Why is this game so good bros? What went so right? What other games with this kind of soul I should play?

Why is this game so good bros? What went so right? What other games with this kind of soul I should play?

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I liked it a lot, but it was piss easy, basic, and had fucked pacing.

>rare Skies thread
Aww yiss, have a bump

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How do I play this game without buying a dreamcast though?

Get the Gamecube port


Is it that long of a game? I was thinking about finally going back to it.

>What other games with this kind of soul I should play?
Kinoblade 1+2 and FFIX, top contenders with Skies for Earkino OST as well.

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Never played this game. Played the start of the game and it's boring. Does it get better anons?

Yes it gets good when you start looking for the mcguffins

It has really great exploration as far as JRPGs go

It was refreshing among its contemporaries. The setting was cool, too.

Have another

Yes. One of the main appeals of the game is the exploration. The story picks up as well.

average jrpg length. i did most of the content in 40-45 hours.

How did you do it bro?100% in 40 hours?

100% in 40 hours is too short for a jrpg especially jrpg from golden era.

not 100%. i did defeat every bounty boss and every piastol encounter, found a good chunk of the discoveries and got every moonfish except for 1 or 2 of them (couldn't be arsed to re visit EVERY place again to look for them). i'd say maybe 50-55 hours for 100%.
apparently there's a hidden boss if you open every treasure chest too, but a lot of them are missable.

Now that Valkyria Chronicles series has gone into a trending downturn, like a plunging trend, then Sega should assign the team to making a something with Skies of Arcadia.

Always a good day when there's a Skies thread. It's frankly a fucking crime this game didn't get any further attention.

gonna be unironic here... maybe they shouldn't have cancelled that PS2 port. the game only came out on dead platforms.

Because it's a game about bravery, comradery, and adventure. It produces good feelings all around.

Doubt it would really climb out of obscurity even if it was on PS2. It was a one-off JRPG made by a studio that isn't even around anymore. Skies would just get buried underneath the mounds of other more well-known JRPGs like FFX.

What other games with this kind of feeling?
It is made by Sega?

Published by Sega, developed by Overworks. Other games with Skies feel? That's really hard to determine. Skies was such a feel-good JRPG without a metric fuckton of teenage angst and drama. Closest thing I can think of is Xenoblade, but even that doesn't reach the heights of feel-good sensations that come from Skies, and has some angst. It was truly unique

Aika or Finna?


Aika, but with her hair down.

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I like em feisty

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Japanese '''''humor'''''' Why can't we have a HD port of Skies with widescreen support and uncompressed music, dammit

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This so good. Why can't we make this the default Aika's look in the game? This only happen in this scene.

"Hey Vyse, how come I've never seen you at the gym?"

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Based Vigoro

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Can you imagine the reactions in today's environment?

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Oh shit it's Chad

>does she wear leather?

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Based Vyse knows mommies are what men truly seek.

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the world building and campy characters really sold the game for me.

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I'm still crying to this day.

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Don't forget Vigoro was a hair away from sexually assaulting Aika while in prison.

>tfw never going to have a spiritual successor or sequel

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Leave my best friend alone!

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>tfw everything in this stage
Why Sega still so fucking dumb after all he fucking fails over the years? They could be like old school Capcom and rake money for years if they focus on the ips that made them good

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yeah, they downplayed this scene for localization too. Tried to make it not as, well, you know.

Definitely play these. It's a real shame that Xenoblade 2 didn't have a sky overworld like in Skies of Arcadia though.

Why did Sega hate SoA?

I remember hearing the story about how the lead producer for SoA previewed the stage, and she was actually moved to tears.

fun fact, he has the same voice actor as Mario

>>tfw never going to have a spiritual successor or sequel
good. Considering the state of successors and sequels this day and age, the Soul would be gone

WTF? SoA has voice scene?

The credits song makes me tear up every time I hear it

Mean for this

>ywn play this for first time again
What do anons?

>he didint bring drachma to the final battle

fuck your justice shield!

never played before shall i go dreamcast or gamecube? also any beginner tips?

i will tell you this. never run away from battles. it will ruin your reputation. get the white flag if you want to fight less.

and also how good is the gamecube emulation my pc isnt the greatest

they have some shouts (like "yes" "no" "uh huh" etc...) in dialogue and voices for special attacks ("MOONSTONE CANNON, FIRE!!!!!!")

ok thanks

>stop playing the game for awhile
>rep becomes "Vyse the Coward" or something along those lines
Heh neat

Dreamcast if you want the superior-quality music and don't mind the ridiculous random encounter rate.
Gamecube if you want more content and are willing to stomach the music.

maybe beacuse these fucking cunts showed up and ruined your rep?

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Why is Lelouche a steam punk pirate?

S-Sorry, I never really used Drachma. I use my waifus and bases Gilder.

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is final skill is godly. you get free SP at the cost of nothing.