DEV PROTIP: Spend less time airing dirty laundry and more time developing your game

DEV PROTIP: Spend less time airing dirty laundry and more time developing your game

(Caves of Qud)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>developers are SA goons and twatter activists
>ancient unfinished freeware roguelike made a paid early access game at a time period when commerical roguelikes were meme fotm
>people were actually stupid enough to think the game will be good or finished
I already predicted this the day Caves of Qud went commerical.

You could get even more coding done if you didn't shitpost about your Steam flamewars on Twitter. Imagine that.

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That would be too much

As faggy as I think the CoQ devs are, I really hope you're not some whiny vindictive faggot who has to go on a crusade over shit like this. This thread isn't about the game so much as shitting your pants and smearing it all over your face because a bunch of goons were acting like cumstains.

Get back to coding, AlphaBeard. We know you browse Yea Forums

Stop whining because some shitnigger hurt your feelings.

user why are you wasting your time on shit that doesn't matter? Think about it for a second, average life span is about 80 years. First 20 of those years don't really count as you're still figuring yourself out and finding your place in the world. The last 20 don't count either as you'll be old and worn out and coming to the end of your life. That means only 40 of your years are your prime. ONLY 40 YEARS. That's nothing dude and you're here wasting it on some shitty game you don't even like. Stop wasting your life on things you hate and instead focus on the shit you like.

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This is way too insightful for Yea Forums. Are you sure you're in the right place?

No, really, get back to coding already

He's absolutely right though. None of you are real gamers.

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>addresses none of the points raised by the review
So he's admitting the reviewer was right?

And his idea of "rude" is saying "longcat is long" so this guy probably made a doge meme or something and got banhammered. Wow much rational, so social justice, amaze

indie games need more SA goons in their dev teams to poison productions
it's the best way to kill shitty indie games before they're released

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No, keep on bitching and whining. I'm willing to believe that you're shilling for AlphaBeard just to give a false flag impression for his haters. Both sides are equally shit. Stay mad, SJW.

I'm mostly mad I wasted ten seconds of my life reading your absolute drivel tbqf famalam

gaming would be a lot better without all the gamers ruining it

>I'm willing to believe that you're shilling for AlphaBeard just to give a false flag impression for his haters

I haven't watched enough Alex Jones to even parse this level of conspiracy theory. Come again?

Not that guy but that gives me joy that you got that upset over a post.

You're acting so retarded that it's a borderline strawman. Keep up, tranny.

Don't pretend your above anyone when you're on Yea Forums, retard. You're wasting your life just as much as everyone else here.

Sorry, I suffered brain damage from the chemicals in the water that turned the frickin' frogs gay

You have to much ill-will within you, son.

He's absolutely correct. Nobody wanted cooking, plant villages, or 90% of the other shit they have introduced.

Caves is a mess. I regret

Glad you're owning up to it now, faggot.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> too

well spotted.

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are you really still asshurt about having been banned from their discord for being a meme-spouting imbecile lmao

>Stay mad, SJW

Considering the CoQ mods and devs are SJWs this is literally incomprehensible. What the fuck are you trying to say?

Posts like this are baffling. Why would you fundamentally deride simple concepts like deserved critical feedback just to look cooo and feign e-wisdom by saying "lol who cares nerd???" It's fucking asinine

Are you the same guy that keeps making these threads? Did the devs really hurt you that much?

Wow, a sperg buys the game just so he can vent like a whiny baby on crusade.

People expect game devs to be angels and hilarious. A hobby with the worst fanbase. And you want the best artists.

I'm a game dev and I'm an absolute asshole, unless the person is polite or reasonable.

And you can suck my dick if you don't like it, go ahead and refund my game and fuck off, I would pay you to fuck off so please do.

Back to work, Brian. Add your bullshit to your game nobody wants.

That you're acting like a tranny strawman.

Board is about video games, not airing out your bloody period just because some faggot e-celeb said something mean to you. If he does something that's a trend against consumers, then make a thread instead of coming across like a whiny cunt.

>I'm a game dev and I'm an absolute asshole

Wow no way an asshole programmer what a rare creature never before spotted do go on

i checked in into that game like a century ago and it was in a decent shape.

how the fuck isn't it done yet? it's a damn grid based ascii/tileset roguelike.

You just sound like a little diva

D*scordites trying to slide the argument and discredit the poster with ad hominem shit. You can see the same type of parasite shills infesting any thread that has anything even slightly to do with politics or censorship.

>everyone who points out a 12 year old is venting on steam is some dude i don't like.

Back to work Brian.

Thread sure seemed to be about the shitty development trajectory of a video game at the outset before a bunch of sympathetic AGDG fags started pounding the floor and shitting

I have absolutely no idea what this game is, but that Alphabeard guy sure looks like an obnoxious cunt.

Seriously Mr. Bucklew this isn't healthy for you just step away from the computer for a while and cool down. You don't need to personally do damage control every time someone mocks your work

this no-thing doesn't even deserve critical feedback. thats too generous.

>If he does something that's a trend against consumers
CoQ is just an another early access scam that's in eternal alpha, because the devs are lazy and have no incentive to finish it since they already got their money. I'd say deceptive business practices like that are a clear anti-consumer trend, it's irrelevant whether it's a big corporation or a small-scale indieshitter doing it.

>hey, you sold me an unfinished product
How the fuck do you niggers function IRL? If I shit on a customer in my line of work I would be fired on the spot. Game devs have like the cushiest job in the industry, you could probably shoot a customer and get away with it.

No, it was about an oppressed fucking snowflake who thinks that an indie dev acting like a shit-eating egotistical indie dev is something that everyone else wants to know about. It's vindictive tranny whining, you failure.

Please calm down from your frenzy, we're only talking about a screencap of some random tard. Dude chill out, why are you so invested in this. Are you the author of that little vague rant masquerading as a review of the game? It isn't healthy to be this obsessed, Brian.

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you'd have to have shit for brains to actually identify as a gamer

never heard about this game before this
>look at steam page
>every screenshot has this disgusting green filter on it

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Don't bother buying it. You aren't wanted in their community, Yea Forums scum. If you've ever browsed Yea Forums even once in your life you are subhuman.

>every screenshot has this disgusting green filter on it
Do you know what the most baffling part of that is? When the game used to be freeware it didn't have the disgusting filter, and they think it's a selling point that makes the game look better.

Fucking true. Thanks!

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those 40 years seem to be dictated by old dinosaurs who only want to put me in a wage cage.

The OP didn't go into that though. It's not focusing on criticism but the dev being a cunt to one person in particular.

That's not discussion. That's just whining. Whining deserves nothing but shitposting whining in response which is why the OP's a retarded pretentious fuck who doesn't know how to have a proper fucking discussion.

Keep feeling oppressed, shitlicker.

>Feature creeping to give illusion of progress

Isn't that literally progress

That's only one part of the review you insufferable dipshit

Threads like these actively push off more meaningful discussions that don't waste time jacking off the OP's fragile fucking ego just because he had his fragile fucking faggot feelings hurt. Honestly, I'm doing the OP a favor by giving him an excuse to bump this thread. Just want to remind him what a disappointment he is.

>meaningful discussion
>Yea Forums

> off-topic discussion
> tranny

"People should be banned from Steam if they don't like me. Wish them all into the cornfield"

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Whining on Twitter on 4/20 instead of blazing it

This seems to happen to him a lot. Maybe if he stopped doing a bad job he'd have less to complain about?

>please don't pay attention to the early access scam
>please don't pay attention to the devs being complete fucktards
>everyone look at OP, he's a manbaby, he's whining, there's no proper discussion here
Damn man I'm impressed how objective, neutral and lacking in ulterior motives your posts are.

The game's main quest is still unfinished, but the last two major updates have involved adding a new self-contained sidequest area and remodeling an already existing area.
It's a fine game as it is, but there are still many things the devs promised to add that haven't been done yet. Most of their weekly updates have just been balance tweaks and minor changes.

in b4 "something something tranny". hurr hurr got ya!

Wait, you plan this game, but you're a 4channer? That's illegal.


Looks like Brian finally went back to work. RIP to another shit thread all around as is the Yea Forums way.

> drooling pants shitting faggotry

Mention the early access scam in the OP. Isolated fuck-ups of indie devs are not video games related unless there's a trend. I know you're too stupid to understand that but hopefully you'll learn to lay off the cum consumption and learn to think before you defend retarded people.

I might as well remind anyone reading this thread of the background to the CoQ shitshow.

Years ago the devs stopped developing the freeware game Caves of Qud for years, meanwhile they formed an indie dev stupio and worked on a phone roguelike/lite/whatever game. That game ended up being a massive failure. They had to make money from somewhere, so they went back and paraded the corpse of CoQ on Steam Early Access for quick bucks, probably because an old roguelike ADOM had recently made a successful commerical comeback on Steam. But the fact they originally stopped making CoQ and didn't try to develop it into their studio's real game in the first place, and made shovelware tier iphone shit instead, tells you all that you needed to know. They clearly had no passion and faith left in CoQ when they originally stopped updating it, they have no drive or incentive to develop it after they got their early access money either. It was just a plan B to hack together a commerical version for profits and make minimum effort actually finishing the game.

>please screenshot more stuff for me because I'm too fucking stupid to use Google

How can you lost money making iphone shovelware ?

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Thanks for rundown. And what is the current status of the game? I see on the steam page that it was released in 2015. Is it still in early access after 4 years?

that shit is a lottery, if you have a huge amount of capital to begin with you can make enough "games", and statistically enough of them will be successes for you to make money. but you will get destroyed if you're not one of the people who know how to work the system.

Easily. It's all about ranking. It's not a meritocracy where your game gets a fair shake if it's good enough. You have to hope The Algorithm favors you and lets you ride to the top.

Mobile devs spend a lot of effort calculating things like "APRDAU" to come up with projections of their chances of success at any given time, and invest a significant amount of money on advertising to get an initial rankings boost and get The Algorithm on their side.

>Brian and his Devs are obnoxious Twitter activist against "Drumpf"
>Still think he's a cool guy with a cool game with actual updates and plays like a real Roguelike

Don't really care for his political beliefs as long as the game is good. Leave Brian and his team alone you faggots.

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That said, AlphaBeard failed simply because he doesn't know what he's doing.

I guess if you are a studio focused on mobile, things are way more difficult than a single dev making some mobile game.

Brian hates you you Yea Forums degenerate. Quit sucking up.

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>using homophobic language

You do realize you're completely unwelcome in their community, right? You're a piece of shit for engaging in that kind of discrimination

I'm different because I'm not like you seething incel Yea Forums users

t. a brown person with actual feelings and not a white pale sociopath.

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>making the kind of racist comment that would instantly get him banned from the Discord

Okay man whatever you say. You're one of the good ones.

What games made for mobile ?

You white people call black people niggers all the time.

>user why are you wasting your time on shit that doesn't matter?
user posted unironically in the thread for things he ADMITS don't matter

Can you say that again? I can't hear you with AlphaBeard's cock in your mouth

Found it
Did he seriously expected people to pay for this, for that price I can buy an actual game on steam.

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4.6 rating and 10,000 installs. $50,000 minus 30% to Google doesn't sound too hot but it's not the failure Yea Forumsirgins are claiming

Depending on how much he invested, 50k wasn't enough.

No shit sherlock, literally everybody understands that "it depends"

There's also iOS, Steam, Humble Store etc

If the thread starts out off-topic and you're too much of a failure to explain things, you have absolutely no right to expect a decent thread. OP made a shitty thread with minimal context.

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Who the fuck cares about some literally who faggot who made some literally who game that no one bought?


understanding work pro-tip: there are only so many hours in a day people can be legitimately productive, using their brains in a focused way. placing people in front of their monitors for longer doesn't create more products faster, you're just paying people for extra-hours they aren't even actually working. overtime is the worst meme of all time. it serves noone at all. the worker burns out while earning a little extra cash, the company loses favor from its best workers while overpaying them. everyone loses.

point being, when devs shitpost on twitter or steam reviews you canNOT assume they are wasting time they could spend productively otherwise. refraining from posting on social media would not result in a better or faster delivered game.

however having said all that, the commenter you screencapped is most likely right about everything. feature-creep in early access games is the biggest menace. it was the same in the classic (healthier than now) modding communities of the later 90s and 00s. adding new features, or even just planning to add them, is always more fun than painstakingly polishing / rewriting existing code to make things tight and stable, or endlessly iterating the balance or whatnot. it's just much easier to motivate yourself to do a new thing.

He's right though. The matter is out of your hands. You can't give critical feedback to the lazy and egotistical. You're just wasting your time on things that are out of your control. It would be one thing, if you could actually help them in some way, but you can't. You can only be mad that their game sucks.

Rating a game, based on whether or not the devs respect you, is an abuse of the rating's system.

The community experience is part of the game experience. It's completely valid.

No it's not. At least, not the community as it exists outside of the game space. Having a shit community in-game is one thing. But getting banned on a forum outside of the game, has no bearing on the game.

Yes, it is. You're dense.

Tangledeep and Cogmind are the only decent commercial RLs imo

And you're overly sensitive. The devs don't have to like you, in order for you to like the game.

>can't prove his point, gives up and goes into personal attacks

The rating you left the game, was a personal attack.
Also, you were the first one to call me dense, when you failed to prove your point.

>starting a girly slapfight on Yea Forums
>normal and well-balanced human being

Bro you should read this

Grow a thicker skin you goddman faggot.

>Bro you should read this
I agree with that post. This is me It's petty to give a game a lower rating, because you disagree with how the devs run the forums. The community experience, is not a part of the game's quality. I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt. But lashing back in such a way is immature.


>don't care about anything happening man just yolo ya feel me bruv

>if u can't handle me at my worst, u don't deserve me at my best!

Posted from my iPhone


You can tell by the way you write that you think way too highly of yourself little guy. No one cares about you or your shit head opinion.

>112 replies
>37 unique posters

Let me guess, OP is the one in the pic and he went from review bombing to now anonymously attacking the developer for attention. Shove your drama up your ass OP you worthless incel

>go on autistic rant
>get told to stop
>don't shut the fuck up
>get banned
>cry about it on Yea Forums
not your personal army

also, you're a faggot

3 replies per post except for the 10 from you acting like a total faggot

Let me guess, you're working on a walking simulator with political comments, in Unity?

Of course he does. He's a programmer. LE STEM LE MASTER RACE

Don't you have a discord to be whining about Drumpf in tranny? Four more years bitch let that sink in as you jump off a bridge.