PS5 hopes?

PS5 hopes?

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I’m just hoping it triees to don’t end up being a too hard of a failure that Sony doesn’t recover it fast.

I hope it's a 9 inch diameter orb like your pic that wouldn't fit anywhere in anybody's home.

I hope it has games.

These shitty future console mock ups were always retarded

Why would you want a screen on the controller taking up space making you have to look down

Not even mentioning the stupid game sphere thing

It's funny how in reality consoles are just becoming minimalistic boxes with no stupid lights or anything

considering how each one of pic related is 3 chapters at least, we already have 6 masterpieces incoming.

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Sony shuts down SIE and brings their vidya headquarters back to Japan

>every ebin pre-release console fan art is a fucking ball


>not going full PC next gen
Have none of you retards learned your lesson yet?

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Backwards compatibility with ps4, ps3, and ps2 games.

>implying Snoy won't saddle you with remasters of remasters of remasters again

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I don't have much hope. Sony has already lied about PS5's capabilities (4k-8k and raytracing on a console no more than $600 yeah right)
Games will be censored, not only boobies but "hate speech"
most of the best games on ps4 were multiplats or available for PC too.
Sony has nothing to be proud about anymore

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At this rate is ff7 even coming to ps4? it was meant to be a ps3 game, then ps4. how can it take so long to release DISCK FUCKING 1?!?!?!

Day 1 buy no matter what.


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Didn't that used to be PS4?

>that video has ads enabled

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I hope this kills snoy off for good this time. They got lucky with the PS3 because they had a lot of shit to sell off (like their Japanese HQ), but this time they won't be so lucky.

This. If it has (disk) backwards compatibility with at least ps3 games I'll buy it.
The confirmed (?) ps4 compatibility is good but my ps4 is still brand new, it will keep working for years and years and like half its games will probably get ps5 versions and remasters

>The confirmed (?)
yes, confirmed by cerny himself

Why was 2008 so obsessed with this song?

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This is how they got hype for ps2 years before it was released.

They just kept throwing out all crazy bullshit ideas and specs to the media.

Cerny said it's possible to output 8k not that it's a target for games

This and This (also bc with ps1)

If not = No Buy

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Hopefully it'll be designed by Kevin Tan

More, smaller games.

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That's not what the article says dumb dumb, learn to grammar

My hopes is the next KH game will be on it.

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no more gravity rushs. more days gones

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Sounds like great, I was never into chinese cartoon stuff anyway

OP posted a pic what this PS4 dudes says, but commented what he wants. Learn to read nigga.

user said the opposite of what the article said dumb dumb, learn to context

wrong, learn to read next time

Do you live in a fucking shoebox or something?

why do people still make these ugly looking renders?
no console is gonna like that
also the controller is retarded and not ergonomic

>hud on the controller
because when I'm getting my ass beat the first thing I'm going to do is look down in my hands at my controller to see how much life I have left, right?

Backwards compatibility
60fps standard
Better menus
Cool start up sound

Why not ps1??

Bloodborne 2 so I can get it used at half price three years after it comes out.

I hope it fucking dies

god this vid gave me a nostalgia rush
I remember wanting that portable gamecube to be a thing so bad and I was sorely disappointed at DS and the wii

There's more than that. If you look closely, you see the the console is fucking floating over its base with magnets. Because strapping magnets to electronics is a good idea.

BC PS1-4

that must have been designed by a juggalo

Split controller. A separate device for each hand is the ideal for comfort and efficient design. The sooner we yank off that "ripping off Nintendo" band-aid, the better.

I just want a good Ratchet & Clank game again, man. those ps2 games were the best shit ever, still great today, but everything released from the ps3 onwards has been complete garbage.

Fuck you're right, I didn't even see that it was levitating, here's more specs

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I actually really like that design desu.

I hope it plays video games.


Yeah, luckily there are no magnets in consumer electronics.

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Technically this is possible with quantumn levitation and wireless charging/streaming right now but I'm not sure why you'd want to.
It would cost thousands of dollars and all it would take is the power to get shut off and it would fly off the base station and smash on the floor
Whoever designed it has been watching too much scifi

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hopes: games
expectations: $500 of no games

You think the magnets in that are powerful enough to levitate a fucking console retard? Because I've got a bunch of hdds around my house and I've never had to worry about them floating away.

I think you're an idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about.

I hope they change their censorship policies. Until they do I will not be buying a single Sony product, this includes their movie and music properties

Remasters with the more problematic content removed of course.

Put one hard drive down on the fucking desk and put another harddrive on top of it and see if the one on top fucking levitates you mongrel.
The magnets needed to make a fucking Playstation float would be much more powerful than those in fucking hdd and would be more disruptive to everything around them.

Or a single phase coil.

Try this experiment insetad: Put your head under a toilet seat and slam it down. Continue slamming it on your head until you either decide to do more research on the subject, and not sound like a moron, or stop discussing the subject altogether.

If it's backwards compatible I hope I can just plug in the external I use for PS4 instead of downloading games I already own

It's so bad that it causes Sony to drop out of the console race and only Microsoft and Nintendo will be left.

High resolutions (at least 8k) to so I could enjoy the spectacle of seething PC cucks counting thier FPS on ancient tiny displays.
Higher subscription fee to provide me with higher quality of p2p connection.
At least TWO mid-gen upgrades to be able to experience same masterpieces on new 24k TV by the end of generation.
Keep Dualshock's gyro a dead weight because otherwise it would attract filthy pedos from Splatoon. I want smooth gaming experience with my controller, not swinging it around like a fucking ape.
More third person cinematic experiences.
Family-friendly games.

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This. I only have Bloodborne and Persona 5 on it.
It's a shame.

That DS one actually looked cool.

I always liked the more industrial practical consoles though.
Everyone gave the original xbox shit for being a off the shelf pc in a mitx form factor (or close enough to it) with semi custom hardware but it was literally 20 years ahead of its time.
Gen 8 was a massive backwards and had tonnes of over heating issues
Gen 9 will go back to more pc lite design and focus on cooling temps and noise.
God gen 8 really was the worst gen I suffered through 7 6 5 4 3 but it was undoubtedly the worst.
>emr fries everything.
And it would have to have a Faraday cage built in making it heavy as fuck not mention impossible to keep cool.
You could cram very high end 5nm mobile hardware in there and maybe a dedicated gpu easy but keep it from being fried either by heat/radiation is the real problem
Fuck having no vents

Huh I've been gaming on a 50" TV for the past decade on my pc and have been able to run 8k 30fps downsampled since 2016 where the fuck have you been?

It must be great always getting what you want in life

Having a display on the controller would be retarded. Nobody looks at their controller while playing.

>Do more research on the subject
Yeah I just stacked two hard drives I had lying on my desk, tried them both ways too. Turns out they're not fucking strong enough to levitate each other no matter which way you stack them.

>Neodymium magnets aren't strong! Look! I can stack two harddrives on top of one another!
Keep typing, you dumb motherfucker.

Reminder that it will be the last generation of physical consoles. The future will be streaming only.

Have you been drinking this again?

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Unless the net can go faster than the speed of light streaming only is a no go.

>wait one gen
>buy 1 moth subscription
>play entire library of every gen of PS
>everyone does this
>SNOY gets shit tons of money
>SNOY gets excited, dumps all these money into a bunch of AAA titles and marketing
>half year later
>nobody needs this shit anymore, 90% of subscriptions cancelled
>SNOY goes bankrupt

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This is some mid-tier bait.

The point is that those magnets aren't strong enough to cause any disturbance. The magnetic force needed to float a whole console would be disruptive.

I hope they continue to bribe third parties into exclusivity while contributing nothing to the industry other than the next generation of """"powerful"""" console.

Aluminum foil is heavy as fuck?

>pic related
Also, this show was great.

The point is that your ignorance is on display. Hard drive magnets are ridiculously strong. People buy dead HDDs off ebay just to harvest the magnets.

Bloodborne 60fps
Free multiplayer access

Thas it

How big are those magnets? How much range do they have?

Can they float a console with out screwing with it?

>I'm not sure why you'd want to.
Sometimes you gotta take risks for coolness.

they come in different sizes
a penny-sized one would be more than enough to float a console or three.
You'd need some bits properly shielded, but yes. Only a few gens back, you had these magnets inside of the console, but they were shielded. In this case, you'd need to shield magnetic-sensitive bits of the console instead. The bigger problem with using magnets is they'd pull in every metal object around while the console was turned on. Fixing that would be an exercise left up to the reader.

I just want the DS5 controller to be bigger and not as shitty as the DS4.