If 2D animated games become a thing with the massive success of Cuphead...

If 2D animated games become a thing with the massive success of Cuphead, what other styles of visuals and gameplay would you like to see?

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I'd love to see a big-budget hand-animated adventure game a la Curse of Monkey Island but I can't imagine it'll ever happen again.


I'd actually love a 2D Mario animated in 2D.

Anime style.

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Is Cuphead worth getting if you're not into Shmups? Many find it too difficult, and the high points of the game seem to be the artstyle and music rather than the gameplay.

The gameplay is flash tier trash, the music and art really are the games best features.

And no, even if you were into shmups I couldn't recommend it at all, and if you're not absolutely not.

Torrent it and see if you like it, then buy it if you do. Your computer can probably run it.

I don' think it will "become a style"
That's way too much work to draw and animate.
They'll keep making 3D shit

Well it has a couple of shmup sections.

Cupheads success is nothing but proof that with enough marketing and billion dollar corporate backing you can sell anything, no matter how much it exemplifies style over substance.

Another City Building game. I've played Pharaoh and Caesar III until I run dry on anything to try and Caesar IV was literally soulless. I need more comfy 2D City Building.

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They won’t. This skillset is rare and takes tremendous investment to get it not-visibly-bad, its expensive to employ and manage and takes a long time. Any of those thkngs alone would scuttle wide adoption

the substance of the game IS the style you fucking dolt. No one never tried to pretend this was anything but "90s shmup wank with a cool 30s rubber hose aesthetic", if you thought it was gonna give you some insight into mortality or make you grow as a person you're a dumb retard, not only for thinking Cuphead would be able to do that, but also for thinking video games are a good source for that kind of experience in the first place.

Earthbound trilogy remade in Peanuts animation style
There's only one platform that doesn't sell Cuphead and you just made it obvious that it's the one you use.

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There's an easy mode but if you're not good at games I recommend the PC version with some "30 hp" mod or something.

That style fits so perfectly that it makes me wonder if Itoi referenced Peanuts when designing characters

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You talk as if it was a terrible game undeserving of sucess when I'll bet you're merely basing it on the fact that you've "played it before" and therefore it's shit.


I think Cuphead should be higher

PS1 graphics.
I know some people like 98Demake and PuppetCombo do but there needs to be more.

its cool to experience even if you dont like side scrolling games. its pretty much a modernized contra but if you arent used to the genre you can get stuck and be really pissed but its still quite satisfying

No i'm merely saying that the gameplay is shit, it's sub par in literally every respect but production values.

Isometric sprites in 3d environments.

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Remake of comix zone

>don't listen to resetera trannies

game is fucking good


indie studios simply can't afford

Fucking this. Wario, proving his superiority as always, was the one to do it . It should've sold more copies than it did though.

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If Yea Forums can so official nipples we should be allowed to as well

It won't become a thing because a thing like this needs soul and actual care. It also takes a fuck ton of time and this industry doesn't have any of those things anymore. Just enjoy that special game we did get.

Check out trophy/achievement stats. People bought this game but nobody finished it. Typical.

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>3 million
>massive success

Made by 2 people, sold for 20 bucks.
That's 60 million right there.
Minus 30%
That's still roughly 40million.

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The game was in development hell for 3 or 4 years.

Where is the fucking DLC?

Whats the name of that one PS3 JRPG where all of the battle sprites were actual anime?

KYS niggerlover

ID@Xbox tho

meanwhile naughty dog pushes 7 million with bazillion marketing budget and needs to pay 60% to disney lol

How much money have you made in 4 years, lad?

something something witch thousand something


More than I've spent on all of the animations for a completely hand-drawn game.

Sub par compared to what?

There is no way 4 years developing this game costed 40 million

I don't think it was in development hell, at least not for very long if it was.
Hand drawn animation, especially animation drawn in such deep detail as Cuphead's, takes a long fucking time to produce.

90's anime looks so fucking awful.

I think a Japanese anime style game would be cool.

They won't. Cuphead sold mostly on novelty despite being a good game.

not even anime is anime style anymore tho

>Fucking this. Wario, proving his superiority as always, was the one to do it . It should've sold more copies than it did though.

SO underrated

Good Feel should consider revisiting this

>11 years old now
>still no new warioland game

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....the novelty of hand drawn visuals?

They should make an anime themed anime and then base a video game of it.

arent there a bunch of those? Im sure one of them managed to get a game

I mean I never even played the fucking games and even I know paper Mario exists what kind of a fan are you?

DOS/Amiga (particularly Silmarils) inspired pixel art. I'm sick of everyone ripping off the SNES pastel candy style.

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>this indie game didn't sell as much as an AAA game, what a fucking flop lmao
Why can't you idiots understand that success is relative? A million is huge for a game like this, let alone several million.

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These days that is a novelty. 3D has been the norm for almost two decades now.

awful taste, shoot yourself

No, the novelty of that particular style, visuals, sound and themes, in video game format. I thought it was pretty obvious.

Do you honestly think a similar game in say an anime style would garner the same amount of attention and success? No, because it wouldn't be a novelty.

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>If 2D animated games become a thing
Bro, there was a time when there were ONLY 2D animated games.

It is superior to 3D in many of its applications.

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>what other styles of visuals and gameplay would you like to see?
I didn't buy cuphead for its style.
I bought it because it forced you to get good, and didn't try any of that games-as-service bullshit.

They got delayed for a year because Microsoft demanded those shitty platforming stages be added.

But I will tell you one thing:
The purpose of graphics is to convey visual information to the player.
If you'd rather your game be beautiful but cluttered rather than clear and simple, then your style is wrong.

Sauce on this?

hang in there user. It's much closer than you may think.

Traditional 2D platformer, not RPG, can you even read

Nice try IRS

>Heh. What is this "Cuphead?" A new shmup? Tsk Tsk Tsk. The plebeians of the world have yet to see past the surface level. Beneath the art direction lies. . . Ah. There it is. A very mediocre game. Why, it's hardly groundbreaking at all. Classics such as Gunstar Heroes and Contra are much better in every conceivable way. Truly, I pity those who fall so easily for fanciful graphics. An esteemed gentleman such as myself knows better.

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Thanks for reminding me I need to buy Cuphead for my Switch, OP.

You can't drink me

How was this released for the switch when it was funded and published by Microsoft?

MS is dropping out of the console race and trying to leech off of Nintendo's platform because of their massive foothold in Japan. Cuphead was phase one.

I hope they keep doing it. I want Halo on the Switch Pro.

I know you meant to be making fun of someone but you know what? Those are great points.

If you don't like the style is fine, but the gameplay mechanics of the game are pretty polished. They are simple, fun and effective. You can jump, you can "double jump" in certain conditions, you can dash, move, shoot and lock yourself in place to shoot in the direction you want. You also have upgrades that modifiy those simple mechanics. I think the game deserves more merit if you keep the mechanics simple but it's still challenging and fun to play. The style, in this case, is a big bonus for me. The game is good.

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Just going to mention, blip and blop balls of steel

I'm on to you Luigi.

I drink a glass of you everyday