Makes piracy literally impossible

>makes piracy literally impossible


Attached: stadia.jpg (1199x799, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:

*blocks your input's path by a full second*
heh, nothing personnel

>males playing games literally impossible

oh no~~~ nono... no.....

only brainlets who spend money to not own anything will buy this

for AAA garbage, and for products within the "video game industry" which are things i cannot give less of a shit about

Streaming games is still not viable du to latency
In US never because telecom companies have monopoly in different areas


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piratefags btfo
>Jim Sterling talking points

The only impossibility is preventing piracy. You can only delay it.


While game streaming is the future, this will crash and burn since the internet, even in first world countries, is piss poor. There will be constant lag to the point even normies will notice and go back to dedicated hardware.

Google has MAGIC! They can break the laws of physics, I'm sure! It will be like no lag!
*Normie noises*

>makes entertainment literally impossible

Attached: stadia.webm (1096x550, 1.83M)

Cloud gaming has to be one of the top 5 memes of this century together with 4k and VR.

It might make piracy much more difficult but not impossible.

More to the point, an internet connection strong enough to do game streaming with minimal lag is so expensive that you'd be better served just buying a decent gaming PC.

I seriously forgot stadia was even a thing until op posted it.

with physical media i am able to play it offline, wherever i want, whenver i want, meaning even 30 years from now, and lend it easily to a friend.

streaming meme, online only, pay for your internet twice, games can and WILL be removed from the service

why should i want streaming, again?

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>year old video

Didnt even bother watching your shit

Depending on how much work is being done serverside it could be near impossible. Multiplayer games are mostly not able to be pirated fully. This will most likely be a whole lot worse to pirate than any multiplayer game we have seen.

Yeah! I mean, the entire internet infrastructure has changed fundamentally from last y- no wait, it hasn't. Your post is retarded.

>Kills console gaming
Anyone who thinks this is going to affect PC is retarded, but I can't wait for it to kill off consoles.
Especially if the PS5/Xbone2 launch at anything higher than $400.

Oh hold on did you think there were still yearly improvements on graphics cards?

You have no idea how Googles infrastructure even works moron, piss off

It's magic, magic I tell you! Negative latencies! Negative latencies everywhere!

>makes piracy literally impossible


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Because then you, the customer, have absolutely no control over what games you play and when.
All your data will belong to our cloud servers. If you step out of line or commit any thought crimes, say goodbye to your library.
Oh you really like this game? Too bad, our analysts say it's not profitable enough anymore, so we're gonna flip a magic switch and it will be erased from all existence, forever.
Give us control goyim! You can't fight the future.

Even the all-mighty Google is limited by the laws of physics and by existing infrastructure.

It probably isn’t going to kill off anything. If anything does happen it is because a console company offed itself.

Explain to me how you are going to pirate a Stadia exclusive unless you physically breach Google's data center and steal the hard drive.

what are leaks
what is projected emulation
what is hijacking
what is straight up just intrusion attacks
not to mention only a retarded dev would make their game stadia exclusive which makes all this thread pointless

Being ironically stupid is not a argument

There is always different approaches to shit tard, like how Microsoft was testing streaming where it downloads important parts of the game locally to you and streams smaller things like AI, background objects, etc


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Who the fuck is going to play games that have input lag and artifacting? it's fucking dogshit experience

This. I can understand steam and digital distribution, because it actualy have some good sides.. but streaming !? Go fuck yourself jewgle

Being angry does not make a bad argument less bad, user.

>Moving the goalposts so hard

Oh yeah, let's just run 80% of the game's code on the client! That's going to make it impossible to use stadia on chromebooks and tablets as it was promised, but look at what we gain from it!

... Nothing. We gain nothing. After all, the frame itself still gets rendered on Google's server farm and so we still pay the round tripe time. This "rendering shit on the server farm" is the whole idea of Stadia, you know that, right?
he only way we'd gain anything would be if we were to *gasp* move rendering and computing the game entirely to the client machine.
Now, that is a revolutionary idea! Oh my go- no, wait... that's exacty how non-cloud gaming has worked for decades.

My god. I hope you keep posting here, keep embarassing yourself. You are a source of endless entertainment.

pirates will find a way to stream better and for no cost

with what, tachyons?

Fake news

Consoles will never die.

looks alright

>hijack stream of tachyons and play stadia games for free

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>Motto is "Don't be evil"
>"Let's use our huge market presence to take all the bad stuff about MMO's and put them in single player games with no obvious benefit, forcing traditional platforms out of the market and making everybody use it because fuck you that's why"
Google really are a mob of cunts these days

>that input lag


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Google will be destroyed in your lifetime, cap this

Based and Coldsteelpilled

you can crack many of the games on STEAM, so you can keep it, streaming only isn't even the same.

Google will destroy all our lifetimes. Cap this.

Responsive gameplay as well.

Google is going to become like IBM
It'll still exist, but they'll do boring "safe" enterprise stuff, and nobody will really pay attention to them anymore

and the server was literally in the next room...

it also makes it impossible to market to burgers cause of their cuck internet

you can see the fucking shaking of his hand
I probably costed him the job

>pirates discover how to literally time travel and steal data from the future through tachyons for the sole purpose of telling buyfags to fuck off


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Nah just setup emulated stadia server and your golden. should reduce the lag as well.

stadia's only hope of surviving as a console is if they have AAA content available for like $5 and not for renting but permanently in the user's library

I could see a lot of normies buying it because "muh $5 skyrim, muh $5 asscreed, muh $5 halo" etc etc especially sports games where input lag doesn't matter to beer chugging knuckle draggers at all

if their titles are full price though this shit is going to tank so hard. even normies aren't that stupid or patient.

what a joke lmao

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>I can understand digital distribution
>fuck streaming
You actually have to own games in order to play them you faggot. The games remain in your library. They don't just vanish.

4k makes some sense. The images can be much crisper and it eliminates the need for AA.

It's like going above 60 FPS. Your eyes literally cannot see that fast but it makes the image so much more stable and clear that you end up being able to better recognize what's happening on your screen.

VR will be forever shit until you can plug in.

You need AT LEAST rock solid 25mbps to watch a 4K movie on Netflix and Amazon Prime, a damn video at 24fps where no inputs and rendering are required. Google is out of their damn minds to say you only need 30mbps to play the ultra magical cutting edge Stadia games at 4K/60fps.

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nvidiakikes fear 4k.

That's assuming it's a legitimate corporation and not a CIA front

40 years ago this was the norm
You'd have a large mainframe and people would connect to it with shitty terminals that were nothing but user interfaces
They did this because computers were huge and expensive, and stopped when things got cheaper and smaller
Why the fuck are they going back to this now that computers are tiny and cheap?
Fucking hell

I play fortnite @4k on geforce now with an 11MBps connection.

This guy gets it

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>The games remain in your library.
Like channels remain in your cable service numb nuts, that shit isn't stored in your device, the day they decide that channel/game is defunct due licensing expiring, or legal problems, or for whatever reason then it is gone forever.

Or if you stop paying the monthly subscription fee :^)

>I play fortnite
You play a game that can run on smartphones. That is not cutting egde.

>I play fortnite
this is the average Yea Forums user in 2019

Streaming is the future, how else do you expect Sony is able to get 8k out of the PS5?

thanks doc

The problem is emulating one of their servers.

>Why the fuck are they going back to this now that computers are tiny and cheap?

because greed
if you only have games available on streaming platforms you can control access to those games and prevent piracy and you can force game ecosystems to die on schedule as well so everyone has to buy the next thing

>offers a shit-tier quality 200ms input-delayed gaming experience

>fornite player is this dumb
it checks out

how come so many companies are trying this streaming meme? does it really have potential to trick people into using it?

I suppose stadia will at least, be somewhat successful on phones and maybe laptops. bud who'd want to replace their PC with an input lag ridden mess?

Didn't OnLive try this several years ago? What makes Google think it'll work this time?

You're retarded champ, input delay on Stadia was a few ms higher then Xbox One X

better shilling?

No it wasn't


No one will buy this shit, imagine how much lag and outages there will be at peak times.

I for one welcome this technology
Not everybody can afford a $10,000 gaming computer to play the latest Assassin's Creed
This technology helps make gaming more accessible to people with less money... and $100 per month fiber to the premises internet connections

looks alrightYou need 25 megabits not megabytes retard
25 megabits is equal to 3.125mb

imagine shilling for google, for free

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yo where do I sign up. google must pay well for this

You gotta have a malfunctioning brain to believe those requirements, it does not check out with how similar services work.

Riding the hype wave just like VR.

In practice it will fall flat on its face. With VR it was the expensive hardware, with streaming it'll be the fact that the average consumer has shit tier internet.

Unless this becomes the only method of playing games (it won't) it won't do shit to piracy.

Plus most ISPs aren't going to take kindly to the amount of data required for streaming.

google has more datacenters spread across the world than most other companies

they probably realized they weren't utilizing more than 60% of them so this console is really just a leveraging device some CEO thought up while tripping on random pharmaceutical drugs

"we'll increase datacenter usage to 80% and profit! genius!" said the Google CEO as he ejaculated inside his child sex slave while eating out fresh horse pussy

well at least VR would have potential if not for the price tag and 12512521 devices and exclusivity

also I have gigabit and I'd never consider streaming games. even if they buy exclusives, whatever, I'll just play something else. the latency is just not worth it.

The major problem with most game streaming services like liquidsky is the low amount of data centers. Google has a ton of data centers so this hopefully won't be a problem.
I don't really think 'always online' is a problem. Its pretty obvious that the service will be just online only and I don't think that's bad. Most games now are always online, even single player games and almost everyone in developed nations have WiFi that is decent.
Also to anyone saying that 'people love owning a disc no way this will ever become popular' , physically owning your game already a thing of the past. Most games can be bought on Steam and many stores don't sell PC games on discs and Microsoft is making a digital only Xbox one S. Many games can be bought digitally. There are many types of gaming subscription services like Xbox gold, Xbox game pass, PlayStation plus, Nintendo Online and many more services. No one is really complaing about these services compared that 'you don't own them, they can take it from u' crowd. I don't think that will be a problem to be honest. This sort of thing has happened to movies, TV shows and many more forms of entertainment and this will happen to videogames. Owning a physical video game will become a thing of the past and many more companies will move to making games only available to buy online. It's only a matter of time until this happens.

Attached: google-stadia-duyuruldu.jpg (1160x660, 319K)

You absolute fucking mong. In order to play games with these services, you first need to buy games and add them to your steam library/uplay/blizzard, etc. Then, when you log into these services and choose a game to play, you'll have to log in your account and then be able to stream the game.
>hurr, I understand digital copies
>hurr, I don't like streaming because you don't "actually" have the game
These two statements are contradictory, you faggot.

>input delay on Stadia was a few ms higher then Xbox One X
What a sales pitch. I wonder if Google is going to pay for that one.

I think he is referring to piracy of stadia games. It really only matters for stadia exclusives.

imagine living in a world were it's 100% utter shit!

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>Fresh horse pussy
At least he’s somewhat cultured

Any dev who'd go stadia exclusive might as well just prepare a noose for themselves because aint nobody buying this shit.

Is it possible to download the data from the server? Kinda like how videos and movies are ripped from?

this will just boost the prideful element of cracking games and some crazy scene group will emulate the servers

the same thing happened with denuvo. the scene was getting slower and lazier by the day then denuvo came out and it gave them a reason to start working again. because that's what scene groups are motivated by, pride and competition

Calling it now
All EA and Bethesda games on Stadia exclusively

don't worry we're rapidly approaching that exact kind of world

Consider the data being used by 2 billion people playing high end games at around roughly the same time all day every day. Google better have centers the size of city blocks or there’s gonna be a fire breaking out somewhere

>Horrible input lag makes it literally unplayable


google will probably cover their loses. it's a free way to make money with your shit game when you don't have high expectations for sales, just like egs exclusivity

>Is it possible to download the data from the server?
Sooner or later all of us will have to hack just to play gaems LMFAO!

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Streaming games is like watching youtube. Why would i ever bother playing or buying games with 1 second delay when i can just watch it on youtube or twich?

All the reflexes and quick input types of games wont run on this. It will all be only turn based RPGs. You dont need to play these yourself to enjoy them. Just watch the compilation of best fights and you basically played the game.

Fighting games? FPS? RTS? Dark souls like? If anything this will sooner kill the games instead of piracy.

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>paying stadia cucks have to deal with 500ms input lag
>chad pirates play the games offline with 0ms on emulated servers
we win again bros

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it took forever for some of those cracks to happen and only because some really determined chinks did it

if stadia takes the cheap game approach they will make it so that cracking the games isn't worth it because they're $5 or $10

Also lel at all the people ITT who think you can hack a stream and steal the data. It's just pushing video and audio to your computer, the most you can steal is the next few frames of information not the actual game you idorts.

>inb4 Yea Forums falls for it hook line and rod just like they did Steam

>if stadia takes the cheap game approach they will make it so that cracking the games isn't worth it because they're $5 or $10
as if the scene groups give a fuck about that lel. don't kid yourself you were hoping denuvo will stop piracy and hope this does as well, neither have/will

There you go underestimating autism. Don’t do that unless you’re egging them on

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>I play fortnite

this is a self own my dude

>no argument so crys muh shill



Sure worked out for google glass

Probably not. You will receive only a video stream. Nothing from the game itself will be stored locally.

I already exclusively play old games so I couldn't care less.

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Well, if it is downloadable or rip-able, one hacker is more than enough to start the chain of piracy. That's why I asked. Will the structure/methodology be similar to how videos and movies are ripped.

I wish I could egg autists on to do productive hacking/coding like making safer darknets and thwarting modern o/s telemmetry so that we can have a safe haven from big gov't watching literally everything we do instead of a free video game (which they will watch us download at some point and then arrest us for doing so)

Steam is god.

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This is different then denuvo. There is nothing to really crack if it is running server side. Nobody will be able to emulate a stadia server until somebody get their hands on the whole stadia server software.

You cannot be arrested for downloading games. You can only be arrested for distribution.

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wait until AAA devs start implementing built in lag for cloud gaming parity

same. emulated GT3 recently. FFB on a modern wheel, proper widescreen and 1080p, pure gold

for now
if you can't see the framework being laid for this you're stupider than I thought

>I already exclusively play old games so I couldn't care less.
This. I also still buy them

If you literally never have access to any code, there's no chance of a crack. Someone working in the server farm would have to take a server down without tagging or wiping it, download its entire drive(which would take hours), and leak the contents, hoping there's no encryption to speak of on anything involved.

Why do they insist in making the service support games that are designed with quick response to input in mind?
A streaming service can work perfectly fine for thousands of already existing titles, and even more if they're specifically designed for it, but nope we gotta show you how horrible it performs when trying to play an action game.

I see. But since there are active input from the user while playing. Then shouldn't there more than just video and audio data being transfered between the user and server?

No I see the framework, I also see how shoddy it is and the blowback that will come from consumers when it eventually becomes too much for the google servers to handle. Now apologize for that insult

some autistic chink or eastern european will just hack into the servers regularly to update the game database and give us pirate CHADs 0ms experience while paying cucks experience 2000ms ''gaming''

that's just a hypothetical if this shit service gets any traction lol

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>No I see the framework, I also see how shoddy it is and the blowback that will come from consumers when it eventually becomes too much for the google servers to handle. Now apologize for that insult

>blowback from lazy normies who gobble down whatever shit gets put on their plate without criticizing it, sometimes even defending it out of buyer's remorse


>not only do I always have to be online I will also play local singleplayer games with delayed input

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based brainlet who dont even know how piracy works

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Show me a 4k game and I'll show you a game with shit graphics/framerate.

>implying it will have any exclusive worth pirating


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>stream all the game to my computer
>back the stream and download the game data
>have unlimited games for whatever one month costs

>makes selling their service to most people literally impossible because by and large most people have awful internet


>Slips clips of real life gore and CP into your stream

>>It's like going above 60 FPS
>falling for the 144mhz smoother framerate meme
No wonder most oldschool shooter players become bad at them, it's the hardware fucking them up.

so, most first world countries that can afford the service also have shitty, data capped internet. how is this a smart business move?

No? Those things are not necessarily related.

If you have trouble understanding the concept just think of Sony's streaming service. You use your own PS4 controller to send inputs over the internet to a PS4 console in Sony's datacenter, and in return they send an audio/video feed to you over the internet. This is exactly the same shit in principle.

4k is needed if you have a really large monitor, like 32' +

Yeah it might be possible for somebody to hack into a server to download the server software to emulate one. Or just download the game data. We don’t know the full set up and security so it will be hard to say how long or if it will happen.

That was literally his point. You're in agreement with him...

>This is a very easy thing to do, user thought, as he recollected the thousands of times it totally happened in real life despite encryption and secure circuits.

so basically the majority of gamers, aka the casuals.

I know? I'm asking how is google thinking this is smart?

How does phil harrison keep getting these jobs?

if securom gets cracked
if uplay gets cracked
if denuvo gets cracked

always the same stories. ifs and buts and in the end the consumer is the only one who loses

Data capped internet is caused by the provider, it's not an actual thing. Take the U.S for example, they pay immense prices for bad internet which means that fibre cable is already available and so are servers to make datastreaming smoothly but they instead let customers pay full price for not only capped kb/s or mb/s but also capped GB they get to "stream".

It's a scheme. The money is there but they are being jews.

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>Yeah it might be possible for somebody to hack into a server to download the server software to emulate one

Google server admins are not Equifax server admins and getting into their secure systems is a lot harder than guessing admin/password on every open socket.

I doubly that it will be “downloading” the whole game. It will probably be streaming which is just the video and audio outputs. You can download this, but it would just be a video that you can watch later.

>you don't have to pay for an expensive pc to play your games anymore!
>$50 a month
>i5 cpu
fuckin LOL, why would anyone use this?

Also daily reminder for anons that video game industries have better security on their servers than your fucking bank or stock market exchange

have a laff at that one and then cry a little

>Data capped internet is caused by the provider
I think he knows that user.

But you can't do shit about the ISP's being greedy jews. At the end of the day you're still stuck with your data cap and this streaming meme that allegedly consumes 20GB/hour will never become a thing.

I wish

doesn't most of USA have old ass infrastructure? still doesn't make sense why they ask for 800$ for gigabit in the areas that do have access to it, when the average eastern european country gets gigabit for 8$

Just imagine having her beat you to a pulp and then chokehold you until you consciousness.

we will just copy the whole game and store it locally

pirates always win

>600$ a year
you can build a budget PC for that money and still have enough left to buy a slim ps4, provided you have the monitor and shit already

>We put child porn on the Stadia...not because it is easy but because it is hard.

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why do people have such a hate boner for piracy? good games almost always make a profit and it's only the greedy publishers who cry for more


Those are cracks. For this to work it would be actual hacking. Not decrypting nor editing distributed software.
This user knows what is up.

4k aint a meme, retard

it's more like $60-70 a month for fiber internet these days

still highway robbery compared to EU but also our content servers are located inside the country and unless you have some for your game of choice in yours you get to suck the big dick that is the trans-atlantic cable and all the latency it introduces

this is why high speed internet for cheap is kind of a meme
I was in south korea 5 years ago and every youtube video was buffering constantly despite me being able to download from other sites fast as fuck. both sides have to have the bandwidth or your big pipe is useless.

They said the exact same thing for denuvo...

I am not an idiot, and thus have no faith in this shit working. One thing Google+ showed Google is that there is no such thing as "too big to fail". So here are my thoughts (as if any of you niggers are going to read it):

Pros for Stadia:
>if anyone could do it, it's probably Google with their 10 billion datacenters
>Google is a household-name at this point and that might help
>normalfags are stupid

Cons for Stadia:
>the average normalfag has 10 mbs internet or lower, but it's good enough for them because they can watch their Game of Fags stream
>anyone with an IQ in the double-digits or above can see the input delay
>literally Renting Games: The Machine
>the concept of cloud gaming is still decades away from being a functional alternative in anything but slow-ass turn-based games, and even there it would annoy the fans of that shit

all one of us has to do is pay for the service and he can restream it to twitch or youtube and we can all play


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>Your eyes literally cannot see that fast
Maybe yours can't because you're a subhuman

ok, retard

Max Payne 3 4k 120fps on my 1080ti dont @ me

>$1200 pc
>replace in two years
and you don't actually replace your whole fucking $1200 pc, i got a i7-2600k and fuck if i'll be replacing it now, i'm gonna buy a 1660 next month and that's it.
why the fuck anyone with iq above 50 want streaming.

The actual game software should not even touch your hardware. If this is real streaming and it looks as if it is then you will only be getting video and audio. You can however record that and watch yourself playing the game later.

Literally the only way stadia is going to flop hard is if they price the games at the same cost as console and PC

If publishers and devs let google sell their games at $5-$10 they will get the steam effect where people can load up on AAA titles for cheap and won't care if there's 500ms input lag because "it's five dollars user, five dollars"

These are the same kinds of people who game without positional audio on a display that has the aspect ratio set wrong and play for maybe 30 minutes a day tops. They will not care about the quality.

Also kids will be raised on streaming systems like this in the near future and they won't know any better. They already play fortnite on fucking phones, it won't be a tough sell at all for their parents when you tell them they can have a $200 streambox with $5 games or a $600 console with $60 games.

lol pcfags are always like "its so cheap to build a pc! Just already have most of the components beforehand, duh! Just upgrade the already pretty good pc you currently have!

Cloud Gaming is never going to be a successful concept until high speed affordable internet without data caps are commonplace. Otherwise you are literally trying to sell a service to a small portion of first world customers with access to a good network infrastructure, are willing to pay for an additional connection to a cloud service, but also cannot purchase a superior gaming PC with that money. What would be the point of hosting this at this day and age, where companies can simply give you their (((ideal))) range of network speeds and provide you whatever they feel like giving you IN ADDITION to cucking you with flimsy data caps?

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I've had a 4690k and 980 since 2015 and it's still running strong. might replace the 980 next generation, might

>If publishers and devs let google sell their games at $5-$10
FUCKING LOL, you can't be this delusional

1 month later and it's already forgotten.
Another doa google product.

I'm a consolefag tho PC is just a side thing

but it is, unless you're a literal brainlet, also pcs last for years.

"sell your game on service A/B/C and it gets pirated, sell your game on ours and we guarantee it won't"

also I might have been a bit hyperbolic with the pricing, new titles will probably be $20-30 tops

>0.5s of input lag is all right

so basicaally
>sell your game only on our service and nowhere else otherwise it'll get pirated
>at 1/6th of the price
>at a fraction of sales because hardly anyone uses our service
>also it's gonna get pirated anyway
yeah nah dawg, i'm cool

Yeah they could never launch in Australia they would literally lose out on a huge market

This is the end of anything resembling game ownership.
Why celebrate it?

I wish I could be as optimistic as you. Maybe you live in a bubble where all you do is browse Yea Forums 24/7 and never talk to anyone outside.

Stay in the bubble user, don't go meet real life people or you might see how dangerous concepts like stadia are to gaming in general.

what i believe user is saying
is that your eyes do not detect the whole of images flashing at such a rate
but rather that the differences in each frame,
and that more images per second must obviously result in a more accurate/faster detection of such changes

if a chink offered you offline access to the games for 5$ would you pay?

>strawmanning this hard
i work in gaming you dip. stadia is going nowhere.

>all these people talking about data caps
>never had a datacap in my fucking life.
>i live in the US

What the fuck is this retardation about datacaps?

In a lot of europoor countries there's a datacap for high speed internet. If you go over it they limit it to dial-up speeds for the rest of the month.

It's fucking retarded.

Fuck yeah

no it doesn't, not even in italy and croatia which have some of the worst internet. data caps are a thing of the non-uk anglosphere, mainly USA and australia

post twitter account and link to your post mr gaming dev

>game lags for a full second at google's own demonstration

OH MY GAWD, STADIA IS THE FUTURE!!!! Surely it will work just as well globally when some countries/states are still getting trash internet plans with data caps from their jew ISPs!!!

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oh well hope to see 1 good exclusive come out of this platform lol

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>makes piracy literally impossible
Why are we are talking about Denuvo aga- oh wait nevermind, it is this month's "piracy is dead" panacea.

I live in Belgium and my internet is definitely capped after some point. Something in the area of 200GB.

Look I see what Google is trying to do, and while it's impressive, it won't last long unless they fix a lot of shit.

let me know when people can steal games through twitch streams and we'll have the piracy answer to stadia

you mean like the laws of physics?

This will sit right next to the google glass in the trash.

>paying for piracy
do what?


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Bandwidth from your ISP is capped because backhaul bandwidth is expensive. Most ISPs operate on the basis that even though you can potentially use 20GB per hour, most people won't be - so bandwidth can be juggled. Your favourite ISP rarely owns every part of the infrastructure, they need to buy links to and from other backbone providers.

You can't just magic up bandwidth, someone has to pay for it.

>makes piracy impossible by denying you ownership of games altogether
>zoomer corporate dicksuckers will cheer this on

wtf. never thought that was a thing in europe. I've seeded terabytes/month from my home computer without issue

just because you never hit your data cap doesn't mean you aren't capped, retard. try reading your contract

Stop playing videogames

>mr gaming dev
except i'm not a dev and fuck posting any personal information on Yea Forums, are you dumb? also again, stop strawmanning and accept people might have different views and experience with shit you're arguing about. game streaming is a meme, and even if it won't be by some amazing feat of technology which doesn't exist, there are shitload of communities/people who simply won't want to compromise or just won't give a fuck.

I have, its 100% uncapped. I have downloaded and uploaded terabytes, retard.

>You can't just magic up bandwidth, someone has to pay for it.
I wasn't arguing against physical impairments and having to literally lift up the ground to set pieces. I am arguing with the fact that the money is there, it's laying there in the companies banks but either side either doesn't want to pay or won't give up your mentioned areas.

I totally get what you mean.

>Maxes out your bandwidth cap in under a week


>I was in south korea 5 years ago and every youtube video was buffering constantly despite me being able to download from other sites fast as fuck. both sides have to have the bandwidth or your big pipe is useless.

That's ISP-dependent. YouTube uses Akamai and its content is distributed across the planet. When you watch a YouTube video in South Korea, it's not coming from the United States, it's coming from a South Korean datacentre.

>In a lot of europoor countries
i live in fucking poland and there's literally no internet with data caps, except for mobile-only shit. you can even have internet for free.

don't say you work in the game industry if you can't back it up sweaty

eastern europe has the second best internet after south korea tho. it's because the infrastructure is fresh and new I think.

imagine unironically defending corporate entities and internet data cap, not even r*ddit falls to that level.

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i can say whatever i want, what are you gonna do about it.

>remember a WebM shitpost I never got around to making years ago
>it is finally relevant again

call you a liar and move on, obviously

don't give a fuck, enjoy your streaming meme input lag

The only way it would work is if Google places datacenters in every single city on the world.
Bandwidth is not the problem, latency is.

>shilling Google STD

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>Bandwidth is not the problem
except it is, 50mbps is something like 20 gigs PER HOUR, and that's assuming it stays at 50 and doesn't dip down to low 10s when you get back home after school/work and every single person gets on the net.

> sell your game on ours and we guarantee it won't
yeah, that sounds like a reason to jack up the prices, which is more than realistic in a world where gaming CEOs dont get tired to emphazise that people are paying too little.

If google provides godlike internet connection I will buy their shit.

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Can't we agree that both are huge problems and that Google is stupid for trying this shit with the state of the world's internet?

>Bandwidth is not the problem,
I don't think you realize how many people have shit internet. Google STD requires significantly more bandwith than streaming tv shows.

I won't enjoy it like i've been trying to point out all thread

This shit is being forced into existence and poorfags and zoomlets are going to eat it up because they wont be able to buy anything else nor will they have the money nor intelligence for building a proper PC. This is something even an industry insider (like I would believe that you are one at this point) would understand.

>yeah, that sounds like a reason to jack up the prices, which is more than realistic in a world where gaming CEOs dont get tired to emphazise that people are paying too little.
once streaming becomes the norm you bet your ass they will jack up the prices, they have to get their foot in the door first though.

Google fiber is dead.

You can thank businesses for that. Major cities like London still use old Victorian copper to run VDSL FTTC connections. They have no intention on replacing these with FTTP or Fibre to the NTE type connections because then no businesses would pay thousands per month for a dedicated 100Mb leased line.

The reality of Stadia is that streaming won't be as slow as people think because it'll be using Google's CDN which is undeniably the fastest in the world right now, which will mop up most of the issues of "I live in _____ so it'll be shit here".

Presumably Stadia will be incentivised by Google telling you to go with them as an ISP (Google Fiber) and Stadia Bandwidth won't contribute to your total.

I don't know how they'll deal with matching input lag with a hardwired controller, but the technology isn't far off.

I don't care for Stadia personally, but I thought I'd correct some technological misconceptions people have.

I'm just telling you how it works. I'm a senior engineer for a Tier 1 Carrier.

Deos there exist a version not for homos?

Just move to a part of the country with good internet. Not even that hard

absolutely my man, but then even if google literally putss a datacenter in my city and does google fiber to my house i'll prolly still feel input lag, on top of paying something like $50 for that shit. no thanks.

>once streaming becomes the norm you bet your ass they will jack up the prices
I am not a betting type, but if I were I would put more on this than my ass. lots more.


not even a demonic possession can compete with the levels of my eyes rolling back to the top of my head right now

No, you misunderstand. Even you have a uncapped gigabit connection, you will still get latency. Bandwidth is just the amount of data. It doesn't matter if you have 16k or 1000k, latency will be roughly the same.
The numbers given by google are just for 4k streaming, obviously you would be able to stream at lower qualities, but even then you still face the same latency.
The amount of data isn't the core problem, is my point.

latency is still there no many how excuses you make

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What would you rather I called it? OSPF/EIGRP/BGP Specialist? Internet-maker-worker?

>I won't enjoy it like i've been trying to point out all thread
then enjoy having a functioning brain user
>This shit
but i absolutely agree and also think it's an actual bullshit to fleece idiots. for $50 a month you can get $1200, biuld a very good pc, and then replace it two years later into another very good pc, and you will STILL have a better pc than what i've seen in those streaming services, where they have fucking i5 cpus. fucking really? and if you're poor, why are you spending 50 dollars a month like that, don't you have better things to spend it on? can't you buy a cheap console? can't you buy a used pc?

>Regular video games that just need to handle servers have crashes because the servers get overloaded due to incompetent stress tests and other full-retard developer decisions
>I'm supposed to sit here and expect Stadia to not only frame by frame process the video game on the server side, but also handle all network features simultaneously with a full gaming community active day in and day out all across the world
>At 60FPS, 1080p, close to zero latency, exceptional ping, no server downtime, and on zero regular network maintenance

If you get scammed by this, you deserve to lose every single dollar in your bank account.

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Ah, yes.
Much better.

people are so spiteful to prove you wrong, for whatever reason, that they are literally going to get scammed on purpose. the internet is full of contrarian, spiteful little cunts that just want to stick it to other people nowadays. if stadia was announced in 2015 nobody would give a shit but now we gotta make a big deal about an objectively shitty service because hurr DURR DON'T BE SO NEGATIVE

hey guys I still play on my xbox and ps4 will this google stuff affect me thanks for replies

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Stadia has been around for a long time. The idea isn't new. The problems aren't new.

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Latency doesn't matter as much as you think. 10 years ago people were playing consoles with well over 10ms of input lag. Getting a latency of less than 10ms from you to the nearest datacentre in your country is trivial.

>diablo 3 launch gets into the fucking ground because servers of one of the largest gaming companies can't cope for a week
>"a service with 50 times more bandwith requirements will totally work guys, why are you so sceptical?!"

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holy based
guess who's back

>be me
>be pirate
>do what I want cuz a pirate is free
>I am a pirate
also google btfo by 700ms latency.

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that's exactly what I meant by 2015. but now you people gotta prove us wrong about stadia. you just gotta, you don't know why, but you gotta. whatever, pay your 50$ a month who cares

try 2003.

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There will always be latency where streaming and multiplayer are concerned.

The question to ask regarding the stadia in general is much more simple than what a lot of user are arguing about all thread.

Here it is:
"How much bullshit can you make the average person (not user, we're talking normies here) put up with before they get angry and refund your product?"

If the average person sees 500ms as acceptable input lag, you win! It doesn't matter if it makes user's panties burst into flames when ezio jumps a fraction of a second after he presses jump. If the normie is happy then the console is a success. Normies are playing facebook games and fortnite on ipads, they are not going to fucking care and stadia is marketed specifically to them.

This isn't 2001 anymore anons, normies make up more than half the gaming audience now and they vote on everyone's behalf with their dollars. That means if they like eating shit then everyone else has to eat shit too. It started with DLCs and micro-transactions and it ends with streaming.

You, the user who won't buy the stadia, do not matter. You are not a significant enough statistic to stop this console from happening nor will you stop future attempts by other companies to do the same thing. The writing is on the wall. Normies want cheap easy streaming gaming and they want it now.

If this would be true, all other failed streaming services wouldn't have failed.

If you see 500ms input lag anywhere then your connection is shit. What on earth makes you think you're going to get 500ms?

>Getting a latency of less than 10ms from you to the nearest datacentre in your country is trivial.
a 65k packet ping to a top5 traffic websites in my country is 80ms, and it's in the same fucking city as me. if you think stadia will have anything less than 250ms, you're insane.

developers aren't IETF specialist, developers just put shit into the game and expect it to work but never get to test it in large scale, that's why most memeRPGs have monthls if not weekly maintenance

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everything succeeds eventually if you keep pushing it (especially if you have lots of money like google does)
past failures are not a guaranteed end to future attempts


it'll fail like google plus lol

Google's track record disagrees with you. They pushed Google+ very hard, remember when they forcefully merged Youtube and Google+ accounts together? It still failed.
Remember when they tried to take on whatsapp 3 times? Failed.

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First of all 'Your country' makes a difference here, not for latency but for how many routes your ISP has to take to route your traffic out.

Ping is just ICMP echo, it's calculating your round-trip-time. Streaming will use UDP, much like VoIP does. You can't use your ping to a webserver to calculate your latency to a streaming service.

Try having a Skype call with someone in another country, heck - ping them first and see what response you get back. If your latency was >100ms the call quality would be unbearable. Yet it isn't, because your ping doesn't matter.

this just in: a lot of successful companies have project graveyards

later in the news: a lot of the data/hardware/surveys from those failed projects get re-used anyways

its just one of many googles projects that are bound to fail.

this just in: acting like a passive aggressive bitch doesn't change facts.
You can bet on this dead horse. No skin off my back. Have fun defending the maiden honor of Onlive v2.

Literally goolag

>Don Bluth did a chipmunks movie
Huh, you learn sonething new every day.

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ok bro, please consider spending less shilling effort on this website if this is the truth because it's getting tiring seeing your garbage.

literally destroyed, you google niggers should be hiring "customer relation specialists" from Yea Forums instead of whatever garbage college you are recruiting from.

>Ping is just ICMP echo, it's calculating your round-trip-time. Streaming will use UDP, much like VoIP does.
so udp is faster than a ping packet then?
>Try having a Skype call with someone in another country
yeah, except skype convos don't require user input and even then they have latency you can detect easily

60fps is a performance feature. Even if the human eye can't see it yadda yadda whatever, running at a consistent high framerate is a good benchmark for sufficient optimization. The problem with 30 fps games isn't that they're too choppy even when running consistently, it's that designing a game to run locked at 30 means you can skimp out on optimization somewhat and doom consumers to a shittier game experience. If you give (((publishers and developers))) an excuse to put in less time and money towards making a game not run like trash, they will, and it has been demonstrated numerous times that the modern videogame industry is notoriously bad at optimization even when they're not going out of their way to cut all the corners.

tl;dr Demanding games run at a standard smooth 60fps+ benchmark isn't a graphics issue, it's a product quality issue because the industry will absolutely shit out unoptimized crap if you let them.

yes it does
lmfao this will be 300 at the very least
their game streaming service started in 2010 tho.
>you don't matter
other companies said the same and their products suffered. you also underestimate ''normies'', if they can tell that a game isn't right when it drops frames randomly, they can tell your shitty service isn't right with the input lag

>hey guys, stadia is multiplayer now

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>other companies said the same and their products suffered. you also underestimate ''normies'', if they can tell that a game isn't right when it drops frames randomly, they can tell your shitty service isn't right with the input lag

they will suck it up because it will still be cheaper for them and just gripe and groan like they do with apple products until their corporate masters finally decide to fuck them a little softer and then the normies will be happy again


all of the game streaming services have failed, this won't be any different

I am not clear, how you can pirate a game when nobody touches the files? Normal piracy needs SOMEONE to have a legitimate copy, no? But this streaming based service means only google and the developers have those files.

>But this streaming based service means only google and the developers have those files.
what do you think the source for all those movies that get leaked a month before premiere is?

>makes ownership literally impossible

Handhelds will never die.

>thinking if streamgaming becomes the norm nobody will find a way around it

Handhelds became Smartphones and the Switch, so yes they didn't die.

>T-they didn't die, they just don't exist anymore outside of the 3DS

>Information tech is now at a stage where you can stream entire games to a third party device
>this is somehow seen as an improvement over owning physical copies of games
So, in a nutshell, the more advanced technology gets, the more the customer gets fucked over?
Boy, I sure do love progress.

skyrim keeps selling because people keep buying the same game over and over again and bethesda has no reason to improve on their engine whatsoever

normies did this

technology was a parabola
though I also blame our educational system and consumer culture for raising the retards who cheer this on
people 100 years ago wouldn't have tolerated all this, they had higher standards and a better grasp of business and economics

Consumer technology is made precisely to sell a product and gather as much of a profit from that product as possible. If they can sell something that will "advance" a technological concept, that's alright. If they can "advance" said technological conept while maximizing income and minimizing (((potential losses))), it's an assured hit that will call the attention of every shareholder and kike your side of the Atlantic. And if it turns out to have been a failure, it doesn't matter, because a bigger kike will simply stumble on over with his hands clasped and fund a project that's similar in an attempt to "make it work".

Owning your products means that you no longer need to pay someone for it. Fortunately the geniuses at Stadia have found a way to force you to pay monthly for any game you want to play until the end of time.

>so udp is faster than a ping packet then?
For the most part, yes - depending on your connection. ICMP echo has to return data to you, that's the purpose. It isn't TCP or UDP but it does require both parties presence to complete the exchange. The vast majority of what streams down to you IS UDP, it doesn't need to go back to Google to confirm that you got the packet, that's how UDP works.

>yeah, except skype convos don't require user input
Of course they do. A conversation is input. When you speak to someone on Skype, your voice needs to reach them so they can respond. That's exactly the same principle here. You move the controller, the character moves and this is represented by visual data on your screen. The difference is that you're sending google a fraction of the amount of data that they're sending you.

>and even then they have latency you can detect easily
Not necessarily. It entirely depends on your network, both internal and external. Does your router prioritize incoming or outgoing Skype traffic? Most likely not because you're probably running it UPnP. Of course, most people use consoles in the same way, but that's exactly why it'll work.

You're right that VoIP can be flaky, but it's probably the most latency-sensitive protocol you'll find. Most of what will be streaming down to you will be video data, which means that certain textures or models will load fractionally slower than others which to your visual perception might be seeing some jaggies or the graphics taking a very slight dip for a split second.

>lmfao this will be 300 at the very least

And not of value was lost

Anything to potentially get Todd Howard and Andrew Wilson fired is a blessing to me.


If Google wanted profits and a firm place on gaming market they should have made home console, Xbox fucked sideways atm, any competition will put it to the ground.

Stadia is not about profit, it is designed to fail. My guess that it is an excuse to inflate Google infrastructure for some other purpose that is yet unknown.

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