Can someone help me? Is there any way at all for someone who is as garbage as me to beat this boss? What can I do? I've tried over 40 times. Please, some merciful soul give me some advice.
Can someone help me? Is there any way at all for someone who is as garbage as me to beat this boss? What can I do...
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dont retreat, always be on his ass because he recovers posture very quickly
learn to deflect
recognize when he is about to start spinning his spear
send lightning back at him
>get to the end of the fucking game
>can't use all the skills and techniques you've learned up to that point to beat mouth gramps
Still just a puppy.
How the fuck do people lose to a boss 40 times?
How the fuck do you even lose to the same boss even a dozen times?
Just learn his tells, so you know what attack is coming and how to parry, or avoid it if it's unblockable.
I didn't even know there was a lightning phase. This has been the extent of my progress pretty much.
what gives you problems?
I guess I just eat too many attacks. I run out of gourd by spear phase.
This. Always stay in his face, you can jump over his edgy spin attack thing. On his third face be prepared to deflect his lightning, he uses it frequently.
Use the umbrella on the 2nd phase of the Sword Saint, there, you won.
How the fuck do you get this far and still not understand deflecting and countering?
40 was a bit of an exaggeration, it feels like 40 but it's probably only been like 10, I haven't been counting. The fight feels like it goes on forever.
On a side note, I feel like a game like this should have a stats screen that tells you how many attempts each boss took you.
I'm not very good at video games I guess.
I haven't used any spirit emblems in this fight at all because farming is boring. Guess I should try that.
If you fought all these time in a row, take a break. Come back the next day or after a few hours or whatever, make sure you are mentally fresh, and it'll probably only take a few goes now.
what he means is that you shouldnt have gotten this far to begin with if you are bad at the game
i wouldnt rely upon it
Then again if you find farming for emblems tedious then im not sure youre patient enough to beat him without a crutch
Keep trying user, hes tough
Be aggressive. It sounds like shit advice, but when you put it into practice it works wonders. Genichiro you can down in a bout a minute; he always starts with the mortal slash so get behind him for easy damage.
Isshin is more complicated, but not very much so. If you stay next to him in phase 1, he can be easily deflected, and then mikiri'd or jumped over to keep the posture meter up. Phase 2 he whips out his pistol and spear; lots of big attacks. Some you can jump out of the way of (he jumps at you) or the combo ends with a mikiri counter chance. Phase 3 is basically phase 2 plus lighting (think Genichiro's 3rd phase from Ashina Castle)
I did though. And I am. only other fight that gave me close to this much trouble was Owl.
no joke, his third phase is much easier than his second one. at least I thought so. basically, if you can manage to get a good hold of what to do in his second phase, everything after that is cake, especially if you're even remotely decent at lightning reversal.
my advice for you is to focus really hard on deflects for his first phase while also constantly applying pressure. second phase you need to keep moving while applying pressure when you can - you don't want to take all that damage from his stupid fucking gun. his third phase, like I said, is basically the same as the second just with lightning which honestly makes it easier because lightning reversal does a dickload of posture damage and stuns him for a second.
Thread theme.
Yeah, i feel like staying aggressive on Isshin is the best way to go. Definitely easier than staying completely aggressive on Owl 2 for instance. Isshin posture can drain pretty quickly.
Just learn the timings of his spear attacks and it's not too bad from there.
Yes you have to practice until youre not garbage anymore. The boss has set attacks and clear patterns, simply pay attention what he does and try to commit the moves to memory. His AI is also reactive to your actions, for example being aggressive and periodically tapping attack will force him into using less moves because he will pick one of the few counters he has which makes him more predictable. Also don't grind attempts hoping shit will go your way, actually try to learn and see what you did wrong and think what you can do to improve it next time. Its just vidya if you practice you will improve and got gud
Try 40 more times, eventually luck will win out
Definitely charge geni at the start and hit him with a double ichimonji or something similar for easy damage and to interrupt his mortal draw. Im not sure if any other attacks besides ichimonji can stagger him out of it, desu.
This is actually really encouraging. Thanks. I'll keep at it, but I'll take a break for awhile.
Why interrupt it, just go behind him.
I can get through genichiro without any damage easily, it's isshin who's a bitch.
His firstphase is really easy once you learn it, second is more annoying and the third is super easy. The lighting will kill him for you.
an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite copies of sekiro will eventually beat it.
Isshin 1st form: Strike him twice until you hear "Clang!"noise. Now he does three things, either he punches and then thrust attacks, falls back to do the charging slash attack, or he starts his usual combos.
If he punches and thrusts, learn to time the mikiri on the sword thrust and you can lure him to damage his own posture easily. If he falls back to charge the slash, either you deflect it or if its too fast for you, simply run away and hit him 1-2 times when he misses his double sword swing attack. If he starts his usual stuff instead, simply hit him twice again. Remember, hit him twice, then watch what he does afterwards.
Isshin 2nd form: This is a Posture boss, deflect all of his spear swings, if you keep doing this, he uses his slow tired spear thrust more frequently. Learn to mikiri this thrust. It has a bit of delay to it that needs getting used to. Thats really all you have to do. Attacking him is not advisable because he ignores and doesn't stagger from damage anymore.
3rd form: Same as 2nd, except when you see lightning on the screen coming at you: Jump. Press L1, then when you get hit by lightning, aim at Isshin and press R1.
Why not interrupt him for high vit and posture damage?
It's been said, but Sword Saint is your final exam. By now, Genichiro should be cake, which is why he's there. The game wants you to know how strong you've become.
Sword Saint Phase 1: Stay aggressive. Isshin repeatedly tells you "Hesitation is defeat" because that's your #1 rule here. Press him hard. You can deflect almost everything he throws at you. Get in there, don't fun from him. Hammer him till he deflects, then block. ALWAYS watch his hands. If you see him charging for a perilous attack, you can either flank him or GTFO. You just have to learn which attack wind up warrants which.
Sword Saint Phase 2: As soon as this phase starts GTFO and wait for his sweep with that spear. Then get the fuck back in there. Don't fear the spear. It's fucking cake to deflect. Get your timing down and deflect. Be ready to mikiri punish his thrusts. When he pulls out his gun you can either run laterally, OR deflect. Just keep pressing him and you'll break him.
Sword Saint Phase 3: This is the easiest phase. It's like phase 2 but his lighting makes it easy to shred his health and poise. Lightning redirect fucks him fast. If you're not good with that, run and you can almost always dodge. Like Phase 2 deflect the shit out of his spear and punish his thrusts with mikiri.
MISC Tips:
1 He will always punish healing so be prepared to get some distance and consider getting that rock between you.
2 Stay away from the cliff's edge. You're going to be running and jumping around locked on to SS and it's easy to fall off.
3 Stay cool. No reason to get bummed out. You CAN beat this boss and it WILL click for you. Just keep trying. You've got it.
You're a good person user. Way too good to be in a dark place like this.
nobody needs help fighting grandpa's skin.
remember to hit him back when there are openings between his attacks & mikiri counter his 5 second telegraphed spear thrust
I killed him yesterday.
I died to Genchiro more than Isshin.
It took about 6 tries.
Miyazaki has never put too much emphasis on the difficulty side despite being constantly pestered about it in interviews when he’s making a new game and the fact that this aspect is the most marketed side of his games. He does think its important to make the game rewarding but I doubt he will ever put in something like a death counter.
shadowrush/shadowfall rapes isshin
>I doubt he will ever put in something like a death counter.
Mirazaki would say that the game is about your success not your failure.
eat also eats emblems.
Deep desu.
>eat also eats
I think I might be redarted.
you can use it to cheese the second phase
also use the dagger if you're out of emblems