Why did you fucks lie to me?

Why did you fucks lie to me?
I received Battlefield V for free with the new Nvidia cards and it's actually not a bad game at all.
What's worse, i actually bought Battlefield 1 for 4 dollars since it was on a big sale and it's actually even better than BF5.
Why do you lie, Yea Forums?
Those are not bad game after all.
Tho i must admit that Battlefield V is a gargantuan shitfest, the poorly made singleplayer campaign is actually offensive and disrispectful, while the Battlefield 1 war stories are all very well done and extremely rispectful to those that died during WW1.

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bf5 has the worst maps in the franchise

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They lied to you because the game has niggers and women. In reality its a good game with some solid gunplay. Some of the maps are a bit shitty but for the most part I enjoy it a lot, especially the planes. I like what they did with MMGs but it can also get a bit tedious to get shot by the 10th prone MMG camping a corner.

Absolutely true, tho the women soldiers are just annoying.
The game still isn't worth more than 10 dollars.

I find some of them cute. I disagree that it's not worth 10 dollars, though I wouldn't say it's worth 60 either. Still needs some maps honestly and less weekly game modes. I enjoyed grind though, but would enjoy a fresh map even more.

don't let other internet anons influence ehat you buy, just watch gameplay and make your own decision. ea allows returns on origin for up to 48 hours so even if you spend the $ you can always refund it.

I don't know how you enjoyed grind, it was just camping kill-corridors as a map, I just sat down with an MG42 and got maybe a 37-5 score holding 2 points

Firestorm is pretty fun.

It’s because you got the games cheap. You’d be saying differently if you paid full price.

>battle Royale

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Why did she turn into a fat cow?

>48 minutes old thread. 6 posts. Only shills keeping it bumped.

Also the game is shit compared to older BFs which underage faggots like yourselves have not played.

>Giving money to SJW DICE & EA


Absolute state of shills. Still mad that your game under performed. Even if you remove the political shit, the game is still a trash fire. Seethe some more

Lmao the shills are going into absolute overdrive recently

I enjoy BF1 but only because it's the closest I'll get to all the cool WW1 guns Ian has had the opportunity to fondle over the years. Chauchat is a lovely gun.

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This sadly, flat fields with rubble or tall grass for cover are not fun

They're so obsessed with designing by committee and looking at heat maps that it's choking everything that made maps good. Launch BF1 maps were kino as fuck, now they're just flat fields or gentle slopes with a little grass or rubble for cover

This. I will buy anything that sjw touched, especialy from electronic farts and jewbisoft

>giving money/time to Electronic Arts
Lmao absolute rEAtards

It's a good game. Solid mechanics like the stripped back spotting and "attrition", great gunplay and great movement for an FPS game. Where it falls short is somewhat mediocre maps, bugs and lack of content. It was clearly a rushed game, iirc it had like 18 months dev time whereas BF1 had 3 years.

oh no, fuck anons for enjoying a vidya goyim on Yea Forums - how will we ever recover. i know let's make another 50 botw, play overwatch, mommy camilla, play reremake staring voth, big butt 2b [ok i like those], epic game store boycott threads. that is the real meaning of gaming. meanwhile bfv be comfy as fuck. think i'ma kick back after work today with my 7 other bros that play and roll some servers in conquest and grind. feels good mang