Have we reached peak stupidity from Devs?
Have we reached peak stupidity from Devs?
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This can’t be real.
>removing a white supremacist dog whistle from a mainstream game is now bad
Why would they just change the buckle like that?
Gee, maybe if /pol/tards didn't go and made it a symbol of white supremacy and that fucking cuck didn't go and massacre 50 people while making that sign there wouldn't be no problem
But you are too retarded to understand that, for you "HGURR DURRR FREE SPEECH ONLY A JOKE XDD TRIGGER DA LIBZ OWN DA LIBZ XDD"
I wonder who is behind this
lol no see, it's not actually a white supremacist symbol, we tricked the gullible sheeple into believing it was by using it in the context of white supremacy and encouraging white supremacists to use it
So just need a bunch of spergs and one psycho to declare something a nazi symbol? We should move to the rainbow flag and make you fags nazi enablers too
There is no problem. Caring about it or bringing attention to it makes it a problem. Imagine if everyone's reaction to things like this was a shrug of the shoulders. It would just eventually disappear.
fuck off from Yea Forums faggot
Except that it isn't a white supremacist dog whistle. It's a prank that leftists took seriously.
the rainbow flag is next, just you wait
What? When I was in high school if you made that hand gesture and someone else looked at it you got to punch them in the arm. It didn’t have shit to do with politics
>/pol/ tries to meme some bullshit into reality by spamming EVERYWHERE on the internet
>Enough so that it appears to be a large group that understand this
>Consequences will never be the same
>Be surprised and triggered
That's probably your highest claim of success in your entire life. Let me help you out, stop going there. Your brain will go back to semi-normal in like 3 months
>making devs remove a harmless sign
So woke.
>white supremacist
any white person who doesn't hate his own race is a "white supremacist" nowadays, thanks to ameritards
It’s not a REAL white supremacist symbol. It was made as a joke to trick the liberal media into thinking it was a racist symbol. And it worked, hook, line and sinker.
>encouraging white supremacists to use it
so you mean its a white supremacist symbol
>Your brain will go back to semi-normal in like 3 months
Is this considered semi-normal?
>People actually took the bait
Got to congratulte /pol/ on this one. Do they still show that Malcolm in the Middle episode?
>Legalizing crime.
wtf america ?
That may be further gone than you or I, user.
no one is triggered
people are laughing at these retarded liberals
you're just giving them the boogie man they so desperately wish to be real. it sustains them and you're happily feeding them.
they are actually less happy as humans if they don't have a constant stream of these things to obsess over, be oppressed by and be offended by.
They banned Stark Raving Dad so I wouldn't be surprised.
What game?
Also people defending this is stupid, if idiot libs just ignored it than /pol/tards would get bored and move on.
They are only giving white supremacists more power and legitimacy by taking this seriously...
You people are dumb as rocks. Can't even tell when one of your own is being glib.
Okay call me /pol/ all you want
But can one of you just explain the leftist ENDGAME?
Like, what is your goal?
Once Europe is majority muslim and America is purged of whites, what then?
I simply don't understand
And white supremacists HAVE adopted it as a dogwhistle, is the problem
>everything I don't like is white supremacy
Why are niggers so fragile?
The person behind the most sickening and infamous terrorist attack of this century did that symbol in court. I don't blame them for not wanting to ve associated with that.
MK games are boring
It’s not crime when blacks do it apparently it’s just “in their nature”, how blacks and liberals don’t see this hypocrisy boggles my mind.
Must be that double digit IQ.
Osama bin Laden went to court??
Bin Laden
Death cult endgame.
what game is this
Divide the first world as much as they can,give people who vote liberal get more privileges and rights (women,minorities,etc...) and create a world government.
>It's a prank that leftists took seriously.
Yes, and some retard in New Zealand killed a bunch of people while making said "prank" symbol and telling people to subscribe to PewDiePie, as a "prank."
oh no muh 50 muslims, what a devil
>bombs sri lanka and kills 300 christians
if all the white nationalists start drinking water and make that a symbol are you going to stop?
Get out Schlomo.
I have no idea what is going on in this thread and I'm glad of it.
>communist regime responsible for killing ten of millions of it's own innocent citizens
>it's ok to have communist characters in video games
the solution is simple then. Make the next hand gesture mean the same thing.
No one has adopted it as a hate symbol, retard. IT WAS A JOKE. No one is unironically using it to display white nationalism.
>lol we're TOTALLY just pretending XDDDD those dang libruls bought it XDDDD
No, you just look fucking stupid.
>ITT: Kikes
DotR when bros?
It's literally just the "Haha made you look" sign to let you punch your buddy on the arm, it's exactly the same as the "Haha made you flinch" by faking a gut-punch and if they reacted you get to punch them on the arm, my favorite was doing the double fake-out, putting the sign really low like on my knee and when they look down I quickly just jerk my hand up and forward towards their belly so that way I can get a double punch on the arm real easily.
>white supremacist dog whistle
/pol/ memed it to prove just how retarded the left is, that they would believe literally anything because they are mindless NPC's.
and you can see the result.
it proves the left are mindless NPC's.
now they
So we should ban saying allahu akbar too right? I mean, look at everyone killed while saying it.
oh wait they aren't white so it's fine.
The fuck are you talking about? When did that happen?
>/pol/ says the "ok" sign is racist
>lefties believe /pol/ and they're starting to ban it
I don't know what comes next.
You say this as if the left is one single organisation when that term describes everyone from anarcho-communists to social democrats,
They claim they dont see colour, just humans in need of help.
At first glance this is a nice gesture, but that is untill you realise that all people arent kind and loving. And that the world cant be your wonderland that you want it to be.
These folks sadly dont realise that we have countries and different cultures for reasons.
Communists only killed bad people
Fuck off, nazi!
That's not so bad. The whole crux of the Michael Jackson issue was his inappropriate friendships with kids that lend credibility to the stories, like the Simpsons episode.
Do you think all this is so people complain about woke and dont point out the lootboxes and stuff?
>capatalism responsible for the exploitation and death of millions if not billions of people around the globe over the course of the last century
>capitalism still seen as acceptable
Over the weekend idiot, do you live under a rock?
Sorry, I forgot about 9/11. I should have said decade instead of century.
>Communists only killed bad people
Yeah other communists
Statistics ban when?
Easter. Have you not watched the news?
>meme ok symbol in white power bullshit
>white supremacists run with it and start using it unironically
>some guy shoots up some muslims with
pol memes on his gun
>does circle game in his arrest pic
>some game removes the circle game from their character model
>"wow people dont realize this is a joke"
oh buddy im just calling it how i see it
but by your logic if he would have said "go woke MFs" people of the left would have stopped using the word woke?
He also massacred those people while having a dick. You have a dick, are you a nazi massacrist? No? Well you better cut your dick off then. Oh, you did? Good. Keep it that way.
Holy shit the crappo flappo discord trannies are here.
but why? What would any of that serve?
>haha we're gonna make these memes and push them around ironically as our secret slang
>media: here's a list of secret slang from edgy chan users
ok /pol/pedos
>Austin police Sgt. Todd Harrison, president of the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas, said in a written statement that Creuzot's plan was "unacceptable."
But that only proves me right,somebody wanted to pass that.
>someone who disagrees with me!?
>literally the only explanation is an outside invader coming into my safe space
Yeah, no white supremacists have adopted it, definitely not Richard Spencer or the Christchurch shooter
they did the "your shoe's untied" sign to a court room full of people? my sides
It would serve the jews user, they want everyone to be mindless easily controlled cattle and white people are in the way of that goal.
after us china and japan are next.
Everyone is starting to realize the Jew problem, Mr. Kike.
They're literally taking this guy's bait. It shows how easily people are influenced by memes. They gave this guy so much power he now basically gets to decide what gets banned from games and media.
Cuba,venezuela says hi
Did you read what the plan was or only the headline?
/pol/ made the OK gesture code for White Power. The three fingers form a W and the index finger and thumb form a P. /pol/ spread images of Trump, Richard Spencer and Milo doing the gesture as "proof".
>b-b-but capitalism
r/the_donald GET OUT
Well, aren't you?
>inb4 n-no
>as demographic changes sweep anglo-rule from texas..........
this sounds like a completely above board source with no bias or obvious leanings at all.
capitalism never harmed anyone, people harming themselves under capitalism don't count
>put thumb in pocket
wow i fucking fixed your memebombing
The elites
You should be mad at NRS.
>kills 50 people
>it's just a meme guys
>>capatalism responsible for the exploitation and death of millions if not billions of people around the globe over the course of the last century
"responsible" is a bit of a fucking stretch here champ, you're suggesting that because they died in a world where capitalism is the norm that somehow it was responsible is laughable
also though
>capitalism responsible for huge increases in quality of life and bringing more people out of abject poverty than any other system
kind of the point. until you find something demonstrably better, we'll stick with the best we've got so far
>video games
>on Yea Forums
everyone point and laugh at the epic centrist newfag
>retards still falling for /pol/ trolling
i agree with you if by when you say they're you mean anyone who seriously follows this shit either way
>Unreal Engine 3
Did he kill 50 people with the circle game? What a lad.
>So we should ban saying allahu akbar too right?
Strawman harder, /pol/tard. Literally everyone is aware of Islamic terrorism and has been for the past 18 years. People who were born on 9/11 are going to be old enough to vote this September. Their entire life has been lived in the shadow of post-9/11 America.
You "memed" the symbol into one of white supremacy as a "joke," but the thing is it has long since ceased to be a joke. A complete retard in New Zealand livestreamed himself making said symbol and telling people to subscribe to PewDiePie WHILE HE WAS KILLING 50 PEOPLE. It isn't a joke or a meme anymore, dude.
>the most sickening and infamous terrorist attack
>Some dude defending his home from some mudslime invaders
That's not even "terrorist" at all. There are hundreds to choose from from actual terrorists, buddy.
Your libtard sub 80 IQ is showing.
That's where you're wrong kiddo
if this morons fell for it then /pol/ truely won
>>white supremacists run with it and start using it unironically
except this never happened. I know this because I was one of the ones that pushed it. It literally was nothing but a meme the entire way. Tarrant also used it as a meme, just like his gun was covered in memes, how he memed in his manifesto, how he live streamed it as a meme, how he played meme music, and how he said subscribe to pewdiepie as a meme.
Tarrant was a gigantic memelord.
you know who isn't a gigantic memelord?
Islamic terrorists.
You know by your logic as soon as someone does a bad thing and does something infamous that said thing now need to be banned right?
>falling for the prank this hard
50 people died and it can still be a meme.
What if someone decides to kill 50 Muslims draped in the rainbow flag saying that Islam is hostile to homosexuals?
Will the media ban the rainbow flag next?
The point is that this current hair-trigger culture is super easily manipulated.
I'll add to this that the OK sign didn't kill those people, guns did. Why aren't the guns banned from video games?
>It was just a joke libtards lmao you don't actually think the swastika is a hate symbol?
As yes.
Pewdiepie, the leader of the alt right
>that loon killed 50 people in the name of Pewds since that's what he started the stream with
He also said “subscribe to pewdiepie.” Do you seriously think he was serious? He was a memer to the end.
When did the normie boomers become so redpilled?
>including declining to prosecute most low-level marijuana offenses, cases in which someone is found with trace amounts of drugs or thefts of "personal items" valued at less than $750
And he gave a shit excuse of why its okay to steal food and stuff if you are poor which is still niggery
Don't bitch about muh censorship when one of you /pol/ faggots literally shot up a mosque
If someone killed 50 people while quoting leftist memes and saying "vote for hilldog" would they stop being jokes
I hope they make breathing a white supremacist "symbol" so you can stop breathing too to conform
The shooter was literally israeli, I don't know why you keep blaming /pol/
>dog whistle
Can someone please make it ilegal for millennials to make up buzzwords?
In fact, even better, make it ilegal for millennials to vote or speak of politics ever again.
Bunch of obsessed manchildren.
You're next.
If this is a genuine question, here's the problem with your thinking. It's contradictory because you think it to be that way. The left isn't some unified group led by masters. The left is a catch all term that's wrongly used to describe anyone with specific stances on issues, and it ends up wrongly filing several people in with the extremely mentally ill crowd who believes unironically in retarded shit like total communism.
There is no "endgame" in leftist politics beyond the ultra-left bullshit like total communism. It's just a more emotional response to an issue than it is an economic one compared to the right. Both sides have their points and faults in their stances.
No one is pushing to have Europe and the US become non-white. People push for them to take in refugees because these countries are the most economically stable. South Africa has a notorious racism issue, Russia is a shithole, India is India, China is a human rights wasteland, Japan doesn't give a fuck and is already too small for its own population, and Mexico is fucking Mexico.
There isn't some coordinated push by the elites to end whites or some retarded shit. That's a conspiracy theory that was dreamt up by the paranoid who are too fucking lazy to look into why stuff's happening.
I'm not saying the law is a great idea. But what I am saying is that it's being misrepresented. The "personal items" are just shit like food, diapers. Phones, TVs, shitty cars, and anything else that'd fall under $750 is going to be something that gets you in prison. Simple as that. It's not a good law, but the reasoning for it makes sense. It's not some "durr blacks steal haha XD" gotcha like the provocateur party thinks it is.
>It isn't a joke or a meme anymore, dude.
Read this motherfucker and tell me this isn't a meme.
When the media bias became so blatantly obvious it's literally impossible to not see unless you actively try.
Fake news is doing more for our cause than most memes.
No they haven’t. They’re in on the joke. The left can’t meme, but the right can.
The articles probably wouldn't mention his political beliefs. It'd just be a vague "Man murders 50 people in mass shooting".
Second post kek post.
>"responsible" is a bit of a fucking stretch here champ, you're suggesting that because they died in a world where capitalism is the norm that somehow it was responsible is laughable
Why not, that's how people arrive at those ridiculously inflated numbers for communism. It's an observable fact that between the wars fought in the name of capitalism, be they anti-Communist or just to secure corporate interests, all the preventable deaths from profits taking precedence over human life all over the world, and the exploitation of the working class/third world, it's hardly possible to overestimate the death toll directly attributable to capitalist ideology.
Obviously drinking water is a symbol of white supremacy.
Voting age sbould be 25.
Can we please now ban anyone who praises Allah?
I mean, there's a ton of terrorists who say that Allah is great before killing a lot of people.
You're basically giving these people the power to change the world around you. It's pathetic.
First it's this, next it's some bigger ban of something else because the terrorists claimed it as their own.
>America and England the two most important hwhite countries become majority muslim and black
>All mid/lower class hwhite people eliminated
>the remaining hwhite people are at the top of the social pyramid due to wealth and fame.
>non-hwhites can't complain because 'look at all we've done for you, we got rid of Christianity and all the racist whites'
>Tarrant also used it as a meme, just like his gun was covered in memes, how he memed in his manifesto, how he live streamed it as a meme, how he played meme music, and how he said subscribe to pewdiepie as a meme.
And shot 100 people as a meme...
>you know who isn't a gigantic memelord?
>Islamic terrorists.
lol baited! Gotcha senpai
>"Gun murders 50, #Impeach"
>he actually paid the 100$ to the NZ gov
I'm sure the Siri Lanka bomber was a kamikaze so he couldn't do that in court
he was a white european
>"responsible" is a bit of a fucking stretch here champ
id venture to say all the people who died as slaves on sugar plantations, working in sweatshops, or in the awful factory conditions that still exist in many places would disagree.
>kind of the point. until you find something demonstrably better, we'll stick with the best we've got so far
capatalism has been very useful, but we have come to a point where it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capatalism, and thats scary because i hope no one thinks it is the ideal perfect system we want to keep forever.
Voting should be gated behind tests to see who is knowledgeable enough to have the right to have a say in how a nation is ruled.
Age means nothing in a world full of 30 year old manchildren.
>No one is pushing to have Europe and the US become non-white.
Its funny because i get to laugh at dumb USA cucks who still think they are first world.
They realized how pathetic and inhuman they are. But it's the jews who are supporting them.
Technically the swastika is just a shape, the Hakenkreuz which is the specific swastika symbol for the Nazi party is a hate symbol, but that doesn't mean the swastika used in Buddhism is a hate symbol.
They should ban all water.
Especially from Africa, so all those poor black children aren't confronted with this evil white supremacist phenomenon.
>liking movies and TV shows means you can't have a say in politics
I'd genuinely trust that guy in the photo over some jaded faggot on Yea Forums
You really dont get it.
The ok sign IS A JOKE, its/was a fully normal gesture that was memes for "white power" to trigger/troll the left.
>haha look they are doing the white power sign AND they are on our team lololol
>cant you see its a W and a P - white power lmaoing on you lefttards
And now you justify banning this since one edgy guy went on a killing spree and obviously knew todays memes and wanted to troll as hard as possible.
>Caring about mudslimes
I see the problem.
His manifesto was all over /pol/ the following days.
It's pretty golden. I regret not saving more of it.
Yeah, then /pol/ happened. The rainbow flag is also an ethnonationalist symbol now.
>Be me, a spic
>All the time during middle school and highschool every kid used the hand sign in order to prank each other and justify punching each other
>A decade pass, we are still doing it because everyone knows its just a prank and nobody cares about USA's opinion on what a hand sign means in the last years.
The swastika is a stolen symbol used in hinduism and other cultures that existed looong before Nazism. Always wondered how the Nazis coined it for them.
>I'm not saying the law is a great idea. But what I am saying is that it's being misrepresented. The "personal items" are just shit like food, diapers. Phones, TVs, shitty cars, and anything else that'd fall under $750 is going to be something that gets you in prison. Simple as that. It's not a good law, but the reasoning for it makes sense. It's not some "durr blacks steal haha XD" gotcha like the provocateur party thinks it is
It doesn't matter,you are defending thieves because you are a mentally ill faggot that defends minorities because your leaders told you to,pic semi-related.
Swing and a miss there spergboy
I do not trust anyone without proof that he knows what he's talking about.
And no, i'll never take seriously some retarded 30 year old who still unironically plays videogames and watches superhero movies.
>the Hakenkreuz which is the specific swastika symbol for the Nazi party is a hate symbol
haha you actually fell for it stupid libtard xD
Hitler is the meme king xDDD
He killed people to send a message and accelerate political and racial tensions.
Did you seriously think he did it as an epic meme prank? Is that what they tell you on resetera.
>Communists only killed bad people
Yeah, under communism, everyone bad
The left is a suicidal death cult. This is why they defeat themselves at every turn (this thread is a brilliant example).
Their ultimate goal is complete self-extermination. Being a collective entity, the death of individual drones does nothing to threaten the collective, which is why the need something larger. This is what drives them, and why the slow march of authoritarianism, oppression, inequality and death will continue to carry on never stopping. They will keep up the fight forever, push and push and push, until eventually people fight back.
The only way you can get benevolent humans to do something like exterminate a group is by forcing them to do it. Which is exactly what the left wants. As for the elite on top, they made the mistake of seeking to rule over these people and will get swept up in the conflict.
The world is divided, not by race, ideology, or class. It is spiritually divided by people who want to be free from the oppression of reality and thus who want to live despite it. "Left" is just a guise.
Wait... Wait wait wait wait wait... Is this shit for real?
Then get off of Yea Forums. You're not welcome here.
Welcome to millennial autism.
Liking TV and movies is different than adopting them as part of your identity snoy chugger
You mean defused 50 kebabs?
Well real capitalism is perfect nonviolent and always works (I read it in a book). If capitalism doesn't work, it wasn't real capitalism or it was sabotaged by evil people. Nice try sweetie
user, you're the one who doesn't understand. We all saw you come up with this clever meme. We all saw what you were planning and rolled our eyes at it. We all know that the OK sign is an innocuous symbol. And then we also saw people actually using it in contexts where it couldn't be interpreted as anything else but "white power".
I’m yellow and I think both whites and blacks are stupid as fuck.
Hey, i'm 21, I don't plan on dropping videogames until i'm 25.
Besides, I want to see how much of a clusterfuck the next-generation is. Very promising considering how retardedly bad the 8th gen has been with not a single game above a 7/10 being released and microtransactions being featured in most videogames.
Doesn't matter. It doesn't make their views on politics suddenly irrelevant. They're mutually exclusive. Either you believe in freedom, or you don't. Simple as that.
Are you having your period, discord tranny.
>The swastika is a stolen symbol used in hinduism and other cultures that existed looong before Nazism. Always wondered how the Nazis coined it for them.
It's not a very complicated symbol. It was found in many cultures, including ancient Germanic ones. That's the part that appealed to the Nazis.
>The left isn't some unified group led by masters.
It literally makes ZERO sense for the international elite to not genocide all races.
Any possible source of values, such as the nation, a religion, or an ethnicity, that can threaten the profit of the globalized, corporate pop culture is an enemy to the elite. Whites are being focused on right now due to the power of Western Civilization, but there is no reason it would stop with them. No, it's not white genocide, its the genocide of all folk culture.
You say 21 but your mindset is like 16 tops.
This is very accurate except they'll keep christianity to make the mutts docile
Yeah I know you're just fishing for (you)'s, but I decided to at the least put the correct information out there so more uneducated people don't fall for it.
>only 50
No wonder he was forgotten after 2 weeks.
What an embarassment.
Even terrorists nowadays are an incompetent joke.
I'm white and I think that's just fine.
Races should hate one another. It's the natural order of things.
The christchurch shooter literally did that hand gesture. You cannot say it's "ironic" or "just a meme" when literal white supremacists are doing it.
Pretty big words from a guy whose understanding of international politics and economics comes entirely from youtubers
you mean easter worshippers?
No, you fucking moron, obviously I don't. I think he's an actual white supremacist heavily influenced by /pol/ and alt-right rhetoric. I'm saying the people who are trying to convince me it's "all just memes brah" are transparently trying to cover their asses.
>Look at neighbor funny
>off to the Gulag
>Turn sound down on propaganda speaker
>off to Gulag
>Secret police haven't arrested someone in a while
>off to gulag
He's white, what did you expect? They are pathetic and inferior, they can't even kill right
300 christians were killed in Sri Lanka by Islamists. When do you start boycotting Islam and sandnigger characters?
No, if I was 16 i'd unironically like all the garbage being released lately since I wouldn't know better.
Videogames are becoming, once again, into an embarassing industry to be part of.
If it is part of their identity then surely it affects their political choices
omg trimp is jus like Voldemort using the infinity gauntlet
Rey is SO AOC!!!!!
He also said “subscribe to Pewdiepie.” Do you think that was a serious statement? He was clearly joking.
Okay, counterpoint: that is insane and you have the political understanding of a 14 year old raised on /pol/ memes.
I cannot express my delight that y'all have fallen so far as to believe this. Not even /pol/, but this is some of the best comedy I've seen organically unfold in the culture in years.
They give you a rope to hang yourself with and you rent a plane to skydive into the noose.
>implying the same shit doesn't happen on the right
if you seriously think media turns people into leftists you're fucking retarded
>people who wear rick and morty stuff
That’s right. None of them. It’s a prank. Go look through /pol/ archives if you don’t want to persist in being the mindless NPC.
>hundreds of Christians killed in Sri Lanka
Uh, no. They were Easter Worshippers, dickhead.
imagine being so fucking paranoid you see nazis on a hand gesture
So people arrested for conspiring against the government under a capitalist system are victims of capitalism?
No terrorist is.
Look at the Paris attacks, only 130 dead despite being about 5 people rampaging through one of the most population dense cities in the world.
This is why nobody takes terrorism seriously.
Millennials are bad even at being the bad guys.
Can't wait for some autistic bomber to use something ridiculously common for normies as a sign and lefties trying to ban that.
but they already control everything, including whites, according to you faggots. How would removing them make jews more in control?
We been shrugging our shoulders at white people for years y’all still won’t chill out
There's literally nothing wrong with that. You get to have that opinion, enjoy it! I won't send you off to be silenced for not embracing multiculturalism
>and infamous terrorist attack of this century
osama bin ladden never got to court
>Everything I don’t like is white genocide
Why are mutts so sensitive?
That isn't a point at all just impotent whinging from a narcissistic loser. Good luck out there
>And then we also saw people actually using it in contexts where it couldn't be interpreted as anything else but "white power".
There will always be people stealing stuff from others and using it since its popular.
Are we going to ban dabbing when some people will use it for saluting Hitler?
By your logic if pol had adapted it and he would have done it you would have been calling to ban dabbing.
See how stupid this all is?
The media pushes people to the right these days.
Only so many times I can see an 80lbs woman sumo wrestle a couple green berets then fuck a black man and have an abortion before I start to question (((whomst))) is putting these things out there
Why do you speak like a bunch of southern hicks.
When pretty much every kid in the continent has been doing it as a prank for more than a decade before people thought of it as a white supremacist thing, then yes, its just a meme, in fact, its being used in the literal and exact way it has been used for whole time, I pity those who didnt get to have that fun as children.
>This is our symbol now
>Oh okay you can have it
>Also drinking milk
I bet /pol/ could claim the democrat party symbol and they'd get away with it
>Yeah I know you're just fishing for (you)'s
No you retard, I'm pointing out the flawed logic on display ITT
Your "correct information" is nothing but useless pedantry btw as the "Hakenkreuz" IS a Swastika and in the West most people are going to take any Swastika to be a Nazi symbol if there is no additional context.
Name five times this has happened in the past five years.
>Can't wait for some autistic bomber
Try the government
If all it takes is 50 dead civilians to ban something YOU CAN BET YOUR ASS the government is going to jump on that shit
>We should make this a white supremacist symbol to own the libs!
>becomes a white supremacist people and gets banned
Can we make the Statue of Liberty a hate symbol?
How many sandniggers are there in video games these days? Besides Rashid in SFV and that one non-white chick in Apex Legends, are there any other notables?
Can you imagine the person you have to be to put this on
"Yyyaassss queen" were his final words before he detonated the bomb
Can't wait for the thumbs up to be branded and called to be banned too.
Are we talking about /pol/ or SJWs here?
This whole moral panic is going to make for a very amusing encyclopedia entry one day
Capitalism kills the way a landslide kills people.
Communism kills the way a school shooter kills people.
One is a victim of circumstance, the other is a victim of ideology.
Even is capitalism killed in the same calculated and intentional way Marxism killed, it killed less than capitalism because Communism has failed to achieve a global revolution and remains tied to smaller countries, instead of capitalism, which is global. Besides that, it's a rigid utopian ideology that is incompatible with reality and as such tries to change reality by force to fit its ideals, which always leads to Red Terror.
>He also said “subscribe to Pewdiepie.” Do you think that was a serious statement?
But rather more to the point, if Christchurch shows anything it's that the line between "serious" and "ironic" is heavily blurred and not particularly relevant. If you pretend to be a white supremacist, you functionally are a white supremacist.
You seem a bit frustrated.
>telling people to subscribe to PewDiePie
you fucking white supremacist!!!!
They can use those fists to punch themselves.
You're pretending to be a white supremacist right now
>we can't use that hand sign it's become offensive
>lets use another hand sign that's universally been offensive for decades
>bin laden
Don't be so fucking stupid
They’re already working on it.
Peace Sign: the two fingers stand for “only 2 genders.”
Thumbs Up: thumb means 1, curled 4 fingers means 4. 14 for the 14 words.
I dont believe it
This. /pol/ should vote for demotards and make them a symbol of white power.
that never happens tho you inbred whites supremacist, if its interracial its always a white man black woman, or some other bullshit, fuck off nazi shit lying.
Name 5 white girls killed by blacks in the last 5 days.
>if you seriously think media turns people into leftists you're fucking retarded
You're the retard. Who do you think controls all of the media and entertainment in the United States you retard? Do you think the people under 25 ingesting this media non stop 24/7 are not being brainwashed in any way on a large scale? Are you fucking blind? Have you not been paying attention for the last decade?
There is no right wing control of the media. When is the last time a right wing video game with strong right wing values came out? A right wing film? A right wing comic? Anything? It never happens. Our entertainment industry is 100% dominated by the left, and even the general media is mostly liberal controlled. Google controls almost all of the information flow from the internet and has a complete monopoly on it, and studies on it show that Google prioritizes liberal media outlets in their searches to about a 4 to 1 ratio.
Yes, the media is absolutely turning people into leftists. No, the same thing is not happening to the right wing.
It was Halloween, he dressed up as the most repugnant people in the world: millennials.
Took me a moment to see the merchant.
There's been scattered attempts to claim the LGBT flag
I found it hilarious. I'd like to see it actually get pushed.
>what is yang gang
Should've made clapping a WS symbol. That would fucking ruin ameritards lmao.
Ah yes, the ebil arm punch finger circle made him kill all those people.
You know i could handle the subdued female costumes, i could handle my favorites not being in, i could even deal with the story being kind of shit with zero resolution
But to take out everything fun because some dipshit in marketing wants to impress her other humanities class buddies on twitter? In mortal fucking kombat? I'm done. I've been a fan of MK since 199 fucking 3. That's older than most people posting here. There's enough lowtiergods and sonicfoxes and others like them where someone like me disowning the series doesn't mean a whole hill of beans, but i'm me, i'm not them. I'm fucking done dude. How dare they let "Those" sorts ruin fucking everything.
Fucking trump references for shao khan? Jax going full weewuz? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm no uncucked kekistani carl slayer but holy shit is that embarrasing. I'm fucking done. I'm FUCKING done. fuck this shit.
angry black roastie detected
literally no white woman has been killed by a black man..other way around yes you white supremacist attacks black women daily.
That's retarded, we should respect each other but keep ourselves segregated.
this. terrorism is part and parcel of living in a city so who fucking cares
Literally the 4th Reich in the making.
user, please, we're all aware of that post, but maybe you should actually read it yourself. The plan was to convince the SJWs by pretending to be SJWs "in the know" so that innocent people would be falsely accused. But considering none of you could craft a convincing facsimile of SJW rhetoric to save your lives, what you did instead was just start using it as a white power symbol. At that point it's not a prank. You're not convincing people of something that's not true. You're just doing the thing and pretending people are stupid for noticing you doing it. If I yell at you to come outside quickly because your house is on fire, and you come and look and your house is literally on fire and I'm laughing because I set it on fire, and go "oh man the look on your face", I'm not a prankster, I'm a psychopath.
>/pol/ invented time travel
>if its interracial its always a white man black woman
Nigga I said the Hakenkreuz is a swastika, but just because it is A swastika doesn't mean the SWASTIKA is a hate symbol.
I already covered all your points, so don't @ me again you imbecile
>inbred white supremacist fucking dogs detected
>They claim they dont see colour, just humans in need of help.
But that's why they see the colour and that they need help. Hypocrites
It's how symbols work, it's beyond my control, all I can do is recognise it.
Can we hate meme other things into hate symbols to fool idiots
Imagine making clapping or jogging into white power symbols
Better yet let's make Dogs a white pride symbol. Like talk about how Europeons were some of the first if not the first to have dogs. Talk about how "notice the nazis always had those dogs" or show pics of KKK with dogs.
Honesty with some good work we could have the ADL or some group talk or just ask "Are dogs a symbol of white power "
There is no endgame, lefty-scare doesnt exist you brainlet. Its all in your head.
You started banning the OK symbol, which was the exact goal
They literally won in every way
Now we're just trolling each other friend. Have a good day and shadilay!!!!!!!
>/pol/ votes for whatever retarded commie demoturds drag in
>libtards are forced to vote for Trump and admit he’s the best president of all time
Only a light sense of hate and discerning judgment can uphold segregation.
>just because it is A swastika doesn't mean the SWASTIKA is a hate symbol.
Functionally, it is. I just told you.
>Meme a sign as white supremacist
>MSM buy it
>Guy meme it in an attack which had as only objective to speed up civil wars
>MSM still buy it
And retards like you keep falling for it. You better start training.
>Honesty with some good work we could have the ADL or some group talk or just ask "Are dogs a symbol of white power "
Way ahead of you
Yeah and bombing "easter worshippers" in Sri Lanka was a cool meme too
>considering this a white supremacist dog whistle in the first place
You retards never cease to amaze me.
>Andrew orenstein
No, the left should meme hate symbols into things being ok
Like gassing jews means "Trans rights" and lynching minorities means "end toxic ableism"
i'd rather fuck a dog than a nigger
Found the schizo who thinks they see secret nazi symbols and gestures everywhere they look
Of course capitalist ideology would have you believe that when it kills people, it is merely circumstance, but when circumstances kill people under a communist regime, it is ideology.
>Hey guys lets all start making this hand gesture so we can trigger the libs
>All nazi and alt-right idiots start making the sign
>"hahah triggered libtards"
A-are conservatives really this fucking stupid? Yeah no shit a hand gesture will become associated with fucking nazis when literally every fucking edgy alt-right nazi fuck is the one doing it.
>clapping a hate symbol
That would be the downfall of the USA.
amen brother
This. Dogs are great for pillow talk too.
Ok dude.
You're pretending to be retarded right now.
A-are you okay?
But couldn't the deaths and exploitation of third worlders be because of socialist systems that don't belong under capitalism, being forced into a capitalist system causing big companies to take there production elsewhere.
Either way, capitalist countries shouldn't take responsibility of how different countries treat their employees, they are only taking advantage of what is already there and if I'm given the choice of starving or having some Indian kid trap his hand in a pressing machine, I;m taking the latter.
This sign was being being associated with white supremacy WAY before that autist shot up those people
Oh, it will happen. The modern left is such a dumb, blunt instrument that you can trick them into doing most anything.
>The ok sign IS A JOKE, its/was a fully normal gesture that was memes for "white power" to trigger/troll the left.
And then some dude in New Zealand killed 50 people while making the gesture. You know, as a "joke." It stopped being a joke as soon as it was used in the context of actual terrorism. Rub your two brain cells together to see this simple, obvious fact.
State orders are not circumstance.
why don't you prove him wrong, smart guy?
reddit tourists are SEETHING that everyone rose up against this TRASH game
>b-but it will still sell!
of course, thats why leftists hijacked it to begin with. but their reputation is irreparably damaged just like EA
Can someone kill 50 millennials in the next elections while spouting every single Marvel and Star Wars character name?
He isn’t a terrorist, libtard
I don't really understand what you don't understand here, what I'm getting from your replies is that you'd consider the Malaysian Buddhism sects part of the Nazi Party because they also have Swastika motives, the Swastika is just the shape my dude.
I'm gonna kill you while talking about how bad airplane food is.
It was a different time
Why do /pol/tards have zero understanding of context? No one is suddenly going to think that someone flying a rainbow flag at a pride rally is a white nationalist. The symbol already has a meaning in that context. But I dare you to go and fly the rainbow flag at a KKK rally and explain to people that you're doing it for the memes.
>we're in the endgame thanos give me the glove
They should ban that
He didn't kill people making the sign though.
When's the last time a black guy opened fire on a bunch of white people, killing 40 +?
>You started banning the OK symbol, which was the exact goal
It wasn't. Look. The point was to get people to claim Mel Gibson (for instance) is using a white supremacist dog whistle. But of course no one fell for that because that was retarded. So you just adjusted your standards for success and claimed victory anyway.
>But I dare you to go and fly the rainbow flag at a KKK rally
The feds won't give a single fuck
But that analogy only works if white supremacists are using the sign as a sign of white supremacy. Which they aren't.
You've taken the bait and turned anyone who uses it into a WS, and the proof that they're a WS is that they use the sign. It's just validating yourself over and over to fit your narrative that these trolls on the internet are actual racists instead of the current equivalent of "hail Satan" atheist edgelords of the early 2000s. They don't believe what they say; they just like offending the people that try to control what they do.
He literally did all of that to divide you and me. And he succeeded.
is there an actual source for this? I cant find any announcements or articles for it
>with no additional context
>This sign was being being associated with white supremacy WAY before
Lol, that's bullshit. It started in 2015 as an idiosyncratic gesture that Trump used a lot to emphasise while talking. Lefties called him a nazi so /pol/ decided in 2016/17 to start pushing that the everyday OK symbol was actually a nazi symbol. This is all an attempt to make lefties more radical, and unelectable as a result. And it's working, soon all democrats will be communists.
this is unironically a good idea, making them screech about how stats don't reflect muh lived experiences and are super racist and biased would get normies and probably some academics to turn against them
>When you have to put a label on your costume just so people can know what your dressed up as
>no one fell for that
>bans the symbol completely
>We all know that the OK sign is an innocuous symbol.
So why nrs removed it?
Why did that one guy had to apologise during blizzard tourney?
Meme magic doesn't work too well in the real world.
south africa, every week if not every day
I'm sure he didn't want to shave his sides and dye his hair pink, or grow a disastrous hairline or become a fatass just for a costume.
South Africa?
*makes thequatering and yongyea threads every single hour*
a war on culture or memes is a war on symbols and meanings, something obviously the media and proggries are unable to defend while the "nazis" can claim what they want with basic shitposting
>the OK symbol is now a white supremacist dog whistle
How does /pol/ keep doing it
Here's a (You)
It worked in Christchurch.
I thought it was a joke and then I checked it out for myself. It's legit.
why do people come to Yea Forums and not expect "toxicity"
no, I'm saying that a swastika spraypainted onto a bridge in Florida it probably isn't a sign of a flourishing Buddhist community in the area, even if it's not properly oriented on a white circle surrounded by red.
At least someone has some sense.
>white supremacist dog whistle
Journalists should have never discovered this site. The fact anonymous posts on a cartoon imageboard make it into the news on a weekly basis is still something I can't believe
I mean I understand that sitting in a room and opening Yea Forums is easier than doing any sort of actual journalism but come on
If something only exist on the internet, it does not matter
I don't mind a thread or two but Yea Forums is flooded with this shit all day every day so yes
lmao true
The other attendees will.
if journalists never discovered this site people couldnt make memes into reality though
Whether or not it started as a joke the fact you dumbasses kept spamming it UNTIL A RACIST MASS SHOOTER EVEN USED IT made it a real symbol of hatred. But keep going IT'S JUST A JOKE GUISE FOR REALZ as you poop your pants.
have fellatio
Everyone cultured in the West is a white supremacist, including cultured non-whites, because the dominant culture in the West is white culture.
dude anecdotal evidence is legitimate when the good guys (me) use it against those evil four chan trumpanzees
Black people dont commit mass murder because despite it being a horrible thing to do, it still requires some level of planning and execution and therefore some level of organizational thought. Which most blacks dont have.
user, again, one of these "trolls on the internet" killed 50 people. They are actual racists. Using white supremacist rhetoric "ironically" is the same as just using white supremacist rhetoric.
>KKK rallies
>anything but feds
Not yet, user. Not yet.
>retard whining about muslims being killed doesn't know about terrorist acts that kill christians
Motherfucking pottery.
Sounds like a normal day in Chicago and Baltimore lol.
muslims aren't a race
>"trolls on the internet"
Really strange way to spell "zionist"
Did you know that Nazi's drink water too? You better stop drinking water, you don't want to be like Nazi's do you?
Shut the fuck up kid.
>ok sign bad
>Muslims rape gangs good
It's preying on the disabled, it's easy as shit.
so much for the tolerant right
But thats what I've been saying? No one would have cared about the OK symbol if it wasn't for retarded journalists who fell for the bait
It's not a race though.
>When flipping someone off is less offensive than playing "haha, made you look"
Honk honk, I guess.
There's a dozen countries in Africa that have been in perpetual war since the dawn of existence so today.
l e l
I'd rather have reality in the hands of autists doing it for free than governments and corporations
i dont get it, what the fuck is CARE?
I'm sensing the problem you're proposing here, you're saying that because people are uneducated retards they'll immediately call out any swastika shape as the Hakenkreuz? Am I correct in assuming this? Which I've already actually called on before in my first post saying only uneducated people would think this.
I think its a mistake to let something so commonplace be so easily and quickly co-opted
Whats next? The thumbs up? A wave hello?
Cunts Are Reeeing Eternally
I don't know, but CAIR is the Council of American-Islamic Relations that has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which in some countries is listed as an international terrorist organization.
The more you know.
>The left isn't some unified group led by masters.
>thumbs up means "white man up" if a white person does it
Could work.
fuck yeah, keep those white supremacist assholes out of our oceans!
Then what the problem with the belt buckle change? What the hell is this stupid thread even meeming about anymore?
No, I'm saying symbols mean what people believe them to mean, and the context is important to interpretation. If you maintain that a swastika is not a REAL neo-Nazi symbol even though neo-Nazis beg to differ, you're actually the one that's uneducated.
>hey you that classic hand sign is mine now, 1488
>ok is yours but let me delete those photos of me using it, oh by the way by deleting my photos i'm actually winning, get fuck nazi
how is this an adult reasoning?
(and that's a good thing)
>every twittard and jewtube screencap thread in a nutshell
>371 posts
hey guys, where are the video games?
>Comparing a symbol took by a political party that committed genocide to a few anonymous posts on a cartoon imageboard
for all the hate right wingers get, leftists are the most dysfunctional dumbest fucking autists i've seen in my life
seriously when was the last time you talked to a person irl?
This doesn't break his agenda at all, the decision still stands, the DA will not prosecute thieves.
Mods have been deleting actual game discussion in favor of these threads
We're a glorified Yea Forums, finally.
I, a white supremacist, claim video games as a white supremacist symbol. so now you can't play them. Better tell the Washington post.
In your ass, fuccboi.
We'll talk about video games when companies stop putting political commentary in their games, ok?
They were never here.
All we have here is redpills and chicken 'n' winnigish.
They will though. Only very specific items necessary to survive won't be prosecuted.
And that symbol doesn't mean white power. It's been a joke since I was a kid that you put the okay sign by your crotch, it's like a "made you look" type thing. Most people recognize the hand gesture as this. Only in the past one or two years has it been memed into meaning something else but that doesn't change what the majority of people recognize it as meaning which has nothing to do with white supremacy.
So what is this about?
/pol/ should put these ratios into every design they make
not always, but for the most part
death to all american people
I guarantee you that by the end of they year leftards will post wifi quality gauges on their phone and complain it's a hiden white supremacy symbol.
>South Africa has a notorious racism issue,
And flooding Europe with Africans couldn't possibly cause another one of those oh boy
How the fuck does relocating a bunch of shitheads with extraordinarily high birth rates from unstable areas to stable ones solve anything for anyone?
People can believe what they want, doesn't make them any more right than actual facts, a "Swastika" is a shape, a shape that has been used by MANY cultures and groups, and just because ONE of them was a mass-murdering WW2 starting group that used their own swastika symbol doesn't automatically mean all other swastikas are now branded as Nazi symbols, I'm sorry to say that all those people who actually do think this are actually a bit brain-dead.
nobody complains about indonesians
>How the fuck does relocating a bunch of shitheads with extraordinarily high birth rates from unstable areas to stable ones solve anything for anyone?
It makes rich jews money
[Hyoco Road (Hyocorou)] Hyoco Road Soushuuhen 2
Its the chapter with Elphelt
easy replies
Every single MK thread is the same. Does /vg/ actually have people who play this?
Yes, actual White Supremacists can come to the internet and post on it too. And they will naturally flock to the places that joke about the things they like. Just as actual communists can go to subreddits with a bunch of angsty rich white kids with a chip on their shoulder.
That kiwi mosque dude was a garbage human being; that gives zero credence to /pol/ being racist because he had "remove kebab" and "crab rave" on his gun. The style in which they carried it out has nothing to do with the crime itself, or the origin of the style.
Is The Matrix evil because it inspired the Columbine shooters' style? Is Pewdiepie evil because the mosque shooter cited his name?
That's what literally always happens you stupid faggot
Exactly like this
>okay symbol is white supremacist symbol
As an ESL, what ?
>Yea Forums
>playing games
Lmaoing @ ur life
>Will the media ban the rainbow flag next?
you best believe every conservative will leap on it
poor equivalency, user
Ever notice the only places with a huge racism issue are the ones where there are large populations of multiple races? And yet the lefts solution is to keep mixing everyone together until we're all the same, how fucking retarded is that.
>Let's celebrate our differences
>But actually let's not let's just all mix together until we're all exactly the same
>Imagine being so paranoid you see a nazi symbol in a nazi symbol
never stop /pol, there's work to do
>Ever notice the only places with a huge racism issue are the ones where there are large populations of multiple races?
No, I haven't. Japan, Korea, and China are all intensely racist.
>tfw thought it has something to do with the belt buckle until a few posts into the thread.
Why are people so retarded? Why don't they ban buffets now because some mudslime blew himself up at lunch?
You just proved yourself wrong, retard.
I really fucking hate americucks . Left and right alike
you always ask why we hate politics in video games? this thread is exactly why. I don't want to talk about your /pol/ or SJW boogeymen; I just want to play and discuss games. (you) guys are faggots
/pol/ is retarded, the media is doubly retarded, and so are people that believe this shit is actually racist.
go outside tranny incels -- no sane person actually believes the okay symbol or the 'made-you-look' game is rooted in hating minorities.
don't bump this gay ass thread
Complete and utter eradication of the white race.
>*posts a picture of you from when you were 12 making that hand gesture*
somebody lock this terrorist racist up!
>*photoshops one of your social media pictures to show you making the okay symbol with your hand*
you're going to jail racist!
>maximum wedding
H-holy shit...
Do-does... Does it have...
No, it's simply marketing.
The goal is to cater to the lowest common denominator (which in this case are retarded mutts obsessed with their shitty pseudo-identity politics) to sell as many copies as possible.
They're racist yes but they don't have any race issues. There isn't constant talk of race in politics and media over there because they're all the same race.
They're racist to outsiders sure but that's how it should be if you want to keep your population one race. Otherwise you end up like everyone else.
>eating Asian food
Is this the new pol thing?
So, if tomorrow /pol/ decided to adopt the sign for putting up a V in front of your mouth and darting your tongue between them as a symbol for "Jew Snakes", you'd be okay with that gesture losing all previous meaning?
I mean, /pol/ should just adopt every gesture at this point. Why not? Call it the "Jew Peace Money Sign" when you stick up two fingers. Or the "Jew Eradication Birdcall" when you stick up a middle finger.
who knows, I only sourced it, i didnt read it
>Ever notice the only places with a huge racism issue are the ones where there are large populations of multiple races?
It's an issue there, because it's affecting a lot of people. Just like overpopulation isn't an issue on a desert island, because nobody fucking lives there
>What do you mean I'm an idiot for giving a minority complete control over the universal signal for "okay" in sign language? No see you're just a racist!
You going to tell a mute they're a racist for use by that symbol? You going to call a diver a racist?
Still means "ok" in pretty much every non cucked country.
>identity politics
galaxybrain. jordan peterson will never get you laid and you will never pass on your "superior" genes
This must be bait, but redditors are actually most likely THIS retarded and ready to be offended at the slightest things to add meaning to their pathetic lives
Why? Right wingers now have to abstain from eating ethnic food?
>People can believe what they want, doesn't make them any more right than actual facts
>Symbols somehow have meaning independent of what people believe they mean
>Context doesn't matter
Doesn't matter what I do, if I start waving around a swastika in almost all Western country, Nazis will come up first. That is because it is the most prominent group related to swastikas that people would know, and without any further context, what group most people who display swastikas be part of
/pol/acks didnt make it into a racist hand sign, they fucking baited you losers into labeling it one, because they were so convinced youd try to tear down literally anything you were told was racist. theres no such thing as a nazi meetup where people throw up the ok signs like a nazi salute you dumb fuck.
tröti tröti
ever notice how everyone just seems to be racist against black people for reason?
Exactly my point, it's a problem that affects a lot of people. So why not just keep Europe white, keep Africa black, keep Asia asian, etc... What's the point of continuing to mix? It clearly causes problems.
Symbols can change meaning over time, user.
A certain religious symbol wasn't related to a literal genocide, until it was.
Dylian Roof
>infant circumcision
>don't need ID to vote
>measles epidemic in US because parents don't vaccinate their kids
>still biggest funder of Saudi Islamic terrorism
>bug chasing now ruled a misdemeanor instead of a felony in cali
>now this
What's next america?
No he was baiting you and you fell for it. Literally got to implicate whatever and whoever he wanted and since the perpetrator was white and the victims were minorities the left was all over it. Can we ban fortnight now?
we're not all like this. the loudest and most retarded are who you see arguing online and in these threads.
most people are pretty reasonable
I kind of figured /pol/ was closeted homosexuals, so this seems appropriate.
Absolutely based and red pilled
This is painfully unfunny
>most people are pretty reasonable
Apparently not though considering how fucked your nation is at the moment.
Always love the facetious argument that the okay symbol is just like the Nazi flag
>One got memed by a few shitposters
>The other was the flag of a several million strong national fucking army
The reality is that the left don't like memes because it's not something they can control. So they go full fascist totalitarian on things like the okay symbol or Pepe despite them being used universally by a lot of people with no ill will.
Then why do people willfully move to places that offer sweatshop wages? Maybe because even that is still a step up from abject pre-industrial rural poverty?
sorry pal, thats the new white supremacist symbol, they are using it in that context so its a given,
try to refutre me
>Russia is a shit hole
Compared to what?
Piss street France, homeless los Angeles and garbage street New York
Fuck you
The majority of Russia is much nicer than the majority of any other country aside from probably Japan and Hong Kong
Sucks man
Happened to me with BF:BC2 & BF3
Ah yes the old, I think he doth protest too much, argument. I guess that makes all leftists secret nazis.
>This kills the soiboi
Blame the original creator who is trying desperately to save face because they fell for a retarded joke.
they change when you permit them to; why are you insistent on giving /pol/ and white nationalists power and a voice?
also your example is pretty shit because it was no where near as prolific compared to when the nazis starting using it.
>the ok sign is a white spureeemist dog whistle
No one is saying the ok hand gesture is a hate symbol. They're saying nazis using the hand gesture are using it to virtue signal to each other
We're just making sure you know we're watching you, and that no matter how hard you try and hide you will continue being exposed.
If you sell it right I'm sure it's possible.
This has to be bait, not even Yea Forums is this stupid
>It's been a joke since I was a kid that you put the okay sign by your crotch
This. We took it as a sign that ment you gotta suck them off if you looked. Which then lead to a punch in the arm as a "fuck you bro" jab.
The MSM treating it as some white power shit is hilarious. Must have been the retarded kids that looked.
jew-white alliance and mullato underclass
>"I've done my research"
>"Gamergate was a harassment campaign"
Every time.
They already tried this with making google mean nigger but I guess they really think they can inspire a few more mass shootings or something
Cool, but what about America then? Australia? New Zealand? And literally every other place that was ever invaded and had their ingenious people massacred or mistreated?
It's too late, user. We either try to live together or it's just a huge fucking hypocrisy.
Hate crimes are on the rise
Must suck being on the wrong side of history
Yes, what a symbol means is determined by how it's used. Welcome to the history of communication you dumb fucker.
>majority of country
lol what? being better than latin america and africa isn't much of a accomplishment. it's a shithole compared to western and northern europe.
Don't these stupid people realize that the more they pander to the lefty retards the worse it gets for them?
the rainbow flag had DOZENS of meanings before the lgbt, it can have a new one
>Symbol is used as the gesture for okay by most of the world
Fuck off you totalitarian prick.
No Im confused as to why this is supposed to be triggering
great, thanks for giving nazis that power
Wait, they censored it to something more vulgar? Why? It doesn't even make sense this way.
>it was no where near as prolific compared to when the nazis starting using it.
That's just like, your opinion man. An uneducated opinion, but your opinion nonetheless
Meanings only exist because the society at large accepts them.
>itt people get flustered over small details in a game they weren't going to buy anyways and claim they're not sjws
You shouldn't ban a common hand gesture that has several unharmful meanings because a fucking crazy terrorist has used it before killing 50 people, you should ban the place where the crazy guy got his ideas from to stop them from spreading. Banning a hand gesture does absolutely nothing
lmao good luck with that, people will just think you're gay.
>Cool, but what about America then? Australia? New Zealand? And literally every other place that was ever invaded and had their ingenious people massacred or mistreated?
They really fucked up by not completely obliterating the natives and as a result it's still causing problems to this day. I'm not saying what they did was right (except America the Indians were aggressive as fuck and brought it on themselves) but if you're going to do something then you should finish the job.
Plus, as I said, keep Europe white. The U.S. is already fucked beyond repair just let the blacks and mexicans have it.
How does it feel to know pewdiepie actively grooms kids to our way of thinking and you've lost the next generation?
You've lost, you just don't know it yet
the society will react like teens girls in a pijama party to whatever the media says with word nazi in it.
>mfw used this to signal ''ok'' to the guy in the crane today at work when the batteries died in my walkie-talkie
Give it to me straight Yea Forums, did I become a homophobic-racist-nazi sympathiser today?
Don't forget that Yea Forums celebrated the game being banned in some countries.
This place has so many people who share a lot in common with retardera's userbase, its actually hysterical. A bunch of fucking culture warriors who want to censor the stuff they don't like.
That's white cultural imperialism for you. Doesnt matter what side you're on, the whites will decide what the meaning of things are, and decide whether you're outraged or not about it.
They'll also be outraged on your behalf as well
Sorry what are some nice places in western Europe
Last time I was in Britain all I saw were smelly Pakis and homeless people
Europe is fucking disgusting
Everytime I'm forced to go there it's like I'm fucking chocking from all the trash thrown around
You people live like animals
Yeah we may have our muddy roads and snowed in streets, but at least it's nice to look at rather than fucking dirty mattresses in the middle of the street while some homeless fuck spergs out while people pretend they don't see him
God I hate Europeans
dude russia is a depressing shithole
>/pol/ trolls the NPC MSM into declaring the OK sign a racist code
>NPC MSM, rather than admitting error, just brute forces it into a real taboo
We're past the event horizon. It's a zombie story.
self-fulfilling prophecy when you condemn everyone who used it in obviously innocent contexts, but the actual white nationalists don't give a shit and keep using it anyway
this whole thing is only a drama because companies are deliberately ignoring context and telling people not to use it at all
if you kept using it to just mean OK you would've drowned out the "white supremacists" by default
it's 200X-tier trolling but you retards take the bait every time anyway
normalfags get off the fucking internet and kill yourselves
well it clearly wasn't. which is remembered today? walk around with a swastika on campus and tell everyone it's not a nazi symbol. then give someone an "OK" gesture. hmmmm really makes you think
no, I'm aware it was used before the nazis, but if you actually looked into it instead of just parroting what you've read as an interesting internet factoid, you'd know better
And we've been putting away minorities for years too, but there are still crimes.
What's funny to me is that the game getting banned in other countries for being too violent would be a selling point in the 90s.
honkler memes aren't supposed to be funny
It astounds me how fucking Imperialist white people are, especially the left. Everything your country does is gross and not fit for 2019, yet they're "accepting and tolerant" of your culture while also pushing their morals onto you.
Unironically fuck white people, I hope the Muslims take you all out.
Have you ever been there?
How do you know?
>"Now we have the opportunity to carry out a resolute offensive against the kulaks, break their resistance, eliminate them as a class and replace their production with the production of kolkhozes and sovkhozes."
What a coincidence.
This is why /pol/ must be destroyed, anything they pretend to advocate gets banned for everyone.
Wow this MK thread was such a nice change of pace from the norm, great job guys
There's a difference tho, LGBT flag is actually different from the three in pic, it only has 6 colors
Countries eg can have flags with the same or similar color schemes, it's not that complicated
It's quite simple really. White nations will be the sacrifice pool of life needed for a break away civilization. Brown people will become low class slaves while the 1% start miraculously living hundreds of years with ever advancing technology only available to them.
>No one is saying the ok hand gesture is a hate symbol
Then why ban it lmao
because the memes say so?
>games should be made in variety
>bans everything that does not fit the agenda
>Muslims bombs churches in an orchestrated attack against Christianity in fucking easter
>Let's turn mortal Kombat into Muslim central
That's okay
>The okay symbol is somehow now related to le meme internet right wing
>Why do you speak like a bunch of southern hicks.
Where do you think black people come from user?
Thanks bro
I blame the /pol/tard who took an unfunny lefty comic and made it more embarrassing.
Aren't there already legal distinctions for petty theft crimes in most states?
Get fucked Yea Forums
At 6-foot-2, with 217 pounds of hulking muscle, Poncho Martinez made for an imposing serf, dressed like a literal peasant—leather arm bracers over a baggy, cotton worker’s shirt—for last October’s Medieval Festival in Manhattan. He had spent the last year powerlifting, adding more than 20 pounds of muscle and transforming his frame from “doughy” to swole—a daunting physical presence that proved useful in the altercation he was about to witness.
As Martinez and his girlfriend stepped onto the downtown A-train, they noticed a “big burly man screaming homophobic invective at a tiny, skinny gay kid.”
“Don’t look at me or I’ll fuck you up!” the guy yelled at the teenager.
Without speaking, Martinez and his girlfriend sprang to the boy’s defense. She went to the boy’s side, speaking to him as if he were an old friend, while Martinez stood beside them and stared down the harasser, rendering the man silent and causing him to sit down. The man eventually left the train without incident, but Martinez remained unnerved by the experience. It was the first time he had witnessed someone “directly threatening someone else” in his five years in New York City.
>We either try to live together or it's just a huge fucking hypocrisy.
All the huge diverse and multiculutral cities in world is the epitome of hypocrisy where people with different races, religion, ethnic groups, ideology, etc.. live at their own segregated neighborhoods and areas. Even mutt shitholes like Brazil is like that.
The national socalist party disbanded in Germany in 1945
Century would be 9/11 you tosser.
The most infamous of the last 2 months would be Sri Lanka.
That's awesome does he own a gun?
Says a lot when a leftist man makes it to the news for being ripped.
No one gives a shit about 200 dead easter worshippers
The only reason to as this happens is because people are uneducated and possibly stupid, which I've pointed out several times. While I'd agree that a big number of people would actually do as you say they would, I'd also say that, that number of people are also what I say they are, because only those kinds of people would do such a thing, you wouldn't agree with a large number of people just because they said smoking nicotine improves the health of your lungs would you? Accepting that all swastikas are now symbols of hate because of the nazi party creating the hakenkreuz which is, is dumb, going with the mob-mentality in this case is not a positive.
"CAGE" is mortal Kombat 11
its enought with making a rainbow the symbol for worldwide ethostates
>The left isn't some unified group led by masters
Yeah I'm sure that happened.
Violence in games doesn't equate to an increase in violent crimes
But openly displaying neonazi propaganda is unacceptable
because i live in eastern yurop in a city where the average salary is like 500-600 eur a month. its a fucking depressing shithole where the majority of people who surround you also have financial issues and their whole life is controlled by that. as you go the east it only gets worse
i would give anything to live in a decent american city or even western europe, i dont give a shit about culture war autism, i close the internet and it does not exist anymore
Here's a Swastika on the Snoldelev Stone from the year 800 from Nords .
what magic spell will /pol/ weave next
how was he leftist?
>not even punching or fighting
God, millennials are such a generation of pussies.
Anyone else remember anarchists and skinheads?
You know, the ones who went out and beat the shit out of people almost to their death because of what they believed in?
Now what do modern "nazis" and "communists" do?
Stare downs?
Fights on Twitter?
What a bunch of fucking faggots.
It's correct tho.
Leftists are literally letting racists dictate their behavior.
can't wait for when breathing will become a white supremacist dog whistle
They're working on the rainbow being offensive now.
The fact that you can't learn the lesson from those massacres is the most bothersome part about it all.
You either defend your borders and preserve your people or you lose it all. It's not hypocrisy. Coexistence is a myth. Every single time groups mix, one tries to become dominant and either drive the others out or subsume them through reproduction and cultural replacement. Nobody has a moral claim to land, and hardly any groups were the first to live in the territory they call home. Does that make them obligated to cohabit with others? No, it's called right of conquest.
this is what happens when you ban reading of terrorist manifestos, retards believe whatever is told to them by "news outlets"
...8 bombs went off in Sri Lanka at easter sunday, all in Christian churches. Last I checked it was 310 deaths. ISIS claimed the attack.
Christians (6 or so % pop) nor Muslims (9 or so % pop) are majority religions in Sri Lanka (70+% buddhist).
For some reason *cough cough* nobody seems to report on this matter.
>Most infamous terrorist attack in century
>Not 9/11
>Not the bombs in the churches last easter
>Not the everyday terrorist attacks in Europe
The worst of them was
>A literal lone wolf with a manifesto that literally and explicitly says that he and only he planned the attack without any group or organization backing him up
This is your brain when you are a fucking nigger faggot
Must suck to be a retard
I live in lepisk Russia and enjoy walking the streets through the happy park with all the mothers and their kids running around
Guess what fucko
If you're a loser here you'll probably be a loser there too
So if cultural replacement or reproductions are a vaild way to claim land, why are people so scared of white genocide?
Play the game or quit complaining
Christ it's hard to believe that happened in the US that looks like something you would see in the UK. I guess if it was in the UK they would have called in a SWAT team or something though.
Don't be retarded like half of the others anons in this thread, symbols are completely abstract and shouldn't be judged in the same way physical actions do. You are right though, mob mentality is a large part of it. It persists because it is the easier option for people. The only things you could do is educate people and "rehabilitate" the symbol
You can't hide from being a Brainlet user
>Jew york city
>We either try to live together or it's just a huge fucking hypocrisy.
But the United States have proven that multicultural societies don't work.
Look at it, one of the richest most powerful countries in the world, and yet it's all scum and a borderline 3rd world nation that everyone laughs at and has had no achievements over the past decades save for money-minded warmongering.
>Literally ends poverty around the world
>Even the fucking niggers in Africa live better now than 300 years ago
>Progress only stopped by filthy collectivists and their dictatorships and mass genocides around the world
>Killed people
Nice one, faggot
>He's never been to Williamsburg
blaming /pol/ for this mess is blaming the military/police for failing to maintain order at the outset of the zombie apocalypse story. the problem is with the NPCs.
yeah and im pretty sure a bunch of africans enjoy bathing in shit. nice argument retard
your country rate has a high rate of suicide and is filled with billionaire oligarchies while the every ivan is busy drinking himself to death in pain and financial struggles
but im glad you enjoy walking around user
he's probably europoor