This doesn't look good bros.
Could this be Sonys first flop in 4 years?
This doesn't look good bros.
Could this be Sonys first flop in 4 years?
Other urls found in this thread:
what kind of autism does this guy have?
looks like nerve gas inhilation
This dude is Yea Forums personified. A greasy, wild-eyed doofus, desperate to call every video game that gets announced the blunder of the century, regardless of whether or not he ever had any interest in the game or series.
This guy is the embodiment of the white incel gaymers of Yea Forums.
Michael is the craziest mofo on youtube.
>a LOD issue in an open world AAA game
Yawn. Come back when there's an actual blunder you chronic shitposter.
t. Snoy
same face model
Why don't games have shadows after 2014?
its a console game
roll the rest of the clip retard
How is this guy still alive?
looks good
Lazy developers reckon that AO is an acceptable substitute.
It isn't.
Same reason they stopped having working mirrors after 2007.
so THATS what the guy who keeps posting vocaroos looks like ...yeah that explains it.
>When a Yea Forums shitposter gets a Youtube channel
Its the fact they make a big map that looks "pretty" but there's fuck all to do in it or with it.
There's no survival elements. No being able to set up camp, have to find food or you'll starve etc etc. Just generic copy and pasted locations. Enemies. And the odd pointless scripted NPC.
>its okay when botw did it
kys nintendork!
what went wrong? what turned him into a lunatic?
looks no better than nudoom but at less than a third of the framerate. shit console game with a gimmick on PC.
no, mirrors are extremely expensive in "deferred" engines. deferred engines were introduced to allow for more dynamic light sources, needed to create decent lighting in open worlds with a day/night cycle.
also only few games ever had true mirrors even before that. most were faked with a window showing mirrored geometry. that's right, there was actually a creepy copy of your character in a room on the other side of the glass in games like max payne or riddick. reflections on water were commonly "real" and lost due to the reason explained above.
shadows are typically active in modern games but the hype around having dynamic shadows with a big draw distance has died down and won't return without ray-traced techniques so devs try to wow with other features for now. also in overcast situations there really are no obvious, dark shadows so using just AO is perfectly appropriate in a scene like the one depicted. the streaming issues (seemingly of textures and even colliders) are inexcusable, of course.
Couldn't watch that video for more than 5 seconds. Gimme a quick rundown.
and doom with rtx would look way better
Worthless shitpost in video format.
Nope, looks great and will sell well as always.
t. downie shilling his Youtube channel
fuck gaystation
t. Snoy
they do they just aren't pitch black anymore
what is wrong with this guy
jesus fucking christ is this just for show or is he legit like this?
Looks like a Yea Forums thread simulator
just shitposting, misinformation and general stupidity
remember when Yea Forums tried to shit on horizon for one weird animation during a side-quest, and it turned out to be GOTY?
Sony exclusives are so good, literally decades ahead of any sort of competition, that the bing bing wahoos, xboners and mustards can't contain themselves when a new one is about to release.
Days Gone will have a 90+ metacritic, win tons of rewards, sell another 10mill systems and cement the fact that this generation is ALL about Playstation.
i totally forgot about this game. had like no marketing
>Resident Evil 2 Remake is DESTROYING Capcom
>Resident Evil 2 Remake is Capcom's BIGGEST Mistake
This guy probably still hasn't recovered
Watch his other videos. Hes playing a charecter. He goes from being batshit insane to being calm from video to video.
nah this game is going to bomb 100%
I'm getting a switch. I hope the Nintenbros will accept me
When you talk about shadows what do you actually mean?
I've worked with a lot of methheads and this is about what they look like right before they stop showing up to work entirely
Yeah but it is cinemasins tier. It is a bunch of warranted and unwarranted game bashing all compiled into an exaggeration shitfest. He will nitpick perfectly fine games for no good reason.
horizon had robot dinosaurs
days gone has zombies
This is your brain on Yea Forums.
The self shadows look good but why doesn't Deacon have a human-shaped shadow on the ground?
>this autist using Yea Forums to shill his videos again
>build up enough views so that algorithims pick it up and start servin it to normies
Ambient lighting is too strong.
>Went from shitposting REmake 2 to this
At least its for a game which actually looks terrible
he's the crazy frog kid grown up
I wish console players couldn't post on Yea Forums
>being excited for The Second to the Last of Us
How are guy people not sick of fucking zombies...ffs
This guy reminds me of Athene somehow
the videos where he doesnt sperg out get the most views tho
Your channel is horrible
>shilling your channel
fuck off
they have not even shown the zombies yet
>that running animation
this game is not gonna like this
people are going to be screaming 'DOWNGRADE DOWNGRADE' very very soon
So is he doing a bit or what
You're just mad she doesn't run like she's from Naruto
Oh the game will very much be like this - scripted as fuck
You may have caught onto something known as "the joke"
Cinemasins isn't funny either. At best it is brainlet tier.
Why don't you go and shittalk someone you know to your friend with both warranted and unwarrented retardation? Do you think your friend thinks you are just joking? Even if you say "oh dude im just joking" you are still an asshat lmao.