Where is your favorite game on this graph, Yea Forums?

Where is your favorite game on this graph, Yea Forums?

Attached: difficulty_curve.png (671x460, 32K)

you’re mum LMFAO

hardcore fun
it's also the hardest to pull up


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My game here. I like it.

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put up*

challenging pushing hardcore

>playing games that aren't fun

How to realize that you're a joyless tryhard.

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Joy is for homos. Go put on some bells and pointed shoes you frou-frou faggot

can this mod quit ever being a fag and get off my back, I wonder

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Joy can be trained.
You can learn to have better tastes.
Games that encourage more complex and active thinking are better for training your brain and your mindset.
Most of those are difficult, though not necessarily all of them.
Some difficulty can be resolved only via muscle memory or trail and error, so it's not like difficulty is inherently a good thing.
But there's a strong correlation between good taste and difficulty.

I suppose you could also forsake joy and do what you know is good even if you aren't happy about it, but you'll get burnt out after a while and become upset.
If you're going to play good games, try to enjoy them first. Will save you a bit of fatigue.
And if you're going to play shit games, don't. Your enjoyment is not a justification for playing bad games.

You may call people try"hard" but you're clearly the opposite negative: a try-too-little; you think your video game experience should be lukewarm, right in the middle, the whole way through.

Hard to say, somewhere in this area I guess.
At least on the harder difficulty.

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To be fair, being a lazy fucker who doesn't even -try- to git gud is a great way to frustrate your teammates in multiplayer games. So if you enjoy griefing people, or if you don't enjoy it but you need to do it to pay them back for something they've done wrong, then being a try-too-little is fine.
Humanity is a group effort, and a bit of griefing can deter people from having bad preferences, so sometimes a being a try-too-little can improve humanity moreso than just having 1 person get good by themselves.

Fun has nothing to do with difficulty.

yeah the frustrating category is way too big. not that many games are super frustrating like that. also whats the difference between casual fun and mindless fun? cause when im doing casual shit its usually mindless.

True. Fun is subjective.

>puts alpha channel under the x/y labels, so now chart in unreadable

>challenge isn't a part of games

Take a screenshot of it and edit that.

You've got it flipped. Fun isn't a part of games.

I only like games were i can get pregnant

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>Fun isn't a part of games.

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Very well, I shall be specific.
The fun that you have with a game is independent of how well the game works to train you and teach you.

I used to like more hardcore games but rapidly found myself getting frustrated at games that required me to treat them like school or work once I finally got my doctorate and started working. It’s weird, in graduate school I was fine with and invited anything really challenging and got bored easily by overly simple stuff, but now just half a year later I can barely stand fighting games and only like playing casual stuff like Sekiro or Paladins.

that feel when this game will never ever get finished

that feel when the 3d sequel will never happen

I really enjoy games that can keep the entire game around this area.

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I have difficulty autism.
If a game is easy, I will MAKE optional challenges for myself and pile them up until the game BECOMES frustratingly hard.
I simply lack the willpower to play games on easymode without then trying to do so much stupid bullshit that it is no longer easymode.
So for me, every game is tough.
To be fair this suits me fine, but if I ever become like you and wish for easier stuff, I won't be able to find it. My own personality will be in the way.
That worries me a little.

They can't, you'll start with low player skill.

Personally I'm not seeing how game difficulty vs. player skill is a curve at all. The game's difficulty is fixed, regardless of how good or shit you are. Your own skill changes over time from stay shit to git gud, but the game is the same.

based and Übermenschpilled

>They can't
Bro, some do. I didn't say I would really enjoy. I said I really enjoy.

Your own personality getting in your way is the definition of Untermenschen. I am sorry, but I am not the superman you're looking for. I just do fucktarded optional challenge runs.

this graph doesn't even make sense.
it's possible for a game to be frustrating for highly skilled players, and for another game to be boring for low skilled players.
I'm not sure fun can be graphed at all, unless it's just on a personal level.

Those games do not exist. You do not pick up a game and instantly have above-average skill in it. You will spend at least some time on the low skill part of the graph. It can be as little as 5 hours but you will spend some time there.

If its fun and enjoyable then it can be extremely difficult. If its shit, its shit no matter hiw easy or difficult it is. A goid game coukd never frustrate me.

Slow down bro you're typing faster than your fingers can handle.

All right, bro. Keep your stupid ass remarks to yourself. Not everyone is shit at games. Games in the same genre are usually extremely similar. Sequels are usually extremely similar. There is no learning curve when you are intimately familiar with the gameplay. Those games do exist, you're just so fucking terrible at playing them you re-learn everything about video games with every new game you try. Shut the fuck up, idiot.

so this... is the power of phone posting...


I’ve never played a game I didn’t like because it was too hard. Maybe if it’s hard in bad ways.

I'm high, sorry.

Used to love the hardest games out there but now i prefer casual games because I'm just too old and have too little time to get myself killed by the same challenge of a game 30 times, I don't care if that opinion triggers some kids either

>There is no learning curve when you are intimately familiar with the gameplay.
The fuck do you play, 3rd person over the shoulder cover-based health regenerators?
No, every game has a learning curve and you start on the below average part of that curve.
>you re-learn everything about video games with every new game you try.
Being elite in 3D Aim Trainer and being able to juggle 20 hotkeys does not automatically make you above average in ANY game except 3D Aim Trainer itself.

You do not start above average.
Nobody starts above average.
If you think you do, you are wrong.

Attached: dunning kruger curve.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

this is the ideal setup, but because that line can exist, the graph is wrong.

no matter what you do, some people are going to find your game boring due to difficulty or frustrating. unless it's mindlessly easy. the fact that boring doesn't go any higher than medium difficulty is wrong in itself, because even experienced player will find difficult games boring.

What if that kid was your younger self, peering into the future to see what he'd become as he gets older?
What would Young user say if he could see you now?

You are shit at video games. Bottom line. I start above average with every single game I pick up because there is nothing new under the sun. Unless the game has some strange or gimmicky control system I'm going to be ahead of the curve from the first input, and I reach a reasonably high ceiling in very little time. You're trying to make some stupid ass point when there's no reason to. Games that require a high level of skill from the very beginning do exist. You would know this if you weren't some braindead zoomer who has only ever played games with 5 hour hand-holding tutorials.


He wouldn't understand how I could get burnt out on video games so much that the only sense of joy I get from them is some instant gratification bullshit. I think young user would be afraid of the future

>I start above average with every single game I pick up because there is nothing new under the sun.
Mmm delicious bait
>Games that require a high level of skill from the very beginning do exist.
Yes, such as I wanna be the guy fangames. Which I play. They kick my ass until I get good.

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I suppose burnout is a thing. But rather than playing easy games, take a break from games altogether. Have you tried walking, hiking, jogging, or mountainclimbing?

What you do is irrelevant. I stated what I prefer because that's what this thread is about. You took it upon yourself to try and dictate what video games exist in the industry and what video games don't. You're a fucking moron.

What you prefer does not exist.
There is not a game on the planet that starts with its users above average because in doing so it'd redefine the average. That is how averages work. You can't have every player be above average and the one who's never played the thing before is going to be on the lower side of the skill curve.

>There is not a game on the planet that starts with its users above average
All games that I play possess this because I am way above average. You're trying to make a fucking semantic argument like it's fucking applicable to the discussion.

It depends on the game. lol

>All games that I play possess this because I am way above average.
Cool story bro.

So that's what this boils down to. You can't believe that other people are better than you at video games. Get the stick out of your ass, shitter.

My favorites trend towards middling difficulty and higher player skill, but have a variety of these feelings included.

Why not?

I haven't been keeping up with it's development.

Wheres chaotic but not mindless fun??

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drama killed it

Ty for not making the border labels transparent.

balanced fun or below
fuck hard shit I'll cheat like a journalist if I have to

Learn to read a graph.

>not having skill
>also not being able to read the graph

lmao wtf is this

Oh, the ironing.

Riding the curve between frustrating and hardcore fun

tasty games bad
unappetizing games good

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the fuck is ojos
