Best Terraria Mods?

Best Terraria Mods?

Attached: Thanos.png (160x111, 11K)

Having sex

how do i download that

that's not a mod idiot

Please do not taint Terraria threads with your silly little satirical Discord tranny or whatever buzzword meme



Yeah sexbound is pretty good.

Thats a Starbound mod, not a Terraria mod.

seriously though can I just have an answer

Thorium, weaponout, terraria overhaul (the one that lets you dodge roll)

the one that makes the guide obsolete

>still no Castlevania chain-whip mods

These are all compatible?

This question gets asked all the fucking time and gets answered all the fucking time. Great thread you half-wit, dip-shit, short-dick loser. You don't belong in our community

Vanilla. Why mod perfection?

Yeah, most terraria mods are compatible since they just add shit on top of what's already in the game, the real problem is balance, calamity is shit and unbalanced thorium and spirit are nice but using both together is a little much imo

lol fag

you are a meme of a human being

>merely pretending

keksimus maximus

Thank you friend

Terraria Overhaul adds whips to the game, but currently there's only 5 and they're all pre-hardmode.