Fuck Sony.
Persona 5 Switch
>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
Oh boy can't wait to see what happens next. I can already predict Switchfags claiming "W-Wait for E3!" when P5S is nothing Switch related
Stay in denial. This is the one baby.
>This is the one
ah yes like the previous ones right?
There’s way more merit to this Switch port than anything else mentioned. It’s happening. Accept it, make peace.
I've been hearing the same excuses ever since p5 was announced. Don't get your hopes up
Brace for impact in case there isn't a switch version. I learned not to believe anything until it happens after the grinch hoax.
If P5S is just a straight port of P5 on switch and P5R is the enhanced verison, if P5S sells well we can look forward to atlus once again jewing us by releasing P5SR. Just sayin.
It's not that they want you to play it only on playstation, it's that they want to make you double dip.
Why do you guys say you hate movie games so much but when you get a port of one you get a boner?
It's just bias towards Sony. I still remember pcfags calling the Yakuza series "movie games" but they love it now that it's on pc.
wtf is persona
When people use the term "weebshit", they mean persona
Yakuza was never a movie game but also not sought after. Only first party shit made by Sony is movie but even then it's still better on PC
you keep saying that, you portbeggers are the worst. Although I can't blame you it's been a tough year for the switch huh :(
I know it’s the 24th in nip but when in burger time? I assume it’ll be the night of the 24th in Japan so should it be pretty early tomorrow morning?
google is your friend
>movie game
Fuck off back to /pg/
Based af
Imagine begging for a specific game exclusive to another console across MULTIPLE generations. True story. There are people on this planet that have held on to the delusion that they don't need to purchase a Playstation console/PC capable of emulation in order to play a mainline Persona game. Like, they think their system of choice is a fucking MAGNET that attracts literally EVERY game they were ever interested in. This misplaced sense of entitlement has caused them to miss out on the JRPG of the decade, and in all that time they could've bought a PS4, PS3, or a high-end PC and just fucking PLAYED the game already. They would have been happy, but NO. They instead decide to BEG like PEASANTS on an egyptian basket-weaving forum until the next, NEXT generation where SURELY Nintendo would FINALLY get that one game everyone already played. SAD.
>implying snoys aren't doing the same with SMT
This is why Nintendo people are cucks. You feltch the cum out of the ass when the Bros are done with it.
they aren't SMT fucking sucks
P5R is the enhanced version of Persona 5 with new content.
P5S is a direct port of P5 for the Switch.
t. seething cuntstation fanboy