Fortnite devs are reportedly working “100 hour” weeks

>Epic Games employees working on the company’s smash hit Fortnite have had to maintain brutal work schedules, with many pulling 70- to 100-hour weeks to keep up with the game’s success, according to a new report published today. Fortnite’s rapid content release schedule has come at a cost of employee’s physical and mental health, and some have been fired from Epic for refusing to work overtime hours that the company officially says are “voluntary.”

>“I work an average of 70 hours a week,” one employee told Polygon, speaking on the condition of anonymity. Most of the report’s sources could only discuss working conditions at the company if their names were protected, since most are under strict non-disclosure agreements. “There’s probably at least 50 or even 100 other people at Epic working those hours. I know people who pull 100-hour weeks.”

>The high demands on Epic’s employees are partly down to Fortnite’s rapid content release schedule, but employees said it also has to do with management’s approach to development.

>“Everything has to be done immediately,” one employee said. “We’re not allowed to spend time on anything. If something breaks – a weapon, say – then we can’t just turn it off and fix it with the next patch. It has to be fixed immediately, and all the while, we’re still working on next week’s patch. It’s brutal.”

>Employees said that if deadlines get missed because someone took leave or even weekends off, that person would be fired. Employees told Polygon they and their coworkers have watched as their health and family lives have suffered due to the demanding schedule.

Why is Tim Sweeney so concerned about treating developers well with Epic Game Store while he treats his own developers like shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>chinese shills will ignore this thread

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
Oh boy can't wait to see what happens next. I can already predict Switchfags claiming "W-Wait for E3!" when P5S is nothing Switch related

who cares lmao enjoy your dead thread

When you unfortunately happen to be one of the biggest happening things on the entire planet, you dont just sit back and play with your dick in any down time you get.

They must do literally nothing, just sit on money bags like Valve does.

lmao. i work 80 hour weeks right now. what are these cucks crying about?
if you dont like it just leave.

You okay there, buddy?

>Employees said that if deadlines get missed because someone took leave or even weekends off, that person would be fired.
That sounds pretty illegal.

Perhaps you Americans shouldn't be so scared of unions and workers rights hmmmm?

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Nice bot

Game devs really should unionize

americans are nice and brainwashed, even the liberals don't trust unions.

how often does fortnite even add anything aside form a few new skins?

working 100 hours on fucking what? how much effort does a trash game like fortnite takes to mantain?

Nah, just shitposting.

Just walk away from the job? How pathetic do you have to be to suffer those kinds of work schedules?

Because it is illegal.

>If something breaks – a weapon, say – then we can’t just turn it off and fix it with the next patch.
>game devs now literally cry out in pain when they are supposed to fix bucks before releasing the new content
holy shit this industry is doomed

you work 12 hours a day 7 days a week? what are you a slave?

i'm a facility manager and proud of what i do and what i have.
something a zoomer like you will never appreciate.

>be code monkey
>dont do any physical work
>get to work from home
>can literally just go freelance coding if you want

>hard work

1st world problems mate. spend 10 year steel erecting then wind/rain or shine then tell me how bad your desk job in the office block i built is.

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Guess we know what next week's Jimquistion will be about

>"You know what would solve this greedy mafia that dictates every facet of my work and living environment? A second one"

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>anonymous source
Gaben must really fear China to spread this bullshit

>“We’re not allowed to spend time on anything. If something breaks – a weapon, say – then we can’t just turn it off and fix it with the next patch. It has to be fixed immediately, and all the while, we’re still working on next week’s patch. It’s brutal.”

Fire the faggot who said this. He doesn't deserve his job.

That's literally his job.

coding sounds better than fucking high end restaurant working. my god damn fingers are burned now.

How do you even have time to get anything in your personal life done?

Why are game developers such beta males who cant unionize.
Why cant the people working at epic just unite and go on strike.
Not like the company can afford to fire them all considering hiring and training new staff on the engine and everything would take way more money and time.
Hell if they went on strike the company would literally have to cave in just to prevent the game from flopping.

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It's always amazing to see how pro corporations and how anti workers the average american truly is in these threads.

>jesus crist they are working,WORKING!
>employes are fuking working
>this is unreal, we must stop this outrageous violation of the human beings

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If they are unhappy, they can leave and even start their own studio if they want. Unions will push costs up and reduce competitiveness.

You'd let your employees complain about having a job?

Fuck outta here. All these niggas would be jobless the day after I read this article if I was the boss.

>Wagie working 80 hour weeks calling other people cucks
>Spends his few free hours on Yea Forums

Cheer up lad, your fingers will get used to it eventually.

Literally what the fuck are these suits thinking making people work THIS long and arduous, what person going into software development as a career would choose videogames as a path after hearing about shit like this? Pretty soon there'll be a stagnation of talent in the industry because of people not wanting to deal with insane crunch periods for no exta benefit

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Based chinese, exploiting weak nu-male devs.
That said, I work 40 hours/week and I already feel like a slave and drained one. I cannot even imagine doing 100 hours.

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good goy

That's why you should play based apex legends instead. We only work 3 hours per week.

>bitching about working 8 hours a day with weekends off
neck yourself gov employee

Tencent doesn't own Epic you fucking newfag

Who cares? Let me know when someone dies at their desk.

you got dabbed on by your own post

And how else would you solve it?

One would think they could hire more code monkeys with some of that money. And Fortnite seems like the kind of game that practically runs itself, aside from adding new cosmetics.

You are proud to serve another man's interests at the expense of your own limited time on this earth? Odd. I mean, sure, I can understand doing it because you need the money, but being proud of it?

But then they fight, and that's competition which is good right?

What do they even work on? Do they just keep an eye out for other games to steal shit from?

Competition. Employers attract talent with non-wage benefits, such as work/life balance.

user I think you’re having an aneurysm

Yeah but now we have 2 companies working their employees to death


That's because you're a limp wristed, anime posting faggot. Those wagecucks should be lucky they even have a job in this day and age.

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The sad truth is that there's not going to be a shortage of workers, only of talented people. Code monkeys are churned out like form a factory line and plenty of 3rd worlders are ready to work those hours. It's much better to study something better than becoming a simple code monkey, since pretty much all code monkey jobs are like that.

>epicucks work 100x the amount of hours as a valve employee for 40% less money from game sales

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The majority of game studios aren't that bad at all and the majority of employees could just switch to a different industry and earn more for less.
It's just starry eyed grads and people who have something to prove willingly allowing themselves to get fucked by AAA development

>Tencent Holdings Limited
>Headquarters: Shenzhen, China
>Subsidiaries: Epic Games

>Fair point

>some actual journalism is happening
>but only if it pushes our bullshit, currently unions


>nice maths bro
>100 x 0
>is still 0

>for workforce
>at these times
It's not 80-90s growth time anymore grandpa

>being proud of slaving away so another man can live in luxury
wow wonder the 1% treats the working class like trash, you actually LIKE it

>All the neet contrarians in this thread defending this

Can't say I'm surprised

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This concerns me, the consumer, why?

Slave hours. user I know this is hard to understand but some of us actually have friends and family, perhaps some hobbies to spend time on. We don't all wanna work like a retard into a early grave but if you insist then say hi to my grandpa Dimitri that done the same till he died from it

They own 40 percent of Epic and have 2 memeber on their board of directors.

oof yourself, faggot

>workers in china work until they drop dead
>epic is owned by china
Full circle
>this is how a modern CEO thinks
Class war when?

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Shut the fuck up you pathetic faggot, if you don't like your job then quit. Simple.

Maximize profits

Meanwhile at valve.

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>Tfw never worked more than 37 hours a week
I just wish the government wouldn't steal 40% of my income and spend it on useless and ill "people".

>game industry
>caring about it's employees ever

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Jesus Christ, is being a video game developer that fucking terrible? Everywhere I look it’s big name publishers or developers having their staff work insane amounts of hours with not nearly enough pay.

If friends, family, and hobbies are important, employers exist which will give you time for that but don't expect the salary of someone working 80 hours. Have you people ever been in the job market?

>epic justifies their anti-consumer stance as saying it benefits the developer
>they treat their developers like shit
Gee I wonder. If only a big brain could come along and connect these two points.

The video game industry is the worst of them all.

What do you do for a living? Or is mom not charging you rent?

>get BTFO
>spout semantics

Yes. It's literally the worst job in software. 90% of them wash out after shipping a single game, and then are immediately replaced with another batch of starry-eyed graduates.

Start a petition or something then if you care that much.

Does not matter, once chink enters the company, its there forever, hopefully their chinese overlords will give the wagecucks some free time this week, but I will be extra busy reporting bugs knowing they will have to fix it immediatelly :)

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0 correlation


Americans have been trained very well to scream COMMUNIST at the first objection of their current economic situation and any mention of the words union, socialism and taxes.

there is more class consciousness in my shoe than there is in the entire game industry

workers in the west got the 8-hours work day a 100 years ago, but these lads just keep slaving away

>work more hours
>get more money
No fucking way

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They are adding new guns and changing the map every week. Right now there's an alien base event happening which is setting up the next season.

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Yeah. Game development is relatively hard for none of the benefits

Are there any good books, documentaries, or tell-alls about video game development? It seems like such a turbulent industry.

America is not capitalism. Income taxes, Social Security, Department of Education, and the Federal Reserve are all market distortions that have negatively resulted in our current economic situation.

Plenty of corilation, do you have employees to fire? Do you have a job even? I'm guessing you don't because your not answering the question. I'm just curious about why you're so pro company? You're right to think that most companies would fire someone then wipe their ass with the cost savings. I would just like to know why you're so happy that's how it is.

Unions only have as much power as the workers. If the workers are replaceable trash then the Union does nothing.

Link to the original article you subhuman troglodyte. It has the actual quotes from the people instead of an abridged agenda-pushing version.

game dev is the easiest place to score jobs right now.

2004 was a different time lad. Valve wasn’t living off the dragon hoard and constantly at battle with international agencies telling them to pair their fair dues or delegation quality control to the peasants while letting devs bully and sue consumers because they didn’t like a bad review their asset flip got

I thought you were going to say you own your own business or something. That'd be something to be proud of.
Being proud of spending literally half of your time working for someone else is just sad, bro.

Capitalism doesn't mean a totally unrestricted market you stupid slantheaded fuck.

Being forced to work for 100 hours a workweek is inhumane, you dont even have 8 hours to fucking sleep during the workweek if your working that. And from the use of "voluntary" by Epic PR, i bet those sad motherfuckers arent much of an extra dime for it. Anyway, fuck Sweeny, fuck Epic, and fuck the Epic Games Store.

then unions should be helpful in this case. c++ programmers and 3d artists are not replaceable trash

the entire film and animation industry is unionized. vidya is the only media industry that isn't yet

"If I don't have a problem with it, no one should" this mentality is a cancer in this sociopathic society.

You know this. I know this. There’s no true pure economic system but do you think the vast majority of Americans know this? They call states like California commiefornia while there’s plenty of red states heavily reliant of government welfare

If a single piece of content doesn't keep people interested for a month, then maybe the game around it is shit

Unionization will destroy these microtransaction chinkshops. Can't wait for it to happen

I'm not sure how this helps their case in any way. Also
>linking to polygon

Probably nothing compared to what I get welding or plasma cutting shit

Are you alright friend

>The Entire film and animation industry is unionized

And those unions are used as a barrier to stave off new competition.

>C++ programmers and 3d artists are not replaceable trash

Yes they are. There is a massibe supply and little demand.

The idea is that one worker is replaceable trash but not all of them at the same time. It basically strong arms other workers into not taking as much shit and helps fund lawyers for legal fees so that no individual has to sue a corporation.

Yeah but I make 240k a year and I'm only 38. All that hard work is fucking worth it to enjoy an upper middle class life

>there’s plenty of red states heavily reliant of government welfare
Not true at all
Conservative states are the richest and most intelligent

Fuck unions, they always go too far.

Throwing more coders does not increase productivity after a certain point.

t. has never had a union job in his life
Now I'm getting fucked up the ass AND paying union dues

If you dont want the job, leave. Its easy for someone with talent to make money freelance or with their own projects. And you dont have the talent to do that, then you better get on your knees and suck your bosses dick. You only get what you can negotiate for in this country.

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Investing in something isn't the same as owning it, semanics yourself faggot

Literally never how Unions worked and why Unions in america resorted to literal violence to stop replacement efforts

You know assaulting "Scabs" because the Union simply fails to have the power.

Unions work when the workers have the power, but right now, Workers have very little power due to a glut of labour.

>implying most companies could even afford to fire you even after rejecting requests to come in on off days or daring to call out

I think a lot of people fail to realize the cost investment they've already put into you, even if you aren't as engaged in the work as you were when you first started the job. There's the training of basic duties, training on how to navigate company systems, the factored cost of potential errors from new hires, etc.

Idea: Raid twitter to try and coax Sweeney boy into upping the cuts for Epic Games to 30% so there isn't a reason to use it over Steam.

>the entire film and animation industry is unionized.
lol user you managed to list the two industries that arent any better than gamedev or maybe even worse.
its not rare for cgi artists to work 100 hours a week, its really brutal. i had a friend who worked in a company that did commercials for big companies and sometimes he would have to wake up at like 4am to start to render. from all the reports ive heard hollywood is even worse

>be retard
>game devs now outsource their studio elsewhere and nobody get jobs
cmon now faggot


>There is a massibe supply and little demand.
there are plenty of programmers and 3d artists, but few considered talented enough to hire by AAA studios

>little demand
you really have no idea what you're talking about

What does it matter OP? Neither of us work there.

What good is that money if you have no time to enjoy it? What do you even do with it?

But you don't have any time to do anything. No time to see the world or experience yourself.

>Fortnite devs are reportedly working

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>don't expect the salary
Nigga I have an excess of 1k a month and can't think of anything to spend it on and bank at least 700 of it. You're living in a production frenzy, thinking someday it'll be enough, you'll hit the golden marker and something magical will happen, but it doesn't. It's just you, you with more money, and flailing health problems, Enjoy your empty experience, you hollow man.

>I'm only 38


>Make 240k a year for 80 hour weeks
You're literally working DOUBLE everybody else does, while most of us make over 120k at 25+ and you think you got some premium shit going on? You're literally slaving away, faggot

Not to mention the Union he is forced to be part of is very complicent in his work position because it's used to stave off competition from Freelancers.

Like kanas?

I mean 100 hours are insane but expecting people to fix broken weapons right away is perfectly reasonable.
But I feel like something must be horribly wrong with their work flow if they can even fill in 100 hours a week working on a game like fortnite.

t. cletus

I mean people resort to "LITERAL" violence over sports. Don't be a scum sucking scab who's helping corperate's race to the bottom and you have nothing to fear. Not like union leaders haven't historically been killed or anything.

This would not happen if every numale wasn't lining up to work 100 hour weeks because thinks gaming is soooo coool.

>enjoy an upper middle class life
>half his time is spent working
>1/4 of it is spent sleeping
>~1/24 of it is spent eating
>a-at least I have a pretty house where I spend what's left of it shitposting on Yea Forums
I'm starting to think this is boomer satire

being an anal slave?

The top one is literally untrue, the second statement shows you simply don't understand how unions fucking work.

The Workers need to have leverage for a Union to work, full walkouts are almost entirely pointless in furthering the goals of workers.

Mr. Zhang, this one is broken!

>have a korean cyber cafe
>earn money by shitposting and games

>"Epic is good for the industry"
Reminder Tim Swiney has done nothing for the industry in his entire life. Unreal Engine only made games shittier because they needed less programmers on the games themselves.

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I got vacations, dumbass. 30 days per year. Most of that time is just me cruising my Dodge Viper around the states and collecting old coins.

You are quite literary coping.

>to enjoy an upper middle class life
Ah yes, I do envy the ability to sit in traffic going to and from work, and barely having enough to time to go the gym and cook dinner.
Too bad you can't buy yourself a year off from all that wagecucking.

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neither does overworking your employees.

>Don't be competition to us
>That removes our leverage

If your union needs to brutalize workers refusing to follow your unions ideas, then your union is a failure.

There is not a single benefit Unions in America have given. Other countries actually understand a Union isn't just a racket to shake money from the businesses.

At the end of the day, the business isn't forced to hire you.

This is bullshit. Having visited epic HQ mid 2018 (because they fucked me out of being a paragon player and now since I stream fortnite i'm one of their "preferred community creators") I can tell you right now the air was incredibly lax around july 2018, when they were undoubtedly at their most popular. If it wasn't stressful around then, no way they're stressed now.

>most of us make over 120k at 25+
The median wage is something like 30k.

Wait I don't get it. Doesn't unions exist for this stuff? I don't think you're allowed to fire someone because they didn't work overtime.

>overtime lasts forever

Its seasonal. You give up your life for a season and get a fat bonus. Only the truly insane workaholics can work 80+ year round

For dumbasses working at MCuck in bumfuck colorado, maybe.

>facility manager
thats literally codeword for janitor.

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>what person wants to go into software development

A majority of people apparently. Boot camps and “fast track” programs are literally fucking everywhere. They think they’ll get paid for making games when in reality most game devs make 60k or less

>Union dues
>Still making 30% more than non-union in same industry
Yeah, raped in the ass.

That's kind of depressing user....

>proud of being a wagie
i'm glad i have a job but i'm not "proud" of it. i'll be proud of a job when it makes me far more money than i need and is built largely off of my contributions. just being one gear that's a little bigger than other gears (aka managers) isn't something to be proud of user.

American unions spend more time trying to rustle money from Democrat pockets than actually fighting for reasonable working conditions

If they did have a union, I bet the first thing they'd argue for is an increase in wages.

Lmao fuck Fortnite and fuck Fortnite devs.

Oh boo hoo poor rich game developers, go fucking complain and ill laugh when they replace you with poojits who will work for nothing and counter the expense loss.

anyone who says they work over 70 hours a week is 100% lying to your face or is trying to include everything they do like eating and bathing as "work"

Do you plan on enjoying that money when you retire at 65 and too tired to do anything?

Great plan bro.

For the entire country in general, genius.

>30k people browsing Yea Forums at all times
>all of them must be working for IBM making 100k a year
cmon now fag

>Yes they are. There is a massibe supply and little demand.
No they are not. C++ is hard in itself and gamedev is one of the few areas of programming that can actually require further math and physics knowledge.
Vast majority of gamedevs are ambitious freshmen from good schools who burn out in a few years

Chink lovers got served

>chink businessmen are treating their workers like shit
in other news water is wet

I feel for them but at the same time, why not just find something else? You got Fornite in yout resume it should be easier at least with that qualification. And if you don't quit because you are passionate then i don't know, i would say you are an idiot for being passionate about working 100hrs a week for fucking Fortnite.

you are a cuckold, thats what you are

Nigga it's not just the Chinese. R* also worked people like 100hr. I don't know how programmers put up with that shit desu.

>Treats his own devs like shit
I'm sure they're being treated like kings
Crunch-time is crunch-time. If you can't/won't handle it, find a different profession, because this job requires a passion.
t. Game dev

>work a fortnite
>get paid for a week

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>C++ is hard in itself
>Thinks all the C++ coders come from GameDev

Coders are easy as fuck to replace, this is a literal fact of the programming world. If you said a lack of quality coders then sure I'd agree with you.

But games don't need quality coders, that's why games are unoptimized as fuck.

>what person going into software development as a career would choose videogames as a path after hearing about shit like this
That's the thing, they don't hear about it. Or they do and they just do it anyway assuming they won't be stuck with a shitty code monkey position.

People that get into game development are actually mentally disabled. They might be book smart but they have literally no grounding in reality.

god fucking damn it caocao.

the map changes a-fucking-lot and there's new guns to be added on monthly basis

you sound like someone who couldnt compile a hello world without errors

With Rockstar they came out and said it was completely the employees doing that to themselves. Epic is firing people for not working X amount of hours.

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I'm unmarried and don't have a kid. I've traveled to all the places I wanted to go. There's really not much else to do other than work or doing inane things. You'll know how it feels when you grow up, sport.

>Games don't need quality coders
You have no idea how shitty the hardware is that most games need to be able to run on.

Seek help.

You sound like someone who is ignorant of computer science being one of the most common fucking courses at colleges and universities.

Well not my fault your country is such a shit hole that can't even get workers right.
Just saying that unions actually make a lot of sense and maybe it's just America in general that sucks.

there are no fast bootcamps for c++
why is this board so illiterate
>hur dur programming is so easy everyone could do it xd

Polygon must be stopped, these faghots will cause developers to unionize, ot’s over for western games from there.

Fucking fire anyone who leaks stuff to Jason Cuck Shrierer.

>There's really not much else to do other than work
Good slave.

>r* it was the employees doing it
>i investigated myself and i have concluded i did nothing wrong
Ok user sure.

> No correlation

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Not surprised at all. Tim Sweeney needs to hang.

I'm not American. Britain had pretty good unions but they're getting cut down by socialist fuckwits because Unionists and Socialists don't get along.

Unions DO make alot of sense and are required, but you don't make unions based on low labour values. The Union will need to improve labour values before it becomes effective, and most of those solutions are not very democrat friendly.

>There's really not much else to do other than work
some people have things called friends, you know to hang out with. or hobbies. or they meet a vagina and start a family. just because you've done nothing with your life but work, doesn't mean that's what everyone else wants.

I don't like unions but the studios are also retards if they think they can crunch people forever and no one is ever gonna notice or complain.

I suppose I should expect this sort of retardation from a Botw fan.

>There's really not much else to do other than work or doing inane things
This is the saddest thing I've read on here in a while.

>tfw work 35 hours on a comfy bank salary


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>work for the Chinese government
>whine that you are treated like Chinese peasants
lmao get fucked riceniggers

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Wait a minute, the whitest states are the ones with the highest average IQ. How could this be?

You mean they came out and spun damage control. "Haha yeah they WANT to work terrible hours and be treated like shit, it's OK lol!"

Yeah cause places like Alabama are sure the intellectual capital of the nation.

Computer science also has one of the lowest graduating rate next to medicine
Also C++ is optional in most universities since most people pick something else for the object-oriented courses
I went to a pretty good university and there were like 5 people who picked C++ and even that was a single semester

Why would you talk about something you have no knowledge in though

Shut up we can’t let the fucking weebs continue to dab on us, if dev unions are a thing it’s literally over for anything that isn’t live service lootboxfests.

>we can't just sit around and do nothing for 10 years like square-enix devs

Can I include my 3-4hrs a day commuting as work?

funny how they don't mention the crazy amount of overtime pay and bonuses though...

>one or two points one way or the other
>wow its fucking nothing

> It's recucklicans that are smarter!
> Wait no it's whites!
I can move the goalposts too, watch:

Why do the majority of white voters vote non-Red? Hmmmm

If Codemonkeys were so valuable, they wouldn't be so easy to replace and be treated so badly.

So either C++ is less needed than you think or there are more coders able to do C++ because the market will adjust for high value labour easily.

while they work way more, they're actually creating something at least

Then studios need to stop being fucking retards. Nigga you work people 100hrs a week and then on top of it don't even pay OT sometimes of course people are gonna notice and ask for a solution. What the fuck did you think was gonna happen.

>overtime pay
>in america

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Just making an observation, no need to get upset

i imagine they get paid ridiculous amounts so who cares. if they didn't want to work on fortnite they could go literally anywhere else, but they wont because they know that they want the money

>Boss told me i made a poo poo and can’t go on my second vacation this year? Better tell polygon about fake crunch!

These trannies are getting more sad and desperate by the minute.

Just remember that all the kids trying to bring you down for enjoying something you do with your life only do so out of jealousy and are probably already posting sad guy memes in another thread complaining about their life for the millionth time.

user how? Im literary unemployed right now and i only have internship experience. Man fuck college i should gone to one of those coding academies instead and gotten some simple coding job. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

Codemonkey usually means some bootcamp webdev
I never heard anyone referring to C++ programmers as codemonkeys.
you sound like a butthurt dropout desu ne

>c++ programmers and 3d artists are not replaceable trash
This is the funniest thing I've ever read, you are so uninformed.

The absolute state of USA

Meanwhile in Europe
- 35 hour workweeks
- 1 month paid vacation
- sick days are paid
- employer gets fucked in court if they try to force you to work more

I'm not. I'm just questioning where your sense of entitlement comes from when C++ devs seem to be able to be crunched hard and replaced if they refuse to work so hard.

I am confused by your lack of skill value awareness, simply put.

Aren't you the cuck for wasting your life being obedient for green pieces of paper.

The fuck?

>Why is Tim Sweeney so concerned about treating publishers well with Epic Game Store while he treats his own developers like shit?

A lot of devs don't get OT cause they are exempt. It's fucking ridiculous.

What is there really to live for at that point?

Why would a consumer give the slightest shits about developers and their feefees?

Same deal with the epic store in general. Hurf durf the developers get a better deal!!11 So what? Doesn't save me any money or get me a better product.

Oh, thank you for the anecdote. We should definitely ignore what these people are saying about horrific work conditions because you visited their offices once and it looked comfy.

Slaves who cannot rebel against their chains.

Whole thread.

Fuck outta here with this fake ass neo feudalism.

Literally every week there's new weapons and modes and mechanics

You're all fucking poor though. Go to any fucking EU server on a game and it's a fucking poverty zone while you go to any NA one and people are giving away cash shop items for free.
Shit the game I play the EU server is dead so they can come buy their subs off of americans. Most of you can't even afford a house or a car. Fuck that.

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Only 22 trillion in debt.




> C++ devs seem to be able to be crunched hard and replaced if they refuse to work so hard.
But that's just the video game industry, you can apply the same to any other job in the industry.
C++ programmers are very valuable, its a hard language very few people pick instead of java and there are no fast bootcamps for it. If you manage to find a job as a C++ programmer its not hard to start at 6 figures

What do you work as user? you seem like a complete outsider to tech

They're going to keep pushing these 100+ hour weeks until Fortnite begins losing steam. Even now I feel as if the Fortnite fad is slowly dropping as I don't see it nearly as big as it was around S3-4. But as long as Epic pumps out new content and secures crossovers like the Avengers they're going to keep pushing out as much content as they can to keep that cash flowing in.

ah yes, classic outsourcing fearmongering by corporate lobbyists. if you really think they can easily outsource a process as complex as game dev then you are out of your fucking mind. the thing these corporations don't want you to realize is that the average indian programmer is complete ass at his job, not to mention the cultural schism would cause horrible misunderstandings, mismanagement and other shit that would eventually ruin any chance of saving money by outsourcing.

not to mention that dev salaries is a relatively small part of the budget and they could easily afford to increase them (or hire more people) if these companies weren't hilariously greedy.

i honestly don't get people like you. don't you like video games? why do you have such hatred towards the people who actually make them but at the same time you applaud the people who are behind all the exploitative shit in the games industry?

I make overtime every week what are you talking about

Earn less money but healthcare is free, education is free - you get to keep all the money. If one day you're tired of working 35 hours a week you can get unemployment gibs too.

so you're saying that fortnite, the game that literally prints money, doesnt pay its workers for half the work they do? why stay on then?

And you games come out sooo good

Debt is just an illusion bro. Just get more debt.

Are you dense? He’s not against doing his job. His point is the pipeline is fucked. They’re expected to always be working on the next patch but at the same time if something breaks they can’t put it aside temporarily so everything just piles up. It’s like you missed the fact that this article is about being forced into ridiculous work hours.

I work 30 hours a week and I bet I make more than you cuck. I'd still take any offer to lower my time, fuck every single person who thinks work is more important than leisure.

I'm glad I work a cozy well paying salary job in academia doing aerospace and planetary sciences research. I get to play with and build cool shit and me and my coworkers are actually not replaceable. The only times I've ever even been in my lab longer than 40 hours a week was when getting projects ready for flight or vibe testing, and it was always a blast because my coworkers are great and the stuff we do kicks ass.

they are free to quit whenever they want to

This is the price for capitalism.

Work gives meaning to life. Why do you think millionaires don't retire?

USA slaves away and make games
Meanwhile we enjoy them plus all our free time. Europe is absolutely based for work/life balance

i suppose, i would reevaluate your work options though friend, 15 hours a week commuting minimum is no way to live life

>being this much a corporate bootlicker

I hope all you mouth breathers are begging on the streets when the AIpocalypse comes. You deserve this.

Anyone here with kids? Does the little shit dab? Was watching some sports and it cut to kids dabbing and I almost turned it off. It needs to stop

>not just being the manager that tells everyone to work double shifts this week and then just go home yourself

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Only western europe. Eastern europe is hundred times worse than the US

But he's right, you retarded mutt. Maybe if you didn't spend trillions in military, you'd actually have better healthcare and education, so you wouldn't make stupid posts like this.

I dont understand this retarded mentality
>Hey lets fix something
>No you cant
>Because I got fucked in the ass by the problem and everyone needs to be fucked in the ass like I did

t. sheltered entitled middleclass larping as communist

That's how our prisoners get treated wtf. So it's like a daycare where you can't decide for yourself if you want any of that?

>Work gives meaning to life
Fuck outta here with that shitty mentality. Work is a means to an end. If you like your job, good for you. But if you're an unmarried 35 year old working for 80 hours every week, you might as well just be dead.

Cucked boomers

>my work week is 37.5h

Still better than being an unmarried 35 years old who is unemployed

crabs in the bucket always wanna have a brother

Probably nothing compared to when I cut off my own fingers to sell to the black market.

It's not that deep.

It doesn't matter what position or job I'm in, if I'm the boss and employees are complaining to some random journalist about how they're unhappy, they're gone.

Fuck. You.

A majority of millionaires in America don't work

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>facility manager
Aka janitor

Someone has to spend trillions on the military and it won’t be you rapefugee havens. Everyone shittalks the US’s defense budget but then gets salty as shit when the US doesn’t do what the UN wants. You expect us to be your countries’ private defense force and do it for free, but mock us for spending so much money on it.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

How is not dealing with bullshit being a corporate bootlicker? I'm unemployed because I quit my job. Because I DISLIKED IT.

Grow a fucking pair. Staying is being a bootlicker, if anything.

>chink base company use chink rules on employees

Destruction rebirths new things.

We dont say reeee everytime winter comes around.
We go through winter knowing that spring will be here soon.

With a new age we need a new way to do old things.

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>ugh your problems dont matter try stupid millenials!!!
Lmao pussy you think steel erecting is hard, try being in a north korean death camp then tell me your comfy job where you get paid and whole family doesnt get raped and executed is hard

Epic will be bankrupt by August 2021 screen cap this

This shit is why most decent programmers don't go anywhere near the games industry. It's fucking sweatshop level work conditions.

You’re a fucking loser dude. I got a bud who’s a department manager at Menards. He makes 70,000 a year and works 100 hours every week. His wife left him with the kids because he never has time for her and he got a pay cut for taking time off to deal with his divorce. You’re gonna wind up just like him, man. Don’t waste your entire life working. There’s a reason 40 hours is the norm. I work 25 and that’s too much for me. But I’m a dentists so I still pull 100k and go fishing at 2 in the afternoon everyday

it always amuses me when foreigners mock the US defense budget, being that they probably fall under our umbrella of protection. if I was made president, the very first thing I would do is leave all military alliances, scale back the military, and cease all foreign aid. we isolationist USA now.

>tfw americans literally don't comprehend why overworking for free to make money for someone else is degrading
I don't get it. It's simple, if you overwork for a job without getting additional income then you're getting fucked. Unless you have active and strong vested interest ie : you're the CEO or you have stocks

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t. never supervised a team of people in his life.

Who’s gonna do the job when you fire the complainers, dipshit. You? You gonna run 35 stations that are down a person?

If employees are pulling 100 hour weeks you’re already breaking the fucking bank paying out OT; if you haven’t doubled the size of your active workforce to reduce that expense, then it’s because getting new hires or temps up to speed is not economically feasible. If you can’t easily supplement your labor force, what makes you think you can easily replace it?

UK here

Unions are fucking shit

>tube drivers crying about getting paid 50k and having to work in shifts
>lol better strike

Fuck Epic and fuck Tencent.

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Not the guy that you're responding to, but I was thinking earlier that if I were a game dev, I'd probably put up with A LOT of bullshit to get and keep a job at Epic. They're a very prestigious studio.

non-disclosure agreements related to poor working conditions should not be legally valid

They’re getting paid OT for their time. They just don’t want to be.

Swheeny is using the proud chinese 996 method, I don't see the problem.

Who gives a fuck

As long they kill off valve and steam

>>Employees said that if deadlines get missed because someone took leave or even weekends off, that person would be fired.
That sounds like silly fabrication, you're not going to fire the guys you're absolutely dependent on to keep your golden goose healthy
Hiring and training new people takes time

>working 80 hours a week as a janitor
I respect the fact that you haven't killed yourself yet, either have a will of titanium or you're too low IQ to realise how shit your life is.

>doesn't happen to me, it doesn't happen
by your logic people don't die you fucking ignorant dog shit.


The defense budget deserves to be mocked asshole. You think it all goes to keeping joe fed and equipped? Most of it disappears into money sinks never to be seen again becausr the military industrial complex lines their pockets with it and bribes leaders for more. We could take so much of the money dedicated to the defense budget and use it to take care of our own people but some rich contractor spun this PR web to trick misguided "patriots" into defending their bottom lines because they think the troops will see a fucking dime of that money. Stop defending the MIC, they are raping our country and no one benefits but them

>implying I was defending the MIC when I even put in my own post I would scale back the military.
you're right it should be mocked, but I think you misunderstood the intent with my post. we'd be more able to keep up with social programs like them if we weren't providing for their defense.

Do you have any source for that? I seriously doubt it.
I understand if people want to work as little as possible and make money with the least amount of effort but you should accept that not everyone is satisfied with a life like that.

>I work 25 and that’s too much for me. But I’m a dentists
I extremely doubt you are a dentist with that attitude when medical school is considered the hardest with insane hours for years.
Most doctors I know are really hard working, working more than 8 hours a day. My dermatologist works at 3 different places every single week for example. My GP works at a hospital every day after practicing. Someone who is willing to put hours into studying every day for 6-8 years straight is not gonna aim to work with the least amount of energy possible

>America is not capitalist
>the absolute state of the American education system

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They cant afford to lose everyone but they can afford to lose a few and no one wants to be the first one to stand up and risk being the guy who loses his job. Same reason why one person with a gun can hold off a crowd. Sure they ALL can take him down if they work together, but someones still getting shot in the meantime and no one wants to be them

>about to finish my master's
>need to start job hunting

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lol keep coping boi

It doesn’t work this way for salaried employees and I think you know that. You’re paid x amount of money to do y. You work until y is done. You don’t get bonuses on top of x (except maybe Christmas bonus) for working 100 hours.

just avoid game dev and try not to work in america, you'll be fine

i assume you're talking about some form of software engineering degree

They're going to milk it for now, no sense in hiring a huge crew or additional infrastructure for what is a fad that will slow down before too long.

>you can apply the same to any other job in the industry
Exactly, a whole sector is fucked by these kinds of practices, not just in India. Good C++ programmers are valuable and the pay can be very reasonable or lucrative but they STILL HAVE THE SAME TURNOVER AS ANY PROGRAMMING JOB.

Being a game developer is a trash job.
Anybody mildly familiar with the industry knows this.
These people deserve to be stepped on.

Eisenhower literally warned us the MIC was taking over on his way out. That was a lifetime ago. You think theyve just been sitting quietly since then? Bet you think its just a nice coincidence JFK was about to help us avoid a nice expensive little money sink before a lone gunman took him out and then was conceniently silenced himself while in custody. Our military leadership is not resolute -- Fat Leonard mean anything to you? Our leaders can be corrupted by whores and nice food. But tell me more about how a multibillion dollar industry with billions to make or lose couldnt possibly do anything they want. Sheep.

>It doesn’t work this way for salaried employees and I think you know that. You’re paid x amount of money to do y. You work until y is done. You don’t get bonuses on top of x (except maybe Christmas bonus) for working 100 hours.
What? Overtime hours and overtime bonus is a thing

>i assume you're talking about some form of software engineering degree
no not at all but I can see how that could be assumed
i could have clarified, ah well

i considered emigrating but I'm dirt poor as is and not real sure where to go honestly. I considered some european country with a high happiness rating but with the mudslime tsunami, why even bother

They’re not, at all, but do you want to take Epic to court after you were made unemployed to try and prove it?

The true redpill is that the closer to Canada you are the more intelligent you are

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I'm a dev in a Russian studio and we've been crunching for at least 5 months now, but I've never seen anyone work over 50 hours a week and we're paid per hour so I don't really mind. So no, nobody has it worse than AAA studios. In AAA studios than can fuck you extra hard because they have the brand name to attract new talent, much harder to do for a small studio in the middle of nowhere.

americans have been told since birth that all it takes to become CEO is working hard
they believe that some day THEYLL be the CEO of their company if they put in that extra work
its actually really sad if you think about it, but its how their society works

Repeat after me:
Unions are not a panache for poor working conditions.

200% based, fuck portbeggers

What I don't understand is why the work week hours don't get reduced to something like 32-35 hours instead of 40.

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>at-will employment is a problem

>mudslime tsunami

rofl i love it when people get their education through memes made by coping americans

i see a non-white person once a week in my european country

Why are people so willing to bootlick their employers? Fuck at will employment and Epic Games.

>paid OT
Reread the OP, friend

Do you mean panacea?

because the people who set those hours aren't the ones that work them

If you have to make your workers do 70 to 100 hours a week and fire them for not doing voluntary overtime, maybe there is a problem.

Yeah, I'm sure all the millionaires work desk jobs in their spare time just because it's so fulfilling. Wake up man, they work on millionaire shit, doing engaging and demanding work. And they again get to keep the fruit of their own labors.

If you acctually cared about working in games you would always work 100 hour weeks. If the only reason you work is for the money and you won't put your heart and soul into your job then you don't actually care about your job and firing you is just made easier.

The article talks about how they get fat bonuses to compensate for their hours

>“Most employees don’t mind crunching if you are giving them three times their salary in bonuses. A lot of people leave. They come in, think to themselves ‘I am gonna stick it out for four bonus checks, and then I am out’.”
>“Everyone understands. You are being paid more money than most people will ever make in their careers anywhere else. Your time is bought and accounted for; shut up, keep your head down, and do the work.

>meanwhile in Japan
>I see you're working less hours this week Hiro-sama, that's coming out of your salary.

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>35 hour workweeks
I live in Spain and the average work week here is 40 hours, and you often get forced to work overtime, I mean, you can refuse, but if you do your boss is gonna fire you as soon as he finds(or just makes one up) an excuse, you can try to sue them but this country is too corrupt, you aren't going to win.

If you think it's so easy, why don't you just change jobs? They would hire you in a heart beat with the insane turnovers they have.

The only sad thing is the nihilistic attitude people have
>Dude if you dont become a CEO making 7 figures dont even work
This kind of thinking used to be laughable even if you were a teenager and nowdays everywhere I go I see these polarizing opinions. What the fuck happened? is it autism?

its all ninja's fault really

Have sex

If you think Japan's bad you should see China.

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You will burn out at this rate. Doesn't matter do you love it or not, watching while upper managment doing nothing while you work hard, you will start care less about things since it's only normal reaction.

This is such a convenient attitude to take for the person not actually doing it. You shouldn't have to sacrifice your health and life for any job, you should be free to decide to do so but making it necessary is ridiculous.

There are a lot of people in this thread who have fallen for the jews' bullshit and became corporate bootlicks.

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We need to go wider.

Oh yeah, and it's not paid overtime, since it's "voluntary".

>putting your heart and soul into fartnite
I can't imagine anything sadder

>work for 12 hours, get home, sleep
>wake up, repeat
>only gets one month to do literally anything for himself
>spends all that time alone, not even with friends
>Basically has no life outside of work
>posts on Yea Forums as his source of human interaction
That sounds terrible user. If you don't mind I'm going to go mini golfing with some friends after work then we're gunna play some multiplayer minecraft on our server.

>Densest population of people.
>Military response to all protests.
>People literally working themselves to dead for meager pay.
Japan is a powder keg next to an oil tanker and a fire works factory.

>Most doctors I know are really hard working, working more than 8 hours a day
The average time spent doing actual work for a Doctor in America per day is less than 3 hours.

Note that "actual work" in this context refers to either directly examining/treating a patient or doing research for a specific patient.
I doubt you know any doctors.

Bet they're paid a ton. If they weren't they'd leave. Wooow

>The average time spent doing actual work for a Doctor in America per day is less than 3 hours.
Isn't that true for almost every office job?

>Yea Forums is composed of NEETs
What other info you got?


>Claim you have an illness.
>Don't show up to work for years.
>Still get payed because the law says so.
Fucking glorious. Seen it happen.

Corporate bootlicker.

not everyone you disagree with is a discord tranny you useless neet

all managers should be hanged
>t. engineer

I thought he was gonna say he was the 38 year old chef at wendys

Get a job, retard. You're not paid for your heart and soul, you're paid to follow instruction. If you don't want to follow instruction and want to follow your heart instead, you're fired.

oh no! this might bring the train of positive news epic have been involved in to a screeching halt.

Asians are inherently collectivist and cold. They will never break the status quo. They dont care enough about the individual to stop each other being mulched by escalstors or flattened in the streets let alone fight an overwhelmingly oppressive culture

Considering how much money is to be made you wouldn't stop grinding either.

Sure you do, muhammed

>shitty code monkey position

I dont know, Im a shitty code monkey who works on boring enterprise software, my lifes pretty fucking comfy. I'll take decent paid no stress work over game development hell any day.


Man this honestly sounds pretty sad. Not in a condescending way but there's more to life than work. I say that as someone working 70h myself but I do something I love and I'm not employed by some shitty company.
Nobody's on his deathbed wishing they'd spent more time working.

Nah. There are retards who literally dedicate their entire life to working for the same company 70-100 hours a week.

Islam is based, you infidel degen.

In Spain you need a certificate from a doctor saying you can't work if you want to to that, but if you manage to get one and get it renewed everytime it expires then yeah, you could probably do that, good luck convincing the doctor though.

>facility manager
janitor buddy, it's called J A N I T OR

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Maritime sector. Its "only" six months in a year though.

Yeah but you know that feeling when you go to sleep and you try not to think that everything you do in life is absolutely meaningless and you're just spiraling towards death? People who work in careers they're passionate about don't get that. That's why they do it.

Every culture has its breaking point. I can guarantee you we will see it happen in our life time if things don't improve for the workers.
Japan is falling apart at the seams, just look at their plummeting birth rates and rising suicide numbers. The people there have almost lost everything. At the point they truly lose everything they will rebel. It's a story as old as time.

what's the point of having a high paid job if you have no time to enjoy the money

You do it for a few years and then retire

>if you serve well enough, you'll be happy and never depressed! The satisfaction of doing good work and pleasing master is soooo fulfilling! Obey!
Theyll never say this but thanks for keeping those boots clean


Burn out, user. Or rather "burn out".

I personally know 2 people that've been sitting at home for over a year and still getting paid for such a flimsy excuse. And it's not like they're in bed all day and suffering oh so much. They still do what they used to do in their private life except now they get to do it fulltime.

If it takes more effort, skill, and time to do y, x is bigger.

There is no point of counting the working hours like that. Do you think programmers who work 10 hours a day spend all 10 hours writing code?
>I doubt you know any doctors.
I doubt you actually worked in your life if you make such a retarded argument. Even if their job is relatively easier, like a dermatologist who spends most his time prescribing drugs, they often work overtime, work at multiple places, work in more than one field, have to be able to make very serious decisions at any time. I'm not from the US but the doctors I know don't aim for the lowest effort jobs and work more than almost any other profession I know.

this seems possible if you're high up in the company management ladder, but impossible if you're just a yes man.


>posts full pseud WOAH SACRED GEOMETRY image with a bunch of meaningless platitudes
>also posts a bunch of unrelated generic rock songs
???? Is this what teenagers think passes for le deep intelligence these days?

No, the satisfaction comes from learning your craft and knowing you will be able to use those skills in your own project that you actually care about. If you're a craftsman who cares about his craft every job is a learning experience. I don't care about my job or the game I work on, but I do care about my skills a lot, I care about them more than literally anything.

>play with your desk toys all day
>have to stay late to do half of your days work
>bitch and moan

Depends on how you want to retire. If you're ready to move to small town and live a low cost life, it's pretty easy to retire

Youd think muslims would want to escape their culture of illiteracy and death but they love it so much they bring it with them even when they escape it, their women even take pride in their oppression by holding their hijabs up as some symbol of cultural pride and unity and diversity

His developers get paid very well for working so much. Epic Games are based and you are a cuck.

>Epic Games is a chink sweat shop
wow who would have thought
it's not like they can afford to hire more employees, money is tight, right?

27 and I feel the same. Life is not worth living if youre not 1% trust fund babby

>Why do you think millionaires don't retire?
Most do retire for all intents and purposes and just sit on their shares

Good they will burnout and die like every other meme successful game studio.
Sooner the better I hope all the talent quits and makes their own studio
Wagie ragie

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This has nothing to do with the thread topic you fucking imbecile.

you have to divide the gross income by worked hours to get your real income

I work 35 hours a week, I earn enough and I feel I dont have enough time in my life. I feel that my life is passing by, by wasting these 35 hours weekly. How the fuck can you live like that? Truly living like a slave nigger, not even like the modern lazy niggers who live from foodstamps

Theres a shitton of places you work like a slave. Why dont these faggots just leave? If they had any iq left they would threaten the company to leave and not get buillied by them like pussies instead. Losing someone who knows what to do costs a shitton. They cant just hire new people and make them go do 70 hours as if they know what to do.
If you cant man up and give your boss an ultimatum youre a loser for lifetime. If they still act faggotrish fucking leave and work on getting your life better with a better job. Might as well kys yourself instead

I cant believe this shit. Is this how its suppoed to be in America the land of the free? And they have the guts of saying that communism enslave people, whats the difference between a slave and you other than the fancy title of "free man"?

>proud of being the owner's bitch
he's laughing at you every night for being his house nigger

Muslims have a common enemy they can sink their hate into. And they have a strong religious focus which brings them purpose in life, however misguided.
What does the Japanese worker have except for a boss they don't respect, endless work, no real purpose in life except for slaving away, and a family they barely have contact with because they never see them?
The Japanese their souls are being crushed and they get no fullfilling purpose for it in return. They live and empty life with no promise of release or reward at the end. That's enough to drive anyone mad.

If thats so easy why dont you do that?

>b-but this
Shut the fuck up port beggars

> if it ain’t lifting it ain’t work!

Spoken like a true redneck

This, I feel like Im the only person in Europe that has a VR system sometimes. Not to mention shit like full body tracking, Id be surprised if there were more pollacks like me so invested in this meme gimmick fad that is already over

Yes ignore one anecdote in favor of another.

Because I don't have shares to sit on? All I'm pointing out is the idea that they don't retire is wrong, most millionaires will work until their fifties and then de facto retire and largely just sit on their share money doing only the occasional bits of work when necessary. It's pretty much what Bill Gates did

Holy shit... what the fuck did I just read? Go see a psychologist immediately.

based, lets drink to that

I'm not from the US.

>If something breaks – a weapon, say – then we can’t just turn it off and fix it with the next patch. It has to be fixed immediately
This is unironically a good thing.

> All I'm pointing out is the idea that they don't retire is wrong, most millionaires will work until their fifties
And why do they work until their fifties if they could retire in their 20s or 30s?

maybe just kys

Why doesn't this chart have any supplementary descriptions?

just because you're wasting your life doesnt mean we all should

>40 percent is majority
american education everyone

>If something breaks – a weapon, say – then we can’t just turn it off and fix it with the next patch
Things don't just "break" for no reason. You were probably changing something in the code involving that gun and you fucked something up. So yes it's entirely fair that you should fix your own fucking mistake.

Jack Ma Shit Up

Yeah you just spend crying 5 hours a day on the internet that you are poor and the economy is bad

Because most of them couldn't retire in their 20's and 30's. Most spend their 20's and 30's actually building the company up. Once that's done and it's established they can retire as share holders and hand the work off to someone else. Either that or they'll just sell all their shares like Notch did.
Plus most millionaires have a lot more flexibility in their schedule, they're not doing mind numbing wage slave shit like most people do.

>even the liberals don't trust unions

The Reagan landslides broke their brains something fierce, Bill Clinton's whole deal back in '92 was "yeah I'm a liberal but I'm not one of those spend-crazy nutjobs."


>"yeah I'm a liberal but I'm not one of those spend-crazy nutjobs"
How is this not a great selling point? Could you imagine if the modern Democrat party were able to get someone with this much political sense?

>americans so brainwashed that they criticize people who would rather not work slave hours for a huge corporation
god i hate this fucking country

You act like retiring after more than 30 years of work is the equivalent of inheriting a billion dollars and not working a day in life

>There's really not much else to do other than work or doing inane things
>80 hour weeks
holy shit
you cant POSSIBLY actually think this
this must be some kind of very good bait

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Even if it was a ploy it was relatively rational. They dont want us rational. They were just building us up to be angry, distracted, and divided

i dont know why everyone is so angry at the guy working long hours. some people love to work.

>doesn't stand up and keeps working terrible hours
>"lmao why don't they just leave? if you can't stand up to your superiors you deserve shitty hours"

>does stand up, gets fired and can't find another job in very competitive industry
>"lmao serves him right for complaining, sit down and do your job code monkey"

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Not what I'm saying at all, this just seems to be the strawman you want to interpret my point as.
I'm replying to the claim that most millionaires work eternally because work in inherently rewarding, I'm saying they don't and they tend to retire early for exactly that reason.
Work is a means to an end for the vast majority of people, you'll get the occasional people who either have something they're extremely passionate about, but most people hate it and just work so they can afford to do or work on things they actually enjoy and care about.
You aren't going to find many people other than turboautists who're passionate about code monkeying for 100s of hours per week.


[laughs in taxes]

I went to dental school not med school. Huge difference. I got a bachelors in dental hygiene and worked as one while I did 4 years of grad school for dental. I’m a part time dentist is a national chain so I can pick my hours and what not.

Because he's passionate about being a janitor which means he's probably insane.

Yes. Its probably the worst programming job you could get.
>some of the lowest pay for a programmer
>also some of the longest hours
>little to no career growth
>massive turnover
>boring work, youre not actually designing anything. Youll probably just wittle away at braindead routines
>despite all this, its an oversaturated field because theres so many retards who think they want to be a dev cause they play vidya

I am grateful that so many tards jump on the dev bandwagon though. Makes the other jobs more lucrative.

Fortnite is shit, and you should feel bad

>t. Never played it once

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You’re an HOURLY employee. I’m talking about the people who get paid 67,406/ year to do a job. Most are exempt from ot so they don’t get bonus pay. No random dev makes 67k and then gets 1.5 that also if he does 80 hour work weeks.

>I'm replying to the claim that most millionaires work eternally
Strawman. I never said millionaires work eternally. It makes complete sense to retire around 50 even if you love your job.
I said millionaires (and generally people who can afford to do so) dont retire at the very moment they possibly could. If millionaires had a work ethic of opting for an easier life as soon as they can, they would not be millionaires.
Your view on life is nihilistic. if you are past 18 its embarrassing

Every other month there's another story about some game company overworking their devs with slave hours. How long is this gonna keep happening until something changes?

we call those people "goyim"

>facility manager

I make a 4th of what you do yet still have a way more fufilling life.

Why are you grinding away to make a quarter of million if you live alone? Do you realize that on half that you can live extremely lucratively if you spend it all on yourself? Cut your hours in half my dude.

Americans are retards. When their cities are drowning in melted glacier, they'll still be crying about Mexicans and Muslims.

Until idiots stop going into these jobs thinking "I love games, being a dev for some corporation is great!" en masse.
Supply and demand. As soon as people wise up and stop going for these shit deals, coders are going to be more valuable and will be able to negotiate better hours and pay. At that point companies can do shit all about it.

Less mexicans

>The Workers need to have leverage for a Union to work

Imagine being this retarded, the most unionized jobs in this country are high school drop out tier jobs in the service industry. These workers have 0 leverage yet unionized just fine.
>this is what capitalist apologists actually believe

They work to maximise the security of their retirement. They mostly want the comfiest retirement possible and a few extra years for extra millions is usually worth it and gives you more options once you retire.
Retiring earlier not only means you'll be retiring on less, but that you'll also have to sustain yourself for longer, which is why most don't retire in their 20's. Very few people are ever even millionaires in their 20's in the first place, their 20's and 30's are usually spent building the company.
My view isn't nihilistic at all, people work to support their other interests, which may in and of themselves require work but just aren't profitable enough to sustain as a job. Very few people are going to get to do jobs that're actually rewarding or enjoyable, most jobs are boring as hell and stressful, particularly if there's good pay in it.

>graduated a few months ago with an easy as fuck MIS degree and effortlessly got a job
>over 100k salary
>work around 20 hours a week; usually show up at noon to the office
>manager carpools me back home (never got a license because too much work) and we play vidya together
>usually spend my time at work shitposting on Yea Forums and playing vidya on my phone or laptop
In fact, I’m doing both right now. I can’t imagine actually working for more than 25 hours a week, and being hounded to work faster by your boss. Must suck.

and some people love to wear furry suits and pretend that they are a leopard while being fucked by another dude pretending he is a liger, but somehow they got shit on for it

Not him but it's really fucking easy to find software work so long as you keep up with the language craze of the year. My last job started demanding us to work weekends so we all just up and left save for the H-1B hires. Everyone got another job in the span of a couple months at most

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imagine not understanding the concept of a 40% ownership majority

Why don't game devs ever go pic related?

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Web dev here. Glad I'm not a game developer. From everything I've seen it looks like working conditions in that industry are shite.

I don’t care fortnite sucks

They should find a new job/learn to code

>all these fags saying FUCK UNIONS
>mfw I get free health care and dental
>mfw I got a 3D scan, check up, and cleaning for free thanks to my union

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Who gives a shit Fortnite is gay and so are you for caring about developers. THIS IS NOW A WAIFU THREAD NIGGER CLAIM YOUR WAIFU BEFORE YOU LOSE HER.

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Only if you have 10years of experience using that specific language professionally or willing to lie through the whole interview.

If you pay Union Fees it wasn't free.

Too burnt out.

Cool fantasy, bro.
Show your fucking bank statement, faggot.

Based leafchads

I pay 15 dollars a month for free health care and no co-pay. I'm not complaining.

The width of the human life quality spectrum is fucking incredibly wide, man.
It's haunting. Not even delving in history, just thinking about today we got;
>literal slaves in chinese factories working to almost death in buildings with locked and barbed wired rooftops so they don't kill themselves by jumping
>billionares living each second of life in unending ecstasy and pleasure

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>overworking good

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Sounds like he's about to fuck you bro. Plug your butt

>go to law school
>graduate 150k in debt
>70-80 hour weeks
>make 40k a year, and that's being optimistic with bonuses
FUCK. Law is the biggest meme profession and it fucked up my life.

I could really go for some pidser and koler


Funny how both have about the same suicide rate

you're supposed to make money out of defending rich pedos, corporations, etc

Maybe because one of them is barred with barbed wire from commiting suicide?

The 10 years of experience piece is a copout used so if a developer fucks up the coding challenge we can point to the years of experience so they don't say it's because of discrimination or whatever bullshit excuse of the year. Course you'll have a manager or HR that take the number literally, but it tends to mean it's a shitty place to work at

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Or maybe because being on drugs 24/7 tends to make you insane

>Not even delving in history, just thinking about today
the gap today is much bigger
because there's so much more shit you can do, but the poor people are still basically living in the middle ages

where you do you live

Not all 8 hour jobs are created equal user. I used to cook and I would come home drenched in sweat from hustling in the kitchen for 6 hours straight. Now I sit in an office (or at home, depending on how I'm feeling) and slack off.

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True enough. A life of hedonistic excess must be exhausting. But it doesn't make me very sympathetic to them.

Too bad the rich pedos don't actually pick fresh lawyers in their twenties to represent them.

All those hours are probably what keeps the game updating so quickly, which is a big reason why it's so popular. I'm sure those hard workers are seeing a nice share of those billions in profiahahahaha

>A life of hedonistic excess must be exhausting

hum yes, the exhausting nature of getting your cock sucked by five bielorussian highend escorts

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sounds like you live in an actually nice country. Try living in america where you work 45-50, only get 22% out of your taxes but end up paying up to 40 percent in dumb shit like health insurance that you have to negotiate with for them to cover things (before you pretend i have shit insurance i have Blue Cross Blue Shield) and have barely any tax programs that actually help you.

Hook a nigga up with that comfy life

No working a job is your trade off for living in a civilization. You are guaranteed food shelter and even sex if you are attractive. and in exchange for survival you work a job that you may or may not like.

Fuck...if this is true, this is actually a really good reason not to support the Epic Store. This is indefensible behavior.

>working 100 hours per week so 8 year-olds can play pew-pew game
wew lad

I can imagine having every whim fullfilled without having to put any real effort into it or ever being really at risk must make your life seem pretty empty.
Still doesn't mean I'm sympathetic to them. They had a choice and they chose to be miserable. They are the people who had the most choice in not being miserable and they didn't have the discipline to make the right one.

B-BUT 30%

there is no concept of 40% majority ownership you fucking mongoloid

Good thing Epic is spending 3M+ per game they make exclusive. I'm sure the code monkeys are happy with that...

every developer there has epic shares, so they work but get a shitton of money back based basement dwelling retards

So you do that for a month, what next? Happiness is about shit getting better. If your shit is perfect, it won't ever get better and you won't be happy. It's not about how good it is, it's about how much better it is than it used to be

If youre that easily replaced you are earning exactly what your worth. People are just going to have to come to terms with the increasing competition in the job market due to ease of access to education these days. Supply/demand, you retarded children

how about your office politics? you need to trip some people off in this corporate world to get anywhere

>free health care
>I pay 15 dollars
It's not free.

>so you have two houses and 3 boats
based neet doesnt understand what work is in successful companies like epic

I can see them pulling a Rockstar when the game was blowing up, but that was FIVE SEASONS AGO. Literally 14 months.

There's no way they're still stressing right now the same way a company releasing a full game was and this is blatant clickbait meant to anger liberals pushing for "gaming unions".

>implying those are the people owning two houses

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>So you do that for a month, what next

You eat some good food, play fifa on your 2048K TV, go to sleep cuddling with your mail bride from Colombia and then repeat it tomorrow.

>begin 996 schedule

Everyone works on their own stuff, so there aren't really any prime opportunities to ride to the top on the backs of others. The job market is grossly oversaturated and the firms know that they can do whatever the fuck they want with new blood.

1% of the people working on these companies to do this.Everyone else is paying 5k in rent for a one bedroom.

Reminder that Fortnite Battle Royale is an Early Access game.

M8 the average code monkey does not have 2 houses and 3 boats what are you chatting

>485 / 56 / 225 / 1
This was a depressing fucking thread, Yea Forums.
Hit home.

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Save the World*

If BR was EA it wouldn't be on Switch. The only reason they keep StW in EA is because Sony and Microsoft have approval processes for patches for full games. They'd either have to remove crossplay or stop updating weekly.

What do the people making money in your firm do?

>this is the future commies want



I wonder how "people" like you even function.

he really doesn't understand. amazin

>Numerous reports of game devs working ridiculous hours
>they get fired for anything
>Laughable wages (averaging around $50,000)
>Not even AAA companies offer even the pension or employee share plan
>terrible vacation
>Laughable bonuses for all that work
>Four years of formal education required to be a slave
>Skilled laborers in a field that should be considered a trade

Jesus christ is the american labor force this cucked into thinking unions are still bad?
How is it a bunch of high school drop outs managed to unionize dock workers and train conductors and yet these ((educated)) workers cant even organize to make a decent wage.

Not to mention half of game devs are zoomer pandering communist you would think they would already be drinking the union Kool-aid

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Millenial coworkers don't talk to each other

you don't need unions to protect your rights as a worker

why in the fuck would anyone own a boat lmfao

This. Why the fuck would I make "friends" with coworkers when I'm still easily in touch with the ones I had in school?

Americans have no class consciousness. Why do you think a third of the country thinks a Manhattan billionaire is one of the unwashed masses?

we work hard so our boss can buy his 5th house and 2nd yacht

he deserves it for working harder than us and pulling up his bootstraps

you can build protection agains floods
+watch vids about where all Ice is melted and it is not as severe as you may think

Unions won’t fix shit. Conditions are crap in the industry because videogames are a fucking stupid way to make money, they’re a total crapshoot. So if investors expect to make money they have to make OBSCENE amounts when they do get a hit to make up for the sheer number of duds (remember most game projects don’t even get announced, let alone released, let alone make money). It’s not simply a case of “muh elitist moneybags monopoly guy won’t pay us enough”, it’s just that the industry is fuckin dumb and the only reason to work in it is because you love what you do and/or you have skin in the game. What UNIONS would do is just make games even more expensive to make because developers are more expensive to hire, forcing devs to make fewer games to an even lower common denominator. Fewer game projects means fewer devs, which means all this extra money you’re promising is just gonna go to whatever lucky devs get to keep their job and no work for the rest of them.

But then unions are pushed by socialists, and since fucking when have they ever understood a goddamn thing about economics?

>brags about not being fucked in the ass metaphorically
>while being set up to be literally fucked in the ass

Just make sure he's gentle, you'll want that, trust me. If he's got 20 or so years on you, you can take advantage of the stamina disparity to do less.

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>I'm not from the US
So you're totally irrelevant then, glad to know.