Primetime SE E3 Event.
Primetime SE E3 Event
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Wow! I wonder what final fantasy games they'll re-release to modern platforms again.
Left painting = FFVII Remake
They went for the time slot left over by Sony.
That color is exclusive to the FFVII Remake.
Don't forget about Babylon Fall user
That's the right painting.
Hopefully Tactics. Wouldn't mind a remaster of Advance or A2 either.
Obviously, a new one would be the shit.
Don't forget that the background of last years announcement had what looked like a scratched up surface of a buster sword. Don't read too much into it.
bit early to hype up a conference in june isn't it?
>it's almost may
Guess i'm already at that part of life when time passes really quickly, huh
I'm aware of that and yet I choose to read too much into it. Joking aside, one day earlier is the first ever concert solely dedicated to FF7 in Los Angeles: A Symphonic Reunion. I'm pretty sure it will get the same treatment as KH3. Trailer world premiere at the concert, same trailer at E3 a day later.
>looking forward to SE's presentation
Also don't forget, they said last year that it was going to be the year of FF. That sure turned out true right user?
Is it gonna be as pointless as last year's? That shit was only twenty minutes long and around 80% of it was stuff already being shown in the other presentations. Makes me honestly wonder why they even bothered.
If it's not Deus Ex I don't care.
if you count all of the porting they did it certainly was
What’s going on with that avengers game that got announced in 17 lol
I've been living that life for the past 4 years. You get used to it.
Guessing now it's probably gonna be
>FFVII Remake main focus, Part 1/3 2020 release date with delays to 2021, Part 2 in 2023 and Part 3 in 2025
>more ports
>last bit of Dragon Quest 11S info
>KH3 Final Mix DLC
>Babylon's Fall gameplay, delay to 2020
>last teaser is Drakengard Remake
i cant believe people are unironically still looking forward to that FF7 remake
its gonna be trash
^no, it's gonna be great
>Drakengard Remake before remasters of any kind
Yeah they'd be retarded yet bold enough to do that.
They already did that on mobile.
gib Parasite Eve 3
They already did that too. PSP.
Hey I'm just guessing what will be there. I personally won't touch FF7R with a 10 foot pole even if Nomura is forced to direct when he definitely doesn't want to.
Also even then they need to give Yoko Taro full control on a potential FFXVI.
there's no Parasite Eve 3™ on the PSP
That was TWEWY Remix and TWEWY Live Remix
remember last year when they hyped their E3 and it had nothing but 3 ports and the Quiet man?
>Hyping Square Conference on E3 after the fucking embarassing shit last year
No they didnt. Dont make up lies user, its not nice.
Is this what you do? Come to the internet and tell lies?
Why did you post a picture of nothing?
We all know there is only 2 PE games.
nice shitty fanart faggot
>mfw new dude sex game
Because last year's was so amazing, right? Good grief.
damn, this game sucks balls hard
Right painting = FFVersusXV
Ok I believe you I want to believe
Holy fuck, we're like only two weeks away from E3.
How the fuck did time move so fast?
I just don't care outside of something Dragon Quest related. FFVIIR is going to be stuck in development hell. Best thing they can do is just announce a single release that is still years away. If they go down the episodic path, I honestly think there is a chance it won't be completed.
I can't see Square making another good FF after everything they've done over the last 10 years. FFXVI might end up being a phone game.
I wish bro.
try 7
>2018 was supposed to be the year of final fantasy
>all three FFXIII games ported to xbone
>world of final fantasy was ported to switch and xbone
>FFXV:Pocket Edition was released on Switch, PS4 and Xbone
>FFXV was ported to PC
>FFXII was ported to PC
>Dissidia Final Fantasy NT was released on PS4
what a good year man
Ports and remastering remasters. That's all SE does. Why show up to E3 with no new games?
Ahh ports. Nothing like em, I tell you. Fuck new games.
>Yea Forums shits on every new game
>but it's also bad when we're getting old stuff ported
You WILL buy yet another new Tomb Raider and like it
>new games
I feel bad that zoomers missed the golden years of Square. Every game you mentioned that was ported is at the very best a mediocre game. FFXV in particular is just plain bad.
>Literally claim that 2018 will be a big year for final fantasy (literally the series 30th anniversary)
>do nothing but port old games
reminds me all too much of crapcom honestly
I just want Final Fantasy to be good again. Bring me back to High Fantasy with Sci-fi Elements instead of this Modern Fantasy with elements of traditional fantasy bull shit Nomura keeps trying to vomit onto the masses.
At least give me a spin off in Ivalice or something. At least Crystal Chronicles is getting a remake so I have something to look forward to in the series.
Are you already in the "I just want to spend my holidays sleeping" part?