/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Other urls found in this thread:
Post retard
second for ____
Finally! And on my day off too
Who performs the best foot jobs /ctt/? Reactor or Zeebo?
vita and psp
But they wear shoes, while the other two don't.
Reactor. Her footjobs will make your dick go nuclear.
Fuck, I laughed.
k switch>vita>reactor>ps1>pc engine
Switch does footjobs?
Which girl has the biggest dick?
I've been waiting for this.
not yours that's for sure!
We know you have, Akihiko-senpai
I'm not a girl though.
not even your girl too
that is if you have one!
Hello /ctt/, whats new in the world of videogames this week?
plus her annoying older sister
*little sister
god damn
I want to make out with them
Apple arcade
Ique player
remember. its totally okay to lewd the tards, they don't even know it and will remain innocent even after a full night of lewd
Wait, that was the old chart . This is the updated chart.
I want them to Drug me, and then when I wake up they were using me as a sex toy the entire time and they were actually pretending to be tards to catch me off guard
oh, was wondering why it got deleted. makes sense
I love my vita!
It's 2 am and I can't stop playing disgaea someone help me please
Who was this, again?
lol, wait, that calculator plays games? I must've forgotten something.
Maybe one of the fun controller based systems?
Jaguar rejoins koikatsu!
Next Wii.
do you a compilation of the models?
gun* Holy fuck typos
Comfy cats.
It can play some games, I added her because she was in the booru.
Lynx looks a little annoyed.
henlo friends
Impressive for a calculator
Nah, she is about to fall asleep.
You mean the cards?
>they see your dick
I want to pat their heads
The Doraemon harvest moon game is coming to PC and switch on fall. Also mortal kombat.
>Jaguar closes her eyes because of sheer terror from how big it is
>Lynx faints
Seems accurate
>Jaguar closes her eyes trying to hold back her laughter
>Lynx quints because it's so small
More accurate.
>Lynx quints
Anyone got quick 8th/9th gen requests? Might have time for one last one .
PS4 burning Vita lewd games.
Requesting game grump head console tans
>they see your wallet
Vita licking PS-TV feet.
My dick
Your dick
Requesting Wii making Reactor eat her words by forcing her cunny onto Reactor's mouth whilst bullying her.
>Panther pantsu
shouldnt it be sony?
PS4 getting a back tattoo of some other -tan and it turns out it's the actual -tan themselves
Reminder that you've not supposed to marry your consoles.
Uh oh. Im gonna do it
But N-Gage is for bullying, not marrying.
do not engage n-gage
N-gage is a misunderstood Sweden beauty, leave her alone
Oh no guys. I'm gonna do it
ngage is finnish though, not swedish, I think gizmondo is swedish
>Commodore OP
Gizmondo's parents are also involved in the mafia.
Sega Pico Sisters
Would you take a seat?
PS4 relaxing in a Vita hammock
So this is the power of the master race...
someone pls remind me what's the max filesize (in pixels) for images on Yea Forums
On no! It it time for our honeymoon already?!
Do you have any pic of pico with no background?
Everything about this is wonderful and exciting
10000x10000, 4MB.
Just a passing by Luigi saying you guys are great, keep up the good work
requesting tans hunting easter eggs
thank you luigi, very cool!
Why wouldn't you sleep with your wife to begin with?
hey, currently busy doing computer maintenance stuff, but dropping this here
it's very rough but basically since this chart was p.much always too big for posting directly on Yea Forums (attached image being as big as I can make it right now while still postable), I went and made a simple page with differently-sized versions of it
the chart is still WIP, as usual, as is the page (I want later on to have the various girls uploaded as individual 100% images)
I know I linked a different link before but I decided to go with this instead since it's easier to remember and doesn't involve using other sites I'm using for other stuff
have a good thread, if I get to pop up here it'll be way later
I don't know if Beena or Pico have one with no background
Threadly reminder that we need more fat Xbone-tan!
Cool, this will come in handy
Nice work!
Dear /ctt/,
May I have a cute/sexy drawing of NES-tan? It's my birthday today. Either way, I hope you are all having a great day.
I don't know how the fuck there's still no NES lewds
We made a game for a PSVita game jam.
Here is the gameplay video of it if you don't have a (hacked) vita:
>The MnF song playing
I laughed way too hard at that.
Can someone name this tans?
What is this face trying to convey?
data corruption
As my artist said :
"whats going on im about to be raped look"
Most of them are different designs of the same console. Give me a bit and I post the names.
Cute ESL.
Ctt is pretty dead today isn't it?
Here ya are, plus a bonus Mama Sony.
Also got another request from a couple weeks back that I finished. I intended to share it in last week's after-dark thread but it died pretty early. It's /d/-shit i.imgur.com
Gonna be taking a break for the next few threads, feeling a tad burnt out. May only provide a doodle but otherwise you'll be free from my shenanigans.
Are you ready for a lifelong commitment to N-Gage games? I don't think you are, DON'T DO THIS MAN.
have a gbc
This is pretty nice, Mr. Noh. Have a good rest.
did you finish the bouncy image from last week
Right in the spoiler m8
Nicely done
What if Vita were a boy
then my penis would be the big penis
No idea about the ?.
>B - ?, ?
>C - NES, NES, NES, sg-mark iii
>D - ?, pc engine cd, SNES, CD-I, GameBoy, ?, Game Gear, watara supervision, video painter
>E - 3DO, N64, N64, N64
>F - Dreamcast, VMU, PS2, PS2, GBA, GB SP
>G - X360, X360, Wii, PS3, PSP, PSP, PSP Go
>H - XBone, ?, Shield
>J - Retro duo, Super retro trio
>L - Apple, Linux, iphone
>M - Tamagotchi
>N - cd projeckt red, strictly limited
ah, Game-Master seems to have been mislabeled, the tan its using is actually an unreleased handheld console called "Action Gamemaster"
As said, Game-Master is mislabeled. Its based off a canceled console Action Gamemaster.
See Jaggy, there's no such things as ghosts.
Actually, Panthera is the cat genus that contains all tigers, lions, jaguars and leopards, not just the black ones, those are black panthers.
I love Xbox 360!
I love her!!
Sexy fit gals
Is 16-bit tan a lesbian or just a tomboy?
At this rate we wont even get an ATD bread. You failed me.
/ctt/ is... dead...
Depends on the artist if she's lesbo or bi.
believe in the dark, it can happen even in the regular thread
She is only lesbo for SNES
Otherwise she is a tomboy
Thread seems slower than usual
Were the thread usually this slow before the Switch thing?
no, its all switch and scorpio's fault the threads have degraded this much
Redpill me. Was it the same thing as the Switch?
Scorpio was ok. Dont know what that user is talking about. Everybody liked all the designs. Loli scorp best scorp.
uh we'd appreciate it if the ps4 wasn't associated with such problematic content
Seeing as it isn't even close to 200 we can at least have a comfy Wednesday morning.
why is her hat an ashtray?
Yes. It started out fast in 2014 and then kept dying down and dying down as more artists left and less people kept coming in. If one regular is busy, the thread slows down a lot, there just aren't that many people or new content
Not even close. Scorpio was just two designs, one Impact popularized, and one that was a loli, one or two autists just get rustled when there's a design they don't like and bring it up a lot after the scorpio name change. Most people don't care
The biggest degradation comes from burnout and lack of interest from artists, and when after dark and lewd requests stopped becoming ironic and became the norm. Petty arguments over things like Switch or other designs tend to just drive more people out and bring less people in.
Nowhere near as bad as that.
Hello tumblrinas
No. Go home.
More Scorpio and Switch dating art when?
Look at this faggot eating shit.
You're right, I forgot.
Hello resetera
How is liking big tittied pretty women "tumblr".
Resetera hates the word nigger
I don't keep up with nu-Yea Forums's boogeymen can someone fill me in
Again. Go home
I actually barely know anything about Resetera too, but as far as I know it's a forum-based website where you literally can't say anything offensive. I think people get banned for even fairly criticizing some games
So it's every forum ever
I love her so much.
that box seems a little too big
Happy birthday user, here is something for you.
This Mama Sony looks so Palpetine-ish that I can just hear her saying "I AM the ESRB."
What a lucky user he is, I'm somewhat jealous. Good work though.
this is funny
Counter Requesting something wholesome instead for more SegaNintendo Pairings
Counter counter requesting Genesis and Snes kicking the shit out of this user
Counter counter counter requesting a POV shot of both Genesis and SNES double-femdomming the viewer
its neo-fag reincarnated
Counter Counter Counter requesting you to be more nice as I did nothing wrong.
this but with ps3 and 360
Seconding this.
They finally lewd her, holy motherfuck
you're bullyable pls understandu
B-but I just want to be wholesome At least until after dark
This is a good comprimise. How about SNES/GEN being nice to user, then the sun goes down, an they bring out the domme gear.
birthday user here
thank you for making this, you've brightened up my miserable day
You two user? Is this the year of horrid birthdays?
I see, I'm gonna fix it.
I don't really want to blog about it, let's just say I hit a milestone involving a hill. Either way, this NES-tan pic is the best present I've gotten all day.
This thread needs MORE Zeebo, draw more Zeebo.
R.I.P. underage panty quest
We do need more Zeebo
Zeebofriend, think you can answer this important question?
Happy Birth
Reactor is a slut who please old men, meanwhile Zeebo is pure and she never would do something like that.
bless you too, user
thank you
very nice
does anyone have the list of unlewded tans?
>Reactor is a slut who pleases old men
Not her fault. She just wants to be loved like her sisters.
I just know Reactor, Model 2, Periscope, Beena, SGH, Xavixport, aaaannnd I'm already drawing a blank.
somebody please draw vita-tan as this guy reacting to BLACKED
best girl
who and why
new Yea Forums meme
its lonely in the aggie
Are there such things as genre tans?Like waifus that represent genres?I made one for the city builder genre.
I have ideas for genre tans
Sandbox-Some girl made of arts and crafts
happy birthday to Gameboy and user.
interesting idea...
looks like there is some primo zeebo happening in the aggie right now
i hope this is okay to post.
here is more
holy shit
>Just getting to 200
>Only 55 people
>Page 9
We aren't gonna survive the night. Prove me wrong so I can wake up to comfy.
Sorry, didn't mean to reply to someone, accident.
CTT is weak and won't survive the winter
/ctt/ is like the tide, it waxes and wanes from time to time. I won't worry until it becomes an extended problem.
Maybe the Stadia revival with the wojak shitposters WAS a blessing after all.
Then cuddle up with me and we can warm each other up with our body heat.
I thought that too, but the ends didn't justify the means with just how much shitposting happened. It really made Stadia feel more like an outside thing than how I feel about most /ctt/-made -tans.
>I won't worry until it becomes an extended problem
So pretty much the entirety of 2015 for us.
In a sense, yeah. We've survived that before, then, which makes me even less worried.
if were going to face the end.
PC-88 is cute. here is loli version. But I prefer with long braids.
because stadia was an outside thing
We need more Reactor and since it's after dark I got just the idea
She originated in a "let's laugh at Google" thread here
It's funny really. It all started out as a joke and people got way too into it.
That makes a lot of sense then. Guess I got confused in all the chaos.
notice how the wave of literal who artists disappeared as soon stadia stopped being relevant in her 5 days of fame
Some of them were fucking great. What are you implying though?
I like that one comic with the Switch genie. No matter how many times it gets posted
You know, secret circle, no one else allowed in, not even Yea Forums designs are console-tans if we say so, you know how it works
You know, the reason why these threads are dead and why not many people outside of them like them
>not even Yea Forums designs are console-tans if we say so
That can't be true, Stadia was a Yea Forums non-console-tan originally and she's still here.
E3 needs to come already so poor Xbone can get some food in her
The former is better IMO
poor girl just needs a borger...
and a savage whipping
The best sisters
I just realized that the first thing she does is try to eat Xbone's ass. She's a smart girl.
Gnite /ctt/ until next week
What will happen with the current tans when the ps5 and the next xbox be revealed? Is it going to be a wii U like situation where even though there is a new console replacing it, people still too fond and draw her from time to time?
Damn, that's actually kinda depressing
just a reminder, don't fall for PCs lies, the PCs of tans past are not the same ones as they are now.
it will just be the same as always, the PS4 and Xbone designs are just too good.
i think it will be afew generations before we actually move on like we did with wiiu
Dango.. dango.. dango.. dango..
Dango.. dango.. daikazoku..
very nice
Anything interesting that I've missed from recent weeks? Any CYOAs happen?
lewds? Dunno its all been a blur.
Why we so slow tonight?
I really miss the CYOAs, they were fun even if I never got a get for them.
>Any CYOAs happen?
>In ctts current state
I an now sad.
Too Comfy
G'night /ctt/, gonna fap to fat black asses and pass out.
Go you user!
We need more Xavix
What vidya are you playing anons?
None now that I got 2 jobs and have college classes at night...
Genuinely surprised that the thread is still alive
Sometimes it dies sometimes it gets bumped.
Has Grant made any updates to his 2DS/CD-i saga?
>Linux, Linux
>not GNU, Linux
It's fine. You have Gravity Rush and.... Gravity Rush 2
Dont cry vita, i will always love... Uhm... Underge Pantsu Quest VII?
>no monhun games
Vita deserves to be bullied
who's this?
Vectrex. Decided to post loser tans in appreciation.
she's pretty cute
Is this you?
Do memory upgrades result in breast expansion or breast inflation?
what's the difference?
Probably. Which is probably why handhelds are flatchested
I can hear the fufufu radiating off of this
Me too
I love ngage
She's mine
>arguing over loser-tans
>not liking loser -tans
One is more meat, the other is making something go into them.
Great. I'm pitching a tent
well hold onto your dick
What did he mean by this?
>it's Sony in Arabic
I have a mighty need for Belly Dancing Tans now.
cute mama sony, she needs more love
Mama Sony is a hypocrite
I'd like to see more of this New 3DS
spiritual successor to NeoGaf, it's a forum-based site that's infamous for strict rules, heavy policing, and politics-based vidya discussion. From what I've heard it and its predecessor NeoGaf gained popularity because leakers for Nintendo directs and games like Smash would use the site. The mods ban people who make false predictions, so it's got a reputation for having the most accurate, trustworthy leaks.
So I've heard.
I mean, its Sony we're talking about
Haha. We almost died
Die /ctt/!
PS4 your just mad because people want to love other consoles instead of you
Loving and Nurturing a Loser tan is the best kind of relationship.
I want more Wii and Reactor tan
Requesting Mama Sony wearing this t-shirt.
Mama Sony has to be that thicc
>1 day
>not even 400 posts
Is the dream over?
oh boy
yeah, its been this way since the discord fall out, /ctt/ is being forced to march along by those that just can't let go
seconding the addendum to this request: she should be equally thicc
Not if we push on through.
lets just remake all the tans to be obese already
dont you dare touch DS with the thiccness
Its always like this time of the year.
Nah, it's not as much fun for everyone to be a fat of she.
Some is not down with the thickness
Someone* shit
You don't deserve to post my wife.
Don't shame me for my waifu addiction
Did you get the strong legs lady?
No I got a dumb fox
Dumb fox (zerker) or dumb fox (saber). If you got the saber fuck you.
you know the rule user.
Only one waifu...
yes and the upcoming ps5 announcement will be the last nail in the coffin
user if I had a life I wouldn't be playing gacha
There's so much more you could be playing, you're better than that user. Do it for Xbone-tan.
Well, dumb fox is cute. I used 5 tickets and got the lewd book and im ok with that.
Phone game or DragonBall Heroes
No one has one waifu tan user
Better than me. 60 quartz on Mikon, 30 on LEGS.
One Loli lancer as my only gold.
How dare you
Arcanum ar home, gacha shit when I am waiting in lines or on break.
Search it in your heart. You know it to be true
Gravity Rush 2 is a PS4 game.
Like what, user?
Could be worse yeah but I don't think I'll cash out for more rolls
Nuon-chan is the cutest tan.
at least post a good picture
Do you own consoles? Can't really recommend PC games, I'm not too much into them.
Fuck you're right
Seek Help
No sadly I dropped out of consoles after building my first pc and have been a pc gamer since but I still own retro consoles like nes, snes, n64, ps1 etc
It's not any worse than lootcrates is it?
Okay. I'll give you that
Sorry, I'm not part of the masterrace, I only play a couple of ports from consoles anyway.
Bros... our own bros from /ctt/ are laughing at us...
Heading to work. Don't die on me.
At work, currently shitposting during lunch break.
that was pretty fast.
>bothering with either of those
Not the same user, smartass.
Wake up!
I wish she'd clamp her thighs around that umbrella and that that umbrella was my dick.
Everyday I wake up with no Sega-tan to call "mom". Everyday has been sadder and sadder since she's been introduced. But man am I glad she exists.
I feel you
Ah, nothing like some post-gym /ctt/ posting
Is that scorpio without her braids?
should we let it die?
no sense keeping /ctt/ alive when no one wants or likes having these threads around
>no one wants or likes having these threads around
Go away. You do this every Tuesday.
This art is fantastic.
Milf Vita is pretty hot
pessimists lighten up or begone
Someone should make a documentary on the birth, the life, and decline of ctt
oh nononono
>documentary about some nerds drawing anime waifus based on gaming hardware
why tho?
is she a mother of someone or just grown up?
I'm trying to man but the thread is slow as fuck
PS4 sucks and should be redesigned to reflect the tranny censorship of modern snoy
Why though
are you drunk
What transparent loser -tan propaganda
Whatever helps you cope with that censorship
>Vitas eventually snaps from her crushing loneliness
>rapes shield
>gets pregnant & becomes a single mother
PS4 breasts should shrink because of the that.
>her crushing loneliness
what about her sisters?
The should be nonexistent. Breasts are problematic.
haha wrapping paper TF
That or a different prototype
so what do we do now that /ctt/ is ending forever?
is there any threads we can get our requests/lewds drawn that actually isn't just dump threads?
>/ctt/ is ending forever
Just cause you're leaving doesn't mean ctt is leaving.
Yes it does. I am the most important person in existence. The world revolves around me.
I'm in charge.
Okay PS4.
Why bother? We've still had 4 years of reasonable behavior, and the PS4 is gonna be replaced in about a year.
*reasonable behavior from Sony
She's just grown up. Back when people were creating ideas for company-tans, I tossed around the idea of for older tans in my head and just felt like drawing a grown up vita mom checking in on the viewer.
Since I'm a linecook wageslave I hardly have the time to really devote to these pieces, but who knows? Maybe I'll get 'em done soon.