Another fucking PS4vsXOne question that comes from a normiefag that actually cares about graphics

When it comes to consoles, I was sleeping in a cave for all the 5 years time. Now I want to buy one and I have a question. How much does XOne's 862p resolution looks in practice? I've got a dilemma between buying XOne and PS4, I can buy XOne for 70$ cheaper but I don't know whether it would be more vital to pay additional 70 bucks for much better graphics. We are talking about standard XOne and PS4 versions, not X and Pro ones.
Idc about exclusives to be honest, the only thing I wonder about are graphics in this case - call me a casual fag but in a games like Red Dead Redemption or The Witcher I simply care about great views of lands.

Does PS4 really stands out that strongly out of this duo? I can afford it, I just wonder.

Inb4 I've already got a decent PC, I want console

Attached: 2933141-gs_gear.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

OP here. "Much better graphics" - actually I wanted to write "somehow better graphics", soz guys I'm sleepy and tired.

If you don't care about Bloodborne then One X is the way to go for multiplats by far. Inb4 god of war, spiderman, tlou, weebshit

They all look the same

I've actually written that I want the standard version of these consoles, but no problem. I see a huge difference between One X and Pro but when it comes to the standard version I can't see it that much, although I am afraid how does One's 862p resolution work in reality

Buy a WiiU on the cheap and play Bayonetta, BotW, and Sm4sh instead

go back to redit you casual gay boy

>How much does XOne's 862p resolution looks in practice?
like a 360 game
if you have a decent pc just go with ps4, better games and graphics

Attached: 1530963070365.jpg (338x451, 35K)

if you cared about graphics so much, then you would have built yourself a PC.

wanna play games that are available only on consoles

>I've got a dilemma between buying XOne and PS4
do you really hate video games that much? get a ps4 and play bloodborne or get xbox one and play nothing

why does pc have no DOF?

Attached: dd3.png (112x112, 9K)

OP here. OK guys but stick to the topic please, I ask only about graphics right now, the only criteria that gives me doubts. Act like exclusives do not exist

>PC fidelity so high it exposes the cheap tactics used to save performance costs for 30fps console shitters

The truth from an idort.
You cant base the quality of a console based on still images. If you have a gaming PC, you should not buy a console. Period.

I happen to recall that back on intial release, before there were any good exclusives to worry about, people wanked on about the ps4 having ever so slightly better graphics capability. idk exactly how much you really care about graphics, but from my experience the difference is so negligible as to not be very important. Exclusives are a more important metric at this point.

And also OP here. I buy console to play few games that I want to try out but I don't really want to spend a shitload of money (I live in a shit Europe thus 70$ equals to much bigger sum than in US and I've got other spendings) so PC warriors I am your guy making reconaissance among our common fiend

>Doesnt want to spend a shitload of money
>Wants to buy a console where games inexplicably cost 4 times as much as they do on PC
Are you gay?

PS4 is the better standard console. Xbox one X is the better upgraded console. Simple as that. If you buy the original xbone, you will not be happy.

PC does not have RDR and besides I'm simply curious.

Why the fuck would you buy a base model of either system? Don't do that. Get a pro or an X you idiot

There's a way bigger difference between the X and the PS4 Pro than their standard versions, if that's what you're asking.

[OP] not exactly what I'm askin for but thanks

paying money for the xboxone at this point is pants on head stupid. it was pants on head stupid 5 years ago, but now you'd have to be a literal drooling retard to dump money on it.

Buy a better PC

Because it's a shit effect used to save frames. Not needed on PC

There's no reason to get the mid-gen console upgrade. Both x1 and ps4 games will be BC with next gen console(assuming microsoft still has a CD drive) so I'd suggest going for a PS4 since move exclusives and they'll most likely be getting a boost of performance on PS5.

because DOF is pure faggotry gimmick, just like motion blur.
Both are only used to hide imperfections and graphic failures.
Fortunately on PC you can turn this faggotry off.