>but valve
hit and miss faggot

Their games have all ran excellent on base PS4 except maybe Thelast guardian, it took Microsoft how many years to get the Master Chief Collection up? Putting out Pubg that barely runs on Xbox One X and shit and all their games look like shit


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the recent censorship scandal(s) plus the ps4 having weak exclusive game, and dont forget that console wars attract shitposters like nothing else, overall this the worst sony console yet imo.

Because their games are overrated as fuck

>Because old sony used to be about taking risks
You mean like the TLG, dreams and practiclly every single VR games?
Also they got the most new AAA IP from all the publishers.

Because those 5 best sellers are some of the most lackluster games this gen but are hyped up only because they're exclusives. People don't like paying for online and the PSVR is a poor man's Vive with no software support outside of RE7 and games that play much better on the Vive.
It's certainly better than the Xbox in terms of exclusives, but it's obvious push towards censorship and to push agendas can't be ignored.
All in all, it was the only console worth having this/last gen, but it's no replacement for a decent PC.

Until they release the next one...or whatever marketing tells you.

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Anything doing good is attacked here, have you not noticed the pattern? Only obscure dogshit is popular here

>>Commited to single player games
That's the problem.
All their SP games are super formulaic. There's no risk, just make the gwafix pretty and put the camera over the shoulder. Who cares about fun gameplay and replayability?

Because Sony keeps winning. Next gen is already in the bag.

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Nintendo is doing Zelda and Mario for what, 30 years now?
Microsoft is HaloGearsForza.

If God of War is a movie despite having a 5/1 ratio of gameplay to cutscenes, why are JRPGs immune when they often have even worse ratios?

>jrpgs are meant to be story heavy
Then why does anyone support them to begin with? Anything story heavy should be discarded into the fire for being garbage.

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At least Sony is still making big budget single player games.

This is now a mario party 2 thread
if you pick anything other than western or horror land you're a fucking faggot

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>Commited to single player games
>Focus on bringing quality foremost than quantity
>Doubling down their first party production
>Several games of them has sold over 10 million copies
>PS+ gives you great games each month
>PSVR is the most successful VR device ever
>Listens to gamers and are bringing crossplay to their games
refer to pic

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glad I joined the winning team then
also ps4 is pretty based with most PC games

>entire budget blown on hiring expensive actors, because that's just what gaming needs
>pretentious overly cryptic 2deep4u bullshit being hyped with marketing
>zero gameplay

I'm sorry but the market is actually quite flooded with pretentious artsy fartsy garbage, specially one whose development is convoluted with rumors of it all going to shit such as this one.

That's all better than cinematic garbage

Killed MJ.

And Sony used to be better, until they decided to become Microsoft.

Wow what a compelling argument! You totally changed my mind!

Yeah how old is the PS4 now? 7 years

Seriously everyone think about the exclusive library for the PS4 and then think about how old it is. It’s honestly pathetic. If the Xbox wasn’t worse it’d be embarrassing too

How can God of War or TLOU be movies if they have more gameplay than cutscenes, and metacritic scores for them are overwhelmingly positive?

>Listens to gamers and are bringing crossplay to their games

That's funny when Sony is the only reason why we don't have crossplay on more titles and they even went out their way to say they're not supporting it. Microsoft and Nintendo even took a jab at them on twitter.

I'm not trying to change the mind of a deluded snoy sucker

Former Sony fan here. Their past exclusives were way better than the shit they make now and it's clear from their marketing/interviews they only care about cinematic games now

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Walking is not gameplay

The elections were years ago gate keeping cunt. No one who's been around that long is new anymore.

>and metacritic scores
what the fuck is going on why do you zoomers do this

Reddit word.

What’s the idea of death Stranding? Do you know?

>God of War
Literally slow walking and talking for long stretches of times to hide massve loading times with a billion cutscenes constantly interrupting the flow of gameplay. Don't even get me started on PRESS X FOR AWESOME THING qtes. This series has always been cancer incarnate.

Only remotely enjoyable on Grounded and only if you manage to ignore the fact the AI is fucking hot trash and feels like something that you'd expect out of a ps2 game at best.

>metacritic scores
>unironically taking gaming blogge- I mean, """""""""journalists""""""""""""" seriously
Literally go back to r/gaming

>Commited to single player games
Every game should have multiplayer in this day and age
>Focus on bringing quality foremost than quantity
>Doubling down their first party production
I thought they wanted less games for ps5?
>Several games of them has sold over 10 million copies (Horizon, God of War, Spider-Man, Last of Us, Uncharted, etc)
and I should like sony because of this why?
>All the multiplats arrive to PS4
>PS+ gives you great games each month
>PSVR is the most successful VR device ever
again, why should the success of PSVR make me like sony
>Listens to gamers and are bringing crossplay to their games
Now that's just bullshit


>NOW Metacritic scores don't matter


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No that game was too fucking empty and the shrines sucked
Fucking disgusting non-idorts

I liked sony for the jap games. Since they're censoring them I don't have a reason to like them anymore.

>he thinks i'm a console peasant

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Because Yea Forums generally loves games without a strong focus on story I think

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>the only real game to come out since P5 and GR2
really showed him

Holy shit litteraly "but Nintendo"
nigger I'll shit on them to but doesn't stop your "games" from being trash to.

Define a real game please.

They never did and if you ever took them as anything more than shitposting material, that's because you're just your average braindead zoomer who needs other people to feed them opinions. Let me guess, your favorite movies are capeshit because twitter blue check marks told you that, aren't they?

>enforce the exclusives meme in 2k19+

Into the bin you go, snoyboy. Stop being an apologist of jewish tactics.

Not an "interactive cinematic experience"

Do you ever get the feeling like you're already dead and your existence is a lie? It's Death Stranding, the truth is we are completely trapped in a false reality, higher dimensional beings from the next dimension have completely clammped down on our reality and have interloped with humans throughout history

Seething lolibertarian

What an unexpected bunch of posts. I was expecting console warrior double think about how it's actually ok because some dumb reason. But if we can discard metacritic altogether, then that's cool too.

But all games are to an extent.

Yeah man, I cry everytime I play tetris. Such a cinematic experience.

Sony adds a layer of fear to people that most are not comfortable with. 5TD54-VNGCV-YY43A

Why would you cry? Cinematic doesn't necessarily equate to sad emotions you deluded NPC.

People don’t hate Sony, they hate Sony fan boys because they are literally the MACfags off video games. They think they are better than everybody else and shit on anything that isn’t ps just because it’s not ps

sounds like any fan boys

>Dreams is Mario Maker

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An artist's rendition

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Got a PC, got a Switch, even got a Vita for the memories of decent weebshit. Furthermore, I have hardmodded PS2 and PS1 systems for some classics I grew up with, and I use emulation for everything else. Why touch a PS4? A PS5? A PS7? I don't care what they call their latest crapbox, I can't give a shit about censored games, I got enough variety to last me forever.

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Mario maker isnt any better, but its whole point is making nes mario games which people like.

Without Sony none of you would have any games to play. Especially weebfags. They deserve your utmost respect, and insulting them on this board should be an automatic 7 day ban

You just described the PC and Valve fags. Sonybros just go where the games are, and they aren't on PC or Xbox, and you niggers are so bitter and jealous, you tried making petitions, you tried everything , all you can do now is attack sony and it's games and it's fans, really pathetic, but I guess if I had no games I would be mad too

By this point I believe a new board must be created to contain Nintendo shit, much like how Yea Forums created /mlp/ to herd away horsefuckers and Yea Forums locked away wrestlesois in Yea Forums

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0% backwards compatability
6 years of PS4 generation being stuffed with Remasters
Censorship rules by California HQ (California is an unhinged far left US state currently acting worse than 1990s conservatives who hated GTA, Mortal Kombat, Pokemon)

Fuck Sony and I own a PS3 and PS4.

Holy shit someone saved my OC!

hypocrite autist (actual autism)

this but for consoles overall

Why do stupid fucking marketers ask questions they already know the answers to?

Muh porn

Games is games, no games is no games, the Xbox fanbase has always been a piece of shit, hiding behind the Wii, taking shots at Sony, but never really taking pride in their own games like Sony or Nintendo fans. PC and Xbox fans have no identity, no games to rally behind, all they can do is disparage other platforms. The truth is we're not thinking about you niggers but you're constantly thinking about our games, you interjected yourself into this, you attacked Sony relentlessly for years

Because paid shills like you come here and try to convince me to buy their garbage. Just look at sony fanboys praise VR.

what games nigger
I don't even know what to get for this dust collecting piece of shit besides dreams

PS3 was a shitshow of hardware. The worst platform to play action games that gen, couldn't even handle bayonetta properly.

Based and true

Days Gone, coming soon, Only on PlayStation

fuck off

name one good exclusive by PS
i will fucking wait til you give me answer
and counter it

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Ape Escape


toppest kek

Sometimes you gotta feel bad for these "men"
Four months into the year and they've already been left out of Resident Evil 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, Devil May Cry 5, Sekiro and countless other
And all they have to show for it is Smash, YIIK and Tetris 99

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2/10 got a (you) out of me

>Activate subroutine "SONY BAD"

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It's not "some questionable games", they're aiming to censor everything

Shit, it's been that long? I remember when PS3 was one of "the consoles" to get
Man, I feel old...

Nevermind "feel" nigger just admit to yourself you're old

Your opinion is worthless to general consensus