Do it faggot.
Do it faggot
Quick time events.
>De-sync servers
>Hit-reg being god awful
>Netcode is still bad even after 3 years
Yep, siege is still perfect
>Ranked is still labeled [BETA].
Fallout New Vegas
>Bugs up the ass
>Legion is under developed
>All the DLC (yes, including Dead Money) get old fast
>But really, why the fuck did Ceaser let you go down into that bunker alone?
1. It can't be bought anymore to support the actual developers
2. The multiplayer is dead
3. Similar games aren't made
I'm going to assume indigo prophecy is your favorite game
New Vegas and this
Does is support LAN play?
palaniggers in general
Yall niggas need to post what your game is, thinking I can have an insightful discussion with "muh least favourite part is the control".
Gay Fucking Anime
>Game relies on the community to stay afloat and make money.
>Company doesn't give a shit about the Community.
>Community is full of redditors and retards.
why did i spent 8 years in this fucking online lego game
>buying new cars doesn't offer any gameplay benefits
>the story is incredible cringy and cheesy
>no police chases during blacklist challenges
nfs: most wanted
loading screens
weak story
KH2 final mix
The cutscenes are just so slow and patronizing
The best part of the game is the endgame
the fanbase
>mostly uninteresting quests, isn't a big deal for me though
>end up being overleveled if you try to do all the quests, making game too easy
>too many quests require a wiki to do
Basically, all issues are around the side quests.
crowd control is awkward until you delve deeper into the game's mechanics
couple of moves that let you trivialize the game (granted you can easily ignore them but still)
some of the lategame bosses are sponges that take forever to beat
Doom 2
>Pain Elementals.
>Its essentially a glorified expansion
>SANDY PETERSON MAPS. You know what, just the maps in general, Doom 2 is good for the megawads and mods, fuck the original maps.
Has a habit of nerfing everything to oblivion
>multiplayer filled with spam bots
>no native high resolution support
>sequel sucks
>Awful following back when it was relevant
>GLaDOS isn't real and my gf
>Baby mechanic sucks ass
>Sometimes non red coins are tinted like hidden red coins and vice versa
>Probably crippled my sexual development Haha
>its ending had me throwing my hands up into the air
>that creepy alien dude and some other party members
>like everything they make, it might have been the GOAT if they had had another year to make it.
Kotor 2
>super mario bros 3
The 8th world is pretty bullshit and samey in design.
Unlocking certain paths with keys does jack shit in most cases
Too many frog suits not enough hammer suits
>harder difficulty has some seriously bullshit phases
>story is meh
>it has stick wiggling mechanics which suck and no game should ever use them
Re4? (Wrote answer before seeing i was right)
Some RTS?
>Obtuse controls/shitty penalty for running into walls
>Awful English dub (though it has some charm)
>We'll never get a third game
Material Farming
>clunky controls
>janky combat
Witcher 1
1. System link support didn't get finished
2. Level geometry is a lil fucky in places
3. Hardware at the time couldn't keep up
Metal arms is still based though
>melee is severely limited
>environments can be bland
>collectibles are shit
Other than that Vanquish is perfect
>low enemy diversity
>rather empty maps
>could be longer
>most levels look the same
>some bosses nerfed and no longer that challenging
It's popular
Kids hate it
It's critically well received
>Campaign sucks
>3/5 playable factions are DLC
>Managed to bullshit through two matches by depleting the enemy's points by holding onto two star points, while the enemy had tanks destroying my base
>Scoring with one of the characters is not that fun
>The dog's bullet travel speed is horrible in certain situations
>V. Gun ends your score multiplier, making it mostly detrimental when doing score runs
Wild Guns Reloaded is great fun, though
Imagine being this far up your own ass. Whats the game?
I love Ruiner but it's not even "most," nearly ALL the levels are the same assets
It's (game you don't like)
Yea, if the gameplay wasnt so pleasing jt wouldn't have even considered it ''ok'' for that reason
Weapon and enemy variety are a step down from 1.
Only weapons that feel good and can be consistently used are the shotgun and Combine rifle. The pistol is complete garbage
Gravity gun isn't practical outside of Ravenholm
>Camera is shit
>bad framerate
>clothes are useless
>It's has such niche appeal that the only real criticisms that can be made about it are entirely about flaws of the engine it's made in or entirely subjective opinions about what is and isn't fun in a game
>it's an RPG maker game where the focus isn't on the gameplay but everything around it
>the main objective of killing literally everything is ambiguous enough to miss, and you can play through lots of the game without really progressing at all
A lot of people would probably just call it pretentious and boring though because that's the basically the genre of the game.
>looks like shit
>some unique/set mods make no sense at all
>limited endgame content (by modern standards anyway)
>input lag
>terrible weapon animations
>slow-mo breaks balance of game, makes some enemies very easy while other pretty much require it
>low enemy diversity
>rather empty maps
this is by design, to build atmosphere and give replicas more space to maneuver
1. The default control configuration is retarded
2. You can't skip the intro
3. The game is way too easy if you collect more than fifth of the power-ups, hell you don't even take damage after getting the screwattack/space jump combo
4. There absolute is no defending the last save point after the point of no return