So not only is it confirmed we are getting Critical Mode today but we are also getting New Game+ fuck yeah

Attached: ROXAS AXEL XION BEST TRIO.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:

New game +? That's the first time for the series, how is it gonna work?

You carry over your Keyblades and items. Thank Christ because I don't have to grind for Ultima weapon again

>According to the website Automaton Media's sources, Critical Mode will include halved HP and MP values, reduced Situation Command and Grand Magic frequency, and new Critical Mode-exclusive abilities

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Ha ha, thanks for betatesting, losers.

>That's the first time for the series, how is it gonna work?

DDD had NG+


"Thanks for beta testing" is an expression used when a new release or update for a game is drastically improved over the initial release thus likening the people who played the original version to beta testers.



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granted, that phrase is usually used when something gets ported to a new system a year or so after the original release

Like Octopath or FFXV getting PC Ports

It's not even 11 AM CST.

It will likely be Noon PST when the update gets pushed out

full patch note

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Can I NG+ just my Keyblades?

Will this fix the water mark on Elsa or are they just ignoring it

>frozen slider treasure tracker
>checkmarks in the Moogle Shop

Nice but I do with they went more into the "fixed various" issues details.

>can now save 200 photos
Good, though I still wish it were more.

That's only an issue on the Gaijin release, not a concern for Nippon developers.

imagine playing through this garbage fire once. Now imagine someone autistic enough to do it multiple times.
This game is an embarassment to the industry.

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>April 24 11:00
Is this about 11 hours from now?

How long until there are complaints Critical Mode is too easy despite carrying over Ultima Weapon?

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>Level 1 Critical Mode run with Ultima Weapon
I can not contain my erection

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If you choose to do Critical Mode with NG+ you are a pussy.

>If you choose to do Critical Mode with NG+ you are a pussy.

this. Granted a Critical Mode with Ultima Weapon sounds tempting but that can be done later

this, I see retards already saying how keyblade transfers might break the crit balance, but like just do a normal fucking crit run. the way I see it is it could be great for keyblade specific only runs

If you are going to do a New Game+ Critical Mode then the ONLY acceptable way is Lv 1 with Ultima Weapon. Anything else is unacceptable and you are a disgusting casual faggot

Attached: Sora_(Ultimate_Form)_KHIII.png (1031x668, 402K)

Is the Ultima Keyblade worth it? Also, why would anyone want to do NG+ Critical with a post game weapon?

>You carry over your Keyblades and items
Oh cool, I can break critical immediately then.

What if I want to do a non-NG+ Critial Mode just to get the feel of the changes before doing a Level 1 Ult Weapon Critical Mode run?

>that picture

How can anyone defend that shitstain of a boss?

>US: 10 PM Eastern (April 23)

I'll still be at work by the time this drops.

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Its pretty much a bragging rights weapon as there isn't much to do with it after you obtain it besides completely stomping the superboss.
bringing it to NG+ Critical thus means you actually get to use it, but it'll more then likely trivialize a majority of fights, completely missing the point of playing critical.

>Can carry over Ultima Weapon

Does the defense stat matter in a level 1 run?

>but it'll more then likely trivialize a majority of fights, completely missing the point of playing critical.

Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. Ya'll have been bitching and moaning about Critical Mode for months, so why trivialize it with a post game weapon?

Sweet can actually use ultima weapon for shit now.

I think I'll play through crit normally, get ultima weapon, then do a NG+ crit run with it afterwards to actually use it, but still get the proper crit experience first

can people stop quoting this Kaiji SHIT

like jesus christ the meaning is lost because of how dumb it is used out of context

the only rewarding boss in the whole series

Don't be a pussy user . Do the right thing

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The gameplay and story is still shit regardless.

>want to get excited for the new abilities
>it's probably just damage scaling and disabling attraction flow

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>Be cool like me and don't like things

>10 PM

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Oh, I'm just memeing. In reality I'm not giving this shit heap another glance until they fix the actual problems like lack of content and rushed garbage story.

>adjusted the beahviors of some enemies
Does anybody else hate vague patch notes like this?

This is Kingdom Hearts, not Sonic.

the keyblades will be reset to level 1. which is great because it'll add a ton of replay value using late game keys in earlier worlds.

>Does anybody else hate vague patch notes like this?

>the keyblades will be reset to level 1
even Ultima since you already get it at max level?

i hate patch notes that dont explain anything, peroid

You'll have to wait for paid DLC or something.

Even if it was something as simple as finishing plus I'd be happy with it, a lot of finishers in this game just feel fucking terrible.

Who doing Level 1 run immediately? I'm on the fence about it. KH 1 and KH 2 Level 1 runs made me pull some of my hair out. I think I want to do a normal Critical Mode first then do a LV 1 run

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Isn't there only one finisher unless you're standing beside Donald or Goofy? And even a majority of those are locked behind A ranking the minigames.

>Fire Boost 2

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you do know that it was shit on purpose right?

>I think I want to do a normal Critical Mode first then do a LV 1 run

that is a good idea, that way you can get a good feel for the changes.

>And even a majority of those are locked behind A ranking the minigames.
you mean the phone shit or the flan shit?

They forgot to add actual content in the game to do, so critical mode and NG+ are completely worthless.

god i hope. Nobody knows. It was as vague as what I said basically.

I don't know but all I know is that magic flash is probably one of the shittiest, effortless finishers to ever come out of the whole series.

>you mean the phone shit or the flan shit?
The world minigames like dancing in Corona and Frozen slider, Donald has a fire, blizzard, and thunder combo finish while Goofy has a tornado and rocket one. But without going back and A ranking the mingames I think you only get Donald's fire, maybe blizzard too let me check.


Eh. Same thing

>disabling attraction flow
Shit nigga, I'll be fucking ecstatic if this is one of the abilities.

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Thank god for that, games so much funner when you can just dick around with your favorite animal companions

>tfw currently playing Dragon Quest 11
>Critical Mode is dropping tonight
>Have to choose between KH 3 Critical Mode or DQ 11

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Isn’t the minigame keyblade better for magic users?

One thing at a time. Beat DQ first

>Grand Magic and Attraction Flow frequency is reduced in Critical Mode
That alone makes my dick diamonds

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literally who cares about this fotm shit game lmao
maybe if the game launched with this content people would still give a shit

true post

More like "Oh cool, finally I have something to actually use the late game keyblades on."

Here you go
Yeah, so apparently there's 3 basic finishers? I don't even register anything but magic flash as a finisher, they just feel like regular combo attacks.

>tfw beat mf with just basic attacks as ventus on crit psp
>all those time reversals

This is a lie
There is no fucking way anyone could beat that boss without cheesing it

Fuck Mysterious Figure. Fuck him. I actually broke my PSP fighting him. It was the first time I ever got so mad at a video game that I broke something. I threw my PSP at the wall. He literally cheats and that fight is 100% bullshit.

Attached: mysterious figure gang rapes mentally challenged man.webm (480x270, 507K)

you have been osakad

Not really. All it did was carry over spirits.

what's even worse is the framerate is so choppy, the game actually eats some of your inputs. I didn't finish that fight because the game kept dropping my roll inputs. What's so fun about mashing the fuckin square button for half an hour. There's no other way to survive, it's trash.

it's still a NG+ function

He's toned down in the PS3/PS4 (HD Collection) version actually (still one of the hardest fights in that game but toned down compared to the PSP version).

>synth items checked off
Should I try to finish Plat before Critical mode? Can I just finish it in NG+?

That will just make the hordes of enemies more tedious to deal with. But then again maybe I can actually use the keyblade transformations now.

On one hand you have 60FPS and more frames to react with. On the other hand he's the Final Mix version, which actually did tone him down slightly. Did you know that in vanilla BBS, whether intentionally or by coincidence, MF would let an otherwise-fatal combo end and then instantly bring out his next attack to bypass Once More and Second Chance?

You know nothing of autism

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Who cares. It was always a shitty series with even shittier fanbase

The best way to approach it is to do Crit Level 1 and if you hit a wall then you can turn the ability off and level up.

was it autism?

There's also the dude that grinded to level 99 in both 1 and 2 in the tutorials.

This dude has been going for years. Such ridiculous dedication. If he ever beats it, I wonder if he will do 2.

I dont see how he does not hate 1 yet. I love 1, play it once every year or so. But christ, I always get tired of it towards the end when trying to grind the moogle shop

This all seemed pretty doable up until the second to last one. What the fuck?

Do we know if we can’t NG+ to critical mode from our proud mode files? Really want more time to use some of the later keyblades

You don't have to get the Ultima weapon every time you play y'know

I'm pretty sure more than one person has done that in KH1 at least. That's far less insane than MasterPillow's run. By the end of his run, he'll likely had spent more time playing the game than more than developer have spent working on it.

>max out item usage and curative spells
>keep times hit by an enemy to 0
that seems dumb?

That stat only tracks Sora getting hit, so I guess he's healing Duck and Dog a bunch.
I wonder how quick he could kill Sephiroth with max stats.

Kind of

Just use Aero

Best trio indeed. Good taste OP.

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That doesn't make it ok though.

who would want to play through that mess again?


Read the thread, Barry.

I hope you cant ng+ into a higher difficulty (crit mode) because casuals will just unga bunga it

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What do you care what casuals do?

Kairi is cute
KH3 Kairi looks like a girl I know in real life, so I can just jack off to the Kairi lewds that have been coming out, provided they get the face right

At the very least they should get limit attacks, I wanted to strangle Nomura the second I finished the Riku/Xigbar fight and realized how bad this whole thing was really going to be.

>reduced sitcom and gm frequency

On one hand, bueno because Firaza is easy as hell to generate. On the other, not bueno because only formchanges have Hidden Potential and base Sora plays like dogshit.

But is it worth starting a critical save when we'll likely be getting new paid dlc integrated into the base game in a few months
I don't want to get burnt out on KH3

>So not only is it confirmed we are getting Critical Mode today but we are also getting New Game+ fuck yeah

>trivialize this completely braindead game even more by carrying over your equipment and stats to new game +
>this is somehow a good thing and worthy of praise

Attached: Kingdom Hearts III.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

Kindom Hearts 3 critical mode. Wow, great. As if staying back and spamming magic wasn't already the only viable strategy before.

Osaka Team could never pull of the enemy-, boss- and ability design that made Kingdom Hearts 2 FM's critical mode not just difficult, but also fair and fun.

Every single time.

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Hey it’s dumbass Bazztek again . Keep crying bitch nigga.

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there really is just one dude falseflagging in every kh thread lol. shits so obvious

But your MP is going to be halved and Grand Magic/Attraction Flow is less common. If anything, you'll probably have to rely on more things than magic spam now.

>he used attractions
Your fault.

Barry you was shitposting that there is no new game plus but now you switching goalposts yet again

Ironically, that makes the game even worse. When you're able to spam magic, at least you avoid all the enemies randomly attacking you from across the map in the middle of your floaty, uncancellable auto-combos.

>Fixed various problems
Why do patch notes do this?

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>MP is halfed and GM less common

What part of "stay back" is hard to understand? Just because you get fewer casts per bar dont mean turtling is any less effectively.

Because they don't want to bother writing every single little miniscule change like changing a number from 1.5 to 1.6?

I don't know who Bazztek and Barry are. I've just never particularly understood the appeal of New Game Plus. It either trivializes any challenge by letting you carry over your items/stats from the first playthrough or worse, forces you to do a normal playthrough before you can unlock the interesting game modes or higher difficulty modes, at which point you've already experienced what the game has to offer in an inferior way. It's even more ridiculous when you have to replay and finish the game multiple times before you can unlock the true ending or something like that.

I suspect it's all a ploy to prevent people from selling their games after finishing it for the first time, since the publishers of these games don't want people to buy used cheap copies rather than full-priced retail copies. What I don't understand is how it's now regarded as an absolute necessity for a game to have, to the point that a game is criticized for lacking it, even if that game's mechanics/design are poorly suited for a New Game Plus mode.

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Why is Noctis crying in Obama’s arms?

You'd think they'd try better to make the day 1 version of the game good if they wanted $60 sales.

Hillary Clinton hadn't been implemented yet.

I'm scared using Ultima weapon will only trivialize a level 1 critical run. Maybe I'll just try and see. Even then I've upgraded my other keyblades quite a bit, so they might trivialize it too

>or higher difficulty modes, at which point you've already experienced what the game has to offer in an inferior way.
this argument is really dumb. I guess all DMC games should have only one difficulty, the hardest one?

>this argument is really dumb. I guess all DMC games should have only one difficulty, the hardest one?
You are genuinely retarded if you think that's what I said. What I meant was that games like DMC should have all difficulty modes available from the start, instead of requiring you to finish the game a billion times on the lower difficulties before you're allowed to even touch the higher difficulties.

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Some games have interesting ways of doing NG+. TWEWY, for example, allows you to jump back to any chapter of the game and find hidden secrets and bosses and even rechallenge bosses that kicked your ass before, not to mention an Ultimate difficulty and new ways to unlock additional attacks. Plus, some extra puzzles that unlock more of the game’s lore. I personally don’t mind if a game has NG+ if the base game is already great.

What are you guys doing while waiting for Crit?

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Alternating between DMC5 and reading the soul eater manga.

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Because FF XV is a shitty game

NG+ is interesting. I definitely want to do a blank run first, then an LV 1, but it's nice I can carry over my 100% proud file, and not have to do all the bullshit again

Why was item grinding so tedious compared to 1 and 2?

Thank fucking Christ. Guess I am doing a lvl 1 Crit Run now boys

Too bad nothing short of a full redesign can save its gameplay and story. KH3 is mechnically hilarious. Beefing up enemy stats won't save it.

>fixed various problem
fuck off

>he doesnt remember when Yea Forums was making fun of KH2 all the time for being "press triangle to win: the game"

Still true for critical mode. It's just that new new bosses in FM made up for it. I don't see any new content in this patch, I.E, still shit. Dumb fanboy.

All the load times

>Mp reduced.
God damn it Nomura, crit isnt about taking resources away, in 2 they gave you abilities.

>taking memes as fact
Gullible retards like you have no place here.

new abilities in critical mode, get lit

You own both nigga

Beat DQ11. You know RPGs - If you leave and come back it'll feel weird.

Nothing that changes the gameplay, nerd. Stop liking shit games.

in 2 max hp was limited, jackass.



But not mp, HP is hardly a resource.

Ok that doesnt make a difference. dumb fuck.


Cope with what? That you're willing to stomach a second serving of shit because this time your HP is cut in half?


Yeah, damn right I'm seething at Nomura's laziness. Why aren't you?

lmao mad trannie

Weebs aren't people. Don't engage with this subspecies of rodent.

Thats not so bad in Final Mix. You get the tech boost skills from leveling up, making Selphie farming fairly efficient
Still takes dozens of hours, though

Pretty sure he used the originals.

Stats give no benefit after 70ish
t. Someone who got 99 strength with KK no accessories

okay i don't know what to do. can i start a new game + from one of my older files or do i have to do everything over again? I would love to do a level 1 playthrough with all my keyblades unlocked.

>not wanting a perfect save file for when we get DLC to jump right into it

I'd be more inclined to replay it if the ending didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth

We don't know yet, it's not out.

the ending was the best the series had, though

>t. Never played any of the other games

Daddy Nomura will never fuck your boi pussy.

not at all if you love the game

Why would you love something that the devs put so little care into? Just replay the rest of the series.

I played through them all at least 5 times each. KH1 was my favorite pre-KH3, now 3 is my favorite.

This is how you are suppose to play tonight. Critical Mode > Level 1 Critical Mode > Critical Mode New Game Plus

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jap time
its 40 minutes from my post

The developers put tons of care into the game though.

so a crit play through is completely worthless? is playing through KH2 on crit is completely worthless until you get to the cavern of remembrance? the entire main game doesn't count as content? the goalpost moving and autism of KH3 shitposters is astounding, especially considering so many of you unironically
>consider the garbage handheld games to be good
>think BB is a good speedrunner

>go to sleep 10 hours
>still isn't out yet

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>everyone who dislikes 3 is Barry
Fuck you and fuck that retard, both your retarded little shill campaigns have ruined genuine discussion between actual fans.

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Wait is xion in this game?

yeah, it's honestly reached the point that I don't even try to discuss this game anymore because either Barry or someone else comes in trying to ruin everything, or the turbo fanboys make everyone else look bad. I can get more reasonable threads about fucking Sonic nowadays

so fuck off nigger no one cares

>they won't fix infinite fire spam

You should care unless you want to see the rest of the series turn into broken garbage like BBS or lazy crap like 3.

I never saw a game with such a drop in posting after release. It had DMC levels of threads coming out, and then like a week after release I never saw it again. Was it that bad?

You are literally blind and retarded

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experimental title which I still like and KH3 was great. fuck off.

No real post-game besides Ultima Weapon and one super boss that was barely a super boss. Musou levels of Sora being so overpowered that he gets a screen nuke a minute and can wipe out most enemies besides really obnoxious ones with ease. Boss fights that were mostly just cycling a really basic pattern over and over all the way to the final boss. And an ending that basically was rushed together to try to "keep things simple" and reeked of running out of time or something. Also really hit or miss world design and no Final Fantasy characters besides Moogles at all.

It's not that KH3 was bad, so much as it was not what fans wanted in the next mainline game and severely underwhelmed.

Attached: from the deluxe artbook.png (1125x2000, 2.08M)


>everyone talking about using Ultima in New Game+
>meanwhile i'll be using this beaut

Attached: Keyblade_Classic-Tone.png (456x409, 75K)

No you didn’t. 3 has by far the worst final boss and worst ending out of any KH title.

>locking such a great keyblade behind those retarded LCD games
What a worthless fucking addition, I still feel like I wasted my time despite not even actually playing any of them.

Yikes, imagine having such a bad opinion like this one

Everything you said about the Ultima Weapon is not a con.

>oss fights that were mostly just cycling a really basic pattern over and over
No they weren't.

>And an ending that basically was rushed together to try to "keep things simple"
It wasn't rushed. It was very hard to come up with a good ending.

>Also really hit or miss world design
It was good.

Experimental shouldn't mean "absolutely no thought went into balancing this game".

ye this is technically better for magic spam against mobs than ultima

and shooting star is better for single targets

It’s not an opinion. KH3’s ending was rushed, things just happen and are never brought up just to give us the desired fanservice ending they wanted to give.

I feel ya, but on the plus side all you have to do is get 1 score for it to count on each lcd. You can have a score of 1 which you played for a minute and it still counted towards the keyblade. Unlike the fucking phone game where you need to get incredibly high scores to unlock a code for the Starlight Keyblade which is fucking dogshit

No new secret boss? What the fuck is Nomura doing? He's fucking lying. He said we'll get new boss.

You're not even creating an arguing point, you're just saying "this isn't really a problem".

>on the plus side all you have to do is get 1 score for it to count on each lcd
I know, that's what I meant by "wasting my time despite not actually playing them. They didn't even have enough faith in these things to make you actually need to play them.

That's exactly what experimental should mean. Even though it isn't quite balanced, it's still a nice combat system to explore and it's fun to understand it.

Next time don't post any lies.

You new to these threads? There's some shitposter that's been doing that since the game came out.


yeah, no. DDD was literally act 1 of this KH3 story, son. You gotta go back, go play your Reaction Command Sp— oops, KH2 FM. Enjoy the ‘amazing’ Disney worlds there which are literally two screens long while you anxiously wait for the only meaningful part of the game 30 hours in (Cavern of Remembrance).

I’ll be here enjoying the best game design the series ever had, with Critical Mode on now to fix all of its gameplay shortcomings.

Are they going to nerf the mickey clasp in Critical?

>I don't know who Bazztek and Barry are.

a ban evading FFXV fanboy that loves to shitpost in KH threads (and falseflag as a KH fanboy in DMC threads), the webm in is a cherrypicked webm of doing nothing, it can only be done in that fight

>What are you guys doing while waiting for Crit?
I was doing the CCC event in FGO but I ran out of AP.

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1030, 161K)

You can still balance experimental gameplay you dumb faggot. Look at GBA CoM and Coded. The retards behind BBS and DDD are fucking inept. Even Days has better balance than those shit heaps.

no, why would they? it's a fucking end end game item

>it can only be done in that fight
And against armored Xehanort.

>the /vg/ Nepturd spamming his boogeyman cancer is also a Fate gacha shiteater

You literally can't make this shit up.

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Is it up yet

9pm cst

>DDD was literally act 1 of this KH3 story, son
Eat a dick, DDD was it's own story used to set up 3 like Coded was. 2 can still be played despite skipping CoM, if 3 can't manage that then it's inherently inferior.

It doesn't matter. The balancing wouldn't make that much of a difference. I still play how I like to play just like everybody else. CoM is an entirely different system and re:Coded is a different team. These experimental titles are used to further the balancing and perfect the gameplay in the numbered titles, which is why 3 is a great game. They did a good job.

>days better balancing
lol. I bet you haven't even done a level 1 playthrough on any of these games.

DDD has nothing to do with KH3, because it like 3 had all of its cringeworthy plot dumped at the very end of the game holy shit.

Fuck DDD, fuck 3, fuck 3 copers, and most importantly fuck Nomura!

>barry has to perosnally attack the person calling his ban evading out

imagine wanting to play this game again, let alone once

At least the game is fun to play and is more than "Hold O to win"

>It doesn't matter. The balancing wouldn't make that much of a difference
It literally does, it's the difference between a good game like 1 and 2, or trash like 3.
>CoM is an entirely different system and re:Coded is a different team
That's my point, those games are far better balanced than BBS and DDD because the retards at Osaka didn't handle the gameplay of those ones.
>These experimental titles are used to further the balancing and perfect the gameplay in the numbered titles
Really? Because Nomura made it explicitly clear that no deck command retardation was ever going to happen in the numbered titles and he smacked those retards down when they suggested it. How did CoM affect anythin gameplay related in 2?

Being better than literal medical waste in disc form is not in any way an accomplishment.

Who else /dataorg/ while waiting for the DLC to drop

Data vexen without limit/drive is probably the hardest fight in the entire game

Attached: KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1_5+2_5 ReMIX.jpg (3840x2160, 774K)

DDD ending was L I T E R A L L Y setting the stage for KH3, Coded was ultra filler tier compared to DDD.

My heart pumps hard everytime Ifight Data Vexen, Data Roxas, Data Xemnas and Data Marluxia. They’re the best

>not gold crown

>DDD ending was L I T E R A L L Y setting the stage for KH3
Yes, by laying down the vague plotline of "come fight this war with me" the same way Coded set the scene with "Sora you have to save all these people you've never met", the same way CoM set 2's scene with "the Organization exists and they're evil". 3 could literally have gone anywhere with that information and it did literally nothing besides run down a fucking checklist so Nomura could move on to his next big thing.

Too lazy to do mushroom xiii on my lv.1 file desu

Attached: KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1_5+2_5 ReMIX_1.jpg (3840x2160, 760K)

I want to fucking kill myself, I saved over my 100% file, at least I'll always have the trophy as proof though.

3 is not trash, and no matter how many times you say it, it has surpassed the first two games.

BBS and 3D need much more than balancing if it were to be on par with the main titles. Balancing does not matter that much.

The Osaka team is a growing one who learned a lot of things along the way while making those games. KH3 is the best work they ever did and it surpasses the first game and the second base game by miles.

Nomura stated that those titles were experimental after KH2, so that thought wasn't there for CoM.

What? Mp was halved in kh2 critical. I can understand not noticing, because who the hell wants to play kh2 outside of critical? But look it up cause it’s halved.

I don’t think critical can save kh3, unless they completely revamp sora’s gameplay and most enemies it’ll be a slog to play.

Data Marluxia was a joke. I'm trash and I beat him in one try. Unless you're playing level 1 I guess.

>I’ll be here enjoying the best game design the series ever had, with Critical Mode on now to fix all of its gameplay shortcomings.
Just going to be sitting over here laughing at you. The patch notes don’t change anything besides AI and damage, magic is still OP, Endless Magic is still broken, Ultimate Weapon still breaks the game, Attractions are still cancer, etc. Nice well designed game you have here.

Yeah, for the *paid* DLC, dickwad.

Silver looks the best anyway, it matches his necklace and everything

Is the patch out yet? I'm at work rn so I can't check.

6 hours from now

Send help this armored fucker keeps killing me

>magic is still OP, Endless Magic is still broken, Ultimate Weapon still breaks the game, Attractions are still cancer
just don't use them

>tfw boss keeps opening differently every try

That's exactly the problem Critical was supposed to fix.

Why does every enemy in KH3 have so few moves?

All of the Org members have like 3 attacks total, even the optional boss has only 3 or 4 different moves.

Just focus on getting his different attacks down.
If he opens with the canon you can just guard it back in his face for a free combo.
Try to react and reflect spam for the annoying moves like the command locks

equip decisive pumpkin over ultima, ultima sucks for that fight (and in general)

block his cannon shot, not reflect, it gives you an opening

your main combo should be 4x normal hits -> explosion, repeat combo twice (only once more if it's following an ultima cannon deflection), this hits his revenge value

for his bow react to the sound of his teleport with a dodge roll 3 times then he's open

meant for

>just don’t use them lmao

Am I imagining things or is it downright impossible to do ground combat in 3? Sora always seems to want to do nothing but air combos for some reason.

3’s combat is really poorly designed


thanks for the tip. im gonna give him 3 more honest shakes and if i cant shave 6 health bars off legit then Ill just do a lv1cm run of kh3 tonight.

I love 2FM so much for these fights. Yiu can be a complete bitch and fenrir this dude or you can take each and every death like a man, slowly learning how to react.

That's the genius in the Roxas fight and in LW. LW definitely is rng dependent, sometimes he opens up with bullshit like Command Lock, but it really is a mostly fair fight. i just wish his whip didnt have a FUCKHUGE hitbox.

and it still wont be good as pic related

Attached: recoded.jpg (1024x618, 156K)

I had this problem for a really long time. There's a finisher ability, can't remember what it's called, but it automatically puts you in the air in the middle. You might have that equipped. You SHOULD generally be able to stay on the ground.

magic flash?

>meanwhile, reflect spam; roll until an opening do a combo keep rolling
oh no no no no no

Attached: Uncle dante and pizza.png (1000x700, 463K)

Is it the magic flash? Only one I can think of where Sora sort of floats when he uses it.

No, I think it's the first one you get.

Fuck off back to your containment threads

No one take the bait, it'd be pathetic on your part.

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Learn his ai patterns. The pattern he uses for first and second phase is random, but all are reactable and can be dealt with.
Once he's in third phase, you can loop his DM for an easy win. Or go for his normal attacks and pray you don't get blizzard bike.

DMCucks still seething over the fact that 2FM is better than their entire series.

Being in the air is generally safer in KH3, but you might also be retarded.

Still false flagging, Barry? Aren't you busy making Joker shitposting threads?

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>actual content
Such as?

>i'll never get a gf as cute and kind as Kat
hold me bros ;_;

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Worthwhile exploration, bosses, worlds.

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This. People who think a fucking critical mode patch will fix the game are delusional.

>the game’s only problems are related to difficulty
>patch fixes difficulty

yeah, I’m thinking it’s fixing its problems

Vanilla KH1 (JP) and KH2 had no fucking content either

One of if not the biggest complaint about KH 3 is the difficulty. Adding in Critical Mode alone fixed a huge complaint about KH 3 so you are the delusional one

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The rope is the worst designed move in the game in the PSP version, I spent at least six or seven hours with Terra just trying to avoid the rope only to get killed every single time from that dumb loop you couldn't escape. The only thing that comes close in the Final Mix version is multiple Mega Flares one after the other (Very rare and you can Cura through the second one with iframes if you time it right) and Doom spam. Doom spam is pure evil.

Attached: 1528403297772.webm (640x360, 1.93M)

>the game’s only problems are related to difficulty
Not by a fucking long shot.
Does it fix literally every other complaint? What good is a harder difficulty with no worthwhile content to use it on?

So, KH3? Only thing it doesn't have is bosses.

Shittier drop rates, uncommon enemies dropping certain items only (fucking blizzard crystals I awear to god).
That, and recipes required so much random shit that was from many different worlds

MP GAINS were halved. You missed out on like 25 MP. Big woop. Compared to the 70 HP less you get, it's a much less noticable loss. Endgame has you using like 3 spells anyway: Firaga, reflect, and Thundaga

Only good thing about that trash is the camera

>2nd least amount of worlds only behind Coded
>all of them are either long pointless hallways or huge pointless box rooms
>nothing interesting in chests, just fucking regular items and awful minigames
>not only that but most chests and Mickey emblems are just garbage pixel hunts
No, not KH3.

KH3 is the first entry since KH1 to have decent worlds you drone.

Attached: abigail.jpg (1068x1080, 281K)

No it isn't. It took 2's problems and exacerbated the issue by making them bigger. The only remotely fun world to explore is the Caribbean because you get to play a decent minigame between islands.

I'm really just excited to play the triple xehnort fight and final boss in critical. Those were the best bosses in the game imo so they're probably be worth going through the frozen world again

when's this patch actually releasing, so I can stop checking in threads with slapdick fans


Why do you faggots even bother shilling like this if you never have any actual arguments?

t. barry

Nigga he just said no. Chill the fuck out lmao

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And even that wasn’t original

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Patch release when?

Who even gives a fuck about your furfaggot game.


Not an argument.

So are there still any AkuRoku fans left after this game?

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Can't wait to watch BB btfo this worthless ""update"" when it drops

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Jesus Christ Osaka.

>So are there still any mentally deranged retards left after this game?
No, they probably all killed themselves hopefully.

Buy we're not buying the game a second time here, they're giving us this as a free update.

Why do you care what someone from a tranny community thinks?

so new game + wont be dropping tonight? its separate?

coming tonight

Post your gameplay, shithead. If it's as simple as you say, then lets see it.

he sure showed that piece of media (he could never create) a thing or two after it moved over 5 million copies.

user that's XVkun aka Barry. He hasn't even played DMCV.
Just ignore him.

Shipped =/= sold. There's still hundreds of copies I see floating around every store I go to and the game's already been marked down by 20$ everywhere.

>comes out at 9 pm where I live
>have to go to work at 5 am

Attached: 14964646164.jpg (222x251, 17K)

>XV's only truly loyal fan
>Can't even platinum the game
>Didn't Play Comrades

Jesus fucking Christ.

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Is NG+ locked to the previous difficulty? Will I be able to start NG+ critical right away tonight?


Probably for the best then.

That's not even Lingering Will or at the very least Unknown (Hooded Xemnas).

>9pm for me
ya blew it

so you cant start new game + critical?

now all they need to add is more endgame and ill be 100% happy with KH3

alright i went mage fist time, what should i go this time

yeah okay but when's final mix?

I was dumb, I meant yes for the second question. You can do Critical from the start or Critical with items and keyblades carried.

Glass cannon level 1

November, to give that sales and awareness boost before GotY season

what do you want as endgame?

battle gate versions of each of the 13 darknesses
Aqua armor fight
Ventus armor fight
master Eraqus armor fight

What are the odds of them making story changes? Not adding more scenes, genuine changes. 20%? 10%? 0%?

2 years. They still have plenty of DLC to pump out first and want to make sure people buy it.


For FM or this patch?

For FM, no story changes, just extra cutscenes.
For this patch, zero.

Absolute zero. You'll get a few cutscenes showing Vexen making Xion 2.0 and nothing else.

Actually, now that I think about it they did tear down and rebuild bits of XV from the ground up, maybe there is hope if they realize how disappointing that shit was.

People still cared about this? This isnt even new content, its just an option to replay the same game all over again.

Attached: top 10 KH deaths.png (1174x855, 1.65M)

XV was different. DLC that was added just built off of plot threads that were missing, or left unanswered. KH3 won’t have any actual story changes.

The game was great, though, I’ll happily replay it

Mouse shill

Who Mystic/Wisdom here? I did my first play thorough a full on mage and I’m doing my Critical Mode run a mage as well. Where my magic chads at?

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No, one of the updates changed how Zegnatus Keep worked and Royal Edition completely remade the final dungeon/added comrades content to it.

Going physical for critical, because magic was literal infant tier in proud.

I just chose the one with pictures I liked. And dealt with the consequence of whatever I got.

Think it will still be best for ciritcal?

>KH3 was a flo—-

Does Yea Forums ever get any prediction right?

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Some Critical Mode info

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Fuck off Tiny

>random twitter faggot
Where's his source?

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Thanks for the laugh user, I needed it.

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>no source random
KH3 dropped off worldwide charts months ago only selling 700k in Japan.

>"Oh fuck, did somebody mention the Door to Darkness?"

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

>don't trust that twitter guy with no source, trust me some user with no source

He’s the host of Game Scoop, from IGN. He’s a shitty man, but they have access to sales data and publish about it every month.

Bosses where the only way to actually win is nearly by exploting glitches are the biggest pains in the ass

This pic was actually taken on Critical Mode

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So... where's the source?

Gematsu and Media Create put digital only purchases in only Japan for only the first week at over a million.
That guy is may be a fag. But you seem to be a dumb fag.

Yikes you’re coping. KH3 was hyped, more popular overseas, and only sold 700k digitally + physically.

What part of “he works at IGN” and can’t lie about sales data without hurting that company do you not get? Do you think he gets a kick out of pretending random games are the best selling?

The part where "journalist" and "tells the truth without any actual proof" are used in the same sentence. If you don't have an actual source then fuck off.

>Gematsu and Media Create put digital only purchases in only Japan for only the first week at over a million.
That seems like an awful specific and stupid limit to put on their sales charts, proof?

>gets shown be wrong
>just drops memes and doubles down on his debunked claim
Wonder who could be behind this post?

Stop being retarded, the source is literally IGN, cause he’s an employee of IGN.

Did you mean link? Are you asking for a link to Gematsu?

>legitimately thinking kh3 didn't sell very well

stick to shitposting about the gameplay

Why would you ever trust any of these shitholes when they've been shown time and time again to lie through their fucking teeth and then just print a retraction when they're called out on it. I wouldn't trust a journalist as far as I could bloody throw the faggots and you shouldn't ether without the hard numbers to back it up.
No I mean show me where it says they put all those dumb limits on their sales charts. I'm not just going to take your word for it.

He listed two sources not used and lied about how their sales are calculated. KH3 is nowhere near the top 10 over in Japan, and hasn’t been since February. It sold 600k in its first month only to significantly drop in sales in the following months. It’s now 700k total sales over in Japan and has been out for 4 months, KH3 was a flop and will continue to be forgotten by fans and consumers.

>He listed two sources not used
Have yet to see a source outside a guy on twitter and some anons who saw charts on either side.
Also why are you referring to yourself in the third person?

get fucked zoomers

Don’t argue with them anons. KH 3 is a massive success but shitposters are blind to facts

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The fact that it’s the best selling game of the year?

According to whom? Some twitter faggot and a bunch of anonymous cocklords here?

Attached: Okay, I believe you.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

>halved HP and MP values
>half MP
You fucked up Nomura. fuck off

2FM > 2 > 1FM > 1 > DS shit (Days>Re:Coded, fuck minigames) > GBA CoM > Osakashit (0.2>3=BBS=DDD>Re:CoM) >>>>>>>>>>>>> mobile gacha garbage

Attached: this hurts the osakafag.jpg (400x400, 30K)

Back to Discord Tiny or Don.

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What boogeymen are you on about now? Is this like when Bazztek kept spouting Gamefaqs usernames as some half assed defense of his autism?

>Days and Coded above GBA CoM
Fuck off you gay cocksucker.

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>Mickey says fuck
I should not be laughing this hard goddammit. If an user can do a perfect Mickey voice, can they say “Time to fuck up those Xehaniggers haha”

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Kingdom Hearts? More like a oversized Disney Ad with nothing of value in it and no Square Enix Rep.

Map card rng and moogle shop rng are pure cancer. No superbosses either. Honestly it might go below osakashit but I need to replay it for reevaluation.

>roll spam

People "spam" block but blocking requires timing, go try spamming block or roll and tell me how that works out for you.

Kingdom Hearts 3 literally sold 5 million in its first week. That’s fucking astounding . KH 3 is a lot of things but flop isn’t one and you are retarded if you say so

Attached: 852C7197-45C0-4CD3-8336-8BEDF7560DE4.jpg (1200x1552, 529K)

Shipped =/= Units sold

>BB tweet at the end

Based af

Attached: KH3 is shit.png (616x303, 74K)

>crying about RNG
Lol, casual wuss.

How many times are people going to fall for the "shipped" meme?

>other people like it, therefore it must be good!
brainlet detected

>That’s fucking astounding

Not really, considering that FFXV sold that in its first 24 hours.

>Frozen Slider,treasures can be checked
>check mark on moogle shop
>200 photos
I feel dumb for 100% before this update. At least I can carry the items and keyblades and not waste time to get ultima or based disney one

Crying about literally being unable to porgress if you dont get a specific 1/30 map card drop and combat options being acqyured via in-game gacha system, it's shit.

I wonder how much this fucks with the glove cheese desu.

XV sold 8m and it's better than any KH or DMC ever will be

Attached: 1482652005392.webm (800x374, 1.21M)

Then why was FF 15 sales only 5 million its first week. That means nobody bought it for a full six days?

Cry more, casual.

Attached: 1528148750303.jpg (897x713, 111K)

update is up

Last time i checked com is the game where enemies can only attack once at a time due to how the card system works

it's the literal definition of casual

This is a lie

That was physical copies. Including digital sales it was closer to 8 million in the first week.

And you probably still couldn't beat it on anything higher than easy because one of the bosses filtered your pleb ass.

hehe made you look

GBA Com doesn't even have difficulty settings, nice job outing yourself as not even having played the trash you're defending

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>he didn't mod his copy to add critical mode
Holy fuck the sheer casual of this boy.

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>literally can not die
>better than KH and DMC
Go ahead and post that retarded webm Bazztek where you intentionally got rid of all of your items so you can give the illusion that you can die. There is no risk in XV

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It'll be better, but it'll still be a far cry from "good'.

Tips for Crit lv1:

>Pick up the Cufflink accessories (immediate access to -Za magic) in the first few worlds.
>The best keyblades are Ever After, Hero's Origin, Shooting Star and Ultima. Ultima has the best passive abilities, stats, a top 2 Shotlock, the best transformation Finisher, and Ultimate Form is the best overall standard 'mash X' transformation. Ever After offers Aero Boost and Aeroza, its Shotlock is basically as strong as Ultima's while trading AoE for lock on distance, the combo string is very strong with the potential to outdamage Ultimate Form on very large enemies. Afterimage shots are a high hitstun high hitcount ranged attack that can deal great damage depending on the enemy. Arrowguns are a high hitcount, spammable ranged attack with a good modifier for the finisher. Very high hitcount attacks are notable since no attack can deal less than 1 damage per hit, which makes them stronger at Lv 1 where your stats are shit. Shield guard is braindead and the counter attack is one of the strongest attacks when fully powered up.
>Mickey Clasp+Flanniversary Badge+Element Form lets you spam magic forever. Start by casting regular Fire 15 times to hit the 1 MP per spell point sooner for tons of additional casts.
>Simba, Ralph and Ariel are all really good, Ralph and Ariel can devastate bosses while Simba is a pretty brainless mob killer.
>You can get your Keyblade Transformations back after a Game Over by selecting 'Continue' instead of 'Retry' and running back into the fight.
>Aero is ass. When in doubt against single targets use Fire. Thunder is your mob nuke, Water starts great but gets less and less useful as you go on, and becomes useless when you get Ariel.
>There's a mechanic in the Xemnas, Ansem, and Young Xehanort fight that makes it more manageable. Whenever one of them has a red aura around them, it means they'll be the most aggressive towards you.

Attached: Key_Cute.png (325x360, 109K)

>Summons still require a FULL magic bar

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Attached: xvair.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

Why. I barely used summons before because of that


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Why did you respond to yourself?

So what choices are people making at the start of their crit playthrough? i still think i'll roll magic and +mp

It's over XV-bros... We lost...

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Reminder that this copypasta would be a lot more realistic if you completely removed Ultima Weapon, because you literally can't make it before Scala ad Caelum.

>another twitter post with no hard numbers
>an obviously biased one at that
Keep looking, I'm sure you'll find some real proof eventually.

When are you going to cite an actual source and stop posting twitter screencaps?

Why would I use magic when the real action and chads are up close and personal?

How are you going to cope your way out of this dilemma?

Attached: 2468ree78r.jpg (1023x281, 102K)

Fucking based user holy shit.

>halved MP
lol no thanks

>combo vids
>faggots actually trying to bring this DMCuck cancer into KH

There's nothing impressive or useful about randomly switching weapons and juggling one enemy with no rhyme or reason like a sperg. Fire spam is stronger, safer and more efficient.

Attached: 1528738916026.jpg (620x420, 128K)

>second biggest launch
What's the biggest launch? FF7?

>A no source biased site talking about KH news
They’re the same people who mixed up shipped as sales. Stop being retarded user.



crit mode will add diminishing returns on magic

So is it safe to say that Kingdom Hearts has overthrown FF as the flagship of Square Enix?

Attached: Fuck Namine and fuck Kairi.png (500x548, 333K)


im guessing link spam will be even better on crit due to small mp bar

cope BBlets, your god is objectively the inferior bizkit

Attached: cope.png (763x255, 124K)

You couldn't do anything he did in the video. That's exactly how I play and I destroy mobs. Different moves are triggered depending on your location from the enemy, and certain moves can provide hitstun and ranging hitboxes. That's how KH is supposed to be played. Fire spamming lol, you're fucking trash garbage and you should kill yourself.

>Wanting critical mode to just be a rush to Galvinized Magic spam.

Attached: 1548032221924.png (148x185, 23K)

at least he has a personality

Aren't you that guy who was struggling with a group of large bodies? I've seen you shitposting in the exact same style before. At least get good before talking this much shit.
There is nothing in this video that suggests I was struggling. You're the one that is shitposting, fuck off.

Kek i knew it was you.


You get hit multiple times in that video. Guess what doesn't make you eat shit? Magic spam.

how the fuck do you struggle so much against lich lmao you suck

I'm not trying to impress anybody but myself, and if I really wanted to I could make a video of anything in that game with no damage on level 1. Your playstyle isn't fun at all and it seems like you just want to get it over with, while I experiment and get better at understanding the combat and demolishing enemies at the same time.


5 more minutes asshole

Alright lads, almost here.
The real question is, how do I make physical combat in this game feel less like I'm just mashing the X button. I had a really nice flow when I played KH2FM, but not so much in 3.

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>physical combat

Attached: DDD_sora_dab.png (1088x720, 1.4M)

you still mostly mash x in kh2fm, you faggots have to stop lying. you will always "mash x" unless an actual combo system akin to dmc is added.


>9:01 PM
>The installed application is the latest version"


Figure out how the movesets work for each form. (Example: If you are far away from a locked on enemy with Yo-Yos, pressing the attack button will pull you towards them)

Shit like that. There is tons of crazy shit. Highwind has a special ability called Omega Finale that allows you to press O in the middle of a combo to activate it's finisher.

Do not wail on one enemy, nor attempt to finish a combo on that enemy unless it is one of the only ones left. Attack an enemy for a little, and move onto the next one. Move quick, move the camera around. Prioritize deadlier enemies. Use magic in between combos for status effects.

When you really get the hang of this you start getting it you'll feel good and you can put your own spin on things.

11:00 EST, you unbelievably stupid mouthbreathing piles of shit. Fucking kill yourselves.

DMCucks not welcome in this thread. And yes, you have insane control over your character in kh2fm, it isn't just mashing x at all.

They said 10PM you dumb fucking nigger monkey

who started the 10 EST trend?

>The installed application is the latest version
fuck cuckmura

The official twitter, This trogolodyte confused it with the japanese update time of 11am


Attached: this hurts the osakafag.jpg (512x512, 68K)

Thanks for the in-depth answer, user. My first playthrough it felt like the game's combat had enormous potential, let's hope critical mode capitalizes on that.

>The installed application is the latest version

Attached: ol9fbcqpcgcz.png (762x762, 121K)

Says you, when the update doesn't currently exist. Seems like reality is on my side.

We live boys!


its up

Updating now

It's time

Attached: D0DyeByW0AETJu5.jpg (982x1024, 123K)

>The installed application is the latest version

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Barry you haven't even played DMC


Btw, is it only me or they skipped 1.04?

That health bar bloat really bothered me, what the fuck was really the purpose of "oooh 20 goddamn health bars for all the bosses". It just felt fucking stupid.

>the game is nothing but health bloat
And here it begins.


They did indeed, crit was probably almost done so they just combined them into a single update.


Curious about what has been adjusted

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>no new trophies

Presumably it took days and a mountain of approvals just to render and add the sequence in the first place, they said disney needed constant reference and approval for every single tiny step of everything

that quote doesn't apply to that boss because that is literally the only way to beat that boss, i would pay money to see fucking Osaka Team playtesting and QAing this boss. how the fuck did this get through testing. i have no idea

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But did they update the VR game?

I did since I don't have Ultima yet

So, what are you guys choosing in the beggining? Defense, as in every other game?

>a checkmark now appears next to items that have been synthetized
took them over a month to implement something already available in all other games even vanilla

I choose the one with the best pictures and quotes.

Magic boy every game.

Attached: 1549812904954.png (312x395, 130K)

>no new moves
>just makes mob fights last longer and isn't any harder

Attached: 1554623638203.jpg (1280x720, 185K)

magic flash feels like an unfinished animation.

>literally came out moments ago
>already bitching
That's a huge YIKES from me

>Already lost 3 times to Darkside
At least Counter block is equipped but I really need to step up my game here.

Does it also fix the mickey emblem photos also bloating the album itself instead of just the checklist?

Where my balanced warrior chads at?

Don't forget the models Disney gave to use were broken and glitchy and Square had to break their agreement just to get the characters to look right without bugged out spike hair.

>I no longer feel anything watching the fucking attract video
I think 3 is what finally broke me, I'm nothing more than a jaded husk now. I teared up when this shit played back in February.

Attached: 8cf63afd970e28187ee310a65c3d76ec.gif (250x170, 1.42M)

What are the new skills??????

Attached: f5a7e9e74b1b8505afe8adc5f7b22ae2.jpg (652x399, 248K)

>can turn off attractions as a new ability
dear god thank you

>Target switching isn't garbage anymore

Attached: 1530329889406.png (663x370, 516K)

What the fuck is the proof of promises?

no fucking way bro

no fucking way bro

The canon one, warrior, because Donald and goofy are the mage and guardian.

From what I gather the Pixar models worked fine except the hair was all thousands of individually rendered strands of hair stretched out in a straight line, they had to create entirely new tech for Rapunzel's hair in-game and to make Elsa's tightly woven hair not look weird

Is it out yet? What are the new abilities?

You better not be lying.

you get combo master and air recovery from the get go
also can turn off attracions
just watch all the streamers losing their shit

>just watch all the streamers losing their shit
Kill yourself.

>getting killed by a single hit from a Soldier

Attached: 1555622622678.gif (345x372, 877K)

>watch all the streamers
Fuck off.

it will still never touch 2fm.

ps4 is not hooked up and i wanted to check the update, cry me a river

>You can turn of attractions
But doesn't that just give you less options?

Go back to plebbit immediately.

I fucking hated attractions, they just slowed me down and did less damage

>Cites only available evidence for claims

>Critical Converter
"Green attraction indicators no longer appear, but filling the gauge always produces a formchange command. Indicators may still appear for certain battles"

So if I have the ultima keyblade equipped, instead of attractions I'll get ultimate form?

Go back to plebbit immediately.

You get a formchange instead.

I will. And you can build a bridge and get over it.

>Attractions can be turned of for form benefits
Oh no my dick

I guess that's what it means.

Who here is doing level 1? Man fuck it. I will do this.

You still have magic no problem and you get formchanges guaranteed for giving them up. AFs made you essentially invincible and allowed you to mop up entire mobs for free so, if anything, it'll make fights require more thought until you reach endgame where you'll be using Thundaga anyway.

Ultima starts at 8 strength 3 magic

>only available evidence
It's called a screenshot retard.

Can someone give me a rundown on what's changed? I see people saying combo master, air recovery, and that new attraction ability toggle but anything else? I don't know which streamers to watch and my friend borrowed my copy so I can't do it myself.

>even Ultima since you already get it at max level?
keyblade levels scale with your lowest leveled blade

>Just came out 30 minutes ago
>Expects people not to actually play it and just take screenshots right away and upload them to the internet

Yes right now streamers are practically the only way you can find out about KH3 critical on the internet.

Im watching this right now and Sora still is a floaty bitch that can stay in the air forever

Now your fuckers have your Disney/weaaboo Dark Souls

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It's in german but Crit gives you some insanely nice benefits at the start.

Attached: IMG_20190424_043951.jpg (3840x2160, 545K)

>keyblade levels scale with your lowest leveled blade
What does that even mean? So if I have all the blades maxed out except a level 1 kingdom key, my ultima weapon will be shitty?