

>Exploration Puzzle Adventure from developers of Myst/Riven/Uru/Obduction

>3 days left and still needs $225,000 to go

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Other urls found in this thread: & Click

I guess this means we're not getting more Obduction.

>more Obduction
Wasn't it a self-contained story?


*steels all backers*
nuthin personnel kid...

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They built a nice world they could expand on. Still, it's nice to see Cyan still making anything these days.

I wonder if they'd be higher if they had "waifus" in it?

While not contributing to kickstarters I am happy that they are doing something new, obduction was really nice and I am expecting the same quality. Just hope it wont turn to another epic exclusive.

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They said they want to release it on Steam, GOG, Oculus store and Viveport. Given that it's going to support VR and the "Epic Games Store" doesn't even have a shopping cart yet, I really doubt it's going to become an "Exclusive".

And yeah, I really liked the exploration and world building in Obduction, although some of the puzzles later on were a bit retarded. Almost no other company builds "worlds" and lore to explore and find out more about like they do and the throwing you into deep water and seeing if you can swim approach to some of their games is also refreshing.

Attached: Obduction.jpg (3840x2161, 2.99M)

>Still, it's nice to see Cyan still making anything these days.
They also did a "Myst 25th Anniversary Collection" and they're publishing some other game called "ZED".

they specfically mentioned the tension around the epic store in one of the backer updates and seemed pretty firm in staying with the same platforms they've been using

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I'd rather put my money into boobies lmao
keep your grandpa games outta here

I miss golden age Lucas Arts...

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Fuck you, the mean age of Myst players is only around 106.

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I cant imagine how most of em feel the way that things went in the industry since the 00's.

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Waifufags are subhumans who sustain awful games entirely because of their unrelenting libidos. Convince me otherwise.

>Not gonna make it
Oh. :(

Whatever happened to that one 3.3 million kick starter?

I liked most of those a lot more than any of these "3D puzzle world" games. Sadly the attempt to revive them and what came of it with games like "Broken Age" was a lot worse than what Cyan did with Obduction, since it was nothing like any of those. I guess we still have Thimbleweed Park, STASIS and whatever Wadjet Eye put out.

There's also Foxtail if those damn ruskies ever finish it.

The last broken sword was quite an improvement compared to the last two 3d games and I think I read they are making another one. Is it so costly to make hand-drawn 2d games now a days?

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It's a VR point and click game.

you people truly never learn

You can't compete with porn.

Which one? You mean Broken Age? It came out, but it sucked.

>point and click game
You don't know what Point & Click is user, it's about Exploration and Puzzles: & Click

What were we supposed to have learned?

Well there's also some other less known stuff like Deponia, Mage's Initiation, Little Misfortune, Dreamfall Chapters and the likes, but not much that especially stands out.