You jelly, Yea Forums?
You jelly, Yea Forums?
not really bro f zero kind of died for a reason
>PAL version
can it even run 60?
why would i be jealous
I ain't your buddy, PAL. Wait, what was the question?
F-Zero X runs 60 on all ports
Great game, but
Runs 60 what? Percent slower?
I will enter your house and ejaculate on your cute little box, bitch
damn dude you should write comedy
>M-murrica fug yeah
Kill yourselves, mutts
but your tv won't
>being jealous of an inferior WipEout clone
Japan was NTSC also.
I'm a britfag and I hate how shitty our conversions were
>grew up with 50hz Sonic 1
didn't know what I was missing
Wipeout is shit compared to F-Zero.
El Toro was beast
>playing any sonic game in 50hz after playing 60hz versions
its hard to go back, i cant stand playing 50hz sonic now
>as a pal fag, I didn't realise I was playing games in slow motion until my twenties
I still can't believe how I played the original sonic games back in the day and never had any idea anything was wrong
lemme know when wipeout has a Death Race mode, nerd
Why would I? I have the game too, not sure if I still have the box though.
Also, fuck off wipeout shitters. Instead of these idiots talking about their game they just invade f-zero threads since noone talks about wipeout other than the same 3 autists that compete for best times
Why GX is better
Because Sonic WISHES he could go as fast as GX
I already own if F-Zero X
of all the features you could've mentioned, you bring up fucking death race?