So it got woke...Will it go broke?
MK11 thread
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I won't be buying any game that shows even a hint of SJW pandering and I'll also be shilling against them for free and even spreading lies about those games to try and get others to avoid buying them. I suggest you all do the same.
Was with you until >spreading lies
You're no worse than kotaku at that point mate
Seems it's going to be the micro transactions that might cause this game to flop, not the lack of lewd outfits. The devs acting like SJWs is a smokescreen for the typical corporate bullshit practices the shove in their games.
Delete this
let the SJWs get hosed by this games micro transaction garbage. wait for samurai shodown instead
OAG is such a garbage website
I can already see the honklers and hear the carny music that comes with...
You mean a game that will actually be dead before the PC port?
>game that lets you punch/kill a suffragette is SJW
>Expecting /pol/tards to make sense and not just seethe at every game on sight
>Game that lets kill klu klux klan members is alt right
Hope so, they gotta learn that the ppl they are trying to pander to don't buy games
What SJW was there exactly? I know there were women petitioning for the vote but that hardly seems like it was anything out of the ordinary, it's not like Arthur turned around and said that he thinks it's absolutely ridiculous women can't vote and that men must stop oppressing women. Is it because the black/mixed characters in the game weren't hated by the gang? The only thing that stands out to me as being rather stupid was how they painted that dude that promoted biological differences in race as being wrong/cowardly.
For the thread topic, I honestly can't believed I lived to see the day that Mortal Kombat of all things, a game where people are brutally murdered in hand to hand combat, decapitated, humiliated and everything in between, succumbed to this weird bullshit about being politcial in video games of all things. Jax changing history (which didn't make any sense since African tribes were practicing slavery before any other cultures showed up to buy them) to make Wakanda, Shao Khan shouting "Make Outworld Great Again" and the hypocrisy of female fighters getting covered up but, still showing off shirtless muscle men.
...So enlightened centrism?
wtf is up with the fortnite tier lootbox cosmetic cancer?
I swear it reads like a falseflag for SJWs to point at and state how fucking pathetic it is, and they're absolutely right in this case.
>What SJW was there exactly?
I don't know, why don't you go watch the one hour video crying about SJW agendas in RDR 2? I didn't make it.
I imagine it's gonna basically be something like "Why do I have to play as someone that tolerates niggers?"
D'vorah is my wife
With all the anti consumer bullshit the game is riddled with there's not even any need to peddle lies in the first place.
Posted this in another tread and its relevant here
Character designs ruined. Not just over TITS but entire themes are smashed to bits. Kitana looks okayish with a mask on, but nowhere near as good as MKX, Frost looks like hot garbage, jade and skarlet are meant to be feme fatal types (along with mileena...) and skarlet is in a rubber burka. frost never even had tits out so its a mystery why they made her look like a 12 year old boy
Grinding needed for not only cosmetics, but shit like brutalities and possibly fatalities down the road. Mortal Kombat has always been about the flash so these are actually important
The grinding cannot be done online as you need about 25k koins to TRY a tower and you only get about 600 in an online match
The shop rotates so you can't even spend the small amount of premium currency you earn on what you want unless you're online all the time
Buying shit with premium currency means spending approx $300 on EACH CHARACTER if you got everything. you might not need everything but that tells you how overpriced it all is
The gameplay is better than previous MK games, but everything that made mk stand out is gone. They went and shit all over what made their franchise unique and no one will give a shit about it when its mechanics still only are better compared to other MK games
>Shao Kahn shooting...
Dear god, they ruined a whole franchise just to make a dumb political statement...
what do you expect? they're corporations with profits in mind. blame the children who constantly eat their shit up and reinforce the model.
It´s the normie fighting game franchise. It won´t go broke cause they wont look up at the drama behind it or even check the currency system before purchasing.
So, as in woke or non woke MK games, it will sale fine and be dead in a couple a weeks.
It shouldn't even get to the politics stage. It's an always online game with microtransactions AND a Season pass. That should be a NO in neon lighting right there.
I'm sure it'll sell millions because "gamers" are a collection hyperiding hypercomsumers with no self control.
Oh no no no no
>looked up mk11
>nothing but journalists trying to shill for the "wokeness" and blaming gamers for not liking it
Welp, there goes another fighter game down the drain with its vision destroyed. How many left?
>The gameplay is better than previous MK games
This is the only thing that matters you fucking incels
Isn't one of the endings having women in bikinis fighting for a man's amusement? Just because the chicks are ugly (nrs staple) doesn't mean they're suddenly woke.
MK11 will even sell more than X, which already sold 11 million copies.
I want it to be a success because fuck incels, but I also want it to fail because fuck microtransactions