CTR: NF Thread

Last thread died, let's keep the train going, Crashbros. What're your hopes? Dreams? Mains?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Buff to the handling class

New boxart

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Working through the Tropy time trails

Just got 2:34:07 on cortex castle, 10 seconds under the unlock time.
Couple of thoughts, you think the remake should remove stage hazards for time trails?
Also I defo think they should copy Sonic and automatically give you the best starting boost for TT

That's some good shit!

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FUCK Zam and Zem.


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why no pc release if the crash trilogy is on pc

>there is a rating for banter

I'm going to be telling all the new players to get gud from day 1.

Hot take: Crunch and Nina Cortex are the only post ND characters that should come back

You are going to unlock him legit right?

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because they want people to double dip

FUCK Crash
Fuck Children
FUCK Cortex
FUCK Uka Uka

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Crunch is already confirmed



Consider it done

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It'll probably happen around a year later. Same happened for N.Sane.

*urps on this post*

>Crash is above average in every category instead of average

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>thinking they'll keep code unlocks when online will be a dick measuring contest with all of your skins, kart customization, etc
Oxide has already been sold out, so Tropy and any other true unlockable characters will be bragging rights

The autism over his stats being perfectly even will be the death of us, there's no winning

They gotta be willing to do fractions. 4.5/4.5/4.5 would be fine.

Crash has never had average stats, they're called well-rounded or balanced. No biases towards any stats in particular, so his performance is considered average compared with other kart classes that have specialties.
Fucking hell.

>Couple of thoughts, you think the remake should remove stage hazards for time trails?
No. It gives more of a reason to choose someone like an all-rounder for specific tracks instead of just blasting through with a speed character all the time.

Hopefully it won't be too game breaking.

Aku Aku I don't think one of those things is like the others . . .

Then all we need now is Nina.


Crunch is a fucking legend


>N.Sane Trilogy been out for over a year now
>no SFM porn of nay note.

trophy girls

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>those ominous hands.

Why the fuck was the earlier thread deleted? Was someone dumping porn or something?

>tfw your car smells like a non alcoholic cocktail because of the preorder

Hopefully they shrink the eye sizes down a little

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Only I am allowed to main him

Everyone else fuck off

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>he doesnt want to retire to a nice big beach
>with a nice big drink
>and a woman with nice
>anime eyes

Bring her back Beenox

Bring them back

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because people will buy it on consoles. N.sane sold around 100k to 200k by steamspy

Damn, guess this thread was made too early

Uka uka is free???

I just woke up

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Tropy is such a God-tier design.

Who do you think will be the next revealed character? I hope they throw a curveball and show off a newcomer like Tawna or Brio.

I thought for sure it was going to be N. Trance because of Easter Sunday, but...

Maybe it's Cortex

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I think they'll keep her as a cameo appearance on Hot Air Speedway, blowing a kiss to Pinstripe when you start his boss race.

I reckon Tropy, we've not seen him yet and only him and penta are original CTR characters we are yet to see. I dont think we will see penta before launch as he will be a secret.

After that will be crunch as he is already confirmed, but they may reveal a bunch of CNK guys at once. Then maybe just before launch we will see Brio

Not funny user

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>What're your hopes? Dreams?
For them to keep most of the not so intended shortcuts and the little mechanical oddities. I want the online to be the most optimal CTR racing.

Coco for sure. And also the blue dog whose name I don't remember.

All I really want is a 1;1 remake with online and splitscreen. That's it. NO fancy stuff.

Was Tawna and Pinstripe ever a thing anywhere outside of Japan?

This is from the Wrath of Cortex strategy guide.

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You really don't want outright skips back in the game

It is very funny.
This isn't the original picture. I had it edited at /trash/ /BLACKED/.

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I imagine people will discover new unintended shortcuts in the new game.

Take it back to trash. Posting art like that will get this thread deleted.

Not sure if that counts but it's something I guess.
Didn't think so.

Does anyone actually know what the difference is?
It's £20 more than the standard which is very steep just to include a set of exclusive skins and ability to have Oxide unlocked from the start.
Got to be more to it.

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Last thread I attended in reached 500 posts despite the furry postings.
Granted, those Coco and Tawna dumps started only around 390 and was mixed with genuine discussion.

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Nothing extra mentioned yet.
As far as we know, Oxide unlock and exclusive skins are the only things in the "special edition".

I don't own a console and I'm pretty sure this won't be ported to PC. Would it be worth picking up a PS4 for this?

Pinstripe isn't black user

I know. He is a potoroo.
Hence the POTOROO'D edit I requested.

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definitely not worth extra money if you're not lazy. Skins should come with the preorder regardless (something new they updated on) and Oxide is unlocked by completing the game.

Damn, I want to play this on PC, why the delay?
If at least there was a 60 fps mode.
This frustrates me so much!

Don't want to derail or anything, but are there any news about the Spyro trilogy being released for PC yet?

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fuck you!

>What're your hopes?
PC port within the next six months

Missing characters added to the roster like Tawna and Brio. Also playable trophy girls, obj_motherfucker and Nina

N. Gin as my primary
planning to alt as N. Trance or Nina based on stats.

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I would main Easter Eggman so fast.

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I'm hoping for Brio.

I like it alot

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Switch or PS4 Version, lads? I'm thinking of double dipping.

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not that i've heard of friend

that being said I feel CTR will have a better chance being ported over as its mainly a multiplayer game

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cursed coco

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PS4 has a much more reliable internet service.

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Blessed Coco

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moar mad coco

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i'm double dipping my dude using my nintendo points ive been hording to get switch version dirt cheap

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I'm hoping they just reuse Coco's model for them desu

That's kinda how they looked originally (of course barring the EVEN larger eyes)

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Is this 60fps on Pro?

what was she looking at?

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the fuck is T I M E

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Oi! I'm a bit late.

Here's the poll for the tracks.


it's for usability and not favorites though. Sewer Speedway according to this is the ''mostp layable'' track. Should I make a fave poll?
I'm keeping this image for it as it's hilarious. we are at poll incarnation 7!

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N. Tropy never smiled since his inception, Oxide did after MORE THAN 20 YEARS. your time to smile is nigh, N.Tropy.

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How his kart still drives beats me. He smashed it with a mallet, remember?

I wonder if we're going to get a professor Roo skin or defeat cutscene.

just working the kinks out dawg

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has someone ever made a working CTR Kart?

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Haas anyone made a working Mario Kart?

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Thunder Struck is way too damn low

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they all just sit in their kart have that monologue after the race just like the one you have before the race with each boss

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Thunderstruck more like Thundersuck

I don't have PS+.

More like suck my cock!

Do people even dine in anymore at Pizza Hut?


I may need to draw female Roo sometime, could be fun (probably will wait until launch though)

No because it's just a place where you pickup your pizza now. Just benches.

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you do that

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That's kind of sad, but the gradual decline in food quality did cement where they are now.