Which MOTHER game was the best in the series?

Which MOTHER game was the best in the series?

Attached: kumadance.gif (1062x750, 1.08M)

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why is there so much porn of this bitch

none because only ten people played these games lmao

Because she is a cute tomboy.

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There isn't that much.

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Vinny played it and now Yea Forums has another excuse to lewd her because of increased interest. In other words, hivemind

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Too slow

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Because tomboys make peepees hard, and the game does describe Kumatora as a looker when you're looking straight at her, though whether that's supposed to be a tip-off that she's a young Magypsy or not is up for discussion.
Don't you dare.

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I love Earthbound, it's a great game. But I adore Mother3.

Also Nintendo should seriously remake and while they are at it enhance Mother 1.

I don't know who that subhuman "Vinny" faggot is, probably some filthy youtuber or Twitch streamer you worthless Zoomer shitters love to watch, but there were entire threads reaching bump limit full of Rule 34 of Kumatora in 2006 before most of you Zoomers were even born.

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I was talking about how interest fluctuates over time you golem-neck sperglord

artists confuse her for lammy lamb

the only thing that fluctuates is the gauge in your jar of piss

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she cute

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What is this


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>all characters wear trans flag colors


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the virgin POLLYANNA
the chad bein' frens

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Porky is the best character.

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Mother 3 has always been boring, emotionally manipulative garbage and it's only gotten worse in recent years with fucking 15 year old Twitter/Tumblr commies co-oping it for its "anti-capitalist" message and LOL MAGYPSIES TRANS RIGHTS XDDD

At least Kuma's hot if nothing else.

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I disagree with everything you posted except for the last sentence.

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I think Earthbound and Mother 3 are loved for different reasons. Earthbound is meant to be surreal, weird, and funny but Mother 3 is meant to make you feel and get connected with the characters which it does well. I never played the first Mother so I’m waiting for it to go on NES Online service but I think Mother 3 is better than Earthbound in terms of story, characters, music, a lot is just better.

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Earthbound because the story isn't as melodramatic and also because of the god-tier SNES visuals and sound.

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wow user you told us you don't care about ecelebs

What's the matter faggot frog? Too gay to fuck a tranny?

>still no official mother 3 claymodels.
i know the game never got localized but why didn't they made claymodels or at least concept art of the characters

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Where's the gifs of Boney and Kumatora

You know the ones

i know exactly what you're talking about but i don't have it saved with me

I don't understand this post

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3 was the only good game in the searies so that one

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Threadly reminder that Porky did nothing wrong and neither did Giygas. They're good kids.

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i like her 3D models

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they made her so adorable it should be illegal

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Yea Forums, I have been in a shit mood this week and the last time I was this down I beat mother 3, finishing the trilogy. should I go and replay earthbound?

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Nah the dot eyes didn't transition very well. she looks like a rag doll. Like the mom from Coraline.

>Mother style heads
>Realistic human bodies
But why tho

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i want her to get a big belly lol

noticing a growing surge of Mother enemy porn

Fun fact, the flag came after they did.

Attached: 2931005 - EarthBound Kumatora Lucas Mother Mother_3.png (1280x1280, 1.48M)

I unironically want Custom moves to return i would like to see more variations of Lucas's moveset

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Making Kuma model, I'm getting pretty burned out
I don't know if it's worth finishing it anymore, do you guys still want it?

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if it's because of the face maybe some other talented user will fix and improve it for you. either way you did good

finish it
you got a discord at least?

imagine trying your hardest and this is the result

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This is a fairly controversial model

Them legs user.

This translation seems... bad

Tits too big and saggy
Ass too big

there's "going off-model" and then there's "placing head A on body B"

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>you got a discord at least?
I don't

the only interesting female in the entire series

Is the other based user here. I want him to know that I thank him for giving me the name of the artist

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You fucking liar there's such few porn of kumatora it's a fucking crime, how can you fill threads of it?

I for one welcome every new streamer because it means a flood of porn, at least for a while.
You stupid fuck, look at the big picture

>Tits too big and saggy
I made a boob slider

I get what you mean, I've tried a bunch of things with it but I just can't get her head look decent
I really don't know how to fix it

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Earthbound has better PSI visuals than Mother 3

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the patrician Flying Man

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okay first off can you link us to what you're using as a base? like a piece of fanart this is more or less being modeled after

All 3 games have something special.

I'm basing on Noill's fanart of her, specifically pic related

Attached: 1842229 - Kumatora Lucas Mother Noill.jpg (1172x924, 119K)

you might want to try measuring the proportions of that image. maybe start with the head:torso and head:shoulders

alright I'll give that a try thanks

2 is not far from 1 and 3,but still behind. It did what 1 already achieved but more linear and less memorable overall.

also you should learn to draw before you learn to model. if you had the eye for art you wouldn't have meandered so far away from the source

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Good timing for this thread. I recently started Earthbound for the first time ever. Just beat Belch.

kumatora about to beat up majin boo

One of favorite streams. I just had to hide chat the whole time.

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i have never been this terrified in my life.

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You sure?

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She's met a terrible fate


because she's hot

Someone told me Earthbound was just Mother done a second time and Mother could be skipped. Was I lied to?

Is this from Scary Godmother?

A white lie never hurt anyone

3 without a doubt. If only Earthbound had the same style of storytelling, it would have been even better.

Vinny's FROM Yea Forums you fucking poser

Admit it. You'd still PLAP them.

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Mother 3. That being said, kumatora is a tomboy goddess.

Wisdom of the World > Bein' Friends > Paradise Line > Pollyanna >Plying Man > Eight Melodies

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The original, plebs can’t appreciate it

Followed by Undertale

>NPC detects female character several times
>starts to recognise character
>learns character's name
>learns the game she is from
>assosiates said game with said character exclusively
>begins poisoning threads about said game by reposting the softcore porn that gave the NPC an erection
>more NPCs are programmed in the same way
>NPCs begin making threads exclusively for softcore porn of said character, but label it as a thread about said game
>Game can no longer be discussed
>this has happened to Earthbound, Animal Crossing and Megaman

did kumatora fuck lucas or duster ?

Attached: Kumatora.jpg (1074x1133, 415K)

Both cause she's a slut.

Change her skin color to match the one of her face jesus christ

thats true

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Meanwhile in the absolute safe capsule

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Is there an official way to play all the Mother games? Like, there's a collection for the switch?

this makes my pp hard

can porky even jack himself off while in that thing?
if not its going to be a long heat death of the universe.

PPPPU mod when?

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because Kumatora is best Nintendo girl

>It's literally just the smash model's head on a regular porn actress body
yeah no

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The only way to play Mother 1 in english officially is on the Wii U Virtual Console, where it was released as Earthbound Beginnings. Earthbound is also there; SNES, Wii U Virtual Console, and SNES Classic are the only official ways to play Earthbound in english. Mother 3 has no official English release at all, you'll have to play a patched ROM.

Porky:Ah shit im tired and hungry i ran out of pork chips a few days ago and thats all i eat.Oh well time to jack off to the one robot maid i brought in here for the....lets see [porky checks wall for tally marks]The 531638193th time and ive only been here... 97216 days.
Now i have my own semen flooding this place though.And its up to my ankles,I guess i can eat it,right marsmell-Oh
You commited suicide.
Well shit.
You had my porn holograms
Welp time to drown myself in cum.

what is the best place to get roms since nintendo has purge the most well known websites?

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I use romstation, dunno if that's a thing in america

[the next day]
Porky:Ok i managed to turn marshmellow into a laptop with all my holograms on it.And i have a mission log for when the egg cells extracted from the tooth of the mecha drago i poured in here combine with my cum.Any ways mission log
Dear diary,I am immortal and wish to die.
[End of mission log]

vimmslair my friend.

Nobody with a brain is going to spoonfeed you something like that.
The more that these things get advertised the more likely they'll get taken down too.
Lurk /emugen/

don't need to be a dick about it



*AHEM* Don't you mean princess?

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Kumatora is my favorite princess. :3

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Fuck off retard.

how about you go KYS instead

I love both Earthbound and Mother 3 a lot, but I think Mother 3 just barely edges out Earthbound. Mother 1 on the other hand, I would never want to touch with a ten foot pole. But I really like the plot and the music.

I don't kiss dudes, faggot.

*shitposts furiously*

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Its like asking to choose between children all 3 are easy 10/10 despite what many say about Mother 1

whatever faggot

Honestly, it's so fucking great the way this scene plays out in the game. After a brutal battle, he climbs into this capsule that he hypes up to be impenetrable and you're dreading another phase of the fight, but the music grinds to this eerie halt and both of you are at a stalemate.


Why is Mother3 a cult game here? What is good about the game?

how it is known for their emotional story and memorable characters

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kumatora is hot

Why would you do this?

It's a learning experience