>le big butt waifu
Do people really consider this good character design?
Le big butt waifu
I just want her to sit on my face, ok?
Incels do
Incel here, can confirm
...Why's it bad exactly?
i like her hair and dress
keep sayin it
Better than her personality
Only high test individuals with superior taste and IQ
She looks better with the dress intact.
Considering that she weighs hundreds of kilos, you probably don't want that.
>taking off the skirt
absolute fucking plebs, literal children
I'll have the spaghetti and meatballs
well it is the only thing that makes people here remember or even care about the game so i guess it is not bad.
made for big human cock
hold hands
The character design is perfect. She is suppose to be a walking robot killing sexbot. if you tell me that this design isn't screaming sex than you're a homo. Now if your question was if that character design is fitting for that kind of game, i don't know are there any rules who state otherwise? 2BN was/is a cute over the top sexy character that's all there is to it.
How many people can remember 2b after 2 years and how many people can remember random diversity token #54 after 2 years?
good enough for me
2B is just the Maiden in Black with white hair and a huge arse.
Do people really keep making this thread over and over?
>Insulting Akihiko Yoshida.
Begone fag.
A2 is better
And that’s a good thing
So what you're saying is... 2B is the Maiden in Black but better...
Amusement park was such a letdown
Push in both analog sticks to self destruct
Tough bananas if you’re on KBM
yes its pretty fucking good
especially considering what you get from west these days
the maiden in black had goblin king hair though, 2b's hair is nice
> NieR Automata has already topped 6 best game lists in two years
> Which is half as much as Dark Souls has gotten in a 8 year span
How does it feel knowing that NieR will end up being the highest rated game of the 2010s behind TLOU & BOTW?
It isn't even big
Brainlet pleb filtered
>big ass
I'll take things that never happen for $500
Japan is paizuri central
Only incels are humans.
Ok tranny don’t forget 40%
>Brainlet pleb filtered
It's literally smaller than a PS1 town
Hello, reddit.
yes and it might be a big shock to you, but girls like playing attractive characters too.
> big = gud
brainlet pleb: filtered
>tfw no clown 2b gf
>gratuitous amounts of pelvic tilt
>barely has an ass
You can't fool anyone, koreaboos
she's of the generation defining character designs, so they obviously did something alright.
Why are gringos so afraid of the fenmale body?
>somehow Kaine’s outfit made it into Soul Calibur
this amazes me, you couldnt have told me this in 2011
incels have actual taste.
But won't I lose my chips and/or return to the bunker? Dunno, haven't self destructed yet.
Her whole design is really great. 2b as a charachter is kinda boring though. I cant imagine the game without 9s carrying her charachter around.
>girl makes an expression
>in a matter of seconds i wanna vomit
Good fucking question. Is it her personality or something?
bayonetta shits all over this game
v does, sad as that is
It's a shitty game. Who cares?
only female incels like bayonetta
despite what the game implies, self-destructing only reduces you to 1hp instead of killing you
disgusting plastic ass
get some fucking taste
Ok incel don't forget 23%.
This thread is now hijacked.
This thread is a 9S thread.
POST 9S!!!!!!
9S has 2 modes, plain autistic and autistic rage.
2B is a failed attempt at a professional detached bitch, from what I've seen so far.
Just killed that boss in the city ruins that left a huge hole, I'm not that far into the game am I?
I fucking hate this character. Who the fuck wears a skimpy outfit as "armor" it's so fucking unrealistic and fucking pandering.
unless you do it while on the bunker or during the prologue
Yes because it gets me aroused.
silence you shotabot
>he can't spot implants
yass queen!
You never hear people talking about the gameplay, they just jerk off to their meme waifu.
why the fuck would a robot wear armor?
post the webm, i know you have it
When does Yea Forums talk about gameplay instead of shitposting.
Whats a good character design to you then
Why are people threatened by 2B's butt?
I don't care.
I want to die too, so it's a double kill for me
ugly women cant handle that guys care more about a video game character than them
The character is for that haters and the lovers, because ultimately they will still talk about it years later judging by this thread.
Of course
She is a robot, she can wear literally anything she wants, Humans were the ones who decided how she looks imo, so they have good taste.
>that butt
As a white male even I find that dishonest
1.-culture of kill
2.-small heda
4.-unironically puritans
>She is a robot,
Yeah lets just dress up a robot in some naked unpractical outfit. Holy shit you guys are retarded. Lets just make IRL robots look like fucking whores
No. Good character design is a tight loli butt.
ew, women
She's designed to interact with humans so shes supposed to look like a pretty girl.
2B is for the small brained and bluepilled
9S twink/trap is the TRUE redpill. Nier Automata was a test all along.
So is the Game of the Yohra worth paying full price if I haven't gotten around to playing Automata yet?
Now I care
Theres no way thats natural.
I wish my own butt looked like that
Yes, dress pretty but not like a fucking whore.
small tight butts > huge butts
Do people actually dismiss an entire character just because they're sexy?
>9S twink/trap is the TRUE redpill. Nier Automata was a test all along.
post more
my dick does
I gave up on this game when it released. I got to the part where you fight the big robot and then you have to find the kid. It was so boring. I want to give it another go. What difficulty should I play on?
>a dress is a naked unpractical outfit
Dumbass moron
I'm not an expert but from the forearm tattoo I think that is Francois Sagat (a famous gay pornstar) so you can easily find more
One of those things can be fixed and one cannot
Her default design is very nice looking though.
Its only through player input that you get the clothes to change and look like the picture in the OP
yeah its not like the game won multiple awards around the world or anything people just talk about the sexy character
actually you're the retard who can't see past the sexy and realize that 2b is a good character in a good game
>like a fucking whore
Incel sighted. Women can dress however they want.
Your attention span is so short I don't think you'll even finish reading this post right now.
>Lets just make IRL robots look like fucking whores
You're being facetious but that's exactly what we're going to do.
You literally just hold B on kbm, retard.
Show me 1(ONE) whore who dresses as classy as any of the YoRha
How do the machines keep the carnival going for thousands of years? Where do they produce the confetti and fireworks?
Not even homo, I'm just legitimately admiring that ass from a "I wish mine looked like that" standpoint.
my problem was that it took away from the serious message of the game
Yes, the opposite is also true.
you wish whores looked like that, incel
Fuck off this website is for dudes
that's your problem, not the games.
A fucking robot ladies and gentlemen.
>Women can dress however they want.
Wow a fictional character with choices. Sounds like an incel don't you think?
Have sex loser. I have a girlfriend. :)
I wanted to play Nier 1 and drakengard before Automata, and although I can emulate drakengard, finding a copy of nier 1 will take who knows how long. Should I just play Drakengard and Automata?
It didn't. Just don't take off her skirt. Have some self control.
>I have a girlfriend. :)
Does he ask you to jump onto video game image boards to screech at people for liking women in skirts?
>Does he ask you to jump onto video game image boards to screech at people for liking women in skirts?
Are you that mad? Go outside for once incel. Get some fresh air.
where do you live user? I bought NieR for 30 euros just the other day
the skirt was too much even
maybe if they made it ankle length
But I never see her ass, she wears a skirt in my game
Would this mean that... You purposefully made her lose the skirt to see her ass?
Incel alert
Incel alert
Incel alert
Incel alert
>recognising a gay pornstar by just his ass and his forearm
game was shit boring as fuck, character was bland as fuck. if you jack off to this just once, you are a virgin.
I personally don't. There are sexy characters out there with actually good design like Bayonetta or Sadie from RDR2, but 2b is fucking retarded incelbait.
>advanced warrior robot
>also happens to look like a sex goddess wearing a retarded dress, stockings and heels
the toobie lewds are so much better when they keep the appropriate tit/ass ratio
>gay dudes ass looks like a girls ass
Are gay people in-denial of being straight?
Because it includes the first game too
who this, giga incel?
Never climbed up a ladder either, have you?
when the west makes shit like this, we have to rely on Japan to make good people
Amen, my nigger
>we probably have to wait until the year 2222 to get that kind opf cyberware technology
How the HELL am I supposed to survive past 100? Remove my organs and become a mummified undead?
Did you know that when they removed the organs from people, the brain itself was pulled through the persons nostrils?
when I seen a character design like this, it take me out of the story.
Sera is cute. Too bad you can’t fuck her.
Does seeing ugly people take you out of real life?
>Walk up to gf getting ready
>Hey that dress looks great on you
How does she sit?
your pic related looks like a soulful elf design, an ordinary human being.
OP pic related was literally intended to be soulless from design, "she" is not even human and doesn't resemble or behave like one.
Sorry, but this is the cold truth JRPG incels desperately try to cover up with their fake anti-SJW degeneracy masks, you're degenerate and so are the rest of your kin. In an SJW-free world we would purge you like the insectoids you are.
Amerifat here. Its nothing but pedos pointing the finger away from themselves. Thats all it is.
i wish
Is this the part where you are telling us to "have sex"?
Oh, I forgot. You can't say that anymore because jannies shoot you down on the spot. I don't know though what are they waiting for to censor the world "incel" as well like they did with so.y.
Have sex incel. Not even an ugly girl would fuck you, nor that elf in the picture.
>an ordinary human being.
Cellulite ridden fat shit. Pass.
Don't. It's a bait.
Post Toobie's ass
>adults realizing that having casual sex is degenerate and overall detrimental to themselves and society in the longrun and decide to wait for an appropriate time to find somebody to love
>mentally ill tranny who needs constant justification from a morally decaying society which also encourages him to mutilate his body in a twisted parody of the gender he seeks to be and will ultimately either kill himself or die of complications and nobody will care
You just proved user's point
>Wanting your fuckbot to act like a real woman.
Your loss. Enjoy your nagging, ugly ass, aging “REAL WOMAN”. I’m clapping robo-cheeks.
This. And femcels consider it bad design.
you're not clapping anything other than your flaccid dick to pixels on a screen
prepare for genocide
looks like one of those borderline underage characters you see on skyrim nexus
I'd ravage Sue until he begged me to marry him.
She's so obnoxious.
>nigga yu fucking gotta fucking marda those madafaka nazi
The age is already upon us, faggot.
At least its actually attractive and not a disgusting mutt goblin like western games are only allowed to create.
smells like aluminium and plastic.
someone post the ladder gif
And Witcher 3.
How do you know? Have you smelled 2B's ass?
hold hands
What's funny is that she doesn't even have a huge butt. It's the hips and thighs that make it seem so. This here is an actual butt.
Can I get some sauce or artist name on that?
very nice
I fucking love big meaty asses
lmao incel trannies calling incel males incels.
it's what bonds you faggots together, one is just less degenerate than the other.
Sounds like a 'you' problem.
Why would a robot have sweat glands or any scent at all you retarded brapnigger
>Yeah lets just dress up a robot in some naked unpractical outfit. Holy shit you guys are retarded. Lets just make IRL robots look like fucking whores
Too bad thats a shop
It's not impractical when you're made of armor.
She is an advanced robot. She is 2B.
Fair enough. I could "settle" for the real one.
Do you ever get tired of reposting the same exact threads over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
>imagine the stench
This person hasn't been around negresses before.
they are super advanced robots made with magic in the year 12000
I hate NA for making me unable to fap to 2B.
What happened to her is just too sad.
Absolutely nobody but you has made that claim.
You're weak.
Yep and when they were building the idealised version of a human they decided it needed to stink like shit and create gases
Yes. Women are only good for their bodies.
Attractive body= good wahmen design.
>Your game has nothing to offer other than incel bait
no but I know she's made of mettle and plastic.
you can't deny it
So they're actually moderating the new ironic meme? Cool
nuh huh
Alright, I'll admit it. I want to kiss 2b
Truly connoisseurs in their science.
I think it's kind of stupid to have thicc asses in a supposedly serious game but since it's weebshit cranked up to 200% everyone tolerates it
guarantee user would protest if chosen undead started slapping demon asses and twerking because it doesn't fit the setting at all
Also I like porn but I have the sane strategy of masturbating and then playing a video game, not mixing the two together.
yes -- her dress is great in general. the removal of the skirt part of the dress just adds to the design while taking away from it. this is what good design is -- something nice and pleasant, with an extra layer (or de-layer) of surprise
i agree with this
either way, why do people hare beauty and want beauty removed?
and she smells like metal and plastic.
Where are you getting at with these cartoons, incel?
t. pic related
would spank
>no makeup
>shitload of makeup
you are not cursed with a high libido like me . i constantly fap to get it out of the way but it just keeps distracting me
I was waiting for the magic word. Keep saying it so that jannies will eventually fed up with and censor it like all previous others.
>and she smells like metal and plastic
How do you know?
The game has no message
>How do you know?
Because she is made of metal and plastic, incel.
not good enough, I would make her ass a little bigger
Lol fucking brainlet.
>tfw will be celibate for three years come june
Hopefully I'll find love someday, but I've come to terms with being alone if I don't.
And women are partly made of skin. Do they all smell skin when you decide to leave your hole and walk outside?
Again, show me 2B's blueprints. I want you to prove it to me how all this works for you.
So many brainlets filtered in this thread it's hilarious, I bet 3/4 of the people that wrote here didn't even play the game.
No, not good, its PEAK character design
Why does everyone say this? So what? If she is into it she doesn't have to put her full weight on your face, she can kneel over you and just do some gentle smothering. She's a finely tuned machine with great control of her body.
i did and i enjoyed it
>According to Nier: Automata Guide Book, 2B's three-sizes are B: 84cm; W:56cm; H:88cm. Her height is 168cm (including heels). Her weight is 148.8kg.
>She is a battle droid, steel would be the optimal material for this
Here are facts, incel. Waiting for your next cartoon reply.
Oh, so no blueprints then. No detailed discriptions of 2B's internal system.
Hmm, looks like you have a bad case of the tranny. Keep seething, you will never be a woman.
That's called a dress
And it would have been a lot cuter
How big is your folder, voluntarily in-celibate?
You have to admit, it's an incredibly bold and unique character design choice for an artificial life form. Yoko Taro is such a genius.
There is too little 9S in this thread, lets change that!
>three years
You'll be fine.
As big as it needs to pwn trannies like you.
And it works like a charm. Everytime. It's about sharing you see.
Btw, by calling me "voluntarily in-celibate", it means that I choose to be absent from sex. That means both that I can have sex any time I wish but I simply choose not to and I have great self control to be able to resist all the time.
In other words, you are as dum as a rock.
>attractive characters bad
Dick status: muh.
I heard this game was a sequel of a spin-off of another series. Is that series good? Or the first game out this one for that matter?
>9S gets to fuck 2B
>Hope never got to fuck Lightning
It's not fair
It's hilarious how many Yea Forumsirgins think that finding women attractive is such a horrible evil devil thing.
No, it means that you're voluntarily ARE having sex. What you're describing is a voluntarily celibate.
Have sex
those aren't Yea Forumsirgins. They're tourists. They're here to shit on our streets, screech at the locals, and fuck up the culture as much as possible.
Has there ever been a single male that called other incels without being an incel himself? I don't think so.
shota speak only when he is allowed to
>I'll just goalpost shift and call it a tranny I guess lol
Literally the "Russian bots" for the opposite end of the political brainlet spectrum.
>Hope never got to fuck Lightning
You never know user. You never know.
>Quit biting me!
>Btw, by calling me "voluntarily in-celibate", it means that I choose to be absent from sex. That means both that I can have sex any time I wish but I simply choose not to and I have great self control to be able to resist all the time.
Which simply isn't the case. You'd bend on your knees to the first natural female that lets you get within a few metres within her.
First we're not allowed to like multiplayer games, then we weren't allowed to like openworld games, now we can't even like cute butts in games? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
But why do they do that? What do they have to gain? They don't contribute anything to the threads nor the site's culture.
>steel would be the optimal material for this
This is supposed to be the future, right? Why wouldn't they have made some lightweight alloy that's stronger than steel?
Just because you never go outside ansd would lose your mind if you were anywhere near a woman doesn't mean he's the same way.
Normalfag pussy slave projecting, lol.
>First we're not allowed to like multiplayer games
finally -- someone fucking said it. in the past few years, they've really been pushing
>yeah! single player games!
>such a nerd all by myself!
>story and narratives! yeah!
i mean, i would like it, too, because i like single player, but not if it's the same repackaged marxist shit with zero creativity
2B futa x 9S is even better
>tfw I have a cute girlfriend and didn't have to lose my balls and stop playing the games I like to get her
I guess I'm an ultra Chad in this bizarre world.
2B is a treasure who needs to be in more games.
Is she an incel?
the more you "defend" women, the more they will stray away from you because even they'll think you're a pussy. even libshit girls get wet for non-libs all the fucking time because they want to get dicked down hard by a real man
True, some males are just biologically inept and/or inferior. Doesn't mean they should be accepted.
I think you belong in a concentration camp to filter your genes from the pool (even though you are already doing society this much favour, you should still be slaved and used to generate resources).
>ugly people are SOULful
Haha, no. What's ugly on the outside tends to be ugly on the inside too, get over yourself, uggo. Better yet, don't reproduce so no one else has to suffer because of you in the future.
based as fuck, look at all the seething incels itt
Bayo is a woman power fantasy. But actual one, not the forced SJW one. Most men don't find her attractive.
Are you just flailing around at everyone for attention?
>Most men don't find her attractive
If I project my own opinions onto others I can say the same thing, too.
It is better than generic ballbuster afro wymn nigger#549 regarding attractive, personal likeability and backstory depth.
Do we have any other intel on this game besides that one short trailer?
Don't you tell them that. Live them whiteknighting like tools. More for us.
>how many girls have you fucked?
>do you think 2B is hot?
Yea Forums, where a bunch of men gather to whine and cry about other men being attracted to women.
So it is a 63% total for you then? Unlike you, he actually has genitals that allow him to physically fuck.
Even Neogaf is more redpilled than Yea Forums at this point, I'm not joking, just take a look to any controversial news and see the comments. This place is invaded by Retardera.
>attacking bayo
>when she is true equality
female power fantasy + dudes find her hot as all hell
>somewhat but the robot weight scares me
I want to 'finish' (currently on the 9S playthrough but) Neir Automata but I keep getting hugely distracted by 2B and well... not playing
help what do I do
I actually hadn't had sex for 5 years until about 6 months ago. You'll make it, user.
Eunuchs aren't men.
It took me 2 years to finish the game not because of the ass, but because I thought it was boring, only the story kept me going. But the game is too repetitive.
>Lets just make IRL robots look like fucking whores
yes pls
Ahem fuck asslets
T. Titbro
>he doesn't know about inter dimentional time jumping into other bodies
I'm onto my 6th right now my dooder get on my level
Futa x femboy is always patrician tier
>In an SJW-free world we would purge
In a SJW-free world you would have trouble purging anybody while you hang from a rope, retard.
You know, I'm 28 and since I was 17 the longer period I had without sex was 1 year and a half, and I thought I was a complete loser, I'm still shy as fuck and have absolutely never picked up a girl from a bar or something like that.
Yea the combat is fun but shallow as hell, especially coming off of playing DMC5 for like 40 hours.
I could manage if not for 2B doing flips and rolls and generally standing next to me (never mind playing as her) the whole time though...
Once I'm clappin robot cheeks you bitches are cancelled.
seethe harder, incel.
I though eunuchs weren't interested in women. Can you not even use the right words?
>Based robo lover
Dumb and ugly humans should not reproduce, that includes females.
You realize you trannies are both tranny aberrations AND the incelests of incels, right? You can't even HAVE SEX lmao
>Trannys and male feminists keep using this as an insult
>One fucks dudes
>The other preps Tyrone
why do trannies only like certain anime?
>another bitching tranny thread
>taken over by fellow connoisseurs
this is truly the most cultured board of this otherwise shit site
>da robots are people too
it's better with the skirt desu
imagine the future
Imagine the third party accessories.
I really like licking the anus of hot girls, they deserve it.
if you don't reply to it, they stop posting it. but you niggers are too triggered lmao
>reddit incels calling each other incels and trannies
Yes, also unironically the reason why I bought the game too.
edgy, cuck, incel, s.oy, none of it matters, even if they censor it retards will come up with a new buzzword.
You don't actually do that, incel
You're obsessed with virginity man, adults really stopped caring about that years ago.
>randomly post how you lick girls assholes for upvotes and circlejerking
>implying everyone can't smell that posturing insecurity from a mile away
So much for being an adult who doesn't care
But I really care about assholes, they taste good.
It must be easy to live with a smooth brain
>asked my GF to sit on my face
>she did it the wrong way and plugged my mouth into her pussy instead of butt
Get her drunk, it always works
>for upvotes
you had a Freudian slip redditor
this advice has never worked in history and I'm diminishing myself for even replying
That the right way, your nose is supposed to go in her ass.
Yeah no matter how much I report console war shitposting it will never go away. So jannies should enforce the rules more.
>i think she's beautiful
A2>2B in every way.
tranny meme created in jealousy of cute girl butts
perfect little sisters allow you to lick their buttholes before they make you food
his final gift
>what do they have to gain
A fleeting moment of false superiority, something they can't get when arguing against "real" people on social media because of their absurdness
Why did 2b have big butt but flat titty?
because bigger butt/smaller chest is best -- but it all means nothing if her face isn't pretty. always remember this, Yea Forums. they are trying to push
>a woman is "attractive" as long as she's "thick!" facial beauty doesn't matter!
it's what the feminists, male-feminists, trannies, ANTIFA-likes, SJWs in general believe because, well, they've been told to do so
Literally the best configuration.
of course
based incels
Her ass was in other direction.
>incels are already cancelled
This site went to shit the moment retardEra fags arrived.
I want to marry and impregnate 2B and spend the rest of my life with her. I love her.
This is way too simple and easy, my parents teach me that easy thingsare usually filled with traps and dead ends.
>marry 2B
>never have to buy pillows ever again
heh you know it's true
There's just not enough sfm/blender of 2B and 9S fucking
you tried
She is the ideal wife and I will never stop loving her.
im sorry user
Is the PC port really as bad as people make it out to be? I played it on the PS4 but I want to have it on PC for convenience.
her ass really isn’t that big
Not the guy you're replying to, I had zero problems playing it on pc.
This is canon
tiny goblin legs
why shouldn't she look beautiful
No, you're based for supporting my love of my android wife.
>adults realizing that having casual sex is degenerate and overall detrimental to themselves and society in the longrun and decide to wait for an appropriate time to find somebody to love
yes sadly
performance could be really bad at times unless you play on some beastly machine
need unofficial patch to fix framerate in cutscenes and other minor stuff
id advise to skip unless you really want to have it in your library for some reason
So perfect
needing to ask
real people's legs are only slightly longer than their torso is, user. Goes for both men and women
>panty hole
for easy access?
its a complete wildcard unfortunately
i played it on a phenom 2 955 no problems, steady 50-60fps. Then I tried it again on a 8600 and I couldn't get past the 50fps even with the FAR mod. Had frequent drops.
It's Korean, it's in development for PS4 xbone and pc and her butt has jiggle physics.
based, keep the seethe going
Is this the first non-mmo game to come out of Korea since Magna Carta?
I agree on what you are saying, but 2B's ass never got in the way of what i think of the game
is there a reason why a powerful robot shouldn't also be sexy
No, you have to leave the skirt on.
>t.weeb manchildren
Fullscreen mode and cutscenes are somewhat fucked, the fullscreen thing has an easy fix and didnt bother with the cutscenes stuff cuz it isnt that annoying, everything else worked great on my machine
>2B has the perfect female body
>can't jack off to her because the context of the game's story makes me feel like a disgusting piece of shit for trying
>deciding to not have casual sex because it's degenerate
tip top kek, this amount of cope. We both know if given the opportunity these faggots wouldn't waste a second taking it.
Thanks for the replies anons, I'll torrent it over the weekend to see if I have the same issues or not.
This is what degenerates tell to themselves
>e-everyone would do the same I do if they had the chance!
It's exactly why people commit crimes in the first place.
Seems like it. I'm cautiously hype for this big booty adventure.
You could be much, MUCH worse, trust me...
Yes, but i dont like her personality
I had a lot of casual sex in my early 20s and looking back on it now just makes me feel gross, like I expended way too much of my time and resources trying to get my dick wet when I could have just jacked off and saved myself some dignity
I had a friend that also pirated it, and the game crashed a lot, but when he bought it, it stopped having problems for him
Great, what a fucking shit show. So if it ultimately works or not is a gamble no matter what I do.
>implying I'm not also an incel
Trust me, I know how they think.
If you're able to pull bitches, you're not an incel. Fuck off volcel :^)
>tfw barely taller than Toobie
As i said, it works on my machine
This triggers the incels.
It's just a weeb game for horny teenagers, it's not supposed to be taken seriously. Lighten up.
can't I just like cuties with nice booty ? is there something wrong with not wanting more ?
>not falling deeply in love with her anyway like me
who the fuck cares about your real life this is a video game
>If you're able to pull bitches, you're not an incel. Fuck off volcel :^)
I'm not sure what argument you're trying to make here
mah boys
2B belongs to 9S, please don't lewd her
that you're retarded user
Dang I'm truly btfo
read a book nigger
Ok that's pretty hot.
What's going on in this animation
>ywn be straddled by Toobie's thighs
>she will never grind in your lap without crushing your pelvis
It's not fair bros
>calling others zoomers
That you're not an incel? The original reply chain was talking about incels. If anything I was giving you props for not being an incel. Kill yourself ESL-kun.
shota about to get his boipussi pounded
>I only play female characters because it'd be gay to look at a man's ass all day lol
>Give them a nice ass to look at
Yeah, his post was a bit ironic.
stay mad roastie
>168cm including heels
the absolute state of womanlets
Yeah but my point was that having casual sex sounds great on paper but in practice it's just a giant pain in the ass and the payoff is almost never worth it, any incel would come to the same conclusion after putting in the work necessary to get a few easy lays
look mom I said the word again
Yes because I'm lonely and horny
A reminder that poop comes from butts.
Imagine getting implants for the easiest muscle group to build.
good. Means she can poop on my face while I'm eating her out.
Imagine living in a society that is literally ass backwards.
It's not bad character design.
I think it was a narrative decision so the player was more likely to relate to 9S anyways. It'd be much harder to love some hard jawed megacut android that only appeared semi-feminine. This way when 9S flies into a rage about bad shit, the player can relate. "Mah superfine waifu is dead?! REEEEEEEEEEE!"
ass eating is the ultimate show of affection
I certainly am.
back of the knee maybe?
Why is this site suddenly against fanservice and anyone enjoying it?
Why would she stab it?
Tranny contrarians
I'm kinda glad the Japanese are a dying population. Don't get me wrong, sometimes they're alright like Miyazaki and Akira Kurosawa. But when it comes to Jojo and other weebshit like ecchi and hentai, there's nothing about promoting such degeneracy. Rather than seeking real love and affection, people would rather opt out and just masturbate to anime chicks because they can't possibly imagine themselves being capable of experiencing it in real life. It's the ultimate form of cynicism, to completely give up on the world and participate within it only to fuel your otherworldly fantasies.
I like bubblebumbutt
Retardera invasion, they have absolutely no arguments other than calling you an incel. It means that if you don't have sex you don't deserve to enjoy things, and they're the tolerant ones.
I was actually wondering the same thing. It does come with all the DLC.
>Character design alone literally sells copies of the game
>welcome a sea of genuine conservatives who are only here to pwn the libs epic style by shitposting about "degenerates"
>act surprised then suddenly Yea Forums is full of prudes and unironic incels
Eugenics, less competition for you, you claim you want some people to go extinct because they're making others go extinct, you make no sense unless you're a white supremacist.
Or maybe just MAYBE, it is because you niggers never talking about videogames. Feel free to spout whatever fucking boogeyman you're about to shout at me, actual redditors. I can guarantee you I've been on this site longer than any of you fucking pieces of shit.
You're against fan service because a random image board on the internet doesn't talk about video games?
1. trannies who want to show how they're really girls inside.
2. retarded /pol/tards who are desperate to prove how they're not really trannies because they're actually closeted trannies.
Imagine being this angry about absolutely nothing
i don't remember exactly which one was it so have this one instead
>implying people would magically stop fapping and being incels if anime were to stop existing
you sound like an oldfag complaining how books/comics/films/games/tv/etc. are ruining everything
because only trannies like characters like 2b.
>This is what incels actually believe.
The amount of delusion here is just staggering.
>i can't take women seriously when they're dressed sexy
Not being a sexist helps. Try that.
>fuck yes
Pears are god tier
god, i wish that were me
>nobody remembers Ron Paul Yea Forums
Androids don't poop.
>welcome a sea of genuine conservatives
Way to expose yourself, retardera.
The difference between a skirt and a dress is not the length of the dress but whether it's separate or connected to the shirt part.
I don't why her design became so popular. I still think Kaine looks better.
I fuck and I love 2b.
>complains we're not talking about videogames
>entire vidya board outside this thread
>free to make his own threads about anything he wants
> is still here instead, bitching about men enjoying tits
were you born this stupid or is it something that happens after you cut off your cock?
I have, none of the ones I've read randomly sexualize characters to distract you from a story though. Must be a weeb vidya thing for low-T chinks and western incels.
I see your coping with the fact your encouragement to have unrestricted has led to societies decay
I like it and have had sex so take that 'havesex'posters
So you're saying it's a good thing I've never played or read about the game and have no idea what its is beside some sort of slasher rpg about a robot girl in a maid outfit? Because I fap to 2b a lot.
have sex
Seconding this as an unironic incel.
>sex sex sex having sex lol
How about shut the fuck up cancerous normalfags
girls like that would have prompted me to buy her game when I was a horny teenager
nowadays my taste is a lot more refined
Some autist who likes wrpgs is mad that people like jrpgs so he goes on Yea Forums(nel).org and calls people waifufags and incels for liking 2b
I didn't really care, I just liked the first game.
Yes, you get more jerkoff fuel than I do because it doesn't make you feel like a repugnant subhuman ape to masturbate to her
It’s okay. She’s practicing doing it the right way with some other guy behind your back. She’ll improve bro.
choose one
Anything bigger would be blasphemy.
>I would litteraly kill someone just to have the chance to just smell 2B
Can't decide between 10 and 14.
I think Yoko Taro gave the most honest response. “I Just Really Like Girls.” No dumbass excuse about breathing through your skin.
Yes, all female character designs should be along these lines. Until game makers get back on track they can forget about my wallet.
Yes. Specially by today standards where women have to be ugly for some reason. It´s good to see Japan doesn´t give a fuck.
That's why my nigga told you to go read a book, video games obviously aren't for you, but that obviously went over your head. I can't believe you read books and I don't but your reading comprehension is still ass.
They're not ugly you retarded incel, they're realistic. Having drop dead 10/10 girls be the norm makes an unrealistic expectation for women to live up to.
Nobody on this board full of social rejects and sexual outcasts lies a soul who gives a single fuck about the emotions of real women and I find it laughable that those same people who made us outcasts want us to care like lmao just lmao dude lmao
>I can't believe you read books and I don't but your reading comprehension is still ass.
I mean, it was fairly open to interpretation, either he is telling me to read a book because supposedly what I said is retarded and I need to increase my intelligence before posting again, or I need to switch mediums if I don't like vidya tropes.
I chose one that seemed to make the most sense to me, but apparently incorrectly. Still, though, have sex.