Minecraft 1.14

Are you gonna give it a try?

Attached: 2019-04-23_11.34.51.png (1366x705, 903K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No one? Okay...

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I play this on my PS4. Is that wrong? Still seems pretty comprehensive.

nah, terraria is more fun than minecraft

we are not 11yo anymore user

Yet you're still here.

Maybe in a year or so when forge and modded minecraft as a whole has caught up.

What did they update?

maybe if they add romance options coz otherwise its like wow if i want to dig holes and be lonely i have my everyday life.....

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still not 11


Is 1.7 still the version with the most mods or have they finally gotten up to date?

Mostly a ton of new crafting blocks and attacks on villages. Plus ocelots no longer turn into cats and instead you just find them in villages. I’ll probably avoid the update for awhile.

You forgot to mention how they redid most of the world loading and 3D rendering increasing the speed of the game like 80%.

Mostly everyone moved up to 1.12.2 by now and are staying there. Pretty sure all the major mods are there. Things like Thaumcraft and Enderio came late but have been there for a while.

different villages, terrorist attacks, pro-China panda-ring, laterns, a fox that is as memorable as rabbits and polarbears.
different textures for everything.

Does Minecraft have dynamic resolution? I got a toaster laptop

Beta 1.7.3, now THAT was a Minecraft version...

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> thaumcraft

It has a resolution slider.

That sounds nice, wasn’t aware they did that.

Why F? Because the author changed way too much yet again?

Those things are a fucking pain in the ass to fence in and carrots are rare compared to wheat. Please tell me rabbits feet are worth something because they just seem like an extremely inefficient source of leather.

>no mods

Attached: Minecraft 2018.jpg (1137x640, 108K)

No, he quit. He's done developing the mod for good.

I might if you tell me what it is

just go watch minecraft porn

Read the thread dumbo

Wow I kind of hate to say this but what a downgrade battle royales were from Minecraft. Get your shit together, normalfags.

> carrots are rare compared to wheat
carrots are braindead easy to farm you fucking retard
You plant the thing you pull up, every time
How do you fuck it up?

wtf he stopped? that was my favorite mod

What mod are those trees/grasses/textures?

Is that really the case though? I remember reading the thread where he announced it and the general sentiment seemed to be "That sucks" but with so me heavy skepticism since he's said he was going to quit before and came back. He didn't decide to make it open source either yet and is in contact for "creative control" while other people are maintaining it. I don't know, I just have a feeling we will get a Thaumcraft 7 announcement some day.

They added foxes I guess.

No I need a new fan and psu otherwise my pc overheats and starts buzzing

Ah yes, another update full of half-complete features, obvious missing ones, and a bunch of small unrelated things which add up to be an update which really adds nothing much to the game at all. Thanks Mojang.

looks like Conquest reforged

You have to find a village and then hope they have carrots, or I assume an alternative is finding seeds in a mine. Either way it’s rarer than punching a few patches of grass. I never implied they were hard to farm, just rarer. And they’re also less useful compared to wheat so wasting time growing them just to breed rabbits and pigs isn’t attractive.

Zombies drop carrots.

>kill a bunch of zombies
>get a few carrots
>plant them and harvest them with fortune later on
they're literally much more accessible than wheat since unlike wheat, fortune works of them and you get around 5-6 carrots per crop

Does this mean people will have a better shot at running shaders without their fps going down the shitter?

Most likely not as Minecraft doesn't use GLSL shaders by default optifine enables that in LWJGL. It will definitely improve tick performance however.

What's new about it?
MS has basically cockblocked ps4 from receiving updates in a reasonable fashion to punish sony for not letting ms use the ps4 userbase to pretend xbone has any users. I think it's a like 4 month delay now. Nothing wrong with it, you just get stuff slower.

Wasn’t aware of this, just looked it up and it’s because it’s a .8% drop. But it’s a source I guess.

Ok now what do I do with them besides breed two worthless animals or cook an extremely ineffeciant meal? I don’t even know why you’re focusing so hard on carrots when the original topic was about rabbits which drop meat and a fourth of a leather. And a rabbits foot which I was inquiring about.

Basically what mods have already added like 3 years ago.

That's the problem with Minecraft the best version is still 1.10~1.12 because that's where all the mods are

>removed custom world generation

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no they didn't.
they overhauled it.

Okay this is epic

I think this is my favorite update ever

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>inefficient meal
you know there are golden carrots, right user? besides you can always trade them with villagers

I know, that's how I got my carrots and potatoes. Plant them somewhere where rabbits can't get to them.

Does it have FLAOT yet

Are crossbows cool or are they gay?

whats new?

Fuck that noise.

how much fucking time are they gonna waste on useless villages

new type of villager called pillagers, they put raids on towns, if you protect the town you get deep discounts.
couple new biomes, foxes and pandas were added.

The new netherrack is actual garbage.

>Change the textures on everything

For what purpose?

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Sorry man I’m hoarding my gold in case I need it later, never know when the urge to build a Kermit statue will arise

Call me when they had an underground update.

You can use the "programmer art" pack that's in your texture pack set by default. No one knows why they changed it but as soon as it hits w10 and the consoles versions you can bet your ass people will complain.

Big Tech Company Syndrome
Someone has to justify the salary of useless code monkeys and artists.

>Start new world
>Spent 30 minutes looking for a decent plot of land to build in
>Start building house
>Call it a day and close game
>never open again

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Removal of notch, distancing notch from the product

There were rumors that everyone at Mojang was mad at Notch for not giving them enough money when he sold the game so they are working hard to get rid of everything he did in the game
Don't know it they were true, and most people don't seem to mention it so maybe it was fake :-/

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No luck yet.

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I guess you can hardly call stone "smooth stone" anymore.

>Mojang was mad at Notch for not giving them enough money when he sold the game

Like hell they deserved more, Jeb has done more for MC than Notch ever has done with his fat stacks of cash. Notch struck gold and never bothered to credit anyone but himself.

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when's hytale? ill try that instead.

Notch did all the work that made Minecraft big. What did Jeb do? Added some new trees?
I guess he did more, but it was Notch who created Minecraft and created the parts of it that people liked.

It already has

If someone can recommend me a website where I can grab a key for cheap, sure

Sure. Haven't played for 7 years.

Oh I thought bedroc k wasn't getting it until like next week.
Well, guess i'm wrong, people don't care.

>implying people play without texture packs

Still playing 1.7 to this day.
I may give newer versions a shot if they ever update traincraft but doesnt look like it will ever happen.

Speaking of which

What are some super comfy texture packs?

jeb is a dumb piece of shit like everyone still working on this game

I wish there was a native way to customize which specific biomes are in a world and where they are relative to each other. I'm sick of miles of boring plains and desolate mountains, I just want a world filled with the mesa canyons, warm taiga forests and jungles with steep cliffs and overhangs everywhere

No you.

Honestly I don't think the textures are bad for the most part, they just lack contrast.

>Playing Minecraft after they added hunger

That's ok then, though PS4 did just get a huge update a week ago that added lanterns and a lot of the things people seem to be talking about in this thread, so many it's not as far behind as all that?

Minecraft is one of those games that I always pick up from time to time and play for a week or so. I'll come back around eventually. Despite all the changes, it's always a comfy time, even if peak comfy passed a long time ago.

I quite like the redone textures

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>playing minecraft after indev
fucking disgusting.

Slow as fuck, as expected. Not something to use on something that has a clear path to you and is aware of your presence.

Due the time I can't play the PC version anymore, but my gf and the homies love playing the PE version

>friends start playing minecraft
>decide to dust off my account
>can't remember password
>don't recieve password reset email
>put in ticket to mojang
>as of the 15th, they were working on tickets from March 14th
>as of the 17th, they were working on tickets from March 16th
>as of today, they are working on tickets from March 16th
what the fuck are these niggers doing

Console already got it. The only gripes I have is it makes it much harder to tell the difference between andesite and regular stone, and ripe wheat looks worse.

I was wrong, it's about a month.
People in this thread are talking about java edition, which is the slowest version to receive updates (Though it usually receives them complete as opposed to piecemeal).
Bedrock (w10, xbone, switch, phones) got the '1.14' (1.90) patch in march. PS4 just got it today.

When is it coming to Switch?
I just got it on Switch to play with my qt gf.
I haven't played this fucking game since the early access alpha.

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>playing vanilla minecraft

Rabbits exist to give beetroot a use.

What sort of mod do I need to utilize conquest properly in 1.7? I know I can use console commands to give me different metadata blocks, but I know I saw a mod that adds a block picker.

Also, I like building with conquest just fine, but it does make it difficult to play singleplayer with due to the lighting/ore blocks looking very similar to stone and it doesn't seem to have any real mod support, pegging it as mostly a creative venture.

>STILL no combat cooldown gamerule
Dead on arrival

You're lucky, all I get is desert.

Play Staxel instead.

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What is beetroot useful for?

Literally who?

>that GUI scale
is your monitor across a football field?

>11 when Minecraft came out

Dealing with idiots who can't remember their passwords.

8 years later and Dokucraft is still king
Defined has been around for ages too and that's still among the best
the big gamechanger is shaders though, which are a built in feature for Optifine

Waiting on Hytale. Even if it ends up being bad,I hope it will kick mojang into high gear and actually make meaningful content for once.

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apparently this was a widespread issue or something, happened to me too and I seen a bunch of people mention it


God this artstyle is rancid, even minecraft's ancient textures didn't make me want to throw up as much as this.


There's a lot of idiots I guess.

Ive been playing again for about a week, go figure a new update hits. I've been wanting to just build stuff lately; wish I had a good server though.

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What modpack are you playing, user?

I mean it's an issue with their system. they already acknowledged it user.

What happens if you just build a wall around a village, do the raiders just aimlessly walk into it for 10 minutes?

I was going to give the new textures the benefit of the doubt, but then I saw the new redstone.

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Remember when this shit was first coming out and there wasn’t even world generation and shit? We were playing on servers that were just giant stone blocks and we were just digging holes and trapping eachother and shit? Really. Do you remember? I remember this distinctly, yet somehow doubt it ever actually happened.

I thought that was one of the better changes, the old texture looked awful. I think that they are pretty hit or miss overall though, might stick with the original textures myself.

how do u even build that haha

I probably hate seeing Minecraft bodies with knees and elbows more than I hate anything else on this gods forsaken earth in this hellish life I've lived.

I don't like the new wheat textures.

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Looks better.

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eww thats kinda ugly

can they really not make anything besides minecraft styled stuff?

Maybe I'll get used to it, but something feels wrong, like it's way too dark. Eh who cares, the "old" textures will be included with the game anyways.

>find a village
>trip and fall into a ditch and die
>have to find it again

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>not bitching about the gold that looks like butter

It looks dead

i haven't been plying this shit since like 2011 but reading the changelog makes it look like a different game

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I'd swear I would think this is some minecraft clone like Minetest if not said otherwise.

There's plenty to bitch about, probably the armors being a big one. At the same time there's kind of nothing to bitch about in relation to textures since you can just change them.

>forge OR optifine

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If it cant support gregtech autism then theres no point in playing it.

how the fuck people play that mod
i remember trying it,it was a clusterfuck

its a skydoesminecraft reference.

There's a current modpack that uses Gregtech as it's main "feature". Here's an actual comment on it:

"FTB:I is gregtech backbone pack. This completely changes the entire play-style. It is hard to sum up the sheer number of difference in just a few words. Core concepts that pop into my head based off my current progression are as follows: Microcrafting, slow progression, exploration, logic, and tedious. It is a extremely fun pack so far."

Imagine saying a minecraft is really tedious and that's what makes it fun.

Mini-map with death marker and waypoints truely are a blessing

haven't been on the servers in a while are they gonna update to 1.14 or has there been no news?

does optifine even have mods?

Already here, check.

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Did they release the server executable for 1.14 yet?

How do i get on the servers?
Asked about servers yesterday and got told to wait for today

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When does the update come for the switch

Tbh is mostly because damn near everyone you see playing with GT does it in the worst way possible because they are spoiled by the do-it-all single step easily reconfigurable machines of TE and shit.
You don't build a single set of machines and then reconfigure stuff to craft as-needed, doing that will swamp you between reconfiguring and crafting times, what you do is build a fuckton of machines and make them into assembly lines, you have a line that turns iron into iron rods, another that turns them into iron rods AND then screws and so on.

In other words, the first rule of GT is "Think Big", the second is "Batch Craft" and the third is "Automate every fucking thing goddamnit"

Started a new world today, going for the good ol build a house in a mountain technique.

Does it still use shitty world gen?

In my opinion, 75% of the textures are improvements or just as good as they were before, while I'm not a fan of the other 25% which I can't help but notice more. Anyone relate

Yeah, when I get some free time
I don't like the idea that zombies can spawn in a village whether you like it or not, even when you make the effort to light everything and build a wall. It just removes the comfy feel of a fortified village.

>no shaders
>no textures
>no mods

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Jesus Christ how long has this game been out for? I've been around since Alpha and it only now feels like the game is getting a good chunk of content.
Why is Mojang so fucking lazy?
I still remember when they hyped up wolfs and then they were the most basic shit ever.

The server admin fell asleep an hour or so before 1.14 dropped. Currently we're waiting for him to wake up and update the server. I'll keep you posted when he wakes up, asumming the thread stays alive.

Ah shit that's my screenshot, but why is it cropped?




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>Still no Win32 Bedrock edition
I just want mods AND good performance
Optifine doesn't get anywhere near as smooth as Win10 edition

So why did they split the game between bedrock and java?

ill care about it once it adds more enemies and a reason to explore besides wilderness

so that they can add MTX on bedrock

what part of "one guy doing it in his spare time" do you not understand?

its basically going no where without a good team behind it. I want new enemies and combat choices too but that isn't going to happen any time soon. There are also quite a few progression roadblocks that need to be addressed.

Feed them to pigs, use them in composters


Somewhat agree, but only because they made it so andesite, granite, ect actually different so no more mistaking them for other blocks like dirt or gravel.

I unironically found a great seed when putting in something stupid. I used the seed name "DUDE WEED LMAO" to see what would happen.

>starts you in a forest with a fuck ton of trees
>cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, and dogs are right at the spawn
>fuck ton of trees, some large hills with coal right near spawn
>to the south is a big ocean with I think a shipwreck
>to the east is a jungle biome, cocoa beans and pumpkins
>to the north is a winter biome
>to the west is a plains biome with horses
>to the south west is a long river going through the plains to the ocean, lots of little ponds in the river with fish
>made my initial hidey hole in the side of a hill, dug a staircase down to bedrock, found 13 diamonds right near the spawn, gold, redstone, tons of iron, and almost a full double chest of coal
>3 different natural cave systems near spawn, and an abandoned mineshaft
>dungeon a short walk to the south east

press F3, write down two numbers


just tried it out in VR. Im quite impressed. only problem is i cant use mouse up and down. might get back into it after years

I haven't played since the times before they introduced the hunger bar. But I got the itch for some comfy autism. Is the game worth to check out since then? youtu.be/m0apGY2GmFU?t=976

Forgot about that, I need to make one.

Is Tekkit still the best mod?

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

>villager changes
Time for a new prison colony

post your town/houses

if you only care about building/redstone/commands/shit like this, you should still have a good time. From what i saw right now (i had a break since like 1.7/1.8 and now came back) the combat mechanics got an overhaul that at least doesnt make you spam left click 24/7
also shields.

how wrong can one user be

How did this...

Attached: 2018-10-19_18.04.19.png (925x530, 442K)

Play win10 version if you can, runs silky smooth


...become this?

Attached: 2019-04-23_14.19.44.png (1366x705, 833K)

And no mods!

>Playing Minecraft when Terraria is superior in every single way, except for number of axes.

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Only mine craft alpha was good

I was going to call you a fucking idiot because Terraria has tons of different types of axes before I realized I was the idiot.

Is there video of this?

You're looking at it

Did they bring back the super customizable world type that they removed for no reason?

>Playing 2d pixel trash

Ive never seen any game with as many design inconsistencies as terraria. The game is a fucking mess through and through.

It also has THE axe

So just like Minecraft then?

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Would just be interesting to see it in motion

The new textures are shit and Im glad the old ones are still there

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Vanilla Minecraft is boring. I'll stick with modded 1.7.10 until Hytale comes out.

>make new world
>spawn on an island with a single tree
Neat! Wish me luck guys!

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Sounds comfy

sick island challenge

>Can finally make a working fireplace

This pleases my building autism

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Minecraft came out almost 10 years ago, user

cute comfy and challenge islandpilled :D
have fun user~kun


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Don't forget to go into your texture pack settings and pick "Programmer Art"

Diorite, andesite, and granite were added way after notch left tho. Those aren't his textures.

No, I like the new textures.

nice sounds good. is this true about win 10 version? I never had problems with the older version(s). Can I use my existing copy/credentials or do I have to rebuy?


They actually got a few 100k each

at least you can sprint swim now

How does it like being blind

Draw distance goes much further and framerate is way higher
You can use your credentials to get a free copy from the store

>An overhaul
Keep eating that shit up user, I'm sticking with 1.10 where all the mods are

I've been playing minecraft already. I think the new textures are fine but nu-netherrack looks like shit

looks aesthetic as fuck. post more plz

Can you give the seed? Lone islands are the best spawns.

Boats work pretty well nowadays

>How does it like being blind

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It was released a while ago on the Switch

yes, I meant if he runs out of wood

I think I did a bad. I clicked on Buffet world gen because I had no idea what it was and I think I'm in a world where there is only one biome (in this case it's Ocean). I was hoping for a lot of tiny bitesized biomes.

Based and rebelpilled.

Is this game still a thing? Wasn't it a fad like 5 years ago?

Man the crossbows suck dick

they shoot straighter farther, hit harder, and can penetrate

sounds like a decent tradeoff to me

My email and mojang account doesnt work despite hours of trying to fix the issue.

Is it safe to download minecraft from pyratebay?

Terrafirma craft is too tedious, I appreciate some of the ideas but it went too far to be fun.

It's not strong enough for how much charge up it needs, bow is better

If you aren't 34+, you are eternally a newfag

you know it tied to an account right not a downloader
just download a launcher you idort

well theres the quickload enchantment

>no hunger bar

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Beta 1.7.3 was the best version of the game and every version after it has just been continuously going downhill.


thats 90% because of the progression roadblocks that have never been fixed. I'm trying to push the guy who is working on TFC+ to address them but he's just one guy so there is only so much he can do.

But I actually care about building.
Terraria is for good combat and dungeon exploration, and Minecraft is for actual Sandbox gameplay.

I dont understand? I can't login so I can't start the game.

Well I don't really have a lot of angles of that place. Can post full picture of the one user posted and some interiors or some other stuff I built. This city should still be around on krautchan server, I wanted to build something in the caves at first without actually removing the caves themselves, but ended up building this.

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>If used with Floating Islands world generation, biomes which would normally contain underground generated structures, such as mineshafts or fossils, sometimes have the structures spawn floating freely away from the islands.
This game has fossils? Are they just bone blocks in the shape of a rib cage? I've never seen this

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>tfw still no tropical island biome

I think they're only in the Nether

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Any servers? Don't care about plugins, just want to try out small communities.

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Needs more aleto prevent the Dwarven takeover.

Id love to see more as well

that and big skulls, yes

Attached: 2016-11-16_21.27.03.png (1600x838, 553K)

what is that? it looks like a green bird with it's nude butt taking a shit, and you inverted it.

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Attached: 2012-04-17_02.06.46.png (854x480, 448K)

What? Just put the universal optic one jar into the mods folder and forge will load it.

where the server at?

infdev was the best version faggot

so this game is out of beta and still looks like that? Top brap

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Any other stones i should include in this besides andesite?

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Well that's pretty much it, I don't have anything else good looking

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They fucked up optifine-forge compatibility in 1.13

These are very comfy looking. It makes me want to make something now.

Oh. No one mods 1.13 so hopefully they’ll fix that.

I think 1.14 will be the next 1.7/1.12 in terms of modding. The optimizations and performance increase is insanity.


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Scaffolding is pretty fun, desu
best block

meaning downloading it from piratebay would do nothing

is this a screenshot image dump? if so i got a couple screenshots with shaders that look pretty damn pleasing imo

Attached: 2019-02-26_22.03.15.png (1920x1080, 2.91M)

that's pretty nice
Is it really that optimized? Can't say I care for the new textures (but they can be fixed to the originals iirc) or a lot of the additions but a performance boost sounds very tempting

brainlet detected

user, back then it was just Notch and a few others, they had no idea where they were going to take the game and the game wasn't big enough to make a profit to live off of yet

just download a launcher there is a bunch online

ah I meant to link
with my question

Attached: 2019-02-26_22.03.10.png (1920x1080, 3.15M)

It did happen, map minigames and all
it was just so different to the game we got and got popular people didn't really document that part of development

That or we all jus hallucinated the same thing

Are there any good mods for Beta 1.7.3 or other old Minecraft versions that I should revisit? It seems that most new mods are on 1.7.10 or 1.12.2, but I wanna go back and give old Minecraft a spin again.

Are they going to add new fucking weapons or ores already? Jesus fucking christ terraria has 100 times more weapons than mc. And don't give the bullshit "terraria is 2d so it's easier to program", mojang is owned by billions dollar company they have all the resources they need on their plates, but noooo, let's add fucking dolphins and sea shit because that's what people want, not something to spice up the combat, I'm so fucking tired of the diamond already.

>the virgin minecraft
>not the superior classicube

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I'm baka, help.
How do I pirate this new path tracing shader?

The original Aether mod, if you can find it. I played it when it was for the current version of MC, but after that I couldn't ever get it working again. I remember getting swarmed by valkyries several times.

I like dolphins they make funny noises

Tekkit is a great modpack for beta 1.7.3 especially since the tekkit version for beta 1.7.3 includes industrialcraft 2

>modders create more mobs, armors, ores, mechanics, weapons, biomes, utility items and foodsources for free
>multimillion dollar game company backed bt billion dollar tech company makes only adds Pandas, Foxes, zombie reskin, autistic villiger cow and villiger clothes
Why is Mojang so fucking lazy? What do they DO?! This shit excuse of updates are minimum 3 months of coding work.

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Thanks, bros. I think I'll download 1.7.3 for nostalgia now.

>You forgot to mention how they redid most of the world loading and 3D rendering increasing the speed of the game like 80%.
Source? If this was even 1% real I'd take that and add shaders again instantly.

I just wish the modding scene was still massive like in the early 2010s again.

You guys have any comfy texture packs that work on 1.14 or is it too early for that yet?

user, you are the servers.

>Not retro styled

>see this thread
>see all the comfy things
>ughhh my autism wants to make things
>can't bring myself to open it
>realize even on creative I couldn't make stuff like that
oh nvm :( anyone esle feel same

I was playing it earlier today.

Some kid got bullied in the chat so he started chanting "I deserve what happened" and throwing himself off a cliff.over and over again.

Attached: 1555184228564.jpg (800x600, 117K)

new textures look like shit

i've been playing a lot of minecraft with my girlfriend and I realized how comfy it is (especially with optifine enabled w/ a shaders mod). i might do that challenge with the textureless blocks soon.

Attached: 2019-04-17_10.17.21.png (1680x997, 2.01M)

cope you will always be alone

Is there a link or launcher for Tekkit on b1.7.3? The oldest version I can find is for release 1.2.5.

texture pack + shaders makes minecraft better than a 2019 triple A game.

Attached: 2018-11-10_23.58.01.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

i liked beta 1.8.1 or whatever, but beta 1.7.3 was the best distro. i haven't been able to spawn in an interesting world since they went into full release. fuck these assholes.

They started rewriting much of the server-client protocol as well as changing the renderer to something called Blaze3D

litteraly me as a kid

yeah, it really contrasts with our bright redstone torches. are you retarded?

there used to be at least. it went under the name Technic pack back then. ill take a look around for the link and post it here if i can find it.

projecting your feelings onto people isn't healthy user. maybe you should go seek a therapist.

yeah but the only problem I experience with shaders is when I'm in a multiplayer server. so I have to turn it off sometimes when it gets too much. i think it's because I fucked up the settings on optifine. or that i'm using a mediocre gpu

Attached: eggs.png (1344x798, 729K)

I feel the same way. IMO mods were at their prime in beta 1.7.3. the community was extremely active for that kind of stuff. same for texture packs

>those shaders
oh, i was already feelin a little low today

Attached: sad beer guy.png (1280x913, 1.22M)

i've never really had a problem with shaders on multiplayer. I have a pretty decent gaming PC though so that might be why. my 970 has been holding it up pretty well.

Attached: 2018-10-15_21.22.51.png (1920x1080, 2.63M)

haha oh NO HAHAH
hahaha look at thiss faggot
are you going to cry haha

Attached: haha.jpg (600x758, 43K)

Without mods it's not worth playing

You're just not patient enough user. With enough time you could make really cool stuff through adding detail and experimenting, but the only thing stopping you is a lack of patience, possibly caused by a reliance on instant gratification.
If you can get past the hard part though, it'll be very rewarding.

Minecraft died ages ago, and I'm ready for it's replacement.
Game looks good.

Attached: Have_a_thumb.gif (300x169, 1.31M)

Stop taking shots with a very high fov, everything looks distorted.

it must be my gpu then. though it is an integrated gpu after all

Attached: 2019-04-17_09.34.37.png (1680x997, 2.5M)

I guess but I don't any purpose to play on creative haha
survival is okay but then I want to use certain things like glowstone but I never even found a one haha also building is hard in survival

...yeah the yellow tent looked alot better.
More spooky.

Attached: 1515539978128.png (488x476, 160K)

never. low FOV in minecraft gives me headaches. can't stand any FOV lower than quake pro setting


Bro if you're gonna troll you could at least make an effort to be funny, everybody in the thread has to read this stupid bullshit.

started today. Haven't found a village yet. made a good old mountain home though. Not the best looking but pretty comfy.

Attached: 2019-04-23_21.15.46.png (1366x768, 400K)

Smooth stone or stone brick

Yeah but where's that modding api?

mountain biomes are PEAK comfy


Attached: 1553717399390.jpg (600x600, 42K)

>base game still looks awful even after years of development

optifine crashes the game for me, but only if I go into the shader settings menu and try to apply one.

I also have an extremely infuriating bug where my inventory screen will randomly refuse to let me pick up and do anything with the items in it. Have to completely restart when that happens and I can't find anything about it online that helps.

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Attached: 2019-04-23_16.27.00.png (1366x705, 554K)

If you're not gonna find a gf or a therapist, at least train yourself to be calmer. It's pretty clear how buttmad you are.

Post skyblocks

Attached: 2019-04-18_01.20.14.png (1680x1050, 700K)


cringe and bluepilled

have sex you forever virgin

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user pls, you're embarrassing yourself.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

jerk off dolphins

Jerbin Offen dELpHiN jErK DeLpHiN DeLpHiN
it squeels IN

Attached: lewd.jpg (959x960, 165K)

>no mention of green top
>no broke niggas

Building is indeed harder in survival, but that also makes it more rewarding. Some of my biggest and most detailed builds have been in survival, and they felt more rewarding afterwards.
Another important thing is to start small, and progress from there.

why the fuck don't they make the default texture pack look like the advertising art

go live in the sea, it never rains in the sea. there isn't even weather in the sea. (or do currents count as naval wind?)

Why the fuck haven't they added proper furniture yet?

you'll never find a village.

>find village in desert really close to spawn
>pretty comfy for a temp base
>find out after a few nights there’s a unique zombie breed that doesn’t die in sunlight

probably alot of mods that do that already
no point I guess?
why do more work right?
okay I just have to make myself open it I guess haha :3

Those are some pretty unsafe platforms, user. Just long lines between each place with no safety railings of any sort.

I haven't played Minecraft in years and years, but I guess I'll reinstall for shits and giggles. I'm still pissed they never really made it that enjoyable singleplayer but I might play some solo autismblocks anyway just to see what's happened.

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Fug, been working on my town, I think I'll try the new survival

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>new chunk generation is completely fucked
Is it so hard to have chunks load in? I can't walk 100 blocks without invisible chunks that take a minute to load.

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Meh I have keep inventory on


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Is there something up with not being able to use custom skins on early versions of the game? If I try to play on like 1.2 or whatever my sick caveman skin just gets replaced by steve. I only get my skin if I play on later versions.

Were custom skins ever implemented for earlier versions?

If I have to choose between mods and different items from different woods, I'll choose the items. Fuck 1.12

>You forgot to mention how they redid most of the world loading and 3D rendering increasing the speed of the game like 80%
Why bother doing that to the java version? Is mojang having a cold war arms race with microsoft so they don't seem entirely worthless?

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>Have a friend who just got a new gaming PC
>We can't decide whether he should buy Java or Windows 10 version
Fuck those greedy bastards for forcing people to make a choice. Up until October, everyone who bought Java edition got a key for Win10 edition.
So which one should we settle on? Win10 edition seems to run smoother and seems much more generous with generating resources and structures, but Java edition seems to have more and better mods. Can I host a server in the Win10 version?

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 48K)

console has had most of the update for a while now user. Java is the version that lags behind.

I'll stay with Beta 1.7.3

That would mean you are 21 now dumbass

because windows 10 is for gay little rentboys like yourself

> even more and better mods
You mean that it has mods at all. Win10 doesn't. Don't let anyone lie to you and say otherwise.
Buy Java. ALWAYS buy Java.


I feel sorry for you user. It must be very lonely spending your whole life being a loser virgin and browsing this website

You are here forever.

Release 1.2, not beta 1.2. There were totally skins then.

Although I'm averse to change I think I'm liking this update, still don't like the cobblestone texture change but most of the other changes are pretty good, going to take some time to get used to but it makes me want to play survival again, also the crossbow is cool.

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worth buying on Switch or are the new versions shit

Can someone explain to me why I'm hearing different things about whether or not the Win10 version supports mods?

Because some retards are conflating data packs with mods. Mods are only for java edition, data packs are glorified command block trickery that can work on win10.

They're 2 different games. Terraria doesn't offer the same experience as minecraft and vice versa.


It's some kind of horrific amalgamation of Minecraft and Maplestory, worst of both worlds.



Attached: FUCK FUCK FUCK.png (1783x1031, 1.07M)

they need work stations now I think

>all of his villagers took the neetpill

lmao autistic villager herders btfo

holy shit pathetic meta gaming virgins have been BRUTALLY BTFO

>Based villagers no longer working as slaves for Steveberg

I lost almost all interest in Minecraft when a small server between me and some ROBLOX forum friends died in 2013. Since then I've been drifting around huge servers. I actually did manage to make a few friends in this one called "Ballz of Steel" very shortly after the aforementioned small server died, but I quit that after some asshole kept following us and destroying our houses that I worked really hard on.

That was pretty much when I gave up on MC in general. Single player bores me and feels too lonely, and minigame servers aren't worth my time. Huge servers these days almost never focus on the survival aspect anymore either. Minecraft is always better with friends, but I don't have any (that are interested in the game) anymore.

It's funny that in the first alphas Minecraft did not seem to be aimed at children. It was just a weird game with bad graphics where you were free to build anything in an attempt to protect yourself from night dangers (which were actually almost non-existent).
The game was inspired in things like Dwarf Fortress.

And this is coming from someone who LOVED Minecraft back then. I even went to Minecon 2011 (But I never got the cape)

i have horrible performance on minecraft for windows 10. i can play recent games at full hd 100+ fps, what gives?

>want to replay minecraft
>play for a few days with friends and give up
>repeat indefinitely
How do I break the cycle?

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No friends
Big projects only.
Final destination.

They've existed for a long time and they are truly awful. They also inflict a status that drains your hunger. Zombie AI just pushes itself up against a wall/fence and sits there forever too so they're pretty unlikely to wander off and despawn. I never build at ground level in the desert because of them.

Not him but what are some good big projects?

I haven't played much yet but the new update seems pretty nice. New textures and all the little things are starting to add up and make the world a bit more alive, if a little complex. I'm good with that.
Still, if I did want to try out some custom textures, what would you guys recommend? I used JohnSmith back in the day. Also, I have a brand spanking new rig so I'm good for some of the more demanding graphics mods out there.

I just autistically try to automate as much as I can so I can share my shitload of stacks with my buddies.

flying machine bamboo farm.

Make a city out of underground ravine

ok, so as someone who hasn't paid serious attention to minecraft in years it seems everyone who is in this thread that is a constant player of the game says the vanilla version of the game is shite and the game is only great with mods. if that's the case, then i would like to know which modpacks are most valuable at making the game more interesting cuz i want to try them. i know that they're all on 1.12.2, and i have that client version, but i don't know where to start since there's so goddamn many mods.

>I just autistically try to automate as much as I can
This. There's nothing more satisfying than spending dozens of hours building massive villager-run slave farms to automate as much of the game as possible. There's nothing else worthwhile in vanilla.

What am I looking at?

direwolf20 is a good start for beginners, i think. you can follow along with his lets play if you want

This though if you arent building nuclear reactors in order to power your various animal sex dungeon farms; engaging in 1hr+ power armor slugfests; nuking your friends base for the lulz; you aint doing minecraft right.
Customized ATM3

Attached: Red_Matter.png (208x208, 555)

Villager classes are completely random upon spawning, there's a class that trades enchantments. If you want to be a total minmaxing autist you can collect nothing but these enchantment selling ones to get all of the best ones on demand instead of fucking around with the garbage RNG enchanting system but it can take a long fucking time to collect them all. There's also a class that does literally nothing but exist and the update changed all of his villagers into that class. You can't change them back or anything, they're useless aside from being used to breed more villagers.

What's the point of skyblock? Doesn't seem like it would stay interesting for long.

Holy shit that's hilarious, thanks user

Attached: family shitposting.png (728x546, 516K)

set your game to creative to rebuild what you already have built

>That picture
Holy shit I'm crying.

is that server we had a few months ago still here? was pretty comfy

Are there any servers up? Preferably ones with no rules?


if you put a villager work station they will eventually get jobs

>Finally managed to remember what email address I used for my minecraft account
What tekkit modpack should I use?

Attached: 1555733986093.jpg (998x1024, 77K)

>I'm crying.
A-Are you ok user :(

funny you two should ask...


IP: minecraft.bigbuttsin4k.com
If the domain doesn't work for some reason, try the IP address (

Minecraft version: 1.14
Pirate friendly: Soon! We will let pirate users back in after a week or two when bukkit updates so that we can have a password plugin.
Difficulty: Hard

>WTF is this server
A vanilla minecraft server Yea Forums plays together on. This server is up 24/7 and has been up for months. Now we're in a brand new spawn so it's all fresh. We have a fuckload of players most of the day.

>How well does this server run
Very well, we have a premium host

>Is there any gay plugin bullshit
Nope, this is true vanilla.

>how long will the server be up
At least a few more months, it's up 24/7
- don't be a dipshit
- don't be a dipshit

He never got that Disney vacation

Yeah, Minecraft with friends on a private server is peak enjoyment, while everything else is kinda meh after a while.

Conquest has been the best for quite a while in my opinion. In even has custom models for certain non-blocks last time I used it.

>shitty minecraft x16 texture packs are the default look in Hytale
*dry wheeze*

Attached: zkUZyNd.jpg (1600x837, 409K)

I already got banned from that. Try again.

Nah, it's just way too late to be laughing this hard. And being unable to stop.

What was your nickname?

It's to see just how far you can get using what little you are given. Some say that limitation inspires creativity, and you can still make a lot with what the game gives you.


not much point playing the new versions, mods are only ever updated to like 2-3 patches behind. 1.12 is the latest version worth playing atm. if you are still in the stage where you can enjoy vanilla minecraft without being bored to tears then good for you. for me there's nothing exciting about diamonds anymore, i like the depth added by modpacks

Attached: FLAOT1.png (985x911, 319K)

All the shit people are talking about seem to have already been in the game

I've never played any Minecraft. I feel like I missed out on something and it is too late because my friends are done with it

do you guys still do gay tonys

I stole some dude's beacon and my base got griefed like a week later.


>boot it up
>start a new save
>walk around looking for a village so I can build my house nearby
>40mins wasted


Blast Furnace and Smoker seem like pointless additions apart from the whole villager workstation thing. Like, they can smelt ore and cook food faster, yet still use the same amount of fuel? I've never ever had enough ore or food to want to speed up the process. Even if I did, you put shit in the furnace then go do something else, not wait around for it to be done. I spend most furnace time on smooth stone and glass, where's my faster furnace for those?

here is the server we're playing on


Not available yet for W10 edtion.

Mods peaked and have stayed there for versions 1.7.10 and 1.12.2

1.7.10 is so huge that pretty every mod I find and resource pack (even new ones) specifically went back to make a version compatible with 1.7.10.

Kinda glad I never found a village til now.

How hard is to find a fucking village. I'm not gonna build in a lonely spot

Attached: Peepee.jpg (443x437, 42K)

my server has mods so fuck dis for now.

>Finally install Windows 10
>Go to redeem my windows 10 version of MC
>Says it was claimed 2 years ago
>Support is a clusterfuck
>No response anyway

Fuck it, can't be arsed.

Attached: 1548479504363.png (640x478, 392K)

>finally find village
>it's 2 buildings and a well stuck in a cliff, only 1 villager trapped in a house while the others fell in a nearby hole and got eaten by zombies
I just go to nether and cure 2 zombie villagers I find, I also use custom worldgen to make a single biome because patchwork biomes look like crap
that or make a superflat world, they're pretty common there

Any good mods? I still play 1.7.10.

Holy shit how long did it take to mine out that entire area?

Is there any kind of release date for that?

Same, except I'm using a modpack, and I forgot my Twitch password. Fucking bullshit getting locked out of a single-player game.

Hard in vanilla, too easy in modded.

Well they were supposed to do a total visual overhaul along with improved lighting and shaders.

But 2 years later and...nothing.

Attached: moineycwaft.jpg (1371x728, 144K)

Ramlet here
any cool modpack for 1.12 that won't blow up my pc while loading?

prolly not, the magic is gone for me.

OP here.
>Thread still up
Yea Forums can be alright sometimes.
Time to tend to that village.

Attached: 2017-06-28_00.58.56.png (925x530, 177K)

Some time.

Playing minecraft again in VR was pretty cool, but the stock graphics made for a nauseating experience. I'd like to see these new path tracing stuff in VR.

delete yourself from this website

Minecraft feels too unpolished for me.
I have it installed but I am waiting for the game to have way more meaningful content before I invest myself into it.

I honestly feel that Mojang is not up to the task and that they have been doing very little with this game. The impression I get is that they are amateurs that stumbled by accident unto some new game genre that ended up being very popular.

How long has minecraft been going now? 10 years? Why is the underground cavern system all the same? There is nothing. No large cavern or grottos. There are no large cities or large mountains. A quest engine like in daggerfall perhaps? Mojang simply cannot deliever what nearly every gamer wants. Everyone wants larger cities, castles...etc but they work on worthless shit. They work on stupid shit that people don't even ask for. Like some 12 year old brainstorming "Wouldn't it be cool if..." instead of real professionals.

Farming system like harvest moon? hello? How about doign more with redstone? This game has limitless potential and the only thing holding it back is Mojang.

Please sell the whole IP to Microsoft or else this game will die.

>No large cavern or grottos
first has been in the game for years, second just introduced in new update
>no large mountains
have been for years
>quest system in a sandbox game
not even gonna respond to that one
>more with redstone
redstone's fucking crazy complex man, always has been

look I agree that Mojang doesn't always take the game in the right direction but to say they've never done anything right when half of what you want is already in the game is just stupid.


There is no complex physics engine or complex anything in this game. This game is retard-tier programming easy.

Mojang has no excuse except that they are amateurs and that they suck,

It would be so easy to add new content that does not alter the balance or feel of the game. Every fucking underground cave looks the same.
This game has nothing complex about it. They have no excuse except that they are low iq idiots.

8 years.

This isn't Farcry or some game that requires a math phusics PHD to code the physics engine.

>no significant updates for the underground since full release
>Mojang decides to update the taiga biome for some reason
>1.15 looks like it's going to be combat related again

Attached: V_rage.png (311x294, 7K)

completely and utterly based

is modern minecraft fun?

hopefully some sick fuck does a mosque run again and they close this shithole forever and free us all

For a little while but then it gets pretty boring

only with friends

>lanterns are finally added
I know they added an off-hand function a while back. Can you hold torches and lanterns in the off-hand and have them be lit? Dragon's Dogma spoiled me.

still no

>quest system in a sandbox game
What is Skyrim.

>no large mountains
Mountains look awkward, isolated. Where is the fucking Himalaya region with mountains hundreds of blocks wide?

>No large cavern or grottos
The caverns are simply boring, where are the Mines of Moria, you dumbfuck?

You are correct only on the redstone, you piece of shit. I will give you that.

Based. As. Fuck.

GTA, Elderscrolls series are sandbox.
Every sandbox game except minecraft has a quest system.

Minecraft is a more profitable IP than GTA or Elderscrolls and is an infinitely simpler gamer to program.

Why can Bethesday or Rockstar program games with complex 3d graphics...etc and make huge expansion packs and add new content on a frequent basis but Mojang delivers updates that add nothing to the game?

Why did they work on a new texture pack? there are 100s of those on the add on market? Why do they invest their ressources on stupid shit? Why can they only do 1/1000th of work productivity than Bethesda can? Reminder : Minecraft is a more profitable IP and has more potential but minecraft takes over one year to release sum fucking glow-in-the-dark corals and zombies with tridents.

We're talking about a whole game studio that has one of the hottest IP in town for 8 years but has half the output of some indie developper working in his mom's basement.


probably because it would make cave exploring easier

>Those new cave ambience sounds

Attached: killmenow.jpg (180x200, 6K)

More like the vanilla game's performance is so atrociously bad it's almost criminal. There is no reason the base game shouldn't be capping 10 thousand fps at all times. Everything is literally a cube it's not like render time is a problem.

delusional. enjoy your many bugs. 1.12 with biomes o plenty is much more interesting

When the next Minecon comes around, someone better ask the devs about new cave content, that shit has been stagnant for several years

I'm really hoping that there will be a way to make those big ships function

If they're trying to ape Minecraft, they better or it's just easier to play with Archimedes' Ships.

Looks pretty good honestly

I haven't gone mining since 1.13 came out. Not even for coal since kelp is pretty much the best fuel now.

They just need to take the fucking hunger away why won't they do it

Just build a farm dude.

Just herd some animals bro.

>Skeleton horses didn't despawn from the trap
>Been down there for years and I never got them until now
>These stats

Attached: 2019-04-23_21.51.08.png (925x530, 295K)

i'll never get the bitching about the fucking hunger bar, the game doesn't even enforce it, you don't die from hunger, unless you're playing on some gay super hardcore mode in which case what the fuck are you doing playing minecraft go play a harder game

Do you think piropito will like the update?

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So are we going to have a Yea Forums server start up for this? I'd like to play on this with a fresh map, true vanilla.

then what's the point?

>it's pointless and unneccesary so stop bitching about it

fuck you friendo

Turn it lower when you want to take screens. Helps keep the focus of the shot.

All this talk of lack of updates for 8 years is just making me pissed. Fucking Microsoft. Never thought about it before because Minecraft is such a timeless game but fuck c'mon.

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