Nintendo are slurping down chink-dick while selling your data

Nintendo are slurping down chink-dick while selling your data.

I'm selling mine and buying a PS4.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>buying a Sensurstation
>giving money to Snoy
>encouraging anti-consumer behavior
The State of Play.

>stopping angry eyes bugmen from getting your data so it can instead be leaked to tired eyes bugmen


>>encouraging anti-consumer behavior
he says while giving money to tencent and nintendo

Just install chink videocards into your tower that seep data through firmware updates

How will Nintendo selling bing bing wahoo to a billion gooks affect me?

They're also selling your creditcard info.

The PS4 is also being sold in chins though?

Imagine being so brainwashed that you can't see this as a good thing for Nintendo and their global audience

>every game becomes inoffensibe f2p trash
oh man so awesome
fucking kill yourself
tianenmen square

Who isn't?

Enjoy your cinematic experiences

That's the PS4

>cares about your data being sold to china
>uses Yea Forums and likely uses Discord too

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The chinks and the russians are the last bastion of traditionalism in the world. And I will side with them before the European caliphate, Israel and Cucknada any time

>implying that nintendo games won't be censored like crazy now too
you have seen china's new rules, right? now that tencent is calling the shots, the dream of the switch being some uncensored weeb machine is over.

Everyone in this thread is retarded. First of all, Nintendo doing business with tencent doesn't mean they're trusting them with user data. It's probably more related to physical distribution and marketing than anything else.

However, this doesn't mean Nintendo partnering with tencent is anything resembling a good thing. The real threat of the deal is the fact that Nintendo might return to censoring third parties like it was the nineties. Playstation's practices correlate with recent ventures into China, and so do the censorious efforts of many other tech companies. China may be pressuring them to impose content restrictions in order to do business there.

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>The real threat
There is no "real threat", we're talking about toys user.

I'm pretty sure with nintendo's track record in china, they don't alter things in America just to release them in china.

Fuck you, I don't want console manufacturers censoring third parties. I sold my PS4 over it and I'll sell my Switch over it if Nintendo follows suit.

It's not about making the content appropriate for China per se, it's China wanting to spread their values across the globe, and business dealings is one of the means they use to this end.

Wait you mean it sold this much and wasn’t even in China

It's toys. Whoop-dee-doo. Thus might be a good thing for you: you'll finally emerge from your protracted stay in the ballpit/rompus room


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It's art you fucking philistine.

>Haha you called video games art!

Shitpost all you want, it's true. Doesn't necessarily mean it's GOOD art, but it's still goddamn art and fuck you for being a reductive cunt.

China is nowhere near as powerful as they make themselves out to be. China is basically a tower of cards waiting to fall. Trump's recent trade war with china has shown that it's economy can't is relient on america.

Pokemon Sun Moon launched in China alongside everywhere else. Obviously they want SS to launch there too and for that to happen they need the Switch in China.

You can't play a PS4 on the toilet.

times have changed. other companies like ea, sony, ubisoft cozying up to china has led to games being censored worldwide. nintendo won't be any different.

ubisoft reversed the changes after the outcry

Well it's good that Nintendo is not a western company.

It takes me around 2 minutes to shit. Wtf you doin in there?

so the list of things that nintendo fans will accept because of "muh portability" is now:
>worst possible framerate
>worst possible resolution
>no d-pad
>joystick drift
>two-hour battery life
>overpriced games (compared to previous handhelds)
>censorship mandated by china
nintendo has one hell of a business model. all they have to do is force a gimmick every generation and people will use it to justify anything.

Good art will never be censored. Deal with it. Nintendo has censored in the past and will in the future. It's easy and sensible to censor toys—which is what videogames are first and foremost.

>>overpriced games (compared to previous handhelds)
Compared to current releases as well. Doom 4 launched for $60 as soon as the other platforms dropped to half that.

But Switch brings portability :)

>china will censor it!
Just like the DS, right? Because they got their special version of the DS too

>Good art will never be censored
Completely subjective, what's good is dependent on the individual. There's probably been shit YOU personally found good to be censored somewhere in the world. You're retarded.

I bet you also think children's shows don't have to be good.

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Good luck holding the Switch when its battery life is short and the thing heats up like an oven.

I'm all for censorship if it means killing trash like Senran and Neptunia.

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They are art you fucking mongoloid. Don't go crying to anyone when they start censoring something you like.


Short sighted and retarded. It's not a matter of "if", it's a matter of "when".

3ds games were portable too and they were $40 at launch. ds games were $30.

But you couldn't play those on your TV.

user the only platform that doesn't have consistently garbage framerate is PC and a usable d-pad hasn't existed since the Vita

times have changed since the ds. now, chinese censorship affects games worldwide because that's the only way they can do business with china.

the majority of decent switch titles are

Those are fine if you don't have access to Steam. Every first party game is $60, though. Even re-releases of Wii U launch titles.

you can plug your pc into your tv and play doom at an acceptable framerate and resolution for cheaper. either way, the switch version is the worst value.

>b-b-but my shitty ecchi is art you uncultured swine!
Cry more, waifushitter. Your days are numbered.
>muh slippery slope

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Laptops aren't as convenient as a switch, bruh.

But then I can't take it with me.

>I'm selling mine and buying a PS4.
user. PS4s are being sold in China as well.

why would you want to take doom with you at $60, 576p, 20fps and two-hour battery life?
you're just proving my point that you're using "muh portability" as an excuse to lower your standards for nintendo.

>all components are from china
>all servers are from china
>all games food appliances phones cars house networking are from china

Because it's fun to play on the go

It's not lowering my standards because it's doing something no other platform can achieve; portability.

Can play it on my 13” 5yo laptop at 2k and 120fps

With a giant keyboard hinged on.......

unless you're a moron who bought Yea Forums pass, the only "data" it can sell is your shitposts, lies and bullshit.

I can't tell you the taste of literal shit is objectively worse then filet mignon, but I sure as hell know you're in the minority due to your shit taste. Children's shows aren't good either, so I'm not sure what the point is.
My point stands: good aren't isn't censored; only shit art is.

>thinking this is a bad thing
This is a great thing, there are no actual downsides autist. Letting chinese fags buy Switches doesn't mean the Chinese government gets your data, retard, it means Switch games game a literal billion extra people that can potentially buy their product. That means companies can take bigger risks on games, make more games, and expect bigger profits, which is only positive for non-chinese Switch owners as it means more shit in the future with no impact on your precious "data".

yes, it does come with a better way to control the game than joycons.

this is HORRIBLE, how will my credit card information stay safe?!? I only give out my credit card info to the most SECURE and SAFEST of companies, how could I possibly keep playing on my Nintendo Switch® now?!?

You are literally training google neural network for free dumbass.
Thats why moot implemented captcha before he went to work for google.
22:50 mark

Kek, keep telling yourself that, while you train captcha bots and I save that minute of wasted captcha time per post. I save probably 60 hours of time a year on shitposting by avoiding captcha shit 100%, that's worth $15 to $20 bucks a year

>into switch hacking and homebrew
>laugh harder because i understand what the console does and does not send to nintendo (hint: console-specific information only) and can fully comprehend what a hyperventilating, fear-mongering retard and console-warrior OP really is

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bu-but how can I feel superior to Nintendorks if my Basedmachine spys more on me!?!

Snoy new censorship policy IS because of China and mainly California, Fuck off you shill.

>company with the worst security and worst servers are bringing their console to China

Oh boy! I can't wait for all of Nintendo's games to become Chinese Communist Party friendly!

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>>company with the worst security and worst servers

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>the worst security
Insofar as their eShop servers but that's just their CDN, and it's even been revised fairly recently so people can't download from the CDN willy-nilly. Actual log-in info, credit card and other financial information, etc. hasn't been leaked the way it has with Playstation Network or Xbox Live to my knowledge.

imagine feeling smug about what smarter people post for you to read on a forum

Do you get upset when somebody learns something from a book?

>cares about data being sold to the highest bidder
>uses technology at all when we're at a point where basically everything requires some form of access to the internet to function for "seemingly" no good reason

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It's almost as if games have a 2nd version just for china that has no impact on the version everyone else gets.

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And that's assuming China doesn't make their own knockoff first to fool their citizens into thinking the real product is the knockoff once it arrives, like TF2

>Game visuals promote incorrect values
What exactly are "incorrect values"?

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There are sprays that are very obviously homosexual, and that is an incorrect value. pic related is a canon homo faux-relationship, which is an incorrect value.

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>inharmonious chatroom
translation: we can't control and monitor chat so it's a potential avenue for wrong think

okay now you're just doomposting here, just because a few companies decided to apply the changes worldwide doesn't mean that Nintendo will, especially if they've already shown that they wouldn't with the few Nintendo games already available in China.

Put China on its own multiplayer servers. Let them stay behind the firewall for gaming. Russians and Brazilians too.

yeah, i'm sure it's all a coincidence that three of the biggest companies in the industry all started censoring shit after cozying up to china.
seems pretty obvious to me that global censorship is now a requirement for publishers to do business in china, but stay in denial i guess.

Bullshit, next gen weebshit is coming from China. Based chinks:

Who fucking care about laws in chinkland or asian in general? If you don't oppose the state then just do your shit as usually. Officially, they prohibit porn but everyone just consume it as usual. Officially, and even in our heart, we know most games are harmful trashes, but who care, we need to get high. Games, porn, media, etc. are modern opium for the chink, everyone knows, but fuck it, life is so boring already.
t. asian

Sure is pro-China in here.