>April 23
>I am long forgotten
What went so fucking wrong?
>April 23
>I am long forgotten
What went so fucking wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>what went wrong
Snoyfags still have no games to play on their console
is this a joke
It’s what we call a “cope”
>at least 15 threads a day about it
For me the thing was how fucking boring the combat feels.
>Lol deflect until red dot
Granted there are some exceptions but most of the time it's just deflecting, hitting once or twice, repeat. And dodge is such a fucking joke that they could've just as well left it out entirely.
As opposed to previous from titles where we spam rolls or use broken magic?
No replayability because it’s a single player action game. I loved it but I would’ve preferred another soulsborne game that I can sink hundreds of hours into. I got, what, 60 hours out of sekiro?
>change your main weapon
no replay value
Fair point, but at least bloodborne had that, along with the chalices. What does sekiro have?
rent free
Good gameplay
No PvP, the very reason why people played Souls and BB.
Hey can you not make butthurt replies on behalf of me? I took that “lol” as an appreciation for a good rekage.
Nothing, it's a singleplayer game with fuckall content so it wasn't meant to have a long life. It's already being dragged on as it is via journos crying and exaggerating about the difficulty
For me, I am drawn into the game again just to see how good I'll smack the early stuff with how good I've gotten. And The gameplay is pretty good that you continue for some more, and eventually it kinda sucks you in again.
you’re even dumber than I thought then lol
> suckirocuck “intellect”
theres threads for Sekiro every day retard
no multiplayer
git gud
ng+7 here
It was fun while it lasted. First game to actually make me want to go for platinum, but after that I'm gonna be pretty burnt out by it. Will probably return only when eventual DLC comes out.
Btw, only trophy remaining is the all skills one, does anyone know any good/fun farm spots in the end game? So far I've been doing the inside of the castle, 4 easy purple dudes who give 4000+ exp, but I'm kinda getting sick of it and I still need 6 skill points.
have sex
no, just the usual Yea Forumstard masturbation thread
got to shit on everything 24/7 or someone might start to think you actually LIKE a video game and call you a SHILL
and you wouldn't want that to happen, would you?
>single player game
>no builds/variety
It is a very good game, but it doesn't really provoke a lot of long term discussion or play because it has no multiplayer.
It was so good I played it non stop and after 8-9 days I was finishing NG+. There isnt much replay value to keep going, I'll do it again next year or when they release a dlc
I think that exaggeration though....I guess replaying the game each time for different ending, so maximum 4, but more than that? What the hell do you even do?
You have to be 18+ to post here kid, but in your particular case reaching 15 would be a great improvement.
>t. retard
>6 threads up at any time
never understood the point of pretending to be stupid
Unfortunately, that’s all it has
have sex
I’m on my 4th playthrough for the plat right now and after I get it I can’t imagine playing the game after that. I’m already sick of it atm but I’m too close to getting the platinum to stop now.
Too shallow. Nothing to do in the game after the first playthrough, really not much to do after you learn the parry considering how samey so many of the enemies and bosses are.
I like the setting, the jap dub and some of the OST too. BB had better design and lore, though
>after I get it I can’t imagine playing the game after that. I’m already sick of it atm but I’m too close to getting the platinum to stop now.
Same. Where are you farming EXP?
i didnt play it but i could tell by how excited the kids got that this was going to be a bad game. they were trying to hard to create a dark souls like game. it was too obvious like get some original ideas faggots.
the dark souls concept has been beaten to death its enough we dont need more games like this just so you can make sales.
I've been grinding at the flower viewing idol. turn around and clear the courtyard.
Can I begin NG+ with bell?
Apparently it's still rent free in your mind
No it doesn’t carry into ng+. Just run past the headless that you can access after you beat the ogre
>spam roll
>see enemy
>attack him once
>back up out of his attack
>attack again, he blocks
>kick his shield
>roll from his jabs
>liking sekiroulsborne games
Have sex
It's nothing like Dark Souls though. The only similar thing it has is the bonfire system to save and travel.
Good point. All games that From makes are janky, unpolished pieces of shit.
absolutely 0% replayability if you not gimping yourself for autistic "challenge runs".
i love how desperately all these Souls Twitch fags like Lobos force themselves to come up with boring modded runs since they can't lose their FROM privileges
It's your fault for not using prosthetics coupled with skills
imagine playing this game after bloodborne , where you have transforming weapons and many of them are super unique. Not to mention the level and equipment design
All games are forgotten on Yea Forums after a month
>>I am long forgotten
Posting bold faced lies again OP?
Why are threads like this so common?
Unironically the story and meme potential. Micolash is still memed to this day and people are still arguing about shit like Kos/Kosm and the dream and shit.
Sekiro has absolutely no memes and absolutely no story from what I've seen, as someone who hasn't played it but only paid attention to online discussions of it
>imagine playing 60fps game after 24fps sluggish mess
Feels good.
Based Tanimura is going to save us with his new Souls game. TBA at E3.
It’s hard watching lobos try to enjoy the game at this point. There’s nothing to do
Dumb fucking meme, why do people act like if people finish a game it's worthless? Stop ruminating with your food.
Huh? Isnt the bell in Senpou?
I choose to believe this
this so much. all because he claimed ""oh, there will be tons and tons of Sekiro streams", but you can easily tell he was already tired of this game 2 weeks after release.
maybe he's still bound by contract to play it, i don't know.
Bloodborne runs like utter shit. Your point?
This is exactly why i will never in my life buy a game that has no unlockables, customization, leveling, grinding, builds, etc.
This is the earliest you can get it
Never had any problems with fps or anything so I really don't know what the hell you're complaining about
Bloodborne is locked to 30 fps with huge dips constantly. Sekiro runs at 60 fps. This is crucial for fast paced action game. Are you mentally retarded?
>man, monster hunter combat is boring, you just hit stuff until it dies
This is how fucking stupid you sound.
>retards still screaming for ez mode
Nice meme. The game runs at 30 the vast majority of the time. The problem is the frame pacing.
every thread it gets compared to it. they obviously meant it as a rival for dark souls. gameplay might be different but thats just what it is. they churned out a lump of garbage to compete with an idea that has been around for 10+ years
>no stats
>no different weapons or armor
>different gameplay
>story is straightforward instead of cryptic bullshit
>it's just like dark souls!!
You're retarded.
>i haven't played the game but let me give you my worthless opinion
As someone who played both and LIKED both, i can confirm they are really similar
>It's nothing like Dark Souls though
It's literally Souls game on the Souls engine with reused sounds, animations, scripts and mechanics. They commented bunch of code lines thought.
No multiplayer, no compelling replay value.
this is dark souls without builds you stupid nigger
just like Nioh is dark souls + diablo
How is It like Dark Souls? The entire fighting system is different and there's no RPG elements. Please give actual arguments.
Do you even remember how fucking cool and fun it was the first time you got to play with real people in souls series games, regardless of which one you played first? Meeting weird fucks with bizarre equipment pantomiming their intentions through the emote system? Makeshift dueling clubs? Patrolling? Trolling? Fighting bosses together? Messages? Message Trolling?
All really fun stuff that extended the life of the games by years and years.
Game is fun
for a run or 2. Lack of RPG elements kill it long-therm wise
>no stats
It literally has stats
>no different weapons or armor
Weapons replaced by skills
>different gameplay
Some of it is similar though lol
>story is straightforward instead of cryptic bullshit
It’s still pretty cryptic, but I don’t think this is a major point
Just say you're sick of all the threads instead of this
>who hasnt played it
Awww, you'll never get to play :3
>Dark Souls
Not Dark Souls, but any Souls game. They all on the same basis with swapped textures and models.
>The entire fighting system is different
Stamina is locked to inf value and dropped to zero when posture gauge is full. Deathblows are literally visceral attacks which acts a bit different, but essentially is same shit. Fashion were commented in the source code. Many statuses were commented in the source code (Fire, Poison and Terror remained untouched), etc. Honestly it amazed me how people cant see something simple like that. "B-but title is different!! They said it's not a souls game!!!".
There are rpg elements they just reworked it a little, and posture is just stamina 2.0
>weapons replaced by skills
But its not a souls game. Is Nioh a souls game too because it has bonfires and status effects?
So did the patch change anything significant?
Are you using any skills or prosthetics more?
Does the Bull not take twenty minutes to kill without firecrackers now?
>meme potential
kill yourself and don't revive
we all beat it long ago unlike you
probably why i couldn't adjust to the combat and shelved the game. i just figured the game offered more but feel incredibly gimped trying to play it like its more than that
No PvP.
You stop that. Kuro is a respectable young lord who lost everything and has basically been a pampered prisoner his entire life. His boi hole is not for rough bullying while he screams into the pillow.
Just started a new playthrough with the new update and I am surprised at how much fun I am still having. Its great seeing how much I improved at the game to be able to just carry around skill points on NG while going at most bosses, with Lady Butterfly being the only one that cucked me for a few attempts still. Figured out how to clear areas efficiently with stealth options that I missed the first time around, used a bunch of combat arts and prosthetics that I neglected the first time around and have just been able to appreciate the game a lot more
it kinda snowballs after ng+ because you can essentially run past everything
have sex.
>Is Nioh a souls game too because it has bonfires and status effects?
Nioh was made by different company on the different engine and have nothing to do with Souls.
In case of From Software they literally make cosmetic changes of models/textures/items description of the same fuckin game. They replaced bonfire model with Buddah statue. Replaced estus flusk with gourd flusk. Applied Fire keeper AI to Emma sinse she is a fuckin fire keeper anyway. Should I continue?
>still need to grind up like 25 skill points to complete the trees
I'm thinking fuck the plat.
Only dignified Kuro.
They removed every mechanic that gave the games replayability other than NG +
>playing on consoles when a PC version is available
>What the hell do you even do?
Have fun?
Its still fun to hit things and watch yourself improve
>ywn be a drunkard bandit with a huge cock, taking turns raping Kuro's ever-virgin tight hole with your bros knowing he can't be physically wounded anyway and won't tear and stretch no matter how many dicks are stuffed in his small divine butt
Why even live
How did all those monkeys learn how to fight with swords anyway?
People beat the game, realised it really is easy and short.
the sculptor was trained by a fucking monkey
They learned by observing Sculptor and Kingfisher fight when they trained in the valley.
I said s-stop that.
>beat the game
>no multiplayer in any form (M-MUH SINGLEPLAYER EXPERIENCE)
>no real and effective ways/builds to play the game again
meanwhile Dark souls and Bloodborne series are still talked about here, even Nioh was more alive at this time than Sekiro
>can't change the weapon at all
love sekiro btw, almost have all achievements
Nioh was fun as fuck to co-op. Except for watching motherfuckers fall in the drink on that big jelly water boss, Jesus fucking Christ.
nioh was actually a pretty decent game but the diablo looting system was a bit too much. could have done without it.
People have realized that DaS2 is better
i'm still playing it so
I have high expectations for 2. Nioh was a fantastic fucking game overall. I miss stance switching and the ki system that fucks with the enemies' bullshit.
anyone have a checklist of things to do before ng+?
>People are still upset about it
What went so fucking wrong?
Enjoyable, but having one weapon really does fucking suck no matter what.
soulsbornefags went into the game expecting the same thing they played again and again and got gated by bosses that punishes them for using their soulsborne instinct.
Look on the brightside: the filtering will provide YEARS of shitposting on Yea Forums with Sekiro threads taunting the plebs.
But user, the game plays exactly as Dark Souls according to the anons here.
it's even worse, perfect deflections don't get you anywhere with a lot of bosses, you have to run your ass off
pretty much this. id say chained ogre was an exception since he was early on and you really fight it like a soulsborne boss.
i'm only at genichiro so i dont know what i'm talking about though.
Nope people are mad it's nothing new, and literally just soulsborne but with less mechanics.
>yfw 30% of players haven’t even gotten the trophy for killing the first boss
Bravo, From Software
he's right and you know it
there is no mystery
no twists
no lore
the story is generic garbage
t. Butthurt anglo
I hate the Headless.
I mean by that logic Dragon's Dogma is a Lost Planet game because they reused a lot of the same systems.
>Replaced LP models by Dragon's dogma models, both same thing because you climb on them
>Replace player character model
>Commented Snow
Should I continue?
come back to them super leveled up.
drink the terror gourd for terror resistance. pop a divine confetti. pop the candy that buffs attack and halfs health because health doesnt matter. mash r1.
>Should I continue?
No, you are retard.
I mean that's your logic. FYI a lot of code was reused from Lost Planet for Dragon's Dogma, this isn't just an example out of my ass.
I'm still playing it, 3rd playthrough at the moment but I work and have a wife so can't play all the time and it's probably gonna last me one more month
>id say chained ogre was an exception since he was early on and you really fight it like a soulsborne boss.
People say this but I don't think that's true. If you play with soulsborne stamina chained ogre is going to fucking destroy you because his grabs attack has a low CD and a huge reach.
that grab just made me afraid of fighting him because instead of dodging through shit, i was jumping away and getting used to hooking his face for a punish.
repeat. god that fight felt like it took ages because one fuck up you were almost dead just from the grab.
and this is early when you have like maybe 2 gourds max. and your other options was a drunkard that felt like just starting the fight was a chore because of all the adds.
then you have lady butterfly after so its like well shit.
Never found out, what was that white mark on his face?
>currently 5 threads about Sekiro
This shithole I swear.
It's ash he is literally the ashen one
Okay, so he just needs to wash?
i'm not far in the game but that first snake segment was pretty kino.
Sekiro does its gimmick bosses pretty damn well, especially compared to prior shit like Bed of Chaos or the ill-fated and ill-named Dragon God.
I find that I prefer the more focused yet less-replayable route more enjoyable than the ‘50 different weapons and armors and playstyles’ that you can play for 400 hours but are as a result a lot less intentional and focused. While by the very end of Sekiro I did find that I was preferring more just to run past regular enemies, the bosses stayed enjoyable to the end and it had a good length.
i actually felt scared by the big scale environment "boss" like that. bed of chaos aint got nothing on the snake. never played demons souls though so cant comment on that.
i like all these new things the game throws at me. each new fight feels like a mini game and has its own gimmick to it instead of big dude in armor chopping at you
You're pressing L1 instead of O to roll, open your eyes Fromdrone.
It's a button masher which is a sign of poor mechanics. There's input delay that is at least .5 seconds if not more which is horrendous when the game demands that you react quicker than that when it can't even read your inputs in time. Which means you just have to memorize each bosses move set which makes them boring. It's extremely unpolished and the whole 1-arm grapple hook thing is so poorly implemented it might as well not even be there. Typical "meh" game with decent look and feel but some poor design choices that have it fall short of great.
I always wonder, is it just 1 or 2 stupid deves that fuck up the whole team or was the whole team blind to the flaws.
This, Check their best selling games. All of them are Yearly sports games & COD
>run around in a circle
>boss whiffs a combo
>hit him once
Hard game.
its pretty terrible on vanilla ps4. i regret getting it on that platform because the framerate was just as bad as bloodborne and the input delay just doesn't go well with this type of game
>and your other options was a drunkard that felt like just starting the fight was a chore because of all the adds
drunkard is also a big filter for soulsbornefags IMO, normally in other souls games you are just expect to suck it up like a little bitch and kill the boss+adds, when in reality you can take advantage of your character's mobility to kill all the adds without engaging the boss at all, making the fight a shitton more easier.
Same here. I like how the game shows you how much you've improved.
Already finished it and was solid 8/10. No need to talk about it anymore. Threads after launch were glorious.
the shura ending is amazing
shame we don't get a proper boss fight
DoH is just a shitty old man