It's out! Who's playing it now?
Dragon's Dogma on the toilet
How does it run?
Please no shills
ACG says pretty solid 30fps, but I doubt he was smashing five great cannons at once...
Gotta pull up my slider details from my PC version first. Not looking forward to the inevitable RC and cursed item grind.
Probably gonna do an full MK run this time. Chickened out halfway through before and went back to sorc/MA.
>be a leaf
>Amazon is selling it at above MSRP for some reason
>no stock in Walmart
>no stock in bestbuy
>JUST placed an order from ebgames, who knows when it'll ship
>really tempted to order from Amazon japan because their shipping is faster than leaf amazon shipping but it only releases in Japan on the 25th
>On Switch
It worked on 360, but come on...
How long until the Game Boy port? What about the Sega 32X? What's Capcom waiting on?
is there enough interest to bring /ddg/ back?
Why does everyone say that Magic Knight stat growths are ass? They aren't the best but they look alright to me
He gets so much more damage from the sorcerer stat-growths overall, but you can just play magic knight until you've almost levelled up then switch to sorc, level up and switch back again.
just minmax autism, doesn't matter what vocation you level as once you get a good weapon
Doubt it. Hopefully the eternal return of DD will eventually put out a sequel. I'd even take the MMO if it were localized at this point.
I just want to know if cannon mystic knight is as unplayable as in the original.
the mmo looks pretty fun even if it doesn't have the charm of original dd
Growths are a meme
Just get damage boosting augments from other vocations, and get good equipment. Most of your stats come from that.
It's because the HP and Stamina growth are bad and everything else is meh. From experience, the Ranger has the best growths pre-100 so long as you're willing to throw some Fighter in there for the extra defensive growths. Sorc is great post-100 for rounding out the stats at about 4000/4000/600Str/600Mag.
But you don't need to min-max. I only did it because I wanted my pawns to stand out in the rift.
Magick Archer and Sorcerer >>>> all the other vocations
Downloading now!
>Not going full Warrior for that HP thickness
I think a good number of people are just double dipping, I doubt it'll bring in many news fans.
Thanks, I'll stick to PC version then.
FPS vs the ability to play it on the shitter?
It does. The concept of a multiplayer DD alone is enough for me to want to try it.
Played it on PC, it's complete shit.
Even with that addon it's an irredeemable heap of rancid feces.
Thanks, you've really added to the discourse here.
pretty good game currently playing the mmo It's exactly what I had hoped for and more.
Fucking this.
>spend whole game levelling as assassin for attack
>all the way up to 200
>ez time with offline ur dragon
>go up against online version
>low generation, somewhere in the low 30s
>stack 4x periapts
>with the strongest daggers in-game from bbi
>fight it maybe 10 times, wondering why the fuck I'm seemingly doing little to no damage
>hp i refight it with never being close to amount of hp it left with last round
>turns out ur dragon has a damage cap to prevent cheaters
>dealing too much damage results in your run being dropped and not counting at all
>another wojak
Passive-aggressive bitch
gay fag idiot
Just picked up my copy, tried to get it at wally world at midnight but they only had MK11 and Bendy (what?) releases no DD, so I had to wait until today. Game runs great. Went with a mage build.
Can you get the Travis Touchdown pawn?
I'm waiting for my copy to arrive, which should hopefully be by the end of the day.