This hands down is the worst in terms of the fighting out of all 3 of the reboots.
Mortal Kombat 11 Gameplay
Other urls found in this thread:
>i cant spam my strings so its bad!
Shorter Combos, footsies, Meter Management and Proper Defensive Options and decision making make this at least the 2nd best MK Game
The fact that half of Your moves Come with choices Like to crushing blow or Not, or to fatal blow or Not
4 wakeup Options and plenty of Strings without revolving around 50/50s
This is by far the Most thought Out MK system
The story was 2/3 good.
That very last arc was pulled from nowhere Deus ex crap. The ending was nothing special.
What game did you play? The story was so fucking stupid. MK never had a good story but this is some amateur level retard shit here
I get it, you're mad because of black people. Story is still standard MK fare. It's not obscenely worse than the other retarded shit we got.
Can you not grab during a juggle anymore?
For real though Yea Forums, no discord trannies, no /pol/tards, is this one any good?
If you dont Mind the roster,yes
The roster is the only real flaw
The Game is a more fundamentals Based fighting Game
The Story was alright
I disagree.
No, I'm talking about all the atrocious dialogue. Jesus, all interactions with the kombat kids and their parents was so bad, Kotal Khan and jade were pretty cringe too.
Out of curiosity how old are you?
Are the microtransactions and loot grind as bad as people say? I hear the PC port is pretty bad, and even PS4 has issues? Those are my biggest concerns.
Kys shipfag
Not that user but I'm 30 and the kids are painful to see on screen. They should have all been killed off
Not old enough for kids. Go raise your kids you boomer, don't let them turn out as bad as you
Yeah! Something something sjw's something something black people something something too much clothes on the female fighters.
There, now we have a MK11 thread.
The grind is terrible and you can't earn shit offline.
you gonna learn
It's lame as fuck that they shilled customizing your moveset this whole time only to not allow it in ranked or tournies. Really soured me on this one. Makes the whole gimmick pointless
>worse than X
Yeah like I really believe you niggers with your agenda.
This post is gonna age like milk
>worse than X
Yeah like I'm going to trust you niggers and your agenda.
PC port coms out in 10 minutes, anyone saying they've already played it is most likely a liar unless they can provide source. The grind is trash but they're gonna "nerf" it. It's comparable to how RS Siege does cosmetics, but probably slightly more frustrating because you can't just buy anything you want and its more RNG, but you purchasing lootboxes at least. Which is barely praise considering it still has microtransactions.
I watched it yesterday, it was okay. Got pretty silly at times. Suffered a lot of "Why didn't they kill/tie up/incapacitate that knocked out character" syndrome.
What happened to Takeda and Pole Guy, though?
It wasn't an insult it was a question. What upsets these people about asking their age in reference to their preferences?
They probably don't know how to balance it. I think I heard they had plans to implement it into ranked later.
What exactly do you mean by customising your moveset?
As in, changing some animations (without changing anything else), but the animations are defaulted for ranked?
Or what?
Takeda exists according to dialogue, he's gonna propose to Jacqui. Dunno about Jin
This is Yea Forums, they're probably expecting you to insult them based on their age immediately afterwards.
>this story sucks
Where was he while his dad was running around and got killed>
Different special moves
Not him but if you're whining about the story sucking in MK I can't imagine how fucking underage you are. First MK game or what?
All I want to know is if they played the theme song anywhere in the fucking game
His age is as relevant as your gender.
Balance is a shitty excuse considering how unbalanced their games usually are. They said they will use preset variations and start with 2 and add more eventually but at that point why have the system at all? Why hype up a core feature that won't see tourney or ranked play at all? They could have spent their time on other things to improve the game instead
Characters have extra moves and stances that you can slot in to customize them on top of their base moveset. Watch any Kombat cast vids or whatever and they show them.
>heh they’re all supposed to be bad I swear lol
Its better than X and if you say otherwise you're a fucking retard or a liar. But yeah, no MK game has ever had a truly good story, they've just been entertaining as spectacle.
Yea Forums's opinion is completely warped on the matter though - its all people crying MUSLIM KOMBAT and REEEEEE JAX FREED THE SLAVES IN HIS TOWER ENDING!!!! These threads are just fucking shitshows of people pretending to have MK experience.
I already mourn the death of comfy MK threads. Everyone acting like mk11 is an affront to nature and gaming in general. All MK games have tried new things and shifted systems and characters around since mk2. I don't see what all the fuss is about honestly.
>If you don't like X about MK11 you must be X
This is getting really old.
>MKX story was bad
>MX11 is bad/had even more jobbing/and an ending that was pointless
gaslighting the shitty gacha grind as YOU ARE MAD ABOUT THE JAX ENDING AND NOTHING ELSE
the "Dante's white hair" incident was proof that deflecting a problem with something that has nothing to do with the game itself is a shitty NUH UH tactic
MK 11 is definitely worse in story. And no one is talking about any muslim or black shit. Rent free
>4 wakeup Options
>ending that was pointless
Literal brainlet and a newfag to MK
If you whine about Muslim Kombat and black genocide, yeah you're a fag and who cares what you have to say about MK11?
Have either of you PLAYED Mortal Kombat 11?
The grinding and always online is a big issue for me. Gameplay seems fun though so far.
Once you find out the game isn’t all about flashy combos you’ll get it.
It’s like going from sf4 to sfv in that it plays nothing like 9 or x and you’re very limited on what you can do .
The microtransactions are what really sour me. I play MK to fight so grinding to me really is just me playing the game as I always would but now with some goodies to rummage through. Added bonus imo since all I want is to pound some dick into the dirt. I hope when things calm down we get the comfy mk people back for better threads.
>if you get used to anal it's not a problem once your butthole is gaping wide open
>4 wakeup options
Don't play MK, what are they? Reversals, supers, rolling backwards, and...I can't think of a fourth.
I think the game responds like Im on a 2 var connection in alk game modes and thats trash. I prefer the better neutral game, but having to phone in the string like 4 years n advance is trash. MKX at least had that right.
>The entire plot is heavily one sided. Outside of Sonya, there is not really any particular momentum of threat from the antagonists. Kronika has nice legs but no bite.
I know man but I just say try to figure out how it works first. Now I’m definitely a more combo oriented guy so idk if I’ll continue to play it a month later but I’ll give it this week before I jump back to my dead af anime fighters
Seething is such a limpdick newfag version of u mad.
Delayed wake up?
Gotta love the fanboys defending bad game design. It's a fighting game, not fucking COD. The stupid loadouts and variations are annoying and unnecessary. It was retarded in Injustice and it's even more retarded in this game. I shouldn't have to worry about what "gear" I have and shouldn't have to unlock that gear to gain an advantage. This opens the door to microtransactions. Just let me fight my opponent. Fuck.
Oh, right, that shoulda been obvious. Thanks, mate.
>I shouldn't have to worry about what "gear" I have and shouldn't have to unlock that gear to gain an advantage
You don't though. Gear doesn't matter in online and augments are opt in casual mode. It's just cosmetic shit. Not that that's any better
Not to mention the bucket load of potentially damming plot holes.
>Gotta love the fanboys defending bad game design
They've spent months defending 11, now that it's out and shit they can't accept they were wrong so they're doubling down. It's a shame because at one point I was hyped for 11 but at some point you've got to accept that shit's gone south and there are other games out there worth your time.
You’d know about limp dicks lol
This is my only issue, none of the moves feel responsive. I’m so used to putting in my inputs fast and getting immediate response to doing so, coming to this game throws me all the way off.
Like I’m playing with Kung Lao and I do the input for his string where he slices forward with his hat but I do it to fast and he just stands there like a dumbass
This is definitely an issue and although I readjusted my playstyle it's not an adjustment I wanted to make. Dial a combo is fine provided you can hit confirm but with being able to cancel out you'll eat shit 99% of the time if the opponent counters. I'm all for MK11 and support it and want to see where it goes but if they don't tighten some input delays there are going to be major problems from here onward. Which would be sad and unfortunate.
How technical is this game? Is there a high skill ceiling? I want to play it but I got bored of MK9 really quick.
FGS geezer here.
MK has always been character design first, then crazy over the top shit like fatalities, x ray, then animation, then after that, gameplay. The result is as a rule, shit that looks flashy and great in still shots, and frequently have glaring exploitable bugs that make it a poor choice for anything beyond casual play.
You aren't going to get the animation quality or diversity of gameplay as say guilty gear or a capcom fighter. But that's not what mortal kombat is. MK is traditionally about hyper aggressive rushdown, and over the top violence.
This version is tilted a little less towards RUSH IN AND 50/50 than the last one, but it's still mortal kombat.
I don't have enough seat time to know whether shit like variable frames , or the hitboxes are mechanically any better, but it doesn't feel like it so far.
Overall, I'd give it a bleh, It's flashy shit with mediocre at best fundamentals. But that's not out of line for the rest of the mortal kombats. It will replace X in the lineup at least. Injustice will be probablybe perferable when its "The casuals are over, act normal", time.
Since when has being unable to balance shit stopped them before? I mean MK's idea of balancing is shit like giving everyone a super fast projectile and a teleport. I mean, there's no way they could put real polish and testing into the various matchups with the variation system, much less the custom shit.
Yes. There's rumors that they will "fix" it.
I figure it's a marketingfag trying to get a handle on the demographics.
Thinking of getting the hori fightpad on xb1 for this. Anyone know if its worth it?
>want to like MK
>but X-rays take me out of the combat for a solid 10 seconds
>Fatalities force me to sit and watch a cutscene when I just want to go to the next round
I know that's kinda the appeal of MK, but I can't stand it
With the caveat that it's still super, super early.
>How technical is this game?
More technical than the other MKs. But it's stiill mk.
>Is there a high skill ceiling?
LOL no.
>I want to play it but I got bored of MK9 really quick.
I'd predict you'll get bored of this shit quick too.
Oh, the fatalities are the worst in any MK game. Look at Kano's for example
How fucking pathetic. And everybody gets "fatal blows" when they're health is low so you always have to anticipate xray moves. Scrub friendly for sure.
The xrays weren't unlimited like in this game, fanboy. Now everybody gets a get out of jail for free card. They should've all been removed so bad players would have to work for their wins.
It plays like Injustice, not MK.
>don’t use xrays and instead use meter for anything else
>use brutality instead of fatality
There I just solved all your problems
I do not control what moves other players use
He's trolling. Or being the worst marketer ever. The difference is indistiguishable.
god they look so gross. Jax looks like they traced an an ape
The point of fatal blows is to mitigate stomping nerd
Hyper high damage cutscene attack on low health? Fuck better switch up my gameplay so I don't get hit by that and turn the fight!
It's not a get out of jail free card, if you've played the beta, you fucking KNOW that shit is readable, it makes both players play BETTER if anything
I honestly doubt you even play fighting games
have sex
>mitigate stomping
Get better at the game and work your way up like everyone else. It's a get out of jail free card for bad players like you who can't adapt during the match. It's more scrub friendly than xrays. Keep swallowing that corporate dick. Nice Reddit spacing by the way.
>Yea Forums
>fighting games
big lel
Glow in the dark marketing niggas have clearly gone to "hyper asshole" mode. I suspect it's because there's nothing actually worth hypingup in the game itself. Their big feature doesn't even work in competitive modes.
>Injustice will be probablybe perferable when its "The casuals are over, act normal", time.
injustice not having a block button is enough reason for that in my mind
I mean yeah, I have one posting at me
4th option is saying nigger
Is MK 11 worth gettting for Frost?
No. They ruined Frost and made the game an unbearable grind with a plot worse than MKX replacing the gameplay with Injustice 2. It's a fuck up on every front.
60 dollars in the right hands could get you a LOT of frost porn. Both regular and futa.
You can literally tell that this post was made by a butthurt leftard
retarded and cringepilled. Its literally the slowest out of all of them
I think I can’t accept my main, Kung Lao is boring as fuck from his stance to his moves and that’s why I dislike the game.
I don’t want to but I might just pickup Jax or johnny
I knew this game was gonna be shit when I saw the trailer and they started play random fucking rap, it was so out of place and weird and my boner just shriveled up inside of me.
Btw, Frost is just an sjw cosplaying
Her design is fucking lame, stop praising it.
>Still caring about shitty fighting games
>Build a universe just as complex as Planescape where it has over a thousand realms made up of over a thousand dimensions, that have their own unique environments, bestiaries, people/races, and faction rivalries.
>Realms are either planes of existence that make up realities like the Outworld or Earth Realm, extensions of morality like the Chaos Realm and Nether Realm where spirits lie, or planes where the gods reside and make up the astral realms.
>Universe is filled to the brim with factions that are more like entities impacting/shaping the realms. They each have their own philosophical beliefs about the realms and their own motives from simply supplying mercenaries and assassins to other dimensions, maintaining the balance of the elements, or controlling the souls of dead. Some are simply factions that just exist and have to survive in a faction warring universe like the Special Forces and just want to defend their realm from realm invaders.
>Stagnate the franchise and it's lore to simply fightan trash where the people who consume it are braindead chucklefucks who are only in it for the blood and gore.
What a waste of a retardedly autistic piece of work... When is MK going to get an RPG already where you can make your own character from one of the different races like a Centaurian warrior who joins the Outworld's Seidan Resistance against Shao Kahn's regime, a qt Shokan loremaster fighting across the Outworld wastes collecting lore scrolls/tomes from inside the lost tombs of the ancient kings from the time of the Onaga, or pledge service to the Moroi Empire to become a vampire?
>All MK games have tried new things
So does CoD and AssCreed but you don't see them defending those shitty games.
Have se-
Is this pasta?
>3 reboots
What the fuck
Shilling should fucking be illegal, I don't want to see this garbage and people should be punished for it
I'm just a simple man who wants a MK RPG.
>"Dont worry, we'll fix it"
has there ever been a bigger lie in video games?
>Erron's throw is a dynamite which the opponent catches and does a loony tunes juggle in abject horror before exploding
Say whatever drama you can but this game is full of goofy, comic book shenanigans that's hilarious. Kenshi died so that the only good new character from X (And Kotal) could show up again.
But Ferra'Torr isnt in MK11
Bug Bitch is in though
you know your game is in trouble when MAX, the hypeman streamer says he's not having fun unlocking stuff and he cant justify the 60$ price tag. he think it's a chore to play anything other than story and online.
I like D'vhora to a certain point. For some reason, they're making her kill classic characters left and right and even retconning previous kills for her. She killed Kitana's dad instead of Shao Khan for some reason.
I like the fetish gross bug angle but the special treatment is annoying.
Takeda should have been one of the two combat kids over Jacqui
Kotal is the biggest jobbing loser in the series though what the fuck nrs
Warner Bros won't stop trying to pull the shit with every single big release they got. Doesn't matter if Shadows of Mordor backfired so much, they outright removed it - They gotta try with MK since everyone likes it, right?
WB is fucking up every game they touch. Fuck western developers for chasing mobile gacha trends.
Max is shitting on the game? I don't believe it dude, he has been shilling this game 3x as hard as MvC infinite the past few weeks
She's a half baked cyborg to keep some female sex appeal intact but this is MK 11 so that sex appeal is null and void. The head design is cool but everything below is the same generic overdesigned armor/loincloth set that every chick in the game has.
Her fatality is fucking sweet, though. I loved that one.
He really is
Seeing Shao Khan vs Kotal was pretty fucking hype.
Yeah they could alteast include some fan service but. Western devs are afraid of that.
How do you feel about frosts new goofy moveset? The rapidly spinning upperbody and using the head as a detachable bowlingball/grenade and even using it to bash people in melee with it?
The gameplay itself is fantastic. Grinding for gear and cosmetics is not.
I'm used to Alisa so I like the goofiness
NRS makes the only fighting games that I outright despise playing like it’s shitty triple a mainstream garbage games from ea, Ubisoft or throw a fucking dart really.
Most fighting games nowadays at the very worst are mediocre, since it’s a niche genre you don’t have people trying to cash in on it, unless they have established franchises they’ve been making for decades now, or they have a genuine passion for a genre. For that reason even the crappiest fighters like SFV I would still much rather play over a ton of other games. MK and NRS in general have never made a good fighter and never will. Cause they don’t know and don’t have to, people buy mk on mass for the ip alone and unlike sf2 the classic mk games weren’t held up as a pinnacle of the genre for its gameplay, it was its shock value and gore.
The only thing mk has a genuine effect on with the fighting game genre is tricking everyone else into thinking their fighting game needs a big overblown dumb cinematic story mode that just eats all the budget of the actual fighter
>slow = bad
Easiest game of spot the brainlet I've ever played
Max is a fucking cuck.
>Leak comes out
>Refuses to report on it because he feels its disrespectful to the devs
>Audience calls him a shill and tag NRS
>NRS gets up in his shit because he created worse problems
>He has to apologize for being a shill
>Max decides to punish himself by not going to an NRS press event even though NRS didnt say shit
>Has a chink GF
MK11 is still shit tho. biggest regret purchase of the year and I just bought World War Z because my retarded cousin wanted me to.
>Come into thread to see if anyone's talking about the quality of the port/gameplay
>Everyone's just whining about the story being shit and the dress-up minigame requiring a lot of grinding
How do in unlock costumes?
The grinding is an issue though
Seriously, its so annoying. I guess it was too much for me to expect Yea Forums to talk about the actual mechanics of a fighting game, but this is worse than I expected.
Nigga, there are three whole posts on mechanics. What were you expecting? And in any case people who give a fuck about game mechanics do NOT give a fuck about mortal kombat.
>why can't I talk about my shit fighter?
Fuck off to /vg/ if you want a hugbox
Nobody who actually cares about fighting game mechanics are playing MK
People by MK to do Fatalities on their friends; it's why every MK sells like hotcakes but dies in less than a year
the story was power ranger tier
>the 2nd best MK Game
That's insulting to the power rangers. It's not even captain planet tier.
Erron Black killed them all
I've always sucked at those frame perfect combos so I'm glad it's simplified.
Where did all the stuff happen after the second point? When did he apologize for being a shill? Link?
Hands down the worst Mortal Kombat game ever made and thats after considering Special Forces.
>initial refusal to talk about leaks
>follow up
Say something of substance. What makes it the worst?
>The story mode cutscenes have SEVERAL instances of the camera zooming in on the legs and asses of the female characters.
No, something happened here, it happened way too many times. For fuck's sake, there's a zoom in on Rev Jade's goddamn asshole when she got pushed back in one of them. There was clearly a direction here that was neutered.
>tfw they didn't remove the sexy strut of any of the female characters. Emphasis on Kronika's legs.
Is this the second ever fighting game with a tutorial that actually teaches fighting game fundamentals?
This game looks like Mass Effect: Andromeda.
>Wtf is Skullgirls
>Wtf is Guilty Gear
>Wtf is UNIST
I haven’t played it yet so I won’t call you a fucking retard just yet, but Injustice 2 did not fill me up with confidence in that saying. If it’s not up to the level of skull girls, unist, Guilty Gear or hell even KI. Then I think you should stop talking.
Out of curiosity how black are you?
Kronika is hot as shit. Fuck me.
The gameplay legit looks good, i like the neutral based footsie game for Mortal Kombat. The juxtaposition of having a fight to the death more careful and methodical until the end where the other has to submit himself to an horrendous death in a fatality is interesting.
The problem is the whole microtransaction shit around it.
I honestly cannot understand why even put work on carefully crafting something as complicated as a fighting game and they fuck it all up by filling it up with this disgusting shit.
Killer Instinct?
calm down clown, try turning of Caps Lock the next time you honk
Black as the card the ace of spades is printed on.
She is. Hoping she gets porn. Lord knows it'll be more than she got in that shit story mode.She literally never felt like a threat.
>muh dialup
>animations are just as stiff as always
>combat has almost no flow
>relies entirely on "shock value"
Too bad shock value is almost non existant anymore. The fatalities are derivative, redundant, and would be something you see in a highschoolers sketchbook. Neat at first, but eventually becomes humdrum.
MK is also suffering from overdesigned characters, with unnecessary panel lines and intersecting pieces which make no sense from a design standpoint. MK sucks now.
Which MK didn't suck?
Hello. Anyone plays the Krypt on MK11?
I have a question.
UMK3 and 9.
People always say MK looks stiff but it looks good to me. What does this buzzword mean and why is it negative?
Anyone have found Chameleon headband?
Khameleon don't have any item so.
They can never properly explain it
Played 16 matches online and won 9
I get no enjoyment out of th competitive aspects, game is bland
Characters feel like they lack gravity and momentum. The motions in both attacks and getting hit have a sort of stumpy suddenness to them, and the reaction to getting hit tends to feel disproportionate.
When compared to other fighters with 3D graphics, for example Soulcalibur or Tekken, and even DoA, the motions feel much more sensible. (DoA6 has an opposite problem with momentum though. Scrawny girls making smooth motions shouldn't cause the opponent to fly back 40 feet in a straight horizontal line.) More cartoony 2D fighters get past this problem mostly because of less realistic graphics.
Well, first half of the story mode is fucking disgusting, while the other half gives us everything i wanted to see: EPIC (*khem-khem*) fights and blood. Jax story is gut, i really wanted to see more of this. But in the end, ending just kills the whole story again, fucking deus ex machine shit. And yes, i really hate Liu Kang - Kung is ma boi.
So, what do we have:
Sektor is B A D;
Jade is a dumb bitch that can't sneak through tarkatans trash;
Frost is B A D cyber punk gf (no thanks);
Scorpion is dumb;
Young Johnny is an asshole (spoiler: at least he was a human being at MK9);
Dark Raiden literally dissapears in the first 30 minutes and did nothing for the story.
funny clown, honk it again
it was explained many times videos on design were postedd explaining. This one is actually a step up in that regard. It has to do with poses, standing animations and atack animations looking unnatural. But more in depth posts were mad in the past. Fuck sake.
Can you show me an example?
Obviously the fighting isn't realistic there shouldn't be juggling but it's just because it's a game.
Yea Forums says every game looks like either Mass Effect Andromeda or Ryse Son of Rome
Bros what is up with the inputs? Sometimes my moves come out and sometimes I get the wrong move.
I cannot tell you how many times I got Jax’s power up move instead of gotcha grab in the middle of a combo
>RNG and always online Krypt.
>Slow and clunky gameplay.
>D'vorah and Jaquie the characters no one fucking ever wanted.
>On disc DLC.
>Microtransactions times infinity,
>The resolution can actually look shitty when the game transitions from cutscenes to fights.
>The multiverse that was playable offline in Injustice 2 is online only in MK11.
>Story has a rushed trash ending.
>Rousey's voice acting.
Thats just SOME of the problems.
I turned off Negative Edge before playing
Sorry, can’t while phoneposting. I guess the feel kind of dates back to the early 90s over-the-top mocap roots.
I like D'Vorah
Fuck you Takeda is cool.
You can FEEL the direction conflict between pro-fanservice and anti-fanservice. If the entire team was all about the SOPHISTICATED FEMALE DESIGNS bullshit, we wouldn't have the bikini/leotard designs in the arcade endings.
Considering how much is the game being slammed for it and the bullshit gacha mobile garbage progression, I hope MK12 balances this shit out.
>Being so fucking bold as to put D'vorah and the blandest character in MK history since MK became 3D - Jaquie, the useless deadweight
I will fucking cut you.
>sonya dies in the first 5 min
Why is she a character?
>2nd best MK Game
I'd say more like top 5. MK2, UMK3, Shaolin Monks, and MK9 are all better.
This game feels like death to play. Why is there such a giant delay on everything.
I wish, all the kombat kids were cringe and horribly written. A generic cowboys cooler and belongs more than any of them
>muh MMA fighter
Props to Jax's VA. Also Cassie Cage was genuinely saving every scene. I'd be alright with her as the face of the franchise for a while. Scarlet's VA was CLEARLY having a lot of fun.
I want to have fun with Skarlet
What's better for babbies first fighting game, MKX or Injustice 2?
What the fuck are you talking about Power Rangers is based
Maybe Injustice
Everything feels so unresponsive. You come off a game like tekken, street fighter, king of fighters etc and jump into this and everything feels like you’re on a 1 bar connection on WiFi.
Raiden, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, double Kano, all Cage's scenes were kino. Jax was good too.
I need a Kung Lao sitcom asap with him just going around his day.
This video is a basic rundown of NRS terrible animation.
How is the meter system and the slowdown on the fatal blows? I really disliked the look of both of those and they were pretty much the deciding factors in what kept me from buying it.
The meters seem ok and balanced. Now fatal blows are some bullshit, if you’re playing online as soon as your opponent gets their fatal blow just say fuck it and don’t stop blocking whatsoever.
I hope they add a UI option to move the meters below the life bars. I hate the way they frame the screen currently. Makes the action feel "smaller."