Do you guys have a YouTube channel or something like it where you post videogame related stuff ?

Do you guys have a YouTube channel or something like it where you post videogame related stuff ?
And if you don't own a YouTube channel yourself, what kind of stuff do you like to watch in terms of videogame related videos ?

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I don't make youtube videos or have a twitch or anything like that
I don't watch a ton of gaming stuff, but the only let's play like things I watch are from groups of friends who have good chemistry together. I personally don't see the appeal of watching a single person play a game. I recently started watching some reviewers though. currently subscribed to mandalore, sseth, casp o'saurus and neverknowsbest

I twitch stream no cam from consoles just for fun and an easy way to record stuff. Definitely not trying to make it or anything. Sometimes people stoo by and tell me interesting stuff about the game but im usually rollin with 0 viewers

Don't own a channel and I mostly watch things about retro gaming and hardware (MLIG, MVG, retroRGB, Snesdrunk, Gaymanlives, CV11, Mandalore, Seth) because that's the most relevant to my interests and I feel those guys are both entertaining and informative.

I think the only one that I've seen posted on Yea Forums that I watch is sseth, it really depends on the way the video's are made. I can watch a full on playthrough but only if the voice of the person playing it is nice to listen to.

I never really saw the appeal of streaming live myself (I prefer to just record gameplay and post it afterwards).
I'm just too afraid I'll shut down when I'm live and won't have anything to say.

What do you guys think of a regular website where there is a schedule of video's posted and links to the playlists ?
Would that be a nice addition to have a website for the channel that's easier to browse than youtube is ?

Any anons want to post their video's ?
I want to see what kind of games Yea Forums likes to play

>And if you don't own a YouTube channel yourself, what kind of stuff do you like to watch in terms of videogame related videos ?
Generally I like analysis videos about games I enjoy, or I'll watch Let's Plays for certain games I've completed. I like matthewmatosis for example, but he admittedly hasn't made a video I've watched in a while

I used to make youtube videos back in 2007

What kind of videos did you make ?

I have a channel but I'm not sure if I should post it or not since I've only recently gotten back into it.

Yes. Unfortunately it's all fallout 76.

Have you played any of the older Fallout games ?
The first two are my favorite.

Yeah, fallout 1 came out when I was a kid and that nostalgia made me play all of them. Even BoS. I just wish 76 was a better game. There's only so much fun I can pull out of it.

>Do you guys have a YouTube channel or something
Yeah, but it's not vidya related. It's just a video of my dad playing with a cat in a foreign language.

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I think the only ones I still have to play are Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel.
I enjoyed the first two the most, the slow pacing of it really made me feel absorbed into the game.

I prefer twitch over youtube, editing vids is a fuckload of work compared to just doing everything live but twitch is too saturated to be anything more than a hobby now, at least with youtube you can still have breakout success stories.

That's cute af

Do you guys have any tips for someone who is just starting out (less than 10 subs), I make a version with and without commentary but I'm not sure what else I can do to increase the quality of the video's I make.
I already upload them in 4k60 to abuse the fact that youtube gives a much higher bitrate to 4k60 video's compared to 1080p60 videos (I just export the vids to 4k60 with OBS so I don't have to recode them).

BoS is kinda shit as a fallout game, and mediocre as a game in general. Tactics was fun though.

I was thinking of streaming but idk how it would work. I only communicate in game with a clown horn.

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>I was thinking of streaming but idk how it would work. I only communicate in game with a clown horn.
One honk for yes and two for no ?

I do have a channel, all I got on it is me playing Dark Souls, first video got a whole 50 views on it, I'm very proud.
Although they're shit.

Honestly, just keep making them. I didn't get any real subs or views till my 11th video, and after you hit your stride and find your niche the views just start coming. I've never edited anything until this February and I'm getting around 1k views a vid now.

Tl;dr just keep doing it, play with subs, and find your niche.

>I'm very proud.
>Although they're shit.
Man I know that feel, for some magical reason I have one vid that's reaching 1500 views and I have not a clue why.
It's just uncommentated video of me playing an indie game demo.

Yeah I just finished making a small website where I can post links to the playlists and other news related stuff for the channel I made .
Currently playing through Devil May Cry and having a lot of fun (even though I'm terrible at it from not playing these games for 15 years).
I tend to make 3 vids at a time when I get the time to record and just upload them all at once.
I do need to get a better schedule when uploading though since I sometimes have a period of a week where I simply don't have the time to record and upload stuff.

What kind of vids do you make ?
I dont usually do a lot of editing and just upload straight gameplay footage.

Clown Daddy on YouTube. No commentary, mostly outnumbered pvp, weird stuff, and humor. No commentary requires a lot of editing to be entertaining though.

I do but only in a sense of
>talking to friend about game
>"what do you mean user"
I just record whatever it is, upload it and send a link. My channel is just full of random clips of me doing whatever.

I watch a lot of compilations that are exactly that though, people just having random interesting moments in games.
One dude that I watched recently did a bunch of interesting video's about Fallout and really harsh ways to beat it (only using a weapon once till you kill an enemy and not using it at all afterwards for example).

Do you guys like it if the person making the video has a camera ?
I kind of like it if the person is very active when playing the game.