What happened to hatemail?
What happened to hatemail?
xbox live dying killed it for xbox and PC
i'm not letting random strangers add or message me on steam
open your profile and let them comment you pussy
i miss him
>i'm not letting random strangers add or message me on steam
wow massive pussy
I don't think you're the kid of guy that would be getting hatemail
Make videos demo
This guy was based
Fuck i miss making people kill their own Solaire and receiving hatemail
What game was he playin
You were just in the 300 reply thread and didn’t get your fill?
>Upset retards that can't flame someone
God bless the ignore feature. Now if only more people would use it instead of getting people banned
Xbox functionally stopped existing
Dark souls started catering to casuals
Steam started requiring you to friend people to talk to them and even send a group invite
mass media demonizing the practice by making normies and women feel guilty by association
vidya's been bitten by the outrage circlejerk and now you can't make any kind of critique (wether it be good or bad) without someone calling you an alt-right straight white toxic male
Excessive moderation
Obv DS
i miss getting angry posts from throwing people off sen's fortress with force in Xboxlive
Online gaming used to be full of "squeaky kids" that everyone hated. Somehow people are afraid of them now.
the gaming identity
nine year olds saying "nigger"
Don't be dense user
Those are always full of the decade old screencaps we've seen a thousand times already
What made xbox live so good? Was it just because it was new and fancy? I think the 360 shipping with a mic had something to do with it
Everyone grew up
he just streamed a couple days ago, dude.
I called a dude a nigger in GTA Online and he sent weird threats. Hate mail still exists.
>SNOY still have that feature
>sadly is getting censored
what a shame
haven't played on xbox in a while but playing for honor when i did hate mail was still alive but ps4 has this fucking retarded system where to my knowledge you can't really look up previously played with players and if you want to message someone you have to open up a fucking chatroom just to do it.
at the time and arguably still it was simply better than psn in terms of features. in the 360 days you had shit like parties which psn didn't have and in the current gen psn runs so fucking horribly that it struggles to even open your friends list with a game open and has shit like a party being private means only the host can invite people to the party.
Got banned on Xbox for calling someone a nigger like 4 years ago. That incident made me make the push to PC. Thanks xbox, never would've experienced PC if it wasn't for you.
Thats fucking excellent hate mail.
You wouldnt have the balls to call someone a nigger in person though.
Yeah, "everyone" grew up. There are no children who play video games anymore. It's a bygone era. Great point user. Really good stuff.
well it's demo so i imagine it's a setup but yeah it is good
I still get random hatemail on xbox live.
Look at this guy posting on an anonymous image board, and still can't grasp the idea of "online" vs. "real life". Welcome to the internet man. First day here?
Nah faggot, I just dont larp online like you.
This whole fucking thread is hatemail
By the way OP, suck a big one
>I don't larp online
Press "X" to doubt.
Anyone who does it gets banned for toxicity now and the remaining few who do it anyway just call you a nigger most of the time
Hey man watch that language. You wouldn't call someone a "faggot" in real life now, would you? Yeah. Didn't think so.
Yeah kids these days aren't as autistic as you when you were a kid and understand how cringey that kind of behavior is. Now if only people on Yea Forums would grow up and realize it themselves.
I've called plenty of people faggot though.
So you are alright with calling people "faggot", but get butt mad when someone says the word "nigger"? Hmm...
Lol ok m,y dude. Whatever you say b
Now they just report people for toxicity.
You either get banned like in overwatch or you fucking get killed after some asshole swats you.
I mean, he's not wrong. For better or for worse, kids nowadays are self-conscious to an extreme. They've learned to care about their public image over anything else. It's kinda sad to see tbqh.
It still happens, it just isn't as common. Last I got was a few months back while playing Soul Calibur against an Azwel player who kept spamming the same multi-hit low sweep charge attack over and over again. I can see why a scrub would get fucked by that, but I saw straight through it and beat the shit out of him. Lo and behold, a few minutes after beating him I started getting bizarre mails like "I FITE U IN ANY OTHER GAME" "ANY JUDGE WOULD SAY I AM BETTER" "FITE ME IN MK OR SF" "I BET YOU 1000 DOLLAR THAT I BEAT YOU"
Basically - you want to rile someone up? Play a fighting game online and don't tie yourself to local servers. and git gud