We are going home bros, how ready are you? Retailcucks not welcome...

We are going home bros, how ready are you? Retailcucks not welcome. This is a Classic Chad thread Retail virgins need not apply.

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Other urls found in this thread:

e621.net/post/index/1/-male tauren

ret pally chad checking in. damn it feels good to have consistent daily sex.

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When is beta release?

release most likely delayed to late 2019 after blizzcon

Nostalgia is mental disease.

What guarantee are we getting Acti-Blizz wont nickel and dime us with their current models used in retail wow? Or adulterating 1.12 with something that wasn't there in 2006?

Like sharding

There's already going to be loot trading.

>wojakposting faggots
no one who comes here is remotely close to being a chad you queer

Knowing Blizzard we won't be getting Classic until next summer

Starting to think the same thing since they said summer this year at blizzcon last and yet nothing has been mentioned. Guess it could show up in August

Only when applied to classic wow it seems. Have sex

Where would I find all the info we currently have on classic?

/vg/ is that a ways dude

>Female human rogue

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Steals your gold and your heart

>no vidya discussion allowed on the vidya board

this is your tank for tonight, say something good about her

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Can't wait to camp redridge for literal days after rushing to 60.

Oh no no no no no

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Never played vanilla
Started at Wotlk and joined retail during Legion
Now I am waiting for classic since all of the current systems with current retail wow are flawed beyond repair
What will classic bring me?

She's got a ton of HP

Gear looks solid prebis for tanking, good race choice, unique and interesting choice of gender for that race.

95% chance of being an excellent tank.

It will bring you comfy feels and a home.

Here's my autistic suggestion for a hypothetical future Northrend Expansion for Classic+. Would love to hear you guys opinions on my (retarded) ideas. I would be honored if you simply took the time to read through it all, heh.

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The difference is that nostalgia =/= obsession. you guys treat this shit like the new coming of jesus without actaully looking back and ask yourself why things got changed

imma teach yall the power of enhancement tanking, gotta believe in the elements


Pretty spicy gender/race/class combo. I like it.

But I want Draeneis first.

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Nothing wrong with it till around 45, when dungeon damage starts to scale towards plate values.

Human (male) Warlock!

Get a waifu! There's a tauren lady right here in this thread that'll do.

Draeneis are for faggots, user

My gear is gonna be absolute shit when I hit 60. I dunno how I'm gonna tank, I suppose I'll do brd and mara just fine.

Deluded manlet. Go back and fap to gnomes.

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I'll catch you guys outside org if you wanna duel

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How big is she? Gotta be 10 inches long easily

works great at all levels, only sucks in raids

I love this type of shit and it kills me that this WC3 like Northrend will never be implemented in WoW, and it kills me that we will never get an optional wow classic+.. I like your ideas but everything starting from the gold mines sounds too far out there, would also be boring to kill the LK every wed evening for some gold knowing he'll be back every week.

I ain't your fuck in bro faggot.

You're talking out your gay asshole if you think people are going to care about classic Wow after maxing out within the first 2 weeks maybe even less than that.

You're hyping up for a literal decade old turd.

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This is good autism. I wish we had more autism like this, and less autism like "I am so worried of what people will think about me that I like about my hobbies".


I don't even know anything about wow nor care about the thread and I've only opened it because it was on the catalog. But I can assure you no wowfag is a chad.


Sec, gotta farm shards

a smash thread died for this

Thanks user, that warms my heart to hear. And i truely don't give a shit about what people think about me, I'm 27 years old and i stopped caring a long time ago. I just want to play good vidya games (and maybe develop my own in the future), i love to brainstorm about what improvements i would like in my favorite vidya.

>come into a thread of a game you know nothing about because you're an insecure chad wannabe
classic beta

I like it but feel like the single GY spawn would make it a rogues' paradise. Love the Azjol'Nerub bits and am still assblasted the true scope of it was cut from WotLK.

Absolute kino af
I would play this til I die
There's no way we're gonna get stuck on classic for years without new content.

>dishonorable kills

Dead the moment phase 2 hits
RIP city raids

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Today I have been on a magical journey.

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I'm gonna play classic and retail, i'm paying for both after all.

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Based but fantasypilled
If only your autism could be weaponized somehow to think up not just fantasy settings, but optimal skill rotations / gear lists / group compositions / positioning / farming strategies.

You make it sound like every change was an improvement which is objectively false. People are hyped about the version of the game they want to play, so just move on

You only said that to hurt me.
Why are you so cruel.

Call it what you want I'm not wrong.

put the dress on faggot

Pretty cool ideas desu
Lack of Ulduar is lame though

>I like it but feel like the single GY spawn would make it a rogues' paradise

Yes it would of course, the idea i had in mind is that players will want to form parties before they go farther inland into Northred, that way they will bring healers who can resurrect team members who die, adding to that tense feeling of being in the wilderness and having to rely on your friends for survival. Maybe guilds would send out small 5-man farming parties to try and gather the best resources, and these parties would clash in the middle.

Cool idea, but it doesn’t fit an MMO.
Co-op action RPG, but not in something with a persistent world. It’s basically continent wide wintergrasp but with the looping mechanism being vs NPCs, which is always unsatisfying.

In Vanilla female troll warrior was the least played combo

Roll that if you want to be a special snowflake

Was that tied with fem Dwarf Rogue? I'll admit, I've never seen a fem Troll Warrior outside of durotar in all my time playing WoW.

>classicucks won't have this
retail wins agin

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T3 is BiS for pretty much everyone :P

It hurts me that I would be unable to be in an all goblin "rescue squad" that would charge for resurrection.

I feel like you're missing some "get rezzed as a ghoul and become hostile to everybody" mechanic, but I have no idea how to make that elegant/unexploitable. Something to make stealthies really work for their kill.

At least nelfs will be top tier again.

Imagine how long their cocks are

>have to wait until naxx to finally stop wearing a dress

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>I feel like you're missing some "get rezzed as a ghoul and become hostile to everybody" mechanic

Oh definitely, that's super-fun, i thought about this but i couldn't come up with a fun way to implement it into my little idea.

you mean dwarves.

I'm a girl and like dresses anyway :P

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anyone else think it's telling that it's this late and there is no concrete release date

*doesn't reply to it*

>this late
>it's still spring
No I wouldn't say that's telling of anything

>lose argument
not mad at all

it's really unfortunate that warriors are the only viable tanks too.

so you're rationalizing it by saying this is spring? it is spring in 30 days too, then it is summer. are they stamping a release date in summer too then?

Maybe like you get 5 minutes as a ghoul automatically spawned from your corpse, then a day long debuff until it can happen again.

Lads, unironically this is the one thing I wish we got in classic. I know it goes against everything and I know it's not going to happen but I just want to suck a fem dran penis
I'm completely straight btw.

I will be playing Human warlock.
>summoning the lazy
>giving healthstone to bro tanks
>Soulstone the healer so we dont have to corpse run
>cool as fuck spells like Ritual of Doom
>cool Demon quests
>free mount
>best dps in late game
>best PVP when phase 3 hits

Shit like this is what I want after naxx. Give me content like this, OG Kara, Etc. . .

I play warlock too but
>summoning the lazy
I don't do this. =)
Summons if you're on the way to the dungeon, but you're far away or you joined late? Sure!
But if you're just sitting somewhere and not even trying to go to the dungeon
then no summons for you, I'm too busy fighting.

In my experience on private servers it is always the fucking healers who demand summons.

I like it, make it also so that there are huge snowstorms during which visibility is low and you freeze faster.

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wasn't the original plan for the first expansion to be Northrend, but they pushed it back to flesh things out first? i like some of your ideas but it sounds like you're turning an entire continent into a single zone with random events similar to Rust.

>paying 15$ per month to play a 2004 game

>best dps late game
yeah about that, warriors and mages want to have a word with you

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Dont user... Dont toy with my heart about Blizzard making their game immersive and actually good.

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>Paying $15/mo to log in and do chores in a modern game


>player next to me gets sapped just as i board the flight path
not even close rouge

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>combat for pvp

I am so fucking happy goatfuckfutashits won't be in classic. Stay on your private server, trannies.

SM/ruin or DS/ruin for lock? is it 8 or 16 debuffs

>playing games and not chopping wood or hunting deer
What kind of a man are you?

Based trannydin. But desu if I had to pick a healer it would be pally.

Is anyone else worried that it won't hold up after all this time? I started playing wow the day it came out and loved vanilla, but after playing the demo during blizzcon I remembered how cumbersome and shitty everything was. I'll probably get a character to 60 on principal but I'm afraid my friends will drop out in the first week due to the shittiness

>attacking a paladin with a GM claymore
what was he thinking?

There are going to be faggot ERPers. They're desperate, lonely, and insecure enough that they'll force their self-destructive fetish into the game.
It matters not how or when. They might be night elves. They might be paladins. They might end up solely as Troll Male Prot Warriors or something, but they will exist.
Brain disease doesn't go away just because the polygons are in a slightly different position.

this will be the case for me if I don't level with friends, if I can't convince my two friends or at the very least one to level me I know i'll just give up out of boredom

I will be playing Night Elf instead. And yes, they have huge cocks too

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the paladin is in t2 and the rogue is in t3

>full guild of trolls
>rules are that you may never leave stv once you are 33 or higher

excuse me, that is not meta
you must always obey the meta

Alliance warlocks are on par with warriors at naxx because of salvation and most fights are kinda crappy for melee dps. Still won't beat mage though, they're even stronger with salvation and no fear of overaggroing as fire.

>tfw really like draeneis and im a tranny and i will always be lumped with lonely erp faggots even though erp makes me vomit

I gave Nost a whirl a few months before it got shut down, got an undead priest to 30. The general feel is still there, but I desperately wanted a more active community. If Classic can't deliver that, I'll tap out. I feel like my best shot at what I want will be on the RP server.

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Speaking of ret paladins, I actually can't wait to watch Esfand stream Vanilla again. He was easily the most entertaining streamer from the private server scene. He's entertaining so I still watch him doing variety and stuff, but it's just different now. Classic is going to be really exciting

>dwarf rogue

DS/Ruin and SM/Ruin are both good. I think for pure damage DS/Ruin is marginally better, but you lose out on using your imp for blood pact and nightfall procs.

Why is tauren the best race on horde?

silverpines at 12 or run to barrens
silverpines is bis 12-15

Which class gets the best value out of their R10 pvp set?

>goes back to his 10 smash roster threads

Hey fellas
is priest or paladin better for a newbie such as I

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That doesn't work, you have to post pornography of My Little Pony characters.
Try here:
Or if you want to be on topic:
e621.net/post/index/1/-male tauren

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Priest because you level faster and have an easier time getting groups.
Paladin is more of a raiding thing because your 5 minute blessings are too OP to stop. mana/5, -30% threat, and +5% allstats. But prior to raiding, paladins are slow.


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god im so fuckin ready

why these people do this kind of shit on a 15yr old game?

What's this, dedicated flag carrier spec? I kinda like it.

I only like female hooves.
Paladin is on the gay faction.
But priests are much stronger before endgame, and pally and shamans bring more utility.

Post more Classic+ ideas.

What are y'all playing while you wait?

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>no insect swarm or feral charge
Do the 29/11/11 spec instead

You know how in some zombie films, there's a virus that completely takes over a person's brain and makes them really aggressive, so they spread the virus?
That, but it makes them horny instead. They literally cannot go into 15 year old game to play the game. They HAVE to get their fetishes into it, in the same way that a zombie has to bite you.

Dare I say based and redpilled.

honest opinion here, bg's don't belong in the game and were a stopgap to concentrate pvp in an instance for pve servers. i'd like to see a set of servers without bg's.

i will make a mage only guild to dominate bgs and farm noobs all day

Bought a VR headset recently. Superior VR is legimately one of the best games I’ve ever played. Everything else has been an alright novelty.

The choose my class game, continue rogue from retail or play something new. Roll hunter and get a quick start then become shit in the 2nd half, play ranged and risk the chance of getting bored.

No it was south seas because of pirates of the Caribbean popularity

Superhot, I meant to say. And best games, as in, all of gaming.
Guess beatsaber is alright too, I haven’t done any custom songs yet.

I remember on my server, before BGs came out, there was a nonstop siege going on out the front of Orgrimmar. Alliance would push through to the trade district, then a swarm of 80 guards backed by cleavechin would chase us back to the zeppelin tower, then we'd fight back to the trade district.
Not sure if it was fun or not, but I enjoyed it nevertheless.

I never liked WoW

in 40v40, you drop the mages into their own groups and assign the leaders with icons. they serve as a heavy cav, and cav rush with ae spam. you don't need 40 mages for this at all, 8-10 is even overkill

Things I want in game.

>Eating and drinking is required. Or else you die. They had this in the very early stages of development.
>If you don't logout in an inn or city you get a stat penalty like resurrection sickness. This makes it so people cant camp World-bosses with their mains.
>No flightpoints. Everyone walks/mounts. Only boats and Zeppelin can be used for far away travel. This will promote more World-PvP since people will cross paths more.
>Environmental debuffs. Eastern plaguelands should feel like a literal plagueland, full of poison and diseases. Tanaris should be a scorching hot desert making you have to drink water. Swamp of Sorrows should feel like a swamp, giving you a slow debuff as you walk on the muddy waters.
>Racials matter a lot more and are amplified a lot. Night Elves have way higher dodge, 10-20%. Taurens have a lot more HP, a beefy tauren should feel like beefy tauren. Orcs are muscle machines, 10-20% more strength. And so on.
>If you don't repair your items and continuously let them get to red too many times they will eventually disappear. This wont work with Nefarion. This will make raids slower and more costly, since you gotta repair your gear.
>Classes are more restricted. Gnomes cant be warriors, Night elf males cant be warriors, trolls cant be mages and priests.
>no portals, you don't get to TP to Molten core. You want in, you have to go through BRD. Same with UBRS to BWL.

No helmet

There are a few WoW maps uploaded to VRChat if you want to poke around there. They're not very interactive but experiencing the scale of them in VR is pretty neat.

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Some ideas are great, but there should be more dynamic events that happen around Northrend (with or without players) to make it interesting. The difficulty should in my opinion be adjusted to make it possible to roam, gather, kill and loot in Northrend alone, but at a high risk. There should be possibilities that allow players to establish "forward camps" at the cost of large amounts of materials (wood, minerals, etc etc, such amounts that the contribution of many players is required). These camps and bases work as graveyards. Players can place simple utility like a repair anvil. The bases can, and will be assulted by both wandering packs or roaming undead, organized assults lead by stronger Scourge Minions and the opposing faction - left unprotected it will be destroyed and all work put into it lost. The players can reinforce the camps by various means, but proper walls, guards and merchants need large shipments; once enough gold is paid for an upgrade, the faction capital will send caravans that needs to be protected from the landing zone into the camp, left unguarded it will fall prey to the Scourge or the oppsosite faction that cab salvage some of the resources for themselves.

In this way, Northrends harsh hostility is present but allows guilds and large amounts of players to make progress into the zone, and something to fight to protect.

the thing i most disliked from og wow was the dishonorable kill patch. within 4 months of honor patch, we now had instanced pvp daycares and dishonorable kills to discourage the crazy raid v raids that were happening everywhere
grom gol, redridge, duskwood, tarren mill, ironforge/org/uc/stormwind, westfall, crossroads, stonetalon, astronaar were all hot spots with raids showing up at least once every week, and some were full time. then they killed it

Also actual treadmills must be used to move your charater to promote one to one character immersion for world traversal

They put it in because they did not want idiots to camp spawn a NPC so people couldnt finish quests. I mean, they could just ask a lvl 60 to help or just do the quest another time. But no, the casuals HAS to do his quest!

[Gutterspeak] Gloinador Waldir ras gloinador
[Gutterspeak] Gloinador Waldir ras gloinador
[Gutterspeak] Gloinador Waldir ras gloinador

Very cool ideas user, great post. Gota go to the gym now but will be back later for more ideaposting

yeah that's why it was added, but people on pvp servers expected this. they took a solution for pve servers and applied it to literally every single player in the game- and never dialed it a back even the smallest bit

There was a NPC in Burning Steppes that ally needed for their Onyxia keychain.
I remember that on one of the servers (Blackrock? Not sure), horde had that guy camped 24/7 so nobody could get Ony keyed.
Bit of a dick move? Maybe.
Great fucking storytelling, through organic player actions, and creating something that the whole server can come together to fight for/against? Very yes.

Man I know....fuck
It's gonna be a fun time, lads. Idk if I wanna be a mage or warlock though.

who else here from original blackrock?
used to be like 30 people always dueling in front of ironforge, all hours

Be mage.
Warlock has higher single-target DPS potential and much needed utility, and is very handy to have on Garr and the trashpacks near Shazzrah.
But Warlock will make you hate people.
"Summ pls" "summ me" "sum pls will pay" "summon?"
The instant you join a group, EVERYONE ELSE will sit on their fat lazy asses and expect a summon.
You can just say "No." but eventually everyone's entitled lazy attitude will wear on you.

Who cares about DHK?

I was from US-Proudmoore.
I don't remember very much about it, sadly.
I do remember this though:

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That is a fair point
I think mage will be a more, pardon my words, ''comfy'' experience


my favorite- finish ubrs, everyone is burned out
start making a portal
"port to org me"
it's a port to uc, everyone spams into it

Is he back?

>skinning bear.gif

> rogue is in t3
t3 what? pve gear?

blackrock was bad because all the oceanic/aus players chose it as basecamp. queue was nuts

mad man

[Elixir of Giant growth]
[Hallow's end candy]

Drinking after killing 2 mobs or every other pack in a dungeon is the opposite of comfy.

Ausfags (of which I am one) also poured into Proudmoore.
Once Oceanic servers opened up I moved onto one of them. Don't even remember which one, I don't think I was there long.

part1 is just the thing wow+ needs, but part2 is meh, still good job user

this is excellent replacement for part2, too bad nu-Blizzard doesn’t have game designers like you

in your opinion
I'll be playing with my group of friends so we'll have a fun time regardless

So you plan to have fun dragging your friends down?
Why not pick a class with no downtime instead?

downtime is the biggest pita for mage. i've gone to 60 4 times on mage classic. it's cool to alt-tab though, or take a sip of coffee etc. you get used to it.
plus, in 5 mans with a rogue. he opens with sap, you poly and cs a caster- you can pull 2 mobs from a pack of 5, and a warrior that's used to retards in his group gets to chill and manage on 2 mobs while you nuke it. good mages are fun to be with

>noob orc/troll stumbles upon the hidden path from the valley of trials that gives you a preview of ratchet
was it kino?

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"It's good with friends"
I've heard Apex Legends is good with friends.

We're all in it together and we're good friends, chill

Yes. A decade later and I still remember all of the hidden paths or ways to get into the undeveloped areas.

Yeah. It's almost as if you're playing an mmo.

Very good spot if you get fishing up early, can make a buttload for your level off of fish there. And hopping an orc/troll over to boat to BB is probably the fastest method for a neutral AH sniper or if you need to xfer shit.

Dunno about flight paths.
But not bad ideas mate.

>rogue opens with a sap
>destealthes and gets initial aggro on the whole pack instead of letting the tank get it
>the tank now has to somehow get aggro on multipple mobs that are on the rogue taking damage or the healer who's trying to heal him
I pitty your groups.

I'm sorry you have no friends, user.

>greentexting in notepad

I'm sorry you use your friends as an excuse for doing boring shit!

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A shame you can't understand

>gets initial aggro on the whole pack
but he runs at the tank, and has zero aggro on the table? what you're describing is not how it works
tank sunders, priest heals rogue. kill 2 mobs easy mode, sap wears off, kill it, kill poly. what about that is hard to grasp

Nostalgia is mental disease.

>jump in and get makrura aggro
Scared me. Good times.

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I'm gonna laugh so hard when your nostalgia vaporizes in 2 months and Classic drops down to private server pop levels.

pictures taken moments before disaster

"It's good with friends" means "It's shit, but my friends are good"
You're deflecting away from the non-comfy drinking experience because you have friends alongside it.
But friends could make ANYTHING tolerable, even a 20tickrate free2play matchmaking battle royale with shit netcode.
Friends are not a justification for enjoying something.

Though to be fair, levelling mage is pretty comfy.

theres 7000 people online on northdale right now, retail vanilla servers had a cap of 2.5k

Mage is top dps, and giving your friends food/water is max comfy. Fuck off.

Convince me to play a paladin.

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What if I am on a mount? Will I have to get a horse on the treadmill? Or a hunter with aspect of the cheetah? Or a Druid? Do I transform into a lion?

Your logic is flawed.

casting Sap de-stealths you in classic WoW.
Given that the rogue is now next to the pack of enemies, he aggroes them.
In classic WoW, if you wanted to stealth, what you'd do is get in position and have the warrior shoot one and the rogue saps as he sees the bullet flying in.

>doesnt know what initial aggro is

>"It's good with friends" means "It's shit, but my friends are good"
That was my entire point
I don't know why you didn't see that in the first place

Mage is a joke, you're every classes bitch.

Oh. Then I agree with you in a very argumentative and angry way!

I'm gonna facesit you

>he thinks all those Chinks and Ruskies will actually shill out 15 bucks a month to play retail

fuck nostalgia fuck blizzard fuck shills fuck wojak homos go to /vg/ spamming nostalgianiggers.

Are you guys that are looking forward to classic against the idea of adding content that was going to be in its retail version but never made it?
Emerald Dream, and Dragon Isle and other cool stuff like that.

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the rogue has zero aggro on the table. warrior takes the mobs with a white hit. does nu-wow not work the same way because you dudes are wrong. yes they swing on rogue, but it's for like 3 seconds and the warrior still has a charge

That's 7k international pop. 70% chinks, 10% americans, 20% euros.
Split them all into three reginal servers and you wont get even a single server worth of players.

eredar aren't Dranei

you mean default to vanilla and then expand from it like a classic plus?
to be honest i am for it but dunno if current blizz can be trusted to make it real

He takes the mobs with a tclap or a demo shout, because he needs to get aggro on all of them.

Is duskwood the most scary location of all time? Goddamn spiders, can't see shit, fucking werewolves out of nowhere, walking corpses everywhere, the moment you off the road you CAN'T SEE SHIT and surrounded by enemies.

You know that blizzard won't be taking suggestions from us. They'll be taking suggestions from discord and reddit.
How would you like your Transmogrifications and automatic teleports to the dungeon, sir?
Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

rogues open with sap because you can't sap a target in combat are you retarded, why would the warrior not just charge the kill mob after sap and poly. is this fucking tom clancy
"i'm taking the shot. sync your watches in 10"

The scariest location of all time is STV on a pvp server.

Are the retail servers bigger nowadays? 2500 is pretty small.

Imagine being in 2019 and still not playing vanilla in the millions of private servers since then

The most scary location is Goldshire on an RP server
Also boskeletonrp

Not for me though. I was rogue. I was the one who scared people.

I'd like that but it won't happen.

It's a pretty creepy spot. There's also eyes in the bushes if you didn't notice.

that is my biggest fear

>Shilling for ((Activision))

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i think they use sharding in all cases, you will never see a spot like crossroads in retail. i think they will aim for something like 3.5-4k for a high pop server. that should be their goal anyway

If you run up to the sapped mobs there's a pretty decent chance you'll catch one in an AoE, but you're right a demo shout would take care of that since it doesn't break.
Personally I'd at least try to get them backwards a bit so that a loose cleave doesn't break anything or a patrol doesn't chain two groups onto you at once.

Also in classic, shooting one target puts that target in combat, but the targets next to it aren't in combat and aren't aggroed for another half-second. When they aggro, they'll add onto the guy who's already running in.
You can, if you time it properly, do some real fucking bullshit with distract to split groups in this manner. But it's not reliable.

I'm a part of the ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGES crowd, but loot sharing being raid only is like the least offensive thing possible.

>Virgadins posting the same gif from a private server trying to convince people their class is strong
Keep going guys im rolling horde so the more paladins there are the more free kills i can get

>Bumping a thread you think is a shill thread

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they were bigger than that but now with sharding it doesnt really matter what a servers pop is since anytime theres more than fuckin 80 players in an area the rest get put into a different dimension

>Least offensive thing possible
What about renaming Maine Coon to Tabby Cat or The Nicker to Blackrock Slicer?
That's even LESS offensive of a change, and it's making it in!

There will be NO classic+. No content past Naxx will ever be added. This is a historical recreation not your shit retail. Kill yourself zoomercuck

sharding is the worst thing ever with cross realms

AAaaaahh I can't wait. Checking these threads daily isn't good for me either.

>What is sage
>Yet another shitty wojak edit
I know you BIizzdrones are mostly zoomers, but at least try.

> The Nicker to Blackrock Slicer
It's been done 10 years ago, you fucking retard.
You're trying to start drama over spilt milk under the bridge.

bro that build is fucking terrible, you dont have SM, or Ruin or anything

You didn't even sage so you're just another low iq animal
I'm helping you understand this because you're too stupid you know this

Attached: 6 ring.png (1280x704, 1.21M)

>0-6: Play Rogue because that's always been my main and my soul
>7-8: Play Human Priest because that's always been my alt, and will probably be more on demand
>9: Minmax a Dwarf Priest

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>You're trying to start drama over spilt milk under the bridge.
Bet your goddamn ass I am! Now help me stoke this dumpster fire.

Do someone remember names of the farmers from Westfall who were killed during Cata? You hepled these guys killing scarecrows or some shit. Cata did a lot of sad/stupid shit, but this one...this is crossing the line

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>Shitty wojak edit
>now capeshit
>talking shit out of his ass
Imagine actually paying activision to play this game so you can play with people like this.

Go with your soul, retard.

You're so ass hurt it's adorable!
But maybe your incredibly hurt feelings can be helped over at I'm sure that's more your speed seeing how hurt you get all the time!

Vurtne, my lord and deity, I wish to once more see you gangbang niggas at the AV big boy club.

>having a soul
Look at this gaufian. I bet you didn't purge your thetans either, you immense cruiserborne.

Entitled tranny cucks. No summon. As a warlock, do they *really* think we need a group? Leveling is one of the easiest things a warlock can do, so if they're going to inconvenience me so, I'll just drop group personally.

yea sure thing buddy but youre going to lose

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What's the deal with undead rogues and why do they appeal so much to underage faggots?

>muh stealth dagger zombie with glowy eyes
>nuthin personnel kid

pic related

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Question to all my classic bros: I can't decide on a class that I wanna use for both PvP and PvE. I was thinking about keeping 2 classes for that reason, but how realistic is that? Can a PvP class get by on only PvP rank and crafted gear? Can a PvE class work if you only really log on to raid with it, or is there too much maintenance?

I've already been messing about on pservers, so I know how brutal leveling 2 classes is.

It's an unfounded fear, really.
It assumes that blizz makes the bulk off their money off of straight subs, or that classic is intended for more than it really is. They make most off of value added services (pets, mounts, xfer/race-changes) than off of subscriptions.
Anyone with a brain realizes that classic functions as a loss leader to get past blizzard customers onto their new bnet social network where they are effectively paying blizzard to get their eyeballs on ads for everything else, every promotion, etc. Whether that's BFA or overwatch, and it's an opportunity most companies never have.
Making classic the kind of product that wouldn't lure past players in, like the changes you're worried about, would be the opposite of that goal. The actual money classic is worth isn't in terms of subs, it's getting players hooked, making friends, and then playing with those friends (and the other games are one button away, literally) and shelling out cash in those games.
Just think of it logically without barking about nu-blizz - in that vein classic was always a foregone conclusion and the general meme was that when retail was dying we'd get official vanilla servers, and here we are.
There's also that classic is by design a limited effort/investment project and that doesn't mesh with doomsayer cries about game changes because those require time/money. Same reason it's sort of a pipedream to imagine post naxx level 60 content. Anything is possible but at this point would be retarded to hope for.

>Linkin Park
It's 2019 bro, Imagine Dragons and Skillet now.

My nigger, but you don't need every talent in affliction, some of them aren't that great

That's just a Stormwind Knight not a paladin

fuck off faggot

Attached: wowg in 2019.jpg (1330x1492, 267K)

But skillet was a thing 2004

>Imagine Dragons
>and Skillet
Literally who?

>Can a PvP class get by on only PvP rank and crafted gear?
No, you need to pay for repairs and food/water. A PvP class can get by on -solo farm- and PvP together though, and if you're PvP geared people are gonna see you harvesting that RTV and s w e r v e.
A PvE class can work on -solo farm- and Raid, because again you need money for your pots, flasks, consumables, food, water, repair, and whatnot.

I know but damn it I'm going to shill music that I like.
Through pain, grow stronger.

>I bet you didn't purge your thetans either
Given that the only other options were troll and orc, undead seemed the most "fitting" rogue race on top of all the edgy stuff.

Is my testing server broken?
Testing Spirit on Paladin
>Level 45 Paladin
>Spirit 241
>HP only goes up 66 per tick
>Mana goes up 31 per tick
This is wrong, right?

Attached: armorset_dwarf-male-paladin-t2.jpg (400x547, 74K)

>no draenei (tran-nei)
>no blood elves (hiv positive elves)
we're going HOME bros

Cata was the pinnacle of WoW stupidity.

Yes which is superior to the rank 14 gear

Oh shit user he just used Berserking...
>sound of people dying
>Rivers turn red with blood
oh god.. oh god.... I didn't sign up for this

Attached: Master_Race.png (77x77, 11K)

The fuck is this?
Is /wowg/ this infested with ERP futanari faggot thirst cancer?
If so, how do I make computers spew mustard gas over the internet?

I started to read vanilla horde quests in durotar and realized that there a long chain of quests, events and huge story about hidden invasion and corruption by Twilight's Hammer cult. Then you're going to investigate activisation of night elfcucks etc.
And back in the days I thought ork's start locations is all about killing boars and shit. How come classic has some big and developed stories inside the quests?

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>Troll Chad
>not a better option

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That hp/sec seems a bit high.
The mp/sec seems slightly high too but not by that much.

I seem to remember the "rule" with healers being that priests/druids wanted spirit and shaman/paladins wanted straight MP5 gear if they could get it.

if battlegrounds are anything like private servers, you'll be going against rankers who play 16 hours a day and have their guild supplying them with consumables - sappers, free action potions, flasks, lesser invuln potions - it's hard to compete against that solo

for pve you can raidlog and do fine, the game isn't that hard. you'll just perform worse than someone who farms consumables and your guildmates might look down on you

i don't know, but a sick setup for healadin would stack mp5 to 30+, then prioritize +heal/sp
we used to have this priest with mp5 out the fucking wazoo, he'd spill mana out of his asshole and it'd leak out of his ears


They didn't work under the mindset that things only a small % of players would notice are useless.

>How come classic has some big and developed stories inside the quests?
unironically thats part of the neat part of vanilla questing. You get bits and pieces, hints of the larger picture, the entire way through.
It's a meme that gets parroted but it applies, you're a grunt basically in a large war machine and you move through the world, learning a ton as you go, and those small pieces help make the world "come to life" around you.
Corny, i know, but i think you know what I mean. Some are remarkably subtle pieces of the puzzle, too.
I never grasped that at first either, i imagine a lot of people didn't.

cause its easier to skip flavor text and just focus on "Kill X amount of X" or "Talk to Dickhead"


make a look by yourself The same happend with the elder scroll and black desert general, if they post their waifus and start erp, the game is dead.

managed to get it to 78hp per tick with Troll's Blood
This is for leveling, hence the random level 45

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This and unironically. Fem draenei are perfect

Classic will be a graveyard after two months.

Your mother should have aborted you at two months.

seething retail tranny

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How bad is Shaman at 60 with keybinds?

Like I'm sure PvE is a breeze since you'll always use the same 4 totems but since I'll be trapped on the shite PvP server I still need to be ready to dunk some asses as Resto on the way to dungeons.

Hopefully I can make some kind of addon setup where I can fully change all my bars for PvP mode with the tap of a button since the PvE bars will be filled with various rank heals.

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Do you guys want quality of life changes or #nochanges?

Personally I would like some QoL changes, things that fix some of the more broken parts of vanilla without changing the balance much. But autists will disagree with me

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Vanilla priest here, can confirm. Spirit is fine but if it's a choice between spirit and MP5 get the MP5 always.

4 u

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It's already QoL changes.

#NoChanges is long gone. More like #TooManyChanges now

Rogue appeals to little bitches that want to play on pvp realms but can't handle the thought of being attacked.
Undead have will of the forsaken.

i think people will force blizzard to add some, like aoe looting and addon supports

but at first it should be no changes for a couple months

addons were supported during vanilla, there was tons of them

You can erp as both sissy healslut and dom tank.

>anyone that doesn’t think classic will do well or doesn’t want to play is either playing retail or a tranny
The level of coping needed here is biblical

Sauce? What changes are confirmed? Please cite your claims

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He probably means fancy addons that do stuff now that addons back then couldn't do.

Well, which one are you?

Seething and cringe, how yikes!

seething retail tranny

They could people just got better at making addons.

Deluded nostalgia incel

addons and macros were capable of being more complex in vanilla and have been significantly restricted over time

>within the last 2 years alone there were private servers with hundreds of thousands of active players
>played on them myself, had a blast
can someone explain the retail cuck mental gymnastics to me?

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Awww, did someone get rez camped when they were leveling up?

where is release date
summer launch should not mean a release date 2 days before summer
are they afraid

cope harder tranny retail cuck incel bfababby

Don't talk shit about skillet or I'll glass you.


addons were much more automated in vanilla, modern style addons wont be an issue
will be more modern macro system as well

hoepfully when beta starts we can have a /vg/ thread and have a link to a FAQ pastebin or something since this gets asked often and it's retarded to expect every random faggot to be 100% up to date on the project
unfortunately /vg/ means trannies

why isnt there a working cooldown tracker then, or addon to show debuff time
or deadlybossmode

people played on private servers for 15years and somehow they still didnt figure out how to make them?

"Free" mount. The quest costs a hefty amount of gold

there is all of those thingsd

Which one would you fug m8? I’d personally inseminate the first one.

Guys, official blue post race ranking:
God Tier: Female Dranei, "Male" Blood Elves
High Tier: Female Human, Female Night Elves, Male Dorfs
Mid Tier: Male Human, Male Night Elves, Orks, Trolls, Female Blood Elves, Goblins
Low Tier: Female Dorfs, Male Dranei, Gnomes, Undead
Should be gassed in gulag: cows, werewolfs, pandas

has anyone really ever had a problem getting the 40 mount? you'd have to work hard to be that poor by level 42+

>do absolutely zero research
>make exorbitant unfounded claims regardless of that
they have a word for this user, I do believe it is "dumbass" or perhaps "retard"

Non-vanilla races are not canon

private servers are different you mong and lots of them have those things anyways

Is classic going to stay on whatever version its releasing on forever?


Some fantastic ideas, some pretty horrible ones. Still a good read user

nobody knows, Blizzard has to not royally fuck it up first before asking those questions

mechanically yes. items and content will release as time goes by though

40 mount costs nothing
60 mount won't be in the game

Bros - what class should I be?

I'm leaning towards either warrior, paladin, or rogue (I was a priest in vanilla). I think I might go rogue as warrior is absolute ass without a pocket healer and paladin reck / ret is a meme spec I hear.

You didn’t grasp it. But your brain did.

Throw in more buzzwords, that will totally show the world you aren’t SEETHING at all

post more in a thread for a game you dont like, that will totally show the world you aren't SEETHING at all tranny retail cuck

I would like some qol changes. For example:
In vanilla paladin seals last 30 seconds and are consumed every time you cast judgement. Since judgement is a core paladin ability you are constantly recasting seals.
In WotLK they made it so that seals last 2 minutes and no longer get consumed by judgement. This sort of change doesn't affect balance, but makes spell casting order a bit less annoying.

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>want to play female tauren warrior because I'm a degenerate furfag
>Horde cities and zones are shit tier compared to Alliance, especially Ironforge VS. Orgrimmar

Attached: plates.png (540x418, 65K)

Horde > Alliance
Shaman > Paladin
Fury > Prot for tanking
Deep resto for shaman is bad

People with seemingly whack gender and race choices were usually really solid players.

furs have an amazing community on alliance, this is where you belong

Thunderbluff is pretty good though, very chill.

paladin is the best pvp support class in the game, period.
Any paladin that just goes full meme without freedoming his warrior bro or tossing out heals and cleanses is a very shitty group member. You can read all about them in any paladin discord while they're jacking off with each other.
Anyhow, all of those classes are good. I prefer paladin but i like support roles in pve/pvp (favorite archetypes are cleric or bard). Think about what you want to do and how you want to do it if you're unsure about class and go with your gut.
You'll have fun either way if you're not a jerk.

Nostalgia is mental illness.

I haven’t played WoW in over 4 fucking years you cringing piece of delusional shit.

Stop spamming this fucking board in a desperate attempt to make your garbage pile of class design and balance look relevant.

*leaves group*

rogue is worse to solo level than a warrior in 2019
good warriors will always out level good rogues

so is being transgendered you faggot cuck

>garbage pile of class design and balance look relevant.

>give warrior windfury
>purges your freedom
>resists your stuns
what now

I hope some version of trinity bars will work on classic.

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Cringe, now cope

The only confirmed changes are sharding for the launch window in starting zones, and the 1 hour loot trade window on items gotten in raids.

cringe. now dilate

i bet you that many people that play alliance for years do not know that shaman has purge

when people say vanilla addons could do stuff they can't do now, they mean shit like decursive where you could mash one button to automatically target (invisibly) and dispel people

there are vanilla addons for enemy castbars on unit frames/nameplates, focus frames, enemy cooldown tracking, etc, but because of the vanilla interface API limitations they're hacky and imperfect. there are no unique identifiers for enemies, so they have to identify enemies by name only. if you're fighting 3 guys with the same name that can cast shadow bolt, all 3 will show shadow bolt casting on their nameplates when only one is casting.

just play FFXIV. This is basically eureka.

yeah probably
the best part of being horde is just not having to play against hardiness/wotf

I hope there aren't alliecucks in this thread

Draenei and Worgen are the only races that weren't in WC3. The rest as passable, though pandas should have always been npc only.

you should be focusing shaman since they drop very fast, but yes purge is an amazing ability and the stun resist is fantastic too.
if we're going to play greentext hypotheticals it can last forever, tho. Doesn't mean paladin isn't the best pure pvp support class.

Troll shaman and I will spend some hours just chilling in desolace.

>paladin is the best pvp support class in the game, period.
False. Paladins are trash in PvP.

Expansions were a mistake.
Just add hyjal+ghostlands as level 60 zones.

ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED??? I main paladin all my fucking life and I despise the fact that they are not consumed by judgment. The whole paladin mechanic was unique because of how seals were used, it also added layer of mana-managment to paladin and why bunch of retri talents are about lesser seal cost and refunding mana with judgment. Seal juggling is the essense of paladin.
Fuck WotLK, fuck 2 min seals, fuck 30 min seals, fuck judgment not consuming seals.

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exactly, the "expansions" should have been to the main land, not creating tons of new instances separated from the rest of the world

That's just like, your opinion man. I played WotLK first and then Nostalrius later, I always found it annoying having to recast seal after every judgement.

I've mained horde all my life, but for classic, i have to go alliance because my bros are doing that. How fucked am I in pvp if i'm a dwarf rogue/warrior/pally having to play against hardiness and WotF? I literally have nightmares against the latter.

>paladins are literally knights of the silver hand
>a stormwind based order of knights

Yes and?

Fuck off, my freedom is mine, get your own. I bop rogues with 1 hp running from warriors, but thats it.

It probably won't be that bad unless you play rogue.
Every resisted cheap shot or kidney shot will make you regret your life decisions.

>grabs berserking in wsg
>pops AP+ZHC+ToEP+PoM
>pyros you in the face
nothing personnel kid

I agree actually. seal twisting is what made a good ret back in the day. Ret being at its height in TBC obviously. WotLK ret was face roll.

Nostalgia is mental illness.

Dwarf racial is one of the best on alliance. Being able to get out of a blind or rid yourself of bleeds and poison to restealth as a rogue in so good. It's nice for warriors and paladins to, but so good for rogues.



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>all knights are paladins
Are you just acting retarded or what

hunter > mage in wsg
it's not like it used to be. you are a cc class in 2019 wsg. everyone with melee targets you immediately. you will be charged from 3 directions and not have ice block
i guess ap/pom build will work in general pubs

you can break poisons bleeds and blind while youre in it, dwarf is one of the best races in the game for pvp, even more so as a priest

>Silver hand and stormwind
>One in the same
You fucking wot retard?

>hurr durr gas furries but not my futa goat waifus XD

TB, Mulgore and Tirisfal/Silverpine are some of the best zones in the game.

Betas don't get sexual release like us Chads on the daily

But seriously we need crusader strike

In vanilla? Before worgens? Makes no sense.

Is it bad that I'm getting more turned off from playing classic because I know everyone is going to be playing my class? i've played warrior since vanilla all the way until retail right now and I've played it in the top percentage of PvE and PvP.

The idea that some mouth breather is going to play my warrior class now because its OP in classic makes me sick.

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op in classic? yipes dude.

shitters won't even want to level a warrior

dwarf rogue or warrior?

just see it like this: there's gonna be a shitton of shitty warriors, so if you are actually good you're gonna stand out more than any other class.

Why are you so obsessed with trannies user? Got something on the mind :)

if you google classic wow, first autofill is release date... how are they fucking something so basic up this badly. just say a day.

if you're not dead set on playing a warrior since the minute class was announce don't fucking bother. Play your stupid rogue.

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All the sweeter to beat those scrubs and show them what the real warrior looks like.

Well if you know anything about Blizzard launches, take that day and add about a week then you'll be able to actually play

>how are they fucking something so basic up this badly
They haven't fucked up.
Why announce a day if they're not certain they can make it work by then?

I don't want to tank and I don't want to rely on a pocket healer. Are these dumb concerns?

it's worrying that they aren't yet confident with a definitive time window. makes me think late summer which would be balls.

>if they're not certain they can make it work by then?
because we're closing into summer and
>they're not certain they can make it work by then

those are very good concerns to have as a dps warrior

idk what it was like horde side, but alliance side was active af. i also only got to about lvl 35 and there were always people everywhere i went and people always doing dungeons in the dungeons that were around my level

no they are fine. rogue is for you stay away from warrior

15 fucking years was not enough?

So is obsession and here you are

they're buff as fuck and impossible to kill

2013 and 2009 called

>Well if you know anything about Blizzard launches, take that day and add about a week then you'll be able to actually play
Historically maybe but the last three xpacs have been smooth launches.
You're right tho, vanilla initial launch was an absolute shitshow. At the time when it came out blogs and magazines were making fun of how bad the launch was, I know the people I was playing with in SWG at the time were declaring it DOA.
Downtimes, some servers down for over a week, constant crashes.

My degeneracy good, your degeneracy bad

its being made on the modern games engine/patch so its more work than just simply releasing the old game as it was

The funny thing was that people were making fun of the stability, but the stability issues were because they way underestimated their success. So those articles were really going "Haha you're succeeding too hard" without even realizing it.

nice summer you have there. it'd be a shame if we released your game in the middle of august

Nostalgia is mental illness.

And envy is a deadly sin.

i definitely want to see it release sooner rather than later but since im not a child in school having it release outside of summer isnt really a big deal

this. just having an active button to do damage would be gr8 for ret. even if the damage was mediocre and they still were just as shit in pve, id be completely fine with it. the biggest drawback to ret pally is that you just wait for your autoattacks outside from casting spells

Sorry user, I don't want to play a Hunter again since I played one for 3 expansions. I want to try my hand at Tanking.

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this is your tank for the night, say something nice about her

Attached: 675324562.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

i'd love to take some of the 9 days time off i have saved up and put 2 or 3 dates on the books to get drunk and level with my buds. it's going to be hard if they keep being spineless on the announcement. working for big company, not all days are available anyway, and i'll be competing with a few hundred other bastards to get those couple days off. fuck kids on break

Before Draenei? If we ever get TBC servers I'll go back to my fem Draenei Paladin frame 1.
Too dead to be functional
Undercity sucks ass

BROS I need a fellow NEET to play as a team warrior/healer with. I'm happy to be either warrior or paladin. warriors are useless on their own in the world. i'm decidedly Alliance but am open to Horde (in which case i'll go woyer). if you wanna go hard, a pair of neets (particularly tank/healer) can get groups ultra quick, grind gold through DM jumpies and strath live orb runs, as well as do fun wpvp together. drop a steam or discord if u up for bein neet frens, also EU

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How do you neet and live? Teach me

>96 damage crit
fucking dying right now at manlet rogues

Nice [Blackrock Slicer]
I'm horde for life and thinking shaman if that's the support you want

Attached: Crossroads_TCG.jpg (800x700, 113K)

>frog picture
this dude is looking for someone to jack off with over voice, the game is secondary.
not judging but to anyone else, be advised

i do a lot of home invasions on elderly people and sell their loot on ebay.

Sounds like more work than work

lfg, 30 pally. mutual JO and bfd. need dps

Why haven't we gotten a release date yet?

>not being a rogue irl
you are missing out

Also post pictures of your crystal.

hunter is the best !!!!!!

I just tried out my paladin in combat, thanks to the amount of spirit I can solo 3 level 44 mobs with no downtime.

Add same#9347

What's the Paladin leveling spec?
What's the Shaman leveling spec?
Looking more for killing mobs and questing rather than instances



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This but we both need to be druids, for obvious reasons.

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Paladin guide, not made by Drakova. Into the trash it goes.
I'm joking, thanks.

No homo/furry sorry

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>Been wanting to play a Troll Shaman/Priest/Warrior 90% of the time I've been waiting to play retail
>Recently though I've allowed myself to be corrupted by the sheer power of an Orc Warlock

I don't see how this is going to end any other way. I think I'm going to have to cuck my beloved Troll race, I really do. I don't think this is a shitty little phase of me wanting to be a Warlock for a bit then switching to wanting to play something else, I think I'm dead set on being a Warlock now and that kind of makes me sad.

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wow "expansions" are actually shitty yearly sequels CoD style. Prove me wrong.

Undead and Night Elf rogues are the edgelord magnets of Vanilla. Orc warrior and human paladin are close seconds

they won't make 60 and you will. Also a server cannot have to many wars. Be glad you aren't a mage or rogue.

>wow "expansions" are actually shitty yearly sequels CoD style. Prove me wrong.
they aren't yearly
what do i win

I swear this webm is in every wow classic shill thread

>lvlup to 60
>join a guild
>come user lets do raids :)
>all the loot goes to tank, the gm's gf and the gm's inner circle
>leave guild and uninstall

how do i prevent this happening

dkp, especially in 40 man raids

don't join a guild until you're 50+ and know the people inviting you

Don't join a guild with a stupid loot council, user.
Beyond that, a guild that runs their LC like that is going to have a ton of gquits sooner rather than later tho it may take over a month of raiding for most to figure it out. So it would eventually be known, and even if people don't talk shit about it a guild that is consistently losing its newer people to other guilds is a red flag anyhow.

Join a better guild. Considering Classic servers are more of a community, it's a lot easier to know which guilds are full of assholes and which aren't.

dang u right. ok so retract yearly from my previous statement

> dont know if female or male belf druid
> don't know if I should just roll a troll or orc

i would say male NE for lore if their models didn't look like complete awkward ass

>made a guild
>be a tank
>be a a gm gf

so should we tell them the release date?
nah, just a broad timeline. tell them summer.
>8 months later
we're testing alpha internally. more info soon
>4 days later
should we tell them the release date?
nah, just a broad timeline. tell them alpha then beta.

The beauty of druid is that most of the time you're in a form (although NE bear is pretty funny looking anyway).

>that most of the time you're in a form
Not if you want to raid

>belf druid

>Best DPS in late game
Nigga what? Odd way of spelling hunter that is.

the rumor is short closed beta is starting in 2 weeks'ish but who fucking knows. Even if the person that is saying that is legitimate, that would reflect the goal and not a firm date.

>want to raid

>best PVP when phase 3 hits
warlocks are one of if not the best class for dueling, but seeing as they have 0 mobility and can sometimes take a while to kill enemies in PvP due to dots, they're hardly great in open world pvp.

they also get hard countered by anyone with a shadow reflector and judicious use of PvP trinket to break fear.

so yeah, you're good at dueling outside orgrimmar/IF. congrats bro, now go farm shards for 30 mins so you can summon me cuck

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It's a shame they fucked up Male Nelfs so bad in WoW. Furion and Illidan were so badass in wc3 and the WoW models are awkward oversized purple gimps

i always love human males run like hank hill

Classic did almost everything wrong as an actual game
Retail does everything wrong as an actual game
Why go home to a game where you just do chores and have a bedtime and have to talk to your grandma on the phone when you can go anywhere else? Most of your friends are probably gone, so what gives? Why would I ever wanna go back to classic when I can go play Risk of Rain or hang out with real-life friends?

I am a friendless neet incel faggot, who do I play this if I am a loner beta cuck?

All these niggers in here talking bullshit left and right how they're gonna own the shit out of everything. Remember all you dumb assholes that you'll be lucky to get a blue robe that has strength in it, since even dire maul isn't there at launch. Let alone getting your rank 14 weapons, which none of you wont.

Because classic wow is one of the few games that encourage me to play WITH other people rather than just playing along side them (like risk of rain does).

>Why go home to a game where you just do chores and have a bedtime and have to talk to your grandma on the phone when you can go anywhere else? Most of your friends are probably gone, so what gives? Why would I ever wanna go back to classic when I can go play Risk of Rain or hang out with real-life friends?

if you maeris why did you ghost, lol


Risk of Rain is unironically an awful game and I have zero clue how it has a following.

You play with me, what's your steam fellow neet fren?

Warlocks actually have the best burst in the game when aq/naxx release. At T2 levels or with R14 gear they have excellent burst aswell. Warlocks scale with gear extremely well. Warlocks mostly rely on bursting people down instantly for wpvp. You have to rely a bit more on consumables and engineering/ weird trinkets and offhands to make up for mobility issues.

Warlocks also have some of the better cc escapes in the game with felhunter and spellstone. Stuns wreck their anus hard, but there one of the only classes that can remove sheep from themselves, can dispel tidal charm/hunter traps. Felhunter can also do werid tricks like prevent warriors from charging with spell lock.

warriors are the best dps.

Oh yea people also underestimate weird situational warlock shit like soul stones and enslave demon. There's some interesting warlock cheese out there.

>warlocks are good when I theorycraft an encounter where I have the best consumables/trinkets and already have summoned the ideal pet summoned and ready to go
like I said they're good in duels because if they can prep for a fight they've got lots of good counters, but in the open world where a warrior/rogue opens up on you, those 2s it takes you to get the right pet out you've already lost half your HP

I am a retail faggot too.

yikes never mind then

nah, blizz is playtesting now in an alpha of the game but is most likely the quality of a beta (my opinion) at this point

>being a subhuman brownskin


Fuck off, Eureka is the worst, grindiest, most boring shit i have ever had the displeasure of playing

>pol reference
you need to be 18 in order to use this site user.

request sent

I am not mestizo but o-ok my Aryan master

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literally what I was gonna main in classic user

gonna make troll hunter afterwards

November 23, 2004 - the date when wow got released to the public
i am sure they will go with nov 23 for the real nostalgia

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





it's funny that the release date for og classic was known months ahead, but we barely know they are testing a login server

Lok'tar ogar!

wew lad

Nice idea, but it would devolve into massive raids on both sides that crash the server every 10 minutes

What's funnier is how awful launch was for vanilla

This, I finished the wc3 campaign and Malfurion is badass, but then the male nelfs look so retarded in wow, especially as casters, otherwise they are okay. I remember leveling a undead priest to 38 on Nost and then I tried out a nelf druid and being a druid was fun as fuck. Priest was cool in the sense that I always got random whispers to heal, and I really enjoyed healing too.

November isn't Summer

I wonder what mmo players back in the day would have thought about people feeling nostalgic for world of casualcraft, and those very same people thinking it is more difficult than anything to boot.

Nostalgia is mental illness.

yeah they should have postponed until the second round of servers in march. so with this logic, classic will be november... 23rd

>Ret pally chad
>Posts prot paladin
Classic will be shit just because of zoomer faggots like you. honestly eat shit.

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>last online 126 days ago
I was going to make an NA guild with 10ish other people, a few of them NEETs.

nobody thinks its more difficult than any other game, but it is more difficult than modern mmos

Will check later, haven't use steam in a while pretty sure it will update to infinity and beyond

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no nostalgia here, friend. just a good game. wanna play?

>so with this logic
What logic lol
They announced way too soon and stuck to it to a fault. It took weeks for servers to stabilize

>imagine thinking this makes sense

>not having voidwalker out at all times
>what is fel domination
>what is soul link
warlocks are banned in 1v1 tourneys for a reason

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Most people say that Yea Forums guilds are destined to doom but I am will give it a try if anyways.

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That's not really the point, just insert another game you like and try again

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Is a vanillafag really telling someone to have sex? Really...?

I don't mind recruiting people here or there but I'm not intending on letting a bunch of memeing faggots scare away normies with their trannytalk.

Watch your mouth or I'll cum in it you projecting sissy faggots

Oh I forgot we weren't on Yea Forums, video games. We are on /bsg/ - Blizzard shilling general! Woohoo love them 30 "home" threads per day about a game with no confirmed release date! Based blizzard! You hype for blizzcon too??

Attached: home.png (1467x337, 208K)

well that's an opinion. i haven't given a penny to blizz since 2006 and am excited for [video game] fuck me and people like me

thats gay, tranny

probably an excellent player

He's prot just for reckoning, it's a 0/25/26 build since he procced Vengeance at the end so his build would look something like this.

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new thread

Okay so you've got your voidwalker which is useless except to sac for the 2k damage shield. You're still a clothie and no mobility. A rogue that opens up on you will shit on you. Or, best case scenario you kill him but end up using 5 soul shards in the process.

youre literally fucking retarded. Im 29 and played the game from day one faggot. youre embarassing yourself. god cant even help you

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>You hate BfA
>you go play Classic
>You realize it's shit
>You come back to BfA and prtend you always loved BfA

literally no one