Are we mature enough to admit this is the greatest Metal Gear Solid game?

Are we mature enough to admit this is the greatest Metal Gear Solid game?

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I am, myself.

Is the Tanker section the greatest video game level of all time?

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Definitely my favourite and objectively has the best story, but I do find myself looking past some dodge gameplay during a lot of it.
I don't find the tight corridor level design of a lot of it works very well with the camera

>some dodge gameplay

it's my personal favorite, but 3 supersedes it in just about every way except narrative themes

Probably best vidya game of all time

As a game? No.
As a final product? Sure.

The fast paced stealth was great, I don't know why nobody ever bothered trying it again.

Is this like the most overrated series on Yea Forums?

>muh AI exposition dump
Did 2fags even play this "game" or just watch it on Youtube? Terrible level design, underwhelming boss fights, ridiculous amount of cutscene/codec interruptions, everything involving Emma. It's not a good game.

>I don't find the tight corridor level design of a lot of it works very well with the camera
I disagree simply because of 3's level design, I played the original release with the fixed camera, what a fucking disaster. 2's was perfect comparatively


It's definitely the most divisive

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Unfortunately, story means fuck-all when it comes to video games. The gameplay in this game just isn't as good as any of the MGS titles that came after it.
If you disagree, you should just go watch movies instead and put down video games forever.

> I played the original release with the fixed camera, what a fucking disaster
So did I, it was fine - of course the 3d camera is better, but it was perfectly acceptable before that version

>Did 2fags even play this "game" or just watch it on Youtube?

probably just watched it on Youtube.
I personally didn't give a single fuck about the AI exposition dump when I beat the game back in 2003

I love Raiden!

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MGS3 was the better game
MGS2 was the best work of art

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>MGS3 was the better game
it wasnt and will never be.

>metal gear rising is six years old now

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cope harder

Most accurately rated.

>MGS2 was the best work of art

MGS2 was art?



cope with what? mgs3 was garbage that failed to apply the previous mgs formula in jungle and introduced stupid shit like enemies spotting you based on camo%, having to spam first person to look for enemies etc. it's an utterly shit game that gets unwarranted praise just because it has a cool story.

If you were mature you'd realise that MGS2 is a shit game.
>objectively has the best story
If you're a weeb retard, maybe.

Well Yea Forums did name this the best GOTY winner of all time

>it's an utterly shit game that gets unwarranted praise just because it has a cool story.
You just described the whole series.

1 and 2 are at least functional in their gameplay design.

MGS2 was just an elaborate way of telling the player they were fukcing stupid for liking the game and you all fell and are still falling for it.
Yeah yeah yeah we get it, Kojima hates video games and thinks they turn people into psychos.

But the entire series has a retarded, poorly written storyline that only brainlets and weebs like.

>Objectively has the best story
I automatically disregard anyone using that word incorrectly. You people are the fucking worst.

>telling the player they were fukcing stupid for liking the game
Wrong, it was telling the player not to obsess over the game

not when you're spotted by an enemy guard from out of view with the camera pointing straight down at you

>Wrong, it was telling the player not to obsess over the game

and yet the MGS2 fanbase does that

you're supposed to, you know, use the first person view and actually check shit out first. same with 2

>have to switch between first person mode to see where you're going then back into normal mode to move
Can't you autists just admit that the movement in 3 is better?

Do you have no patience?

It's not a matter of patience. Being able to move and view at the same time is simply better

that camera angle fit the earlier games fine though and you were given more than enough tools to navigate

and yes it is a matter of patience

probably because they all took place in corridors, and not a huge plains where enemies can see you but you can't see them

cope harder.

>that camera angle fit the earlier games fine though
You mean the 2D ones
>and yes it is a matter of patience
No it isn't. Having to switch between looking in first person then going back is not fun, especially with tight environments with patrols constantly respawning. How can you justify not even being able to see enemies that are right in front of you without going into a separate camera mode?

>please do not think too much about my game
Wew, now this is some pop art nonsense.

only use words you know the meaning of

keep coping.

this is the only game ever that gave me an aftertaste. very sublime

When did you realize he was the good guy?

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No, because this is.

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>sequel never

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Best codec in the series period.

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too bad all this got retconned

No it didn't

No. MGS3 is. Best gameplay, unhampered by Kojima's autism. MGS2 has good themes delivered with the skill of a finger painting elephant, which hinders it

Raiden is still shit.

>unhampered by Kojima's autism
u wot

Only if you accept that Ocelot, being the son of The Sorrow, was actually possessed by Liquid's spirit through his arm.

You refuse me this and I can rest on my laurels all fucking day, disagreeing with you.

mgs3 is praised cause it was babys first metal gear


He never was, and if you pay attention you can notice him lying about it.
In MGS2 "Liquid" says the line "why do you think I chose this body", in regards to Ocelot connections. When and how would Liquid have ever been able to choose such a thing, I ask you.
In the hours after Ocelot getting his arm chopped off, did Liquid set up the plan to get killed by foxdie, and somehow ensure Ocelot would cut off his arm as a replacement?
No, it was always a ruse by Ocelot.

canonically it was real in 2 and then he secretely got the arm replaced in 4 but used micro mechanisms and hypnosis to keep the ruse going.
Makes sense since he geniunely had no idea snake was at the big shell, liquid did that

>canonically it was real in 2
Incorrect. You still haven't answered how Liquid could have "chosen", in any way, to die and have his arm end up attached to Ocelot.
It was always a lie.

Incorrect, why? Because i say so.

I don't find a lot of MGS2 fun
>Water section
>bomb disposal gets dull
>fucking escort sections
MGS3 was more designed around just do stealthy things in a variety of area types, have some boss battles and do some rail shooting. The fun-tedium ratio is way more toward fun in 3

After Raiden took center stage, the game went ot shit. It was such shitty writing and character development that I can't even force myself to like Raiden. I skipped Revengeance simply because Raiden was a fucking tool.

MGS3 has the most maximalist control scheme of all the games and most people don't even use all the functions.

>canonically it was real
I fucking hate this because its mind-numblingly retarded story telling. MGS1 was great because it relied mostly on realism with splashes of fantasy like giant robots and ninja cyborgs - but I draw a goddamn line with possessed limbs and the Raiden/Rose melodrama.

Is this really a new daily thread?

Out of the first four it was always my favourite.

real maturity is realising MGSV is the best

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Not that user but MGS1 was still fucking goofy. MGS2 showed what happened when he got that kind of freedom and it was hard to tell how much was *supposed* to be incomprehensibly retarded. MGS3 had the best balance of oversight, feedback-based development, and Kojima's drug-fuelled concepts.

Too bad there's less of the classic infiltration gameplay that made the series more and more fun up until that point.
Crawling through open wilderness just isn't the same as sneaking down corridors and through offices, worrying about shadows and shooting screens and lights, etc. While Big Shell isn't quite as memorable as Shadow Moses, it still has more personality than 'random Russian forest'.
Add that to things like the camo system (which I'd say added a bit of tedium to the game), and the stamina system (which was a good concept, but wasn't implemented in a satisfying way until MGS4), MGS3 feels like an overall misstep. And for all the various improvements and faults of the following games, they never quite recaptured the quality of MG2, MGS1, and MGS2.

>and the Raiden/Rose melodrama.
which was a 1:1 reflection on the Naomi/Snake melodrama

Not only the greatest Metal Gear Solid game, but the greatest game of all time.

MGSV has a better gameplay but MGS2 is the best for everything else.

I dunno, I'd say it feels pretty cool. I agree that camo and stamina weren't as well iterated as they could have been (I partly blame Snake Eater's menu lag, in Subsistence it feels a bit faster), it was still a layer to manage and play smartly around. (except with Ocelot camo).
I agree the feel isn't the same, but the jungles gave verticality, open stealth, grassy fields, marshes, etc. I think the gameplay lent itself to it extremely well. The 3d camera in Subsistence was a far better fit though, but i don't think it lost any of the stealth aspects, just changed the locales after four games of industrial facilities

>which was a 1:1 reflection on the Naomi/Snake melodrama

except the Naomi/Snake melodrama was better delivered and didn't bring up stupid shit like "Your room is empty" and "Do you remember what day it is tomorrow" and other shit that forced me to skip anytime Rose opened her mouth

His spirit guided ocelot to make the retarded choice to transplant an arm and have to deal with rejection and life-long immunosuppressive therapy vs a prosthetic.

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play on extreeeem and none of that becomes boring
>retards still don't know to take benzos with emma

Did you fucking miss psycho mantis? Liquid taking the glasses off in the codec screen?
Imagine taking hideo or kojima seriously

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My feelings exactly

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shut the fuck up

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MGS3 is clearly the best one. But MGS2 does get a bum rap and deserves more love.

I didn't say the sniping section, tard. That was fine. For the rest, I used the choke and drag when possible. Still boring

>I didn't say the sniping section, tard. That was fine. For the rest, I used the choke and drag when possible. Still boring
retards STILL don't know to take benzos with emma

that shit was kino asf

Oh, you're talking about the O2 depletion trick.
>Swimming in MGS2 is not fun
>Swimming in MGS2 is not fun with an escort regardless of tricks
Thank you Sam I Am but I've cleaned the plate, and I still don't like Green Eggs and Ham

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drama like that made me want to gag.

No wonder in a LP of 4 I watched, one of the guys groaned out loud when Rose was mentioned

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>No wonder in a LP of 4 I watched, one of the guys groaned out loud when Rose was mentioned
this is the kind of person who accuses others of watching an LP of 2 instead of playing, as seen earlier in the thread

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>worst gameplay
>worst map design
>worst cast
Fuck. No.

>"b-b-but muh post-modern art means it's meant to be bad!!"
Have sex.

No, that's MGS4. MGS4's base gameplay is the best in the series, too, it's only hampered by constant setpieces, poor level design and unending streams of forced alert phase type gunfights.

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At the time a PS3 was not in my future so I opted for a LP of 4.

I did play 2, didn't care for that mess of a game to play it more than once.

Wrong on at least two out of three.
The only potentially correct thing you said is worst cast.

It's a masterpiece.
Any game has flaws but this game outpaces it's flaws by working on a lot of different levels. Both thematic and gameplay wise. It just keeps the player guessing and it delves into some seriously deep shit, even questioning games as a platform itself.

It's post modernism at it's finest and it's the only game that truly deserves the art label.

I'm not even a weeb and I laugh my ass off during mgs games because of how over the top anime it gets, but I'll be damned if it ain't my favorite franchise.

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rose convos were pretty gay but also funny for how based raiden is. truly /ourguy/

He would've been based if he just told her to shut the fuck up instead of bending over to her all the time.

Now shut up

>5 near the top
when will this meme end? yes it had more gameplay than cutscenes but the gameplay itself was shit

Naomi had it in for Snake cuz Snake maimed Frank Jaeger.

Rose has it in for Raiden cuz he forgot their anniversary while on a mission. Its the most retarded japanese story telling cliches there is and is just inappropriate to the story at hand. Adding in faggotry subplots like "WHY IS YOUR ROOM EMPTY" is derivative as fuck, and proves that Kojima, while having an eye for technical detail, absolutely sucks at story telling.

Subsistence camera made the game way too easy. You fags always complain about how first person aiming ruined TTS but never seem to realize that 3D camera is just as bad in MGS3. The fact that the enemies can see you farther than usual is to get you to use the camo system. If you have high camo index, they'll do that dumb "Huh? Who's there?" shit that they do in every game, and then you can hide, like you're supposed to. When The HD Collection came out and I fianlly played Subsistence, I never even changed my camo once I got the Animal from Ocelot's first fight.

have sex

None of the games had fantastic gameplay. Im just saying I'd rather replay V missions than the others for gameplay. The codecs make the other games beside pw unreplayable. I only play certain v missions that I find fantastic

reminder that kojima was not the codec writer for MGS2

>The codecs make the other games beside pw unreplayable.
this is the kind of retard who puts 3's and V's story above 2's and PW's. absolutely braindead IQ

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MGS1 was goofy but the presentation made up for it. It had a grittyness to it which was at least plausible. Believably is better than realism in some aspects. MGS1 was coming out of the 80s/90s American storytelling tropes while everything after was pure Japanese bullshittery. I hate anime because of how contrived the stories are. Also, everyone talks all.the.fucking.time.
>Did you fucking miss psycho mantis?
Absolutely not, but he was an interesting character. Government agencies in the past tried to use psychics to help with their cases, Psycho Mantis was just that turned up to 11 and made for a fun gameplay encounter with character with depth. Characters like Fortune on the otherhand;
>explained away by anti-bullet-whatever gizmo on her person the whole time
>Also, nanomachines
MGS2 is like a kid explaining his favorite comic.

>WHY IS YOUR ROOM EMPTY" is derivative as fuck

>game is about raiden being easily impressionable and avoiding his past to the point of being mind broken and later "body broken"
>explores this in a non-heavy handed/cringy way to the point where many players can't even connect that being a child soldier raiden has sever pyschological issues he never gives himself the chance to work through
>game builds up "tomorrow" as a metophor for many things throughout, connecting it all during the ending scene
>derivative as fuck
just end it dude, your brain is smoother than kirby rendered in 4k

if by being a colossal faggot trap, then yes you are right. He is def. Yea Forums.


2 is pseudo intellectual shit with a half assed plot twist
pw ruined the boss character and had stupid out of character moments like big boss throwing the bandana in the lake. Fucking ghosts controlling robots to sink themselves. It's literally "I clapped when I saw it" the game.


>2 is pseudo intellectual
Confirmed 12 year old

lol do you even know where you are right now


>Rose has it in for Raiden cuz he forgot their anniversary while on a mission.
Wrong, Rose has it in for Raiden because it's not even entirely clear if the 'Rose' he was speaking to was even Rose. Or at least was the 'Rose' that he knew or loved, or some kind of facade set up to manipulate him to the present circumstances.
This is kind of explained in MGS4, dude.

the fortune thing didn't even make sense since in the end she uses actual psychic powers to deflect the missiles. the whole game is like it's being written right off the bat as things happen

MGS3 was the best because it improved on everything 2 had and created an interesting environment, it was also fun to catch Snakes and eat whatever it is you were able to catch, listen to Para-medic's bullshit and Major Zero's British bullshit, they were just more fun to listen to

nice personal attack. I'll just assume you dont have an actual argument and we can end it there. You tried

MGSV has a better story

the Boss wasn't even in PW, her, or "her ghost," how can you miss the point of the AI drowning itself this much? I knew you had a room temperature IQ, but I had no idea how cold it really was.

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it had good gameplay, but bad level design - there wasn't much use for how good snake controlled. just a ton of empty fields. 5's story is also bottom of the barrel. quiet alone is one of the worst characters in gaming, let alone in metal gear.

Re-read what you wrote and tell me if that is good story telling.

>2 is pseudo intellectual shit

user are you fucking nuts?

You are literally writing on the website that was the incubator for exactly the shit that is was predicted by MGS2.

The only game (and I would even dare to say piece of media in general) that was as spot on with its predictions towards the future was Deus Ex with its numbers on.

But they had a much easier time than MGS since they just had to extrapolate some statistics. All that meme shit predicted by MGS - nobody could see that shit coming.

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It's not bad story telling just because it's not the norm, idiot. The entire story is about how things might not be what they seem and how it's best to not focus on it, so yeah in that respect I would say it's good story telling. It fits right in line.

>nobody could see that shit coming.
It was obvious from the start. Youre still feeding into your maymays by posting a dumb frog

anyone else wish they would have just done PW2? yeah GZ and TPP are basically what it is but you know. a fucking finished one with coop put back in alone with more campyness like how you could fight monsters in PW like rathalos n shit. good times

>interesting environment
totally agreed, I can't think of 1 million other games that take place in a jungle at all

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MGS2 tried to draw parallels to MGS1, but the story and plot was an incoherent mess. There's a reason we are still discussing it nearly 2 decades after it released.

Honestly, as far as gameplay/graphics/setting, MGS2 is amazing. What killed it for me though is the characters and story, they were just mediocre.

It is when you consider that the theme of MGS2 was everything being fake. Raiden was a fake operative on a fake mission who had lived a fake life with a fake girlfriend and was talking to a fake commander to counter a fake terrorist attack.

Everything about his existence was fake. It was an illusion meant to draw out the actual enemies of the Patriots. The fact that it created Raiden was merely a side effect.

>It was obvious from the start.

It was certainly not obvious in 2001.

I meant big boss. I forgot the game so much I couldn't remember what I hated about it. The ai drowning itself was cheesy and retarded.

>Solid Snake is alpha chad, everyone wants to play him again
>Get Raiden instead, who eats raw onions and takes estrogen pills, quarrels with his girlfriend mid-mission, gets a codec call every 2 minutes, and is completely unlikable.
What were they thinking

>It was obvious from the start
Not in 2001, but I wouldn't expect you to remember what the world used to be like

I don't know, user
There was something more fun about Snake eater's jungle I can't put my finger on

So an ironic character is complex for you two?
She wants to die but literally can't. She gets hyped to die when the bots are off but it turns out she was actually just really fucking lucky and still can't die.
Solidus "liberates" her by killing her, a parallel to what he wants to do with the patriots.
this is 5th grade level writiting and it's still too hard for you.
You can argue vamp though because the literal faggot should have stayed dead and he was a pretty shit character. Plus it doesn't make sense how he could literally defy physics and swim in that containment tank

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He's literally an albino black, basically a representation of /pol/ kek

>I meant big boss.
reread both of your posts

Almost as if you weren't supposed to like him because he's a snively little bitch and the game acknowledges that.

It's fantastic story telling because over 17 years later the game is still relevant and can spark heated arguments.

If Raiden had at least some sort of personality that wasn't an endless piss-stream of naieve complaining, it might have been good. None of the characters save for Olga, Snake, Solidus and Ocelot were even remotely likeable, and Olga and Solidus are barely toeing that line.

he's a literal vampire you moron

just a regular fag with a taste for blood actually

>endless piss-stream of naieve complaining
I never understood this. Raiden hardly complains outside of the beginning. Most of the time he's just plain questioning things and pointing out obvious stupid shit. I guess that's too much though and people would rather have their "yes, sir" protag from MGS1

Doesn't really compel me to go back to it if the main character has 0 charisma.
It isn't the complexity of the character, its how its presented. She's one dimensional as fuck and she's supposed to be leading this squad of super-capable killers.

The term meme was introduced in 1976 by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his work The Selfish Gene
Nineteen Eighty-Four, often published as 1984, is a dystopian novel by English writer George Orwell published in June 1949.
>10 minutes of SJW hate
>We were always at war with Middle East
>The frog meme said jews changed history and the holocaust never happened.

Fucking thank you. Every mgs thread that comes up I point out that MGS2 perfected the fast paced arcade stealth gameplay style. Which is why they were able to put together literally thousands of VR missions, pure gameplay. That's quite a feat.
They slowed it down with MGS3 and onwards, which is fine and all but MGS2 gameplay stands on its own.

>She's one dimensional as fuck and she's supposed to be leading this squad of super-capable killers.
fucking hell you are one dumb bastard, that is a literal plot point of the game you fucking dunce.

fuck are you guys on about? this game was slow as hell

what's funny is that Raiden didn't become based until MGR.

In MGR2 he was Shinji Ikari levels of bad character

>literal vampire
>MGS Snake
>"Yes Sir"
>starts getting pissed off and distrusts Campbell after hostages start up and dieing
>Becomes friends with Otacon
>has charm, personality, wit
>accepts the fact that he is a killer and he is good at it
Raiden on the other hand is just a giant edgelord who probably listens to My Chemical Romance.

>Wrong, Rose has it in for Raiden because it's not even entirely clear if the 'Rose' he was speaking to was even Rose. Or at least was the 'Rose' that he knew or loved, or some kind of facade set up to manipulate him to the present circumstances.

pre Arsenal Gear Rose was the real deal, everything afterwards is the AI pretending to be the annoying THOT

>MGS2 has a good story

Attached: tiaf.gif (408x346, 1.84M)

>the point of the game is to introduce b-level characters after MGS1 had some of the most memorable characters in gaming
It's gradeschool level writing and character development. One user said it earlier, its as if everything was made up on the fly.

>literal vampire
no hindsight allowed, faggot. judge it on it's own merits

>twitter tier reaction image
take your (You) and leave

>MGS2 has a good story

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>distrusts campbell
>literally one codec call later
>"colonel what do i do??"

>based in MGR
>thinks the greatest metal gear villain was in the wrong
yeah..that's gonna be a nope from me

>The term meme was introduced in 1976
>Internet first develops properly in 1991
Literally what is your point, because it has no bearing on the fact that mgs2's level of commentary on the nature of the internet was pretty much unprecedented

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>literal vampire
The concept in a game like this is hilariously bad. Japan has to fucking shoehorn supernatural shit into everything anymore.

>mgs2's level of commentary on the nature of the internet was pretty much unprecedented
christ almighty...

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>>thinks the greatest metal gear villain

just because the guy inspired the worst President (aka /pol's Idol) doesn't make Armstrong a good villain

MGS2 is the most THIS IS A SMART GAME FOR A SMART GAMER SUCH AS MYSELF of all time. The Witness comes in second place. Absolute faggots.

did you even play the game, or are you just here to argue frivolously?

>The only game (and I would even dare to say piece of media in general) that was as spot on with its predictions towards the future was Deus Ex with its numbers on.

>But they had a much easier time than MGS since they just had to extrapolate some statistics. All that meme shit predicted by MGS - nobody could see that shit coming.

Deus Ex came out before MGS and already predicted that "meme shit".

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don't prove mgs2 babbies wrong like that. they'll get mad.

Did play the game but see

>he says a thread with MGS2 as the OP topic
the one who stays and argues in a thread about something he dislikes isn't the angry one?
>inb4 OMG you posted an image macro, you're wrong!

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When will people learn that MAGA is not Trump's creation. It's a reagan thing.

see? mad.

if you say so kid

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The tanker is really a masterpiece.

>image macro

by all means, focus on the shitposter rather than address the point that was proven wrong about mgs2. you'll surely win by doing that.

Read a book, brainlets

>accepts the fact that he is a killer and he is good at it
he doesn't though
are you people seriously this dense?

I can't read anymore, constant internet usage has ruined my attention span

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name 500 actually good books


mgs2 and mgr fans are the biggest collection of brainlets who think they're smart in all of vidya.

>and mgr fans

let's do it one post at a time. i'll start

1. The Holy Bible

Can you give any other examples in popular media of something which predicted the development of the internet and social media, and the consequences this would have on society?

>Terrible characters
>nonsensical plot (the conversation with AI Colonel near the end is the only good part)
>boring bosses
>rehashes old MG games in a bad way
I cannot understand how anyone who liked the first game likes MGS2. Everything that MGS1 did good was done poorly in MGS2. How did we go from Psycho Mantis to Vamp the fucking vampire?

>MGS2 was just an elaborate way of telling the player they were fucking stupid for liking the game
This. Kojima was trolling us with MGS2 and most of you faggots missed it. Emperor's new clothes...

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2. Koran

point being proven oh so quickly

deus ex, the year before see

point out 3 posters ITT who think MGR is a game for intellectuals, or whatever nonsense you were trying to say and I had the misfortune of reading

based and redpilled

Youre a fucking BRAINLET if you dont think mgr ost is the most amazing and intellectually stimulating ost ever created


>video games

the bible is one of those books that starts off great and then sinks so fucking hard, actually pretty similar to mgs2 lol

point out to me where i made that statement saying i based it on posters in this thread. the game has been out for 6 years. i didn't suddenly come to my conclusion because of one thread in april 2019, brainlet

I dont understand how you play a game that discusses ideas like history, legacy, the digital society, and identity then come out and think this shit was the main point of the game.


Start off with something short then. Call of Cthulu is less than 50 pages.
A Sherlock Holmes story can be less than 100 pages
Heart of Darkness is around 150 pages
You can do it user. Don't let your brain rot by only consuming video game writing

>complains about vidya writing
>recommends cthulu and heart of darkness
l o l

yeah, I'm sure a guy like you who's in a thread jerking off MGS2 has a great taste in writing

Objectively the best story, but not my favorite

No, that was MGS1 for it's politics

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>worst and most casual stealth series ever made
>written by a hack with the mentality of a teenager
>themes are a bunch of conspiracy nonsense and/or pseudo-intellectual post-mo crap
>90% of all characters are wacky insane idiots with completely flat personalities
>gameplay becomes more broken with each new installment
>lots of shitty boss battles despite that they're supposed to be stealth games

Are we mature enough to admit MGS is trash?

mgsv is the best

>Are we mature enough to admit MGS is trash?
I am. Can't speak for the rest of these idiots

Pretty much times. The way Kojima deconstructs games and sequels all while forcing the player to question and understand Kojima's experince with the medium instead of spoon feeding it to us is a testament of his balls and his genius with vidya is a whole. It was peak Kojima. Shame he didn't abandon the series afterwards.

>Shame he didn't abandon the series afterwards.
Why do so many faggots have this opinion about everything? Books, games, movies. Sequels don't ruin the original works.

I didn't say they did. MGS3 was even fine by me since Kojima was clearly going back in times trying to explain what inspired his style and ideas to the new generation of developers. The problem is that by the end of MGS3 Kojima had literally nothing else to offer. The man was drained. No creator should be forced to regurgitate shit because his fans and money demands and Kojima clearly didn't want to.

i want to play MGS2, but my PS3/PS2 is in a storage locker.

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no one held a gun to his head, faggot

Try emulation.

MGS1's storyline and characters are absolutely kino.

Snake's codec conversation wih Campell after Fox's death is too great. His cynicism despite his best friend dying in front of his eyes and determination to honor his way of living and choosing to get out of there alive really show why Snake is a such a cool and well-written character.