Can we region China away please?
Can we region China away please?
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>chinks banning mahjong
That's like nigs banning KFC and watermelon, what were they thinking?
Digital mahjong is banned, not real stuff. Bet some politician that owns a bunch of parlors saw a decline in revenue and got them added to ban bill.
Nintendo are going to fucking dominate
Switch sales will be at 260 million by 2024
Mahjong is usually played with real money.
>bug """"""""""humor""""""""""
Well there goes Yakuza pandering to chinks
what the fuck is wrong with her eyes
What's he doing with the kid? :3
>devs are gonna change their games in favor of the chinks
She's Chinese.
She looks like a monkey
gutter oil syndrom
So does this mean they won't be allowed to play PUBG anymore?
Or is this rule just for new game releases?
I don't get lolis because of California. At least China is still a different region.
America is Europe.
>China officially bans corpses
All those PS games where corpses simply disappeared after few seconds were ahead of their time.
>no word on nudity
so censorship is still officially a thing only done by sjws and liberals
>that salesman
what the fuck
Huge fake eyelashes
get fucked pedofag
gonna go out on a limb here and say that's the kid's dad
AI """" filter"""'
Any kind of nudity is banned in films released in china, so I can't imagine it's different for video games.
It's already happening with movies. Just remember, you asked for this by wanting everything to be the next biggest block buster and talking shit about any indie project
>It's not censorship unless it's muh anime titties
Admit that your country censors Burger.
>mahjong and poker
>immediately after the Yakuza games started releasing in China and shilling for the chinese
Rip the series since Japan doesn't care about it anymore either
idk but it makes me diamonds
imagine finding something like this attractive and actually saving it on your computer.
No one should care about it, that series lost its soul long ago.
>That crazed look in her eyes over 10 yuan
Better start censoring your games now if they're gonna be on EGS
>region China away
as long as there's people, they are potential investors.
nuke it until you hit the core.
We need to flood them with Opium again.
Based, fuck sellouts
That's hardly anything new. They'll just make the chink version use bipedal robots who "bleed" oil when shot.
Why are we supposed to care about China anyway? They just make videogames for the Amerifats
What's gonna happen to Diablo Immortal now?
I find his new lower rank more offensive
Is this some kind of weird falseflag.
Suck it activision.
>no corpses allowed
>nothing to drop loot from now
I have a great idea! What if treasures boxes containing random items spawned where you killed an enemy, and in order to open them you have to use a key that you are given for free once every 6 hours, or are available on a cash shop for 1.99 a piece?
Tin cans can't be generals
Is this a total media ban or just for vidya. Reguardless this means any game t and up is fucked
Reminder that China is like 80% of the vidya market so international devs will HAVE to bow to these demands if they want to stay afloat.
of the vidya phone market maybe
Chinks do not buy games, they only play f2p shit
I dont think people fully grasp just how big the chinese market is.
what’s so bad about mahjong?
when will china have banned everything?
I dont think you grasp that chinks dont buy games and that the PS4 flopped barely selling 1M in over a year
They should ban escalators
Depends how quickly those things insult glorious president.
It honestly doesn't surprise me. This is coming from the fuckers that are scared shitless of skeletons.
>Globalization means everyone must pander to an authoritarian regime that bans everything
I want to wake up from this nightmare.
Pick your poison bois. Liberal Jewish hell or authoritarian Chinese he’ll
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face... forever.
watch this movie and you will understand. don't look up anything or you will get spoiled.
So we stop making games for chinese, its that simple
Boom, nibba droppin truth bombs right here
Vote with your wallets dummies
Or just play japanese games, retard.
Why the hell are businesses pandering and bending the knee to filthy commies? The same commies that were fought after WWII and during the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's?
fuck me, I'm retarded
There is no such thing as a pure Japanese game. Nintendo of America and Sony of America directly influence there branches from inception
But why does she have a melon
Are you old enough to remember the world that was promised to us in '89?
Because I am, and holy fucking shit it was not meant to go this way. Or maybe it actually was. Fuck.
>Or just play japanese games, retard.
>Sony gommiefornia censors it before it's even released
>NoA censors it with shit translation and costume changes that only nintendies will defend
pick your fucking poison
What the hell happened to the world? We fought against these same people decades ago and now we're sucking up to them.
They're both libtards(commies) because they both don't believe in freedom and liberty. There is a reason why the west has been successful for centuries while jews and chinks have uttlerly failed through out history.
Cope. Put on your coping hat and crawl to your kennel, dog.
It was always meant to be this way, they just used to be more subtle about it
I'm honestly surprised that they didn't banned Corpses sooner, since skeletons are already banned because of a Chinese religion.
>We fought against these same people decades ago and now we're sucking up to them
Because the Chinese are not Drump incel white nazis, duh!
Seriously though, you should have knew this when western liberals with feminist values open their arms to muslim immigrants, "its ok as long as white people aren't the ones doing the things we claim to hate!"
>Chinese religion
chinks doesn't have a religion outside of their social customs of burying the dead, they tried to stamp everything out with the cultural revolution remember?
the guy looks like he takes more dick than her
3 stars is still a general, idiot.
A lieutenant general to be precise.
Surely these same people that hate White people aren't retarded enough to believe that it won't be used on them, because even if they got rid of Whites another race would take the same spot and the same thing would happen all over again.
i only play singleplayer games so i never have to use my wallet
I thought Chinese were Bhuddist?
Some are, but they're mostly atheist. Or at least the state claims most are.
Fuck only knows what they really think most of the time.
Typical tin can reply. Face it, you'll never be a true general, now go back to the cargo bay and lift some crates
m8, these people decry eurocentrism while simultaneously blaming all things bad on European influence. I highly doubt they know much about non-western cultures outside what Hollywood feeds them.
every week there is a new ban on china.
you can get lolis in California what are you talking about also stay in California and dont infect the rest of us
Why are chinks so cucked? Like unironically what's wrong them? when Japs and Koreans are so based.
north korea is worse than china and south korea is run by a crazy feminist cult
Still not as bad as germany. I still think what they did to C&C Generals was ludicrous.
Noone is going to mention the bugboy getting molested in the picture?
tje kid can't reach the pedals
his dad is accelerating and braking the car for him to have fun
something you never had with your parents and became a trannie
This board caters to entertainment development that's OUTSIDE China and Japan, that's why I was wondering
>they're making massive amounts of money from the amerifats, why do we have milkboys commenting about the state of Chinese/Japanese in-house entertainment?
what you never sat on a dudes lap before? are you a faggot?
>the fucking curvature and bounce on those mammary missiles
"ICH VERLIERE SERVO-ÖL!" is still the most kino rts quote ever.
not a strange employee in a game store. Don't know how your trips to gamestop went but i prefer not to get fondled by sweaty asian dudes.
south koreans have a huge rad fem problem, arguably worse than in the west
>His dad
>anything but cringe
do you watch kpop music videos or something
getting more chinks into their mahjong parlors in chinkland?
Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens
What's going on in my pants?
Koreans are cucked.
Jews Want Chink Dollars
I just summed up the entirety of the video game industry for the last decade in four words
>germany, who was extremely strict before with video game violence now allows pretty much anything including the depiction of nazis in video games
>now china has become the strict one
Right, the German version of TF2 has the "silly mode" gibs.
Wait, why banning mahjong?
they banned consoles until recently though? you got a short term memory
sorry mate, i live in the thief and doom modding vacuum so anything console related completely misses me.
that's too bad, you're missing out on thousands of good games.
>Sony censors fake anime boobs
>Disney has started removing racist content for 60+ year old movies
>Simpsons are taking the Micheal Jackson episode out of circulation and all future releases
>China banning fucking Mahjong in videogames.
We've officially reached the new era of stupid censorship people
And handles em better too.
...clearly not if that's the best examples you can give? 60 year old movies that already have had home releases? one single episode featuring a pedo? and how exactly does one measure uncensorship to make sure we aren't being victims of confirmation bias?
the west moved its industrial production to third world shitholes looking for more profit, now those former famine ridden rice farmers are a superpower that can threaten the west economically, culturally and militarily.
you screamed "muh gobbunism" each time it was proposed to defend our production, our workers and our values, now you accept the consequences.
>blood and corpses
good luck getting that out of video games.
>yfw you pretend to care about people and expel gore from their sight in media, but do nothing to stop chink roaches from turning each other into a bloody mess irl
Nuke this shithole before it's too late.
Not an argument.
>"imperial scheming" is now banned
Did the chinks just kill ROTK and TW: Three Kingdoms?
I did say STUPID censorship, did I not?
>confirmation bias
anyone got some brainlet wojaks for this? I never save them or post them
>Koreans are so based