Joker is mid tier at best

>Joker is mid tier at best

what went wrong?

Attached: 1555624824646.png (512x512, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>needing to be carried by high tiers
didnt know Yea Forums was so casual

>Being surprised an average character is average.

Attached: 1381464141805.jpg (362x298, 73K)

A new character being a solid mid tier is probably the best thing you could possibly want for your game, honestly.

>character being balanced is bad

Attached: 6d8.jpg (238x480, 22K)

>what went wrong?
Your life when you allowed tier lists to affect your level of fun

unironically cloud. they definitely made joker's normal form mediocre so that they wouldn't repeat the mistake they made with s4 cloud.

Can someone explain to me why its alright for Nintendo to make a game for $60, then sell MTX characters for the game that are NOT obtainable by any in game means?

If literally any other company did this they would be crucified, but because its Nintendo they get away with it.

>people are still retarded enough to create tiers for a game that's not even half a year old, let alone for characters that were just released

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Fighting games have been doing it years