This is embarrassing, desu. I guess it is time to stop supporting this company.
Sony does it again
Isn't this literally just a box ratio issue?
Switch boxes are longer and thinner
Serious stalker vibes from Rorona.
She even looks like Risa from Amagami.
It is but that won't stop OP and his shitposting
No, they have a lot of room in the top and left they could have used, and then put the title in the bottom right, like the Switch version
At what point will women start to realize that censoring is more oppressing them than helping them?
It is not. This is the jap cover.
are these games actually good or just for pedophiles?
It isn't good if you happen to be homosexual
>Female skin
Revolting, unless it's a man turned woman
Are actually good but like the redditfag you are, you are retarded and you have shitty tastes so instead go to play some generic western shit game.
There isn't any pedo-bait in the series.
holy kek
>Nincel Sony hate thread again
Fortnite servers must be down or something
actually good
There is nothing for pedos here. They're just comfy games.
This can't be real.
>men are still topless
Yikes, she's not even showing much. How long before burkas?
I'm not trying to be that guy, but the cover on the right accentuates her hips. It's actually a little hot, even if censored
I'd play these games if they were actually /u/ and not just bait.
At first glance I thought maybe it was just an over reaction, that the shape of the boxes allowed one over the other to show more, but that PS4 one is really zoomed in to cut off the legs. There is plenty more to that drawing so it could've pulled back a bit but instead it got really in there, to the point it's making the drawing look less balanced than it's good for it.
This is retarded. Fucking why? What's so offensive about a skirt and legs? They're really making some dumb alterations and someone needs to tell sony to knock that shit off.
Wait... why is the Switch version Pegi 12 while the PS4 is 16???
is this game any good or is it complete shit like the last several
We should just Nuke California
But the only thing ps4 owners play is fortnite. Your post doesn't make any sense
You people are nuts, there's plenty of pedobait here, pantyshots, hell I could fap to the damn boxart
>Be European
>We get the superior cover
>Her ass is covered with a book and the title on the Switch cover
>PS4 cover just cuts away a part of her legs but shows her butt without the book and title
>All this shit literally because some cunt said so.
I remember when people fought tooth and nail against censorship. But since some faggots don't want to be called "incel" now suddenly they're bowing their head and taking a knee at every fucking opportunity.
t. gay homo faggot
They censored the horse too! This fucking people!
when the fuck will men rise up and say no no to fanservice for women?
To hell with playstation. I'm not gonna support them anymore since they wanna do this stupid shit. If we let to bastards keep getting away with this, our waifus will be censored wearing burkas.
Then there is something actually wrong with you
You don't know what pedo-bait is then.
Are you a fucking retard?
Nice nintendo falseflag thread again, the western cover of the game is """"censored""""" also.
Censorship is okay as long as I agree with it.
I haven't fully woken up yet. Tell me what this is about.
The images look the same to me. But I'm bad at those "spot the differences" games in the newspaper.
Help a retard out.
I looked it up.
There is no actual reason
It's one of those comfy girly games where sex doesn't exist but kissing and hand holding is considered incredibly lewd.
I see thighs. Which are not on the PS4 cover.
Good game
>feminists do the free the nipple thing so they can be topless
>want females to be censored in vidya
>promote pride in one's body
>want to cover up the body's of vidya females
>support female empowerment
>like Islam
Starts out slow, and a ton of stuff that feels almost mandatory is only introduced ten hours in. If you don't mind that then it's ok, otherwise stay the fuck away.
her legs are not ok
Yeah, we're all already here on Yea Forums
Fair enough, but that's what the first guy you were responding to probably thinks pedobait is
>sex doesn't exist but kissing and hand holding is considered incredibly lewd.
so like my life? I'm gonna buy this
Tell me Totori wasnt designed for people to want to fuck her 13 year old butt.
I should watch that anime again some day
I'm on Yea Forums but at least I'm not a pedo.
Now I'm off to play Conception 2.
>About to buy a PS4 after a lifetime of being poor because I want to play weeb games
>All of them censored
This rage is incomprehensible for you guys.
They censored the boots, because Sony thinks boots are offensive.
>topless men: yes!
>bikini girl: NO!!!!!!
You literally can’t make this shit up, the sjws are the new puritans
I doubt you understand the intricacy of child psychology that is handled in KnJ. If anything you just want sexy chindren doing sexy shit, am I wrong?
This is literally just a case of
>uses trannie "yikes"
>being so much of a corporate drone that you’re bragging that a company makes more money than another
Too bad they don’t make comparison charts for how much fun people have with video games you limp dicked bootlicker
>the thighs are visible anyway
Why even fucking bother
Yeah, no. To me it looks like they cut it to keep the logo on top, and keep it consistent with literally every other box art in the series, which keeps the logo on top.
In the Switch version for Europe, her legs are covered by the logo, which is placed on the bottom of the box. Is that Sony censorship too?
> clownworld
> world
It’s muttland.
What about
>being poor but anyway spend the little money you get buying LE from your favorite game
>It gets killed for the olympic games and SJWs points
California must be nuked asap
Why do Euros always get the best boxart?
Switch for comparison
Why are muslims running sony
>imagine not having fun replaying bloodborne for the 500th time
oh no no fuck ps4fags
I might actually buy this based on this boxart
I just want to rewatch an anime I watched like 10 years ago and remember almost nothing about. Gotta finish watching last seasons anime first though
lmao all the guys still have no shirts
absolutely love that they're just reverting to religious puritanism and think the female body is sinful
Maybe it's not only the books that are magic anf can speak in these games. Maybe the boots are real pottymouths!
Which Atelier games are the best to start with on Switch? I like comfy weeb games.
Fucking kek
PS5 is dead on arrival holy shit
>Packshot not final
They haven't done it in years.
Meruru is good
Basednytards btfo
These games are so fucking comfy, holy shit. I can't believe I waited so long to play them.
Must be an abstract kind of hell.
Oh well, at least I can pirate DL site games.
>Nothing new by FullFlap
My balls are about to burst, you have no idea.
That's what I thought at first but I feel like they could have easily fit more of the character onto the ps3 box
Plus there is precedent for Sony censoring box art.
Rewatch Ouran Host Club.
You guys should try having sex.
I pirated the Atelier Trilogy Deluxe Pack for Switch in NSP format, but when I install it only Rorona shows up. Am I fucking retarded?
Overrated normie shit and objetively worse than jacking off to your favorite fetish.
Please keep in mind that Gust hasn't made a good game for over a decade now. There will be a pc version and I highly recommend to think long and hard about actually giving Gust money.
I am sure some of the developers are skilled but Gust has to die and set them free.
>PS4 version has a higher age rating despite having a less lewd cover
If we have sex together then we can both lose our virginity
I did and holy shit am I way so much happier just masturbating to anime thighs
You have to complete them in order
You can have an active sex life, and not defend censorshit, user.
That's literally a false image. It's not in the game
Actual jap covers
>Switch PEGI 12
>PS4 PEGI 16
Snoys will defend this.
long slim female sexy legs bad
male can be naked, this way the trannies appear less manly
Isn't that an edit some ResetEra trannie made to try and make the game respect women or some shit?
I didn't understand why everything looks like the left in my copies of the game.
No you can’t.
Read the manga instead.
You know its not
>right foot censored
It's so much better and funny, it's basically the perfect anime to rewatch because you can focus on the relationships of different characters with Haruhi and end up with a new experience.
If you don't want to watch that then perhaps Ichigo Mashimaro? It's less ecchi but way funnier than KnJ and finally if you just want ecchi just watch Color wars of HSDxD.
It's just that KnJ will go over your head and the reputation that it has as a "loli ecchi show" really undermines that amazing writing and character development it has. The manga at least...
this desu
Don't worry, there will be plenty of third person, over the shoulder, cinematic action games (movies)
Why does the west hate horses?
Horse did nothing wrong!
>Horse legs censored
Those say they are pending rating, probably old
I'm more annoyed they left out the horse carriage. It's like cutting out the "adventure" part of the art
This would be a good gimmick, to be a footfag but only for right feet, and seethe whenever only the left foot is visible
Knees are highly sexual. We really shouldn't be displaying such provocative imagery.
>Snoy says no skin showing on cover
>Okay cut off the legs
>Cleavage still showing
>Fuck you!
Whoever had the job to censor the cover clearly is tired of this shit.
It’s funservice for other men
So, they're not going to release it on Steam?
No, those ARE the final Japanese covers, the game came out a month ago there. The western covers decided to crop the horse out probably because it was taking up half the space on the box art and they wanted it to focus purely on Lulua and Rorona instead.
NICAM decides what PEGI rating a game gets. Not Sony or Nintendo.
Didn't you hear? 75% of PS4 players identify as bi, gay or other. Hetero males are just a handful of players and appealing to them is just not good business.
Oh so that's what's going on. I thought Rorona was stalking her from behind a house.
It's really shit that all western covers felt the need to zoom away half the image.
shit taste, shit post and kys
I've watched all of those so I don't really feel like watching them. Seeing that KnJ gif made me want to rewatch it
Hidari's art was so fucking pleasing
>Bad opinions: The post
Sophie, Firis, L&S is the best trilogy
Whats going on in this pic?
>old game good, new game bad
To be fair, I was expecting this before I started reading your post.
I bought a PS4 when Bloodborne came out expecting to play a lot of Japanese anime games on it. At this point the only one I have that's still exclusive is Star Ocean 5, which is also complete garbage. Everything else is also on PC, Switch, or Vita.
Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex ?
I hate redditors so much
>The western covers decided to crop the horse out probably because it was taking up half the space on the box art and they wanted it to focus purely on Lulua and Rorona instead.
This, KT is just fucking retarded.
>he doesn't love Mio so much that he wants to eat her
you gay bro?
Eh I dropped it twice. The only good thing about it is Totori herself.
I still don't know whether I should play Meruru. Rorona was 9/10 great.
Leg fetishists btfo
Odin sphere is still exclusive of you don't have a vita
Netherlands Institute for the Classification of Audiovisual Media
nice try resetera
this is for approval
got rejected lol
you were born a man
Kingdom Hearts? Persona 5?
Censoring boobs, belly buttons and ass is one thing but censoring legs is going way too far.
Not falling for that one senpai.
Stop projecting your fucking fetishes onto every single game that features cute girls. Fucking hell, can't a game be about cute girls doing cute things without you lecherous fucks getting angry that it's not a softcore hentai game. For fucks sake, put your scrawny limp dick away.
To be fair, Athena actually uses that armor.
Now post the Switch cover that's going to be used for the west OP.
Both of those are also on PS3.
thighs are lewd
Is someone able to give one reason to buy a ps4? I literally can't think of any reason to own a ps4. Zero games, inferior hardware, shit fanbase.
Bloodborne is still the only reason and it seems like it'll always stay that way.
Bloodborne is still playable on PC with psnow
>sophie that low
eat shit.
I'm playing Lydie and Suelle, my first Atelier game and damn they don't make any effort to teach any of the gameplay. They just assume you're one of the 20k that's played every single game in this series.
Ichigo Mashimaro was a complete borefest. I only managed to watch the first 4 chapters.
Then there are no reasons left.
>this is offensive while your average college girl runs around in booty shorts with her asscheeks hanging out
I actually treated myself to a hooker the other day. Sex was nice and all but you know what I truly felt later that day?
I still like anime tiddies
I still hate trannies
It's a cute and funny show.
Why are you playing the very last one? At least start from Sophie.
If you have a gaming PC, none.
If you don't and you're an adult, a laptop and a PS4 make more sense financially, because of space and because of mobility. I don't regret switching to casual mode laptop/PS4, even if graphics are downgraded.
>played Rorona
>it's one of the worst fucking games I've ever tortured myself with
Should I even try the others? This seemed like a fun series to get into.
Hey, guys give me more ateler arts.
Roasties are getting BUTTBLASTED because men prefer to spend their money on cute girls doing cute things and not them, however they have been fed a hypergamy narrative all their lives and now they don't know what to do.
It's not their fault they've been brainwashed by the media. But who owns the media?
I liked Rorona and hated Totori. So yeah try Totori.
Yikes! Where are her boots? Why do switchlets condone nintendo censorship???
Gonna play merurururu next, any general tips?
I hate how she looks like she's standing in both versions. The JP covers are dynamic.
Art does not have human rights, nor does it have feelings.
Sony is run by catholic nuns
how do i have sex with an anime girl?
In this one they cut out the horse. So it's clearly an image size issue.
Actual PS4 box art
I actually just wanted to test the waters since I actually was going to make Lulua my first Atelier. But now I'm pretty far into it and will probably finish it, but I don't want to overdose by playing three games before Lulua.
That's hot. Imagine a super cute arian teenage catholic nun game.
You have to go heal people, cook meals for children, wear sexy lingerine under your habit, light lesbo play with your fellow sisters.
I'm getting really turned on.
They forgot to cut out the other chest.
Left leaves more to the imagination and uironically makes it seem lewder.
Can I just post screenshots?
snoycuckold cope
God I fucking love that artstyle
>tfw Snoy would censor this today
What Atelier games should I start with on Switch?
Gust still has a godlike art department. Imagine what they could do with a budget or more time.
>cuts off her fingers
>logo looks like a british hat
>image composition all over the place, no balance
>Lulua is holding a stick that goes off-frame
>at least a finger's width of space between bottom and where Lulua starts
>logo blends in well with the busy bottom of the picture, leaving the top to breathe
>the magic lights frame Lulua without going out of frame
What are you doing Sony
The Switch version is worth it for the cover alone.
>This is embarrassing, desu.
Almost as embarrassing as being a grown man who is attracted to sexualized cartoons and getting mad when they are "censored."
Being proud people have to buy DLC and Season passes to get the most out of their games.
>those gaps on her sides
There is literally nothing stopping someone from grabbing her from behind and pinching her nipples.
How do they shit these Atelier games out so fucking fast? It's like there's a new one every month.
seething tranner
go back to faggotera
Atelier has been a yearly series longer than most Yea Forums posters have been alive.
The problem here is the artist who designed those retarded JRPG outfits
you can do that with any shirt tho
It's easy when you stop caring about quality
But user, I just copy pasted what anons were saying to cope with the Tharja censorship.
One of the reasons to buy a physical game is the cover art, and they made the cover art significantly uglier than the original and even the Switch version. They could have changed the art like the EU edition did if they wanted something that didn't show skin.
You just know.
Tell me why it matters. Who will play this shit anyways
>Buying Atelier Lulua AT ALL
You deserve to be censored, scammed and nuked out of existence.
>censors picture
>makes character look naked instead
The EU/JP edition had her show a swimsuit bottom. Completely innocent. The US version hid it with a curtain, implying that she wasn't wearing the bottom.
I suggest you to play the first Arland triology for Switch.
Has anyone played it yet?
Who's the dad? Is she a Hom?
You mean what no one said, right?
Why is women complimenting other women’s bodies so erotic?
It's okay. I can still tolerate on this.
Dumb sonyfag you can still see the strap.
Thanks, user. No knowledge about the other games needed? Also, there's no physical edition for this, is there? Bummer. Here's hoping for some sort of eshop Japan sale.
Poor old Rorona, doomed to cakehood.
The fuck is wrong with you? You know what we're are like. Telling us to "have sex" is basically giving us permission to rape.
The irony is that 2018 was the first year since 2000 to not have a mainline game release because they wanted to improve the quality and released a spin-off in the meantime.
And then that spin-off ended up being better than the last five mainline games.
You think this is better? Nah, Gust have been all about frilly and overly designed shit for years now.
Pegi 16 is like M equivalent right? Aren’t these retro games? What the hell makes it need that rating?
Gust thread?
I tried listening to ar tonelico's ost since you guys said so many good things and it sounded kinda nice at first but suddenly it switched to niggerspeak that made my ears bleed. Did I get bamboozled or what?
>The switch box is just longer in scale.
user I like poking fun at Sony and its censorship bullshit but this is a fucking stretch at best.
Why are you still talking? Come on, man, put your jacket on and let's go!
What's the deal with Nelke, why does everyone hate her? What's her game like?
>You mean what no one said, right
You'd think so, but it's liberals.
You mean that 2D phone-like game?
fucking plebeian, stop posting
Arland's and Ayesha are worth playing, can't really vouch for the others.
Box cover discrepancies are usually because of Walmart, not the console makers.
That Elie outfit is fucking cute!
Wait... Was THAT for real?
these aren't even fucking real you retard mouth breathing ape
Why are big boobs so reviled by these people? Some women have big boobs. Should we start making all male characters shorter to not upset manlets?
right looks better though
Stop being attracted to little girls
It's "liberals" not liberals. It's literally social conservatives who hate Trump. They only support progressive causes because that's what their tribe does, but as soon as you dig into what they believe they turn into raging hypocrites because they're not capable of forming opinions that make sense. They literally support regimes that actively stone trannies while getting offended over a girl wearing a chinese dress to prom.
t. angry liberal lesbian
This was okay in 2011.
What went wrong?
Have sex, incel.
Don't care if she's just embarrassed about being in a bikini. I will now imagine this picture is her really really really needing to go pee.
None of those are the actual cover for that game.
No, it was said plenty, you just were too young to see all the Nintendo apologists defending it here. Good thing we have an archive so nintendon'ts can't change history
>post yfw you are not a snoy incel
I didn't care much for her design and I was initially put off by NOCO doing the art, but aside from Ayesha whose portraits look terrible most the art is actually decent. Nelke's game is a town builder / alchemy management game where you get lots of characters from the other games and you set them up to perform tasks each turn, with each turn being divided into weekday and weekend segments. The weekday section is where you build buildings and assign jobs to all the characters which includes alchemists making items, farms producing items, characters gathering items from field areas, and selling items in shops. The weekend section is where you talk to characters to raise friendship and unlock special buildings or go on expeditions to clear new field areas and get access to more items.
I have some problems with the UI and some characters suffer in characterisation compared to their original games, with Totori in particular being just a demure moeblob in this with no hints of her former stubbornness or headstrong moments, but for the most part the character interactions are good, and while I wouldn't say the gameplay mechanics are particularly deep, there's a lot of stuff to manage so it appeals to the players who liked getting real into alchemy autism in the older games.
It's not 2D and the combat is the only thing that's phone-like about it. Which is also funny because the exploration works similar to how it did in the Salburg games and the combat is also far more complex than it was back then because Salburg was incredibly simplistic in that regard.
Ewwww girl legs! Snony can't show you THAT! According to our research, all you gaijin love "essu jayyu double-yuu". We want you to buy game.
If you missed the sales for the Arland triology, then you should wait for more time. Anyway I do know other Atelier games. Try with the Mysterious triology. They're may be not the best games, but they're pretty much comfy. Trust me!
Well to be fair what they did to Awakening wasn't that bad. What happened to Fates and #FE on the other hand...
>this was ok in 2018
bloody heck what happened?
>Pegi 16 is like M equivalent right?
Is the Switch version better than the Vita "plus" versions?
Because Sony.
No, Im not a fruit boy.
Thinking this is all the Califags' fault
SNOY is just getting ready to adhere to global standards before the olympics hit, while also appeasing the SJWs. They kill two birds with one stone doing this.
Olympics is next year. Japan is desperate to clean up their image.
Thanks for the explanation, I've never played a kingdom builder game so where does this rank within that genre?
Sony Bonus.
Don't they have a dildo parade? What do they care?
Vita is basically the same until they reach the mysterious series where they just shit the bed completely
That doesn't make sense since lewd games and loli porn are still being made at a constant rate.
Sure! Especially in handheld mode.
Keep it in mind tough. Only Lydie & Suelle is on Switch. While the other two are still for the PC and PS4.
Why do people keep pushing this meme?
It's higher than PG-13, but lower than M. Sort of like a high T.
I think Meruru has an extra ending but besides that they're pretty much the same. Mysterious series sucks. Don't play them.
DX has a few goodies over plus, mostly worth it for the sprint and speedup options on L3
they have pretty good soundtracks at least.
Switch is a little much better than Vita.
Ah damn. Thank you.
No idea, I don't typically play them. Also I forgot to mention that you also get given goals and turn deadlines to meet them, but unlike in the other Atelier games you can complete them early and get the excess time added onto the next goal, so that's nice. You also regularly get requests to make or sell certain items and to hunt certain monsters which get you money and also affection for the asking character.
If you fail a deadline you can start over in NG+ but I haven't had to worry about that yet.
Is this game any good? I stopped paying attention to Atelier after Totori.
Where do I pirate Nelke's game on PC?
>make Totori older
>name her Lulua
Can these Gust roasties be any lazier?
They're just liberals who didn't get the memo that blaming China is the hot new meme.
W-why is Athena so fat now?
Yea Forums told me the Switch was the successor to the 3DS. I understand now that it's the successor to the Vita.
Do they go on sale often? Right now it's like 90 euro's or something.
I like how the Mythra one is actually sort of close to how her Ultimate spirit looks (and her optional Torna outfit). thank god they didn't go full hijab though.
Don't expect anything more than a 25% discount. There are still Atelier games that have never been discounted digitally.
>nowi groping tharja
Pic/webmeme? For research purposes, of course...
The Olympics are a big fucking deal. Every time a country hosts them, they spend a shitload of cash and receive an influx of foreigners from all over the world.
Japan knows that the west (SJWs) like to bitch at them if they don't like something (e.g. The Rapelay incident) and Sony doesn't want to risk that happening to them.
Hey, it's something at least!
Yet extremely violent games such as TW3 and RDR2 face no regulation.
Thanks, California
t. KT shill
Thankfully I bough an used Bloodborne machine, it does very well at playing Bloodborne.
Remember when NoA censored a perfectly normal wedding dress? Now Sony is censoring fucking legs, Jesus some people really need to justify their jobs here.
Yikes. I'll be having fun with the better Gust franchise, BLUE REFLECTION. Can't wait for the inevitable sequel to be announced after they're done milking Lulua.
did you mistake it for niggerspeak because they say Obama Obama?
Actually, I'm the one asking about the discounts and I'd like the 25% discount because im paying less that way.
>refuse to support any weeaboo trash with sexualized women
>Refuse to support sony for being censoring dickheads
Best of both worlds. Get dabbed on
I downloaded 4 Atelier games (Meruru, Rorona, Totori and Nelke) for PC, from piratebay obviously, and I honestly don't know why. The only Atelier game I played and finished was Ayesha on PS3 and I dislike it.
Not as much as Trails of Cold Steel, but still...
I'd rather play Compile Shit at this point.
This is still Koei Tecmo we're dealing with
Are you bragging that you pay more to play games online? This has to be done sort of false flag. You can't actually be this retarded.
Dusk series on ps4 when?
>doesn't buy certain games
amazing, just like most of the world
>playing nu-Gust games
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
>this post AGAIN
Why do you do this
Why do you gotta make people hate Blue Reflection
>men are still topless
>playing non-Ys Falcom games
shiggy diggy
>loli porn
New laws force artist to make all their characters 18+
That's why ages are never mentioned or censored.
If anything new loli porn is just midget porn with anime aesthetic.
And also unironically
>New laws force artist to make all their characters 18+
Citation needed
>New laws force artist to make all their characters 18+
18 year old elementary schoolers have been a thing in h manga and eroge for a long time
and the alternatives are? PS2 tech tier Falcom games with an average anime plot spread over 300 hours? Compile Heart games with the mental maturity of an 8 year old downie?
There's not much choice in AA tier JRPGs. Gust are aight.
Shit I don't have source but I remember reading some mangaka talking about it in the after credits of some doujinshi I read.
>boxes have different shapes
holy christ this board gets more pathetic every day
different time
different Athena
>guns make for fun video games
>tits just lead to visual novels
Gust isn't any better just because they've switched to piss-easy substanceless moeshit to satisfy you otaku nerds
If we didn't have third wave sex negative feminism we'd have some amazing games with nice ecchi moments. Not trash tier games whose only selling point is the fanservice ergo they don't get a budget and the games are shit.
Thats not in the game you dumb cunt.
But my dear samefagging user, you know that Sony could just cropped the upper part, showed legs and put the name of the game at the bottom, like in Switch version.
Where to pirate Nelke? My private tracker doesn't have it and I don't know where the kids pirate their games without botnets these days
>sex doesn't exist but kissing and hand holding is considered incredibly lewd.
Then this game is for me.I'm buying the whole saga.
>New laws force artist to make all their characters 18+
>That's why ages are never mentioned or censored.
I jerk off to loli daily, ages and school grades are still mentioned.
what is the point of censoring legs kek
>Compile Shit
How does it feel to have so many cocks in your mouth?
>optional Torna outfit
You can also get in in the normal game
But Japan doesn't have third wave feminism and their fanservice games are still shit.
What? No. Not video game guns. Real guns good. Sorry I didn't specify.
Never. Men don’t care and that’s the biggest difference between them and women when it comes to these things.
Even FuRyu is better than GUST at this point.
thinner but definitely not longer.
>real guns protect your weeaboo games from any oppressors who would try and take them away from you
Are weebs actually stupid enough to think this is censorship?
The Switch covers are way superior anyway.
Try Caligula Overdose, it's great.
So whos the fucken father
>there's people who actually care about this
Men are taught to better themselves to compete, women are taught to eliminate competition.
They look like 20 how is this pedo?
>They censored the boots, because Sony thinks boots are offensive.
Boots and footwear of any type are literally offensive to Muslims, this is why their go-to threat is beating someone with a shoe.
>White men are taught to better themselves to compete, minorities are taught to eliminate competition.
Is this series still good even if you don't care for moe?
That game is fucking trash
Atelier is half girls being cute half autistic alchemy simulator.
Why does she look like a zombie.
Break down autistic alchemy simulator for me, because that sounds interesting.
As someone playing my first Atelier right now you either play them for the moeism or to autist out min maxing the alchemy gathering and crafting game, or both.
How do we stop Snoy?
>I doubt you understand the intricacy of child psychology that is handled in KnJ.
The author has daddy issues and fetishises old men fucking little girls, there is nothing to understand. More than half of loli artists in the doujin and comercial circuits are women with daddy issues.
I bet you haven't even played it.
Sophie is the greatest Alchemist to ever live. Deal with it.
she's stuck in a simulated world designed to turn people into... well zombies.
>We should just Nuke California
Fuck you, San Diego is based.
No it's not, you just like visiting. There are plenty of places that are nice to visit without being a cesspool of identitarians.
>I jerk off to loli daily
if only more noblemen such as you existed here
How did you make your game smooth like that?
>you lived long enough to see a prude family friendly company like Nintendo be more accepting of lewd stuff than the (formerly) go-to lewd JRPG company Sony
>men still topless
seriously anons, when will we rise up against the woman menace and start playing their own game?
Nintendo was never prude, though.
Maybe in China.
They were during the Wii U and the 3DS.
It works better when you include this image with your post.
Even the tower in the background was censored in the PS4 version, probably too phallic to be suitable for Sony's sensitive audience.
Whatever proves my point, bud.
Don't bother, it's never going to be as good as Mana Khemia's system was
The games are set in trilogys, you jumped into the final game of the Mysterious arc. Probably not the best idea.
>The Switch covers are way superior anyway.
That's the benefit of restricting your brand marking to one corner instead of hogging up cover real estate withe a blue banner along the top like Sony.
Clown world honk honk
Do they think girl + horse = beastiality?
>Mana Khemia
>good alchemy
Notice how literally all these ''censorship'' issues are directed towards loli and similar? moronic pedos, really.
Fire emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem fates
TMS #fe
Xenoblade X
>muh shit tier anime games
have sex
ReShade and a very large resolution.
Yes they are. I own the one on the right. It's specifically for WalMart releases
That is a very small timeframe of Nintendo's history. Nintendo have always been Based and Redpilled: The Company.
Sony won't see one more cent from me
Nintendo of America =/= Nintendo
Localizers at NoA actually got fired when Nintendo heard fans' complaints of censorship and scripts being rewritten.
Nintendo doesn't have a family friendly image in Japan, unlike in the West.
Does this look like a loli to you?
The lack of multisampling in L&S was ruining it for me, Sophie had it and the models looked great.
>removed crosses from backgrounds castlevania games in the 90s
>unironically testified before congress in the early 90s promoting censoring games heavily just to stick it to sega
>mortal kombat sweat
I didn't know little girls had tits
I actually like the sweat idea since gore does nothing for me. It always looked cool in the boxing games.
Get off of Yea Forums, Jason.
I met my girlfriend in middle school and she had borderline C cups at the time.
So she's a tall loli with long legs and tits bigger than her mother?
To stupid westerners all anime characters look like underages, they are dumb, that of jealous 3D roasties who can’t compete with 2D so they reeee
God, I wish that was me.
skirts and legs are haram
keep telling yourself that incel
>that white supremacist symbol
wtf nintendo ban this shit now
>tfw still waiting for mana khemia 3 and a new tonelico
>muh incel
>haha that’s a valid argument
>take that haha
worshipping 2d drawings over rl is PEAK incel behavior
You're not making a good case here, user.
>mana khemia 3
escha & logy
>new tonelico
ar no surge
It looks nothing like a real live underage girl though. Seriously do you not know what 13 year old girls looks like? Literally look nothing like lolis. Also drawings arent sentient they're not real so fuck off.
>muh r*ddit comeback
>hur dur incel
>muh phone post boogeyman
who wants to sit in front of a laptop all day?
You have to go back.
Look at the quality of phoneposter posts: . Expunging phoneposters would improve the quality of the board by 200%.
>censored version is +16
>normal version is +12
what if I turn on my laptop and then post all the exact same shit I’m posting now, will that make it all better sweetie?
you guys arent missing out, lulua is probably the worst atelier game in awhile
Would be so much easier if you just admit you are a pedo instead of resorting to weak excuses.
Who's the father?
shes adopted
Its peak shithead to tell others how to live their lives.
Haha yeah man so deep
Just read the damn manga instead
not that you dipshits, I mean the actual nigger chants
How can you stand this crap?
Been here since 2008
Atelier confirmed for the White Man's series.
Honestly the funniest thing is how this censorship spawned out of #metoo movement, how can you not find that shit amusing
how long before snoy just start cutting everything problematic?
because something like this is "worse" than just panty shot that's getting censored
Got a source on that? Google and yandex only bring up old Yea Forums and Yea Forums threads.
But does it still have high impact sexual violence?
Sorry user, but it's pretty easy to find it yourself on Google. Try looking at the filename.
>Some fat jew molested a bunch of ugly Hollywood cunts so now we're censoring anime games.
Is Snoy serious?
me on the right
Literally muslim tier desu. No wonder feminists have a weird alliance with Islam, i guess deep down women want to be oppressed.
We'll see with Three Houses. I'm not trusting Nintendo until we see whether that game is intact.
Treehouse has cut/changed significant amounts of content in PoR/RD, Fates and #FE. 8-4, the European localisation branch, did a somewhat less choppy job with Awakening and redeemed itself with Echoes, but it's still Treehouse handling 3H.
Bring on the censorship I say. I'd rather have it then the entitled anime incels we have now.
I don't get it either. Does the rating board play the same multiplat games multiple times?
>Implying they play the games
Do the publishers send the game to the rating board multiple times? And how shit are the rating boards for giving different scores to the same game?
>loli image
No you pedo, quit trying to squeeze your pedo trash amongst actual censorship like the DMC5 one
I have looked desu ops pic is the Japanese cover this the switches English cover
if she is not at least 21 then it's pedophilia
Nice try, ResetEra.
Better that then a pedo now?
>angry sjws calling for censorship, wanting to cut all risque content that they think has negative effects on society
>Yea Forums
>angry social conservatives calling for censorship, wanting to cut all risque content that they think has negative effects on society
You have become what you hate. Disgusting.
nice photoshop skills
>legs are too much now
I thought feminists supporting sharia law was just a meme, what the fuck.
Do you even know what a loli is?
straight from google loli=depiction of children, do you know what a loli is?
Still better than Sony. You can at least see a bit of the horse, the image doesn't make sense without it.
The European Switch cover is still better, might be worth importing through ebay.
EU Switch > US Switch > EU PS4 > US PS4
This. I'll curb stomp any shitbag that calls me an incel.
Fuck the Olympics. Sony is full of shit mentioning about this while Nintendo doesn't give a rat's ass about it.
It would, because you wouldn't bother.
No, it's because demographics changed.
Yea Forums used to be very liberal in the classic meaning, freedom above all and fuck others telling you what to do.
But because of this we got invaded by teenagers who don't give a shit about this and just want to stick it to the sjws and trannies, fuck all else. They don't about censorship unless resetera cares about it too.
Wrong. People fought tooth and nail and lost. It's that simple.
Talking about retarded bullshit in 'murrika and bullshit ratings, the other day I remembered something.
AMERICAN Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude in its Uncut and Uncensored version was rated A for PC. While its console censored version was rated M.
But turns out that the console EUROPEAN version, rated +18, was the still the Uncut and Uncensored version that was released exclusive for american PC.
Fucking seriously.
Embarrasing, the same pedos that scream sjw and trannies are the only ones defending this ''censorship'' it's not censorship, it's obvious localization. You aspies wouldnt get a game without it.
A European 18 rating and an American A rating isn't the same as far as I know. A is what you get if you don't bribe the judges, 18 is what you take with a shrug because no one cares.
Something changed in game?
Altering cover art to hide thighs and covering up swimsuits is not localisation, unless you live somewhere where shorts and swimsuits don't exist.
Can we get the government to step in to stop Sony's censorship rampage?
Because dumb weebs will still buy it.
The government supports it. Or rather, the ones that support the government supports it. And I'm not talking about the voters.
>waiting for sales
This is how you buy 50 games you'll never play. Just pay whatever the asking price is when you want to play it, it's cheaper in the long run.
lulua's cleavage is censored in the ps4 version's model
they took out all the gay between mimi and totori too
>All this seething ITT
Sony wins, yet again.
You forgot to include the price of the DLC as well.
Ummm...why is someone stalking Lulua from behind that building?
No one buys from Steam unless it's +50% off at which point the price is the same.
No, that would fall under localization. Learn what cultural norms are, pedo.
Either way they are violating 1st Amendment.
Japan will soon stop this anyway.
The constitution has been violated and ignored countless times so who cares?
>Bong advocates for censorship
It writes itself.
Did you grow up in a muslim or amish community? Does your culture not include going to the beach?
post some screenshots comparing
>escha & logy
>ar no surge
>comparing both garbages with mana khemia and ar tonelico.
fucking die.
The UK is one of the last bastions for free speech.
>The UK is one of the last bastions for free speech.
don't bother,they are not even self aware anymore.
I'm so buying this fucking VN when it finally releases.
Good one lad. Your internet license has been extended with 4 hours for good behavior.
expect a copper to be at your front door tomorrow to talk about your problematic attitude and put you on a list of nearly, but not quite crimes.
The art doesn't look that good. What makes it special?
What am I looking at?
>Japanese find this icky and turned thei back on games
>Japanese publishers need to avoid fan service for their own survival
Is this why the most popular stuff in Japan right now are mobile gacha shit filled with CG far lewder and perverted than anything you could ever find on consoles ?
I wasn't talking about the art alone.
Sure, that's why I asked what else makes it good. I have nothing to go by but this single image.
Check the historical lowest user, never went down that much. It might, but time will have to pass
So is she Roronas' kid or what?
>Old good
>New bad
Mana Khemia aside, Ar nosurge is literally better than every Ar tonelico game sans 1 and Ion is literally the best girl in the entire franchise
Too bad you can't really get much from it by being an EOP.
>censoring cute little shoes
Shut the fuck up, /pol/. Sony is just doing it with the well being of it's major demographic, real women trigger transexuals.
A badly cropped image from a lazy publisher
It's getting shit scores by reviewers, but they hate its sexualization even though they say it has fun plot and characters.
From what I've seen it's compared to S;G but funnier and lewder.
>massah dindunothing you ungrateful meanies! massah knows better! glory to massah you infidels!
>>New bad
This but unironically.
is Sony´s CEO a fucking Amish priest? How thighs and boots need censorship ?
>post pic of literal potato tier koikatu or ps3 and vita
i can play the better eroge game without buying garbage, chink sucker.
Well Yea Forums?
That's not a little girl,. retard.
Personally I think S;G would be a lot worse if there were some sex scenes forced in that didn't fit the rest of the game's theme.
Sounds like a disgruntled weeb who learned Japanese and wasn't accepted as a hero.
Left button. Then I might finally learn Japanese. Not.
wtf is wrong with these people
time to learn japanese now.