Alt-right nazis are review bombing MK11

How do we stop this?

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whats the problem?

>playing fighting games on pc

buy it and give them money anyways haha

fuck the "alt-right"

Yeah, play them on PS4 where you have to pay for plus at a lower resolution and framerate (with input lag!)

alt right nazis wouldnt have bought that game

Or as I like to call them: KUCKOLDS

Delete their reviews and ban them, duh

Micro-transactions that would make EA blush.

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>game a legitimate problems
>if you complain you're a nazi
It's the perfect plan

well, go punch 'em

If its a decent port and maintains a decent community like Tekken 7 then why wouldn't you?

Who the fuck even plays MK anyway? It was cool back in the 16 bit era and you got to see someone's head get ripped off, but now, who cares?

>Fighting games
>on PC
Oh my god, who fucking cares


Ring microtransactions with a grind that would take years

Funny how PC can play literally anything, while shitsoles can only pretend they have exclusivity.

The port is rife with bugs

You play both. PC for online and consoles for weeklies. As good as PC is, if it's over one frame of lag due to online, it's slower than consoles at events.

You can refund

Literally no reason not to

>Games of the fighting genre
>On the Personal Computer platform

by buying it anyway
let alt right cunts be salty all they like

>paying 120$ for a garbage game

game is sexist, only 3 female characters

Ps4 is 60fps

Dead servers faster

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Brilliant. I'm thinking about bringing a half-assed shitshow of a game to market. Then, if anybody has a negative opinion of it(read:review bomb), then I will simply ban them by calling them a transphobic nazi. It's almost TOO easy... Hello rich me.

>fighting games